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Children's Stories
by Margo Fallis
We’ve Got To Do Our Part

We’ve Got To Do Our Part"Mary, your bedroom is a mess. Come and clean it up right now," her mum said.

Mary didn’t want to clean her bedroom. It was a nice day and she wanted to go outside and play. "I’ll clean it up later, Mum."

"Oh no you won’t. You will clean it up right now. I’ve been asking you for days now. Your clothes are in a heap on the floor. Most of them are filthy. You’ve got dirty socks under you bed and an empty honey pot on top of your drawers. Do you want ants to come into your bedroom and crawl all over you while you sleep?" her mum asked.

Mary frowned. She really wanted to go outside and play. "Can’t I do it later, Mum?"

"Right now. After you’ve finished you can go outside to play."

Mary went into her bedroom. It was a big mess. She picked all of her clothes up and folded them nicely. She hung up her dresses and put her shoes in the closet. She put all the rubbish into a plastic bag and took it into the kitchen. The dirty socks were stuffed into the laundry bag and the empty honey pot was placed in the sink. All of her toys were put back into the toy box. "There, I’m finished," she sighed with delight. "Mum, I’m going outside to play now."

She ran into the back garden and sat down in the middle of the flower garden. This was her favorite place to be. She loved seeing all the different colors of flowers. There were pink ones, purple ones, red, orange and yellow ones, and they all smelled wonderful. A small red butterfly was fluttering about. It flew over and landed on Mary’s paw. "You’re a pretty little butterfly," Mary said. "Does your mum make you keep your bedroom clean?"

The butterfly’s antenna tickled Mary’s paw. "What would happen if we didn’t keep the flower garden clean and tidy?" the butterfly said. "What if I left my rubbish all over? Would you have a nice place to sit among the flowers?"

Mary thought about it. She looked at the pretty flowers. "I’m glad your mum makes you clean up the flower garden. I’d not be happy if I came out here and there was rubbish and butterfly toys all over," Mary giggled.

"Everybody has to do their part and keep their rooms clean, or their flower gardens, as my case may be," the butterfly said and then flew away.

Mary looked at each of the flowers. They were so lovely. She picked one of them and carried it into the house for her mum. "Mum, here’s a flower for you. I’ll put it in a vase of water." Mary filled a glass vase half way up, put the flower in and then put it on the kitchen table. "I’ll keep my room clean from now on, Mum. I’ve got to do my part." And she did just that.

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