In the matter of propaganda the Queen's Park never lost
an opportunity of spreading the light amongst the benighted, especially
those who were dark to the fact that rules existed for the proper conduct of
the game. In order to make known these rules, which were those of the
Football Association, not its own original rules—it had joined that
association only a short time before, and adopted the "Laws of the Game,"
known generally as the "London Association Rules " —the Queen's Park decided
in May, 1872, to print, for the use of its members, the rules of the club
and the laws of the game on one card, and on another, the laws of the game
and the rules of the Football Association, for circulation among the
Scottish football clubs. This act had no doubt a beneficial effect, as quite
a number of clubs sprang into being in 1872, and more in 1873. The position
of the Queen's Park being somewhat isolated when it joined the English
Association first, it was decided in November, 1871, " to open
correspondence with other Scotch Association clubs with the view of
persuading them to enlist for the English Cup, and, if successful in so
fixing them, the Queen's Park would in all probability be first pitted
against them in the earlier ties, which would thereby save the journeys to
meet English clubs."
It was a sensible act on the part
of the committee to delay, in July, 1872, the admission of a lad named
Finlay Stewart, whose frame, on account of his youth, was not yet knit
together. He was to be admitted only upon the condition that his father's
consent be obtained. The lad, later, had been advised by.his father to delay
asking admission to the club for a year or two. He would no doubt be all the
better for his abstention from such hard exercise, though he may have felt
disappointed at being prevented from joining in the fray. Only, however, for
a year, as in June, 1873, his name finds a place on the club roll. He was
evidently determined to be a footballer, and learn the rudiments of the game
in a high-class school. His stay, however, in the club was short, as he
resigned membership, 25th March, 1875.
COMMITTEE MEETINGS The decision to hold committee meetings on the first
Tuesday of every month, and thus systematise such meetings, which were
previously held as required, was arrived at on 14th May, 1874, for the
purpose of transacting general business, and receiving applications for
membership. Names had to be posted in the clubhouse not later than the
Thursday preceding the meeting, with the names of their proposers and
seconders. This was found to be more convenient, and has been continued to
the present day. In 1873 it was decided to hold a half-yearly general
meeting in the autumn as well as the annual general meeting in April. Later,
the date of the annual general meeting was changed to May, so that the
officials could give full reports for the season.
COMERS Evidently T. C. Highet and Thomas Lawrie were not very punctual
attenders at committee meetings, as the secretary, in concluding the minute
of the committee meeting of 25th October, 1875, remarks sarcastically: "Mr.
Highet appeared in time to move a vote of thanks to the chairman, which Mr.
Lawrie arrived in time to second. The meeting was then closed in the usual
Re the Scottish Cup final tie, played at Hampden Park, 10th April, 1875,
in which Renton and Queen's Park were opponents, the Q.P. being the victors
by 3-0, the following rather strong criticism appeared in the "Glasgow
Herald in comments on the match:—"The first named are as a rule excellent
'trippers' and hackers—Weir, who is not used to this uncouth style, was
partially disabled early in the match —their style being more appropriate in
Rugby than in Asso ciation play. This reprehensible conduct gave rise to
strong expressions of disapprobation amongst the spectators, who repeatedly
called for the expulsion of the offenders." These were the days of forcible
football, when charging was legitimate.
Mr. C. W. Alcock, owing to the business of the Football Association
monopolising his time, resigned in January, 1876, the secretaryship and
captaincy of the Wanderers club. He informed the Queen's Park accordingly,
and the club expressed to him "its regret at his severance from his old and
honourable posts." Mr. Kendrick, a player, was appointed secretary of the
Wanderers. Immediately after this, 5th February, 1876, the Queen's Park met
with its first defeat since its birth, 9th July, 1867, nearly nine years
before, from the Wanderers, in London.
Inopportune testimonials did not appeal to the Queen's Park. In 1873 it was
proposed by some London friends of Mr. C. W. Alcock to recognise his
services to the game by a testimonial, and on application being made to the
Queen's Park for a subscription the club declined to use its funds in this
way. The same in 1877, when a testimonial to Mr. W. Dick, secretary of the
Scottish Football Association, was set on foot, the Queen's Park did not
contribute ; but after that gentleman's death, when a memorial was being
raised in recognition of his work for the game, the club freely gave a
donation of £10 to this worthy object, which took the shape of a headstone
over his grave in the Necropolis.
DEPARTURE In the beginning of the season 1873-74, 26th November of the
former year, Mr. William Ker, who had joined the club in April, 1870,
resigned to go to Canada. He was an International player, captain of the
team, and a prominent officebearer. The loss of the services of this gifted
player was fell by the club. " No doubt the gift he bore away with him will
often recall happy thoughts of home and of the Queen's Park Football Club."
So the minute runs. J. Taylor was elected to the vacant captaincy. In the
team of the first International match against England, at Partick, in 1872,
W. Ker is given as a member of the Granville. He was also a member of the
Queen's Park at that date, having joined, as already stated, in April, 1870.
Q.P. AND THE ENGLISH UNIVERSITIES In a minute dated 3rd December, 1878, we
learn that the Rev. W. W. Beveridge, then a student at Glasgow University,
and secretary of the University Football Club, desired the use of Hampden
Park for the Inter-University matches between Glasgow and Cambridge and
Oxford Universities respectively, and, after consideration, it was agreed to
give the ground for the match on 23rd December with Oxford only. W. W.
Beveridge, an Ayr Academy product, became, about this period, a great
sprinter, and has been clocked to do even time—10 seconds—for the 100 yards.
He is now the much-respected minister of a Port-Glasgow congregation, and
has done good service during the war as an army chaplain. In this minute,
Messrs. Campbell and R. Browne (match secretary) reported, they had gone
through to Edinburgh to visit Mr. Smith—the Dr. Smith of the Queen's Park,
then captain of Edinburgh University Football Club—to arrange, so that if
Cambridge disappointed Queen's Park, then Oxford might be played instead.
Mr. Smith was complacent and obliging, and was willing to play his match on
the Friday, or the Monday, thus leaving the Saturday open, if Queen's Park
required it. At this date, an effort was being made to introduce annual
meetings between the English and Scottish universities on the lines of the
Oxford and Cambridge contests, but the proposal came to nothing. Queen's
Park did not then play either university, though as far back as July, 1875,
the match secretary had been in communication with Oxford and Cambridge,
with a view to arranging with either home-and-home matches. Cambridge
visited Hampden Park, 9th December, 1876, and Oxford not until 17th March,
In July, 1879, Mr.
Robert Smith, one of the founders of the club, who played in the first
International in 1872, and also before that in two of the Internationals
engineered by Mr. C. W. Alcock, as a representative from the Queen's Park,
entered the estate of holy matrimony. He was presented by the club on the
occasion with the following address :—
Address presented to Robert Smith,
Esq., from the Queen's Park Football Club, on the occasion of his marriage,
22nd July, 1879. We, the members of the Queen's Park Football Club,
recognising you as its founder, deem this, the occasion of your marriage,
fitting opportunity to express our most grateful appreciation of the
inestimable services you have rendered to the club, which we feel
contributed in no small degree to its subsequent success. We offer our
hearty congratulations upon the present auspicious occasion, and trust you
may long be spared to enjoy every happiness and prosperity.
Signed in the
name of the club, (Signed) CHARLES CAMPBELL, President. T. FRED. SMITH,
Hon. Secretary.
When the Queen's
Park became possessed of a field of its own in 1873—Hampden Park—it was a
proud day for the club in many ways. The club may be said to have begun its
real football career then, as any matches played on the Recreation Ground
before this period were casually arranged fixtures. Hampden Park quickly
became the only centre of football, and was in frequent demand for important
games, but no Internationals until 1878. The team which opened Hampden Park,
25th October, 1873, consisted of : R. W. Neill, goal; W. Ker and J. Taylor,
backs; J. J. Thomson and C. Campbell, half-backs; J. B. Weir, R. Leckie,
M'Kinnon, A. M'Kinnon, T. Lawrie, and H. M'Neil, forwards. It was in this
match Campbell made his debut as a half-back in the team. His brother, E.
Campbell, was an older member and player than Charles, but did not reach the
same high eminence. In the final tie for the cup that year, the following
represented the Queen's Park: R. W. Neill; J. Taylor and J. J. Thomson; C.
Campbell and Dickson; J. B. Weir, R. Leckie, A. M'Kinnon, W. M'Kinnon, T.
Lawrie, and H. M'Neil. W. Ker, who played in the early ties, left for
Canada, resigning November, 1873. After the Queen's Park had acquired
Hampden Park in 1873, they had the only ground really suitable, on which to
play representative matches, and con- sequently assumed an air of
independence to even such a body as the Scottish Association, who sent a
deputation to he club to negotiate terms for the Glasgow v. Sheffield natch
as late as 1877. The minute states: "There was a good deal of haggling over
the offer of the ground free of charge, the club to retain the stand
drawings. The deputation were admitted, and politely informed of the terms
fixed upon. The gentlemen in waiting held very circumscribed views, and made
the handsome offer of £15 sterling for ground and stand. Such liberality
could not be taken advantage of by the committee, and the deputation
withdrew, vainly expostulating, and promising to return later." They
reappeared, and "after a little skirmishing advanced their offer to £20.
After a considerable amount of further haggling, the committee agreed to
reconsider the matter, and the gentlemen again retired." The committee
decided on £30 or the original terms, and these terms being unacceptable the
deputation went out for the third time, but " only for a few moments, three
of their number reappearing to say they would come up to £25," which was
declined, and this fourth visit was their last. Further negotiations were
left in the secretary's hands should the association toe the mark again. On
reconsideration, the £30 basis was eventually agreed upon. These are changed
days now. There came a time, February, 1878, when the Queen's Park
committee, learning that the offer of other clubs for the International
against England was lower than theirs, decided to give ground and stands
free to the association rather than lose the match, and that game was played
for the first time-on Hampden Park in that year. The two home Internationals
of 1874 and 1876 had been played at Hamilton Crescent, the scene also of the
opening game of the series in 1872.
A graceful
custom of the Queen's Park was the transference of the names of gentlemen
who had rendered the club valuable services during their active career, and
who now took no further part in the club's affairs, to what was termed "The
Life Roll"—that is to say, they continued members of the club, though taking
no part in the management. This custom was inaugurated in August, 1879, and
no eminent legislator, or player, was allowed to depart, only after he had
been thoroughly sounded to see if his practical adhesion to the club could
not be retained. In 1882, however, two old, almost original, members of the
club, Mr. Archibald Rae and Mr. G. O. Norval, both of whom had been
prominent office-bearers, expressed a wish to rejoin, and be placed again on
the club roll. In consequence the title "Life Roll" was altered to "Honorary
Members' Roll," as the absurdity of the former title, when names on the roll
could be delete and possibly entered again, was self-evident. The names o
the first members placed on the "Life Roll" in 1879 areR. Leckie, R. Smith,
A. Spiers, W. Ker, A. Rhind, J. J. Thomson, and James Philips.
In July, 1875, a letter was read from the Rangers
F.G., requesting "the favour of playing the opening match at Hampden Park
for the new season." Evidently the "Light Blues" looked up to the Queen's
Park in those days, as they were only three years in being. Indeed the
senior club thought it was doing the Rangers a favour in deciding to give
them only a single match that season, while Vale of Leven, 3rd Lanark,
Kilmarnock, and others were honoured with home-and-home fixtures. The
opening match was with Kilmarnock, not with Rangers, on 2nd October; won by
7-0. Rangers were played on 20th November, for the benefit of the Bridgeton
Fire Relief Fund, and the gross proceeds, £28 3s., were handed over.
When the membership in 1880 exceeded 300, no
fewer than ninety-seven new members having been added that season, the
annual general meeting introduced a new by-law, " That in consequence of the
large membership the club roll be limited to 350, the committee, however,
having power to admit any additional applicants who are considered likely to
strengthen the playing element of the club." This was not, however, strictly
adhered to, as the rule in time was modified, so that it would not debar
gentlemen of influence in the athletic world from joining, whose services
might be found useful. Still the playing element was always pre-dominant,
and no good player who sought admission was turned away. The season ticket
holders were restricted then to 500 at a charge of 7s. 6d. each. Indeed,
another 100 tickets were supplied for those old holders who had not secured
their seasons in time.
strange claim was made on the club by Dundee F.C., Morton F.C., and Third
Lanark F.C. for compensation, in respect of the Glasgow Cup replayed final
tie between Rangers and Celtic having been played on Hampden Park on 19th
October, 1907, in consequence of which the venue of the Scottish League
match between Queen's Park and Dundee had to be altered from Hampden Park to
Dundee, and opposition given to the Scottish League game between 3rd Lanark
and Morton, at Cathkin Park, on 26th October. Mr. Geake explained that these
claims had come before the committee of the Scottish League, when it was
agreed to remit the matter to the clubs concerned, with a recommendation
that they should endeavour to arrive at a settlement. It was arranged that
the amount of compensation to be paid to the clubs claiming should be fixed
by the committee of the Scottish League. It is difficult to see how the
Queen's Park was to blame for the change of venue, though it must be
admitted the club benefited pecuniarily by the stand drawings at the final
tie. The other three wanted a share of the spoil. Why the Queen's Park, more
than Celtic and Rangers, who shared equally the gate profits of the tie? The
League fixed the compensation to be paid Dundee at £20 9s. 6d., being the
amount of the second team's wages, as Second Dundee were thrown idle through
the change of venue. Celtic and Rangers generously took upon themselves to
settle the claims of 3rd Lanark and Morton, and, in addition, offered to pay
one-third each of the compensation awarded Dundee F.G. To this latter the
Queen's Park would not listen, and insisted on taking full responsibility
for Dundee's claim. These claims were out-Heroded by one put forward by 3rd
Lanark to the Scottish League, asking £61 compensation on the ground that
Hampden Park had so frequently been given up for representative matches,
League fixtures became so congested that the Volunteers were under the
necessity of playing Hibernian at Cathkin Park, while the Queen's Park had a
counter-attraction at Hampden Park with Celtic, on 11th April, 1908. It was
unanimously agreed to oppose this ridiculous claim—which was done so
successfully that the claim was dismissed by the Scottish League committee.
When the International series between
Scotland and England began in 1872, the referees were provided by the nation
on whose ground the matches were played. Queen's Park members took a
prominent position as referees in the earlier games. Mr. William Keay
(Queen's Park) was referee at Partick in 1872 ; Mr. A. Hae (Queen's Park) in
1874, on the same ground; and Mr. W. C. Mitchell (Queen's Park) in 1876,
also on Hamilton Crescent. Mr. William Dick, secretary, S.F.A., officiated
at Hampden Park in 1878 ; Mr. Don. Hamilton, vice-president, S.F.A., in
1880; and Mr. John Wallace (Beith), also vice-president, in 1882. The
president in those days was usually a patron, the controlling head being the
vice-president. Some dissatisfaction arose in this last year, and then the
neutral referee held sway, nor did he content both parties either. In 1892,
Dr. Smith (Queen's Park) was the controlling official. He had experience as
a player on both sides of the Border, as he frequently assisted the
Corinthians. As a set off against this, Mr. J. C. Clegg (Sheffield) blew the
whistle at Richmond in 1893. Mr. Humphrey Jones, a member of Queen's Park,
but an Englishman, acted in 1896 at Celtic Park. Mr. Tom Robertson (Queen's
Park), who has conducted more important matches than any man living, with
perhaps the exception of Mr. Lewis, officiated at Celtic Park in 1898, and
also at Newcastle in 1907 ; and Mr. J. B. Stark (Airdrie) took charge at
London in 1909. Mr. J. Mason (Burslem) was referee in 1908, 1910, and 1912
at Hampden Park. In fact, no neutral referee has conducted this
International match since 1906 except in 1911, when Mr. Nunnerley (Wales),
was the referee. In 1913 an arrangement was come to, that a Scot should act
when the game was played in England, and an Englishman when decided in
Scotland. Mr. A. A. Jackson (Glasgow) conducted the game in 1913 at the
Crystal Palace, and Mr. Bamlett (Gateshead) at Celtic Park in 1914. This
courteous system continued when International football was resumed after the
Peace, and Mr. T. Dougray officiated at Sheffield in 1920.
The first serious defection from the club, under the
League system, was the unexpected resignation of R. S. M'Coll, one of the
best forwards who had ever played for the Queen's Park. In a letter, dated
28th October, 1901, Mr. M'Coll sent in his resignation from the various
committees of which he was a member in the club. This was followed by an
application for his League transfer to Newcastle United F.C., for which club
he played as a professional for three seasons. Mr. M'Coll formally resigned
his membership of the club in letter dated 21st November, 1901, which
resignation was duly accepted. This was a very serious blow to the club, and
was the first of a series of similar losses, from which even at the present
day, the club is not entirely free. M'Coll returned to Scotland at the end
of season 1903-04, and in the following September (1904) became a registered
professional with Rangers, for whom he played until the close of season
1906-07. In August, 1907, he was reinstated as an amateur by the Scottish
Football Association, and was readmitted to his old love, Queen's Park, by
the casting vote of the chairman, 7th October, 1907, making his appearance
for his club against, the Rangers at Hampden Park, 2nd November, 1907, in a
Scottish League game, which the Queen's Park won by 3-1. M'Coll gave
splendid service in many stiff games until 1910, when he made his final
appearance as a Scottish Cup player against Clyde. After two draws, in the
third round, of 2-2 each, the Queen's Park lost to the Shawfield team by
2-1. M'Coll played at odd times afterwards, at the urgent request of the
club, when a critical game had to be faced. R. S. M'Coll was a great player.
On the field he played the game scientifically, being scrupulously fair, and
his popularity was unbounded. Starting in business in the confectionery
trade, he is now one of Glasgow's most successful merchants. R. S. M'Coll
holds the record for scoring all six goals in a match, which he did in a
Scottish League game against Port-Glasgow Athletic at Hampden Park, 27th
April, 1910.
The Atholl Arms Hotel, then situated in
Dundas Street, City, was a favourite howff with the members of the Queen's
Park. There were other attractions there besides the hospitality extended by
mine host. Mr. Alexander Gow, the proprietor, was an old Highlander, and, an
athlete in his youth, took a great interest in athletics, and was a keen
attender and judge at Highland gatherings, especially in the Atholl
district. Many high festivals were held in this "hostelrie," as it is styled
in the minutes, February, 1882, when a discussion arose over the question
that the service given was not then adequate to the occasion. This grievance
became accentuated, and in November, 1882, Mr. Richard Browne had a few
words to say regarding the dinners, etc., in the Atholl Arms Hotel. He
stated that some of Mr. Gow's-charges were enormous, a few of which he
pointed out to the committee. After due consideration, the match secretary
was instructed " to look after some other hotels to see if we could better
ourselves in any way." The hotel was taken down shortly afterwards, the
ground having been acquired by the North British Railway to build the
underground railway, the tunnel of which runs under the site of the Atholl
William M'Kinnon, the famous
Dumbarton forward, once appeared in the colours of the Queen's Park, but it
was as a "Probable" in the trial game at Paisley for the International
against England, played at Cathkin Park in March, 1884. The "Probable" side
were uniformed in Queen's Park jerseys.
OWN UNIFORMS Up to the commencement of season 1910-11 Queen's Park players
had to provide their own uniforms, which is certainly carrying amateurism to
its utmost limits. But such is the case. Once or twice enterprising
individuals brought before the committee this curious fact; but the club
declined to supply uniforms for its players. In September, 1910, the
chairman reported, the match committee had found it increasingly difficult
to get players to provide their own uniforms, and, after considerable
discussion, it was left to the match committee to procure uniforms, as they
considered necessary. A step further was taken three years afterwards, and
provision was made for washing, drying, and mangling these uniforms—a change
which was found of decided advantage to the players.
HITCH A mistake, inadvertently made by the chairman, Mr. Alfred Dalziel,
during the election of the committee at the annual general meeting, 29th
June, 1905, put the club to no little inconvenience and expense. The
chairman, after the election of president, two joint treasurers, and the
secretaries of the Strollers, Hampden XI, and Victoria XI, and four members
of the match committee, who by virtue of their offices had seats on the
general committee, announced there were still ten vacancies, when nine only
were to be filled— the committee consisting of nineteen members—and called
tor nominations. The voting proceeded on the basis of ten vacancies, instead
of nine, as provided in the articles of association. There was room for
considerable difference of opinion as to the validity of the election of the
ten gentlemen chosen by the meeting. It was therefore thought inadvisable
for the committee, as elected, to conduct the business of the club. It was
unanimously agreed to take the opinion of counsel on the point, and Mr. C.
B. Miller, the secretary, was instructed to prepare a memorial. Mr. J.
Campbell Lorimer, K.C., to whom the memorial was submitted, after reviewing
the whole circumstances, gave it as his opinion, briefly, that the election
of the nine members highest in the voting was valid, and the election of the
tenth man inept. A special general meeting, or a new election, was not
necessary, unless the tenth man raised a difficulty; then, an extraordinary
general meeting would be desirable, for the purpose of declaring and
minuting that only nine nominees having the highest number of votes were
duly elected, and notifying the tenth man he is not one of the committee,
and will not be cited to the meetings, or admitted thereto. The tenth man
happened to be Mr. Stewart Lawrie, who, after some slight demur, acquiesced
in the decision of counsel, and withdrew his name, thus solving the
Some doubt
existed in the Queen's Park committee whether it would affect the amateurism
of a player were the club to give him a present on the occasion of his
marriage, particularly as that player, Mr. T. T. Fitchie, had rendered
inestimable services to the club, but was at this time under the
jurisdiction of the English Association. Mr. John • Liddell, in order to
settle the matter, put himself, on behalf of the club, into communication
with Mr. Crump, who, after consulting Mr. J. C. Clegg, both members of the
executive of the Football Association, replied, there would be no objection
to making a present of some article to Mr. Fitchie, as a mark of esteem, and
as a souvenir of his connection with the Queen's Park, and that it would not
be necessary for the Scottish Association to ask for consent, seeing Mr.
Fitchie had come under the jurisdiction of the English Association, but
simply that the S.F.A. or the club could write, stating what was proposed,
remarking that it was assumed there would be no objection, so far as the
Football Association was concerned. It would not be in any way a breach of
the amateur rules, or contrary to practice, to make such a present to a
player when he is permanently leaving a club, or an association. When the
presentation came to be made, both the S.F.A. and F.A. received intimation
of the action proposed to be taken by the club. This case guided all similar
cases afterwards. In the early days of football no restrictions existed,
presents to players on similar occasions, or when leaving the club, in
recognition of services rendered, were given, but the presents were always
in kind, never in money, except to a retiring official in a responsible
position, as an honorarium.
Mr. Tom Robertson, the well-known Queen's Park halfback, after he had
retired from the game, devoted his spare time to acting as referee, where
his thorough knowledge of the game and its laws, his integrity and high
principle, have caused his services to be in constant demand both at home
and abroad. His activities in this direction constitute a record. In
addition to ordinary League and other games, he has refereed the following
important matches :—
England v. Scotland, 2 occasions—at Celtic Park,
1898, and Newcastle, 1907; England v. Scotland (League), 3—1897, 1899, and.
1909; England v. Ireland, 9; England v. Wales, 9; Ireland v. Wales, 2;
Ireland v. England (Amateur), 2; Scotland v. Ireland (League), 1—1898;
England v. Ireland (League), 7; Southern League v. Irish League, 2; Glasgow
v. Sheffield, 7; Anglo-Scots v. Home Scots, 10; Scottish Cup finals, 5;
Irish Cup finals, 9; Scottish Junior Cup finals, 14; Army
International—Ireland v. England, 1; Schools International—Scotland v.
England, 1; Junior Internationals—Scotland v. Ireland, 6; Scotland v.
Birmingham and District, 5; and Players' International—Scotland v. England,
2. MR. H. A. WATT, M.P.
Mr. Harry A. Watt, late M.P. for
the College Division of Glasgow, a famous sprinter, and hurdles champion of
Scotland in his younger days, was a member of Queen"s Park for several
seasons, though he never gained football honours of note. He was originally
a member of Pollokshields Athletic, the team of "Gilded Youths," and, having
been sent to represent that club on the committee of the Glasgow Football
Association, he was compelled by the rules of that body to resign his
connection with the Queen's Park, as he could not be a member of two clubs,
members of that association. However, in June, 1889, Mr. Watt was readmitted
to membership on his retiral from the Glasgow Association.
In November, 1886, an English newspaper
stated, with no little truth, that the decline of the Queen's Park in this
season dated from the time that Charles Campbell, the great halfback,
withdrew from the team after sixteen years' active service. At November, the
club had lost more matches than during the whole of the previous season,
when it had to record only four reverses. Up to that month eleven games had
been played, six won, and five lost. The presence of Campbell in the team
had a wonderful effect on his companions, who knew nothing that experience
could teach would be omitted to win a match. His head came in always useful
too in play, and in conducting the game, and no man was a better judge of
football. Campbell played occasionally, later, with Humphrey Jones, but did
not take a prominent place in the team, turning out in the more important
games, especially in cup ties, and against English clubs. He served the club
long afterwards in the legislative chamber. In 1877 Charles Campbell played
as a full back in a few matches on the retiral of J. Taylor. He played in
that position against the Welsh Druids, at Hampden Park, on 6th October,
1877, with R. W. Neill as partner; against 3rd Lanark, on the following
Saturday; against Clydesdale, on 20th October ; Edinburgh Association, on
27th October ; and Clydesdale, 3rd November. However, in the match with 3rd
Lanark at Cathkin Park, on 10th November, 1877, he resumed his old position
at half-back, J. Philips exchanging places with him. The Volunteers won by
1-0, and for the third time since the formation of the club, ten years
before, the Queen's Park suffered defeat. The fourth defeat came from the
Vale of Leven in the first meeting of the season, 28th September, 1878, at
Hampden Park, the Vale winning by 1-0. Only four defeats in eleven seasons
is remarkable. Mr. Charles Campbell announced his intention to retire from
the committee at the annual general meeting in May, 1890. Mr. D. C. Brown,
the retiring president, was sure the members all regretted Mr. Campbell's
decision, but when they reflected on the length of time Mr. Campbell was in
active service on the field—he joined the club in July, 1870 and in
committee, they would agree, that he had well earned that retirement which
he now sought, and they were bound to respect his desire. He had much
pleasure in moving that the meeting record its appreciation of the services
Mr. Campbell had rendered to the club, whose interests he had so much at
heart. Mr. A. Rowan, the new chairman, proposed, at a subsequent committee
meeting, that Mr. Campbell's long and faithful services should be
substantially recognised, on severing his connection with all the old
landmarks of the club. It was decided to organise a handsome testimonial to
Mr. Campbell—a decision which was enthusiastically supported.
Walter Arnott was unquestionably the greatest back who
ever kicked a ball. He was a man of great strength, with a well-knit frame,
and consequently, few opponents dared meet him in a charge. Ready in
resource, a powerful kick—he has been known to score goals from midfield—and
sure of himself, he was a tower of defence. To enumerate any one game in
which he excelled himself would be a work of supererogation, as he always
played well. One particular trick of his no other back could emulate, though
many tried. When at full speed, in pursuit of a flying forward, he would
turn round on the run and kick the ball straight back without any apparent
effort—a trick which nonplussed his opponents, and was the marvel of the
spectators. Though thick-set and sturdy, he could raise considerable speed
on occasion. Arnott joined the Queen's Park, 9th May, 1882, having
previously played for Pollokshields Athletic. Having finished season 1883-84
with Queen's Park, he returned to Pollokshields Athletic in beginning of
season 1884-85, but reappeared in the Queen's Park team at the end of
December, 1884, against Dumbarton, nor did he play in the English Cup ties
of that season until the fourth round, against Old Wykehamists, and he saw
the club through to the final against Blackburn Rovers, with W. MacLeod as
partner (4th April, 1885). Charles Campbell was captain of the Queen's Park
team in that memorable match. In 1885, in partnership, on different
occasions, with A. Watson and R. Smellie, Arnott did great work for the
Queen's Park, and was at this period at the height of his fame.
Rather a
peculiar incident occurred at the Sheffield v. Glasgow match, played at
Sheffield in February, 1882. Walter Arnott, then connected with
Pollokshields Athletic, complained to the association that its vice, or
acting president, Mr. John Wallace (Beith), had stated publicly in the
smoking room of the hotel at Sheffield, where the team had their
headquarters, that had Mr. A. Watson, of Queen's Park, been present to play
at Sheffield, he (Wallace) would have drugged Arnott, thereby rendering him
unable to play at Sheffield. Arnott was quite at a loss to understand why
Mr. Wallace should attempt to act thus, as he was quite a stranger, and
Arnott had never spoken to him until he met him in the train going to
Sheffield. Arnott wished to have an explanation. Mr. John Wallace (3rd
Lanark) was strong on the conduct of his namesake at Sheffield, he also
being at Sheffield officially. Mr. Wallace (Beith) was severely censured by
the association committee, and on again taking the chair, which he vacated
while the matter was being discussed, stated he regretted very much using
the words, and promised in future his conduct would do honour to himself,
and the association. The honours which were bestowed on Walter Arnott, and
many of his greater performances, are fully set forth throughout this

DR. JOHN SMITH Dr. John Smith, now an eminent physician in Kirkcaldy, who
sometimes adopted the pseudonym of "J. C. Miller," played for the London
Swifts in the English Cup ties in 1884-85. The doctor, in the final tie for
the English Cup, assisted Queen's Park against Blackburn Rovers, the
preceding season, at the Oval. Andrew Watson was in the Swifts, and this no
doubt had some influence in inducing Dr. Smith to throw in his lot with that
club, as the pair were great friends. The worthy medico, that season, also
played for Corinthians, 17th January, 1885, as did Andrew Watson, when the
amateurs defeated Preston North End at the Oval by 3-2, which put Preston in
sackcloth and ashes, as all the money in the town was " on " what was
considered a moral certainty. The Corinthians, in addition to the two
Scottish International players, had Paravicini, Cobbold, Pawson, and Rose
(the great goalkeeper), all English Internationals, in their team. The
famous Major Marindin, who officiated as referee, disallowed three goals to
Preston North End ! English clubs had opportunities of appreciating, the
Major's peculiar methods, and , ought to have had greater sympathy with the
Queen's Park over its misfortunes in the English Cup finals. Dr. Smith
played frequently for the Corinthians, who, on their Christmas and Easter
tours, were out for enjoyment—and business.
In connection with the Scottish Cup tie
played between Queen's Park and Celtic at Hampden Park, 18th February, 1899,
at which the charge for admission was 1s., and which was stopped by the
referee, Mr. James M'Pherson, twenty-five minutes before time, on account of
darkness, it was mutually agreed by the clubs to replay the match at Celtic
Park the following Saturday, with a reduced charge of 6d., Queen's Park
members, and season ticket holders, to be admitted free to the ground, the
drawings from both matches to be pooled, after deducting expenses. Hampden
Park, it was thought, would probably be incapable of accommodating the
crowd. New Hampden was then building. The. main point in respect of this
replayed game is, that the Queen's Park invited the great English custodian,
Wilfred H. Waller, to keep goal for them. A special committee meeting was
called on the forenoon of the match, at which attended fourteen members and
the secretary, to consider Mr. Waller's application for admission to the
club. Needless to say, he was unanimously added to the members' roll. The
Celts, however, won by 2-1. They were leading when the first game was
stopped by 4-2.
Very strong
objection was entertained in the club against dividing the gate in friendly
fixtures, as distinguished from cup ties. The three Dumbartonshire
clubs—Vale of Leven, Dumbarton, and Renton—all made suggestions of the kind
to the Queen's Park at different periods, but were each met with a refusal.
The temptation was strong for the county clubs, whose finances never
benefited to the same extent when they played at home, and Glasgow was a
gold mine for the city clubs. However, after the Scottish League was formed,
and the Queen's Park remained outside the membership of that body—League
fixtures came first, and little room was left for the Queen's Park—the
question of terms arose in September, 1892, for home-and-home matches with
certain League clubs. It was agreed that the games be played on cup tie
terms if one match only be played, and in the event of home-and-home
fixtures each club retain its own gate. However, in July, 1893, Mr.
M'Tavish, the match secretary, was instructed to ignore the League clubs,
and fill up his dates with other clubs. Nevertheless the Queen's Park did
play Celtic, Rangers, and other League clubs that season. The proposal of
the Scottish Association that "some portion of the gate money taken at final
ties for the challenge cup go into the coffers of the association " met with
strong opposition from Queen's Park, and other leading clubs, at the annual
general meeting of the association in 1882. The committee protested in
spirited terms against the adoption of such a motion, partly from the point
of view that the Association Cup lies were so numerous as to prevent any
important club fixtures taking place, and that clubs were entitled to some
recompense for their self-denial in playing the ties, and partly, that in
point of fact the association was by no means in such abject poverty as to
render an encroachment on the just and lawful perquisites of the clubs at
all necessary. The secretary was instructed to call the representatives of
the principal clubs together in the Atholl Arms Hotel, on 15th April, 1882,
to discuss the matter, as it was one affecting the interests of the clubs
playing for the cup, so that they might agree on a common course of action.
Vale of Leven, Dumbarton, Queen's Park, 3rd Lanark, and Rangers met, and
unanimously agreed to oppose the motion on the agenda of the annual meeting.
Football had become so important, and the
public were so impatient to know the results on Saturday afternoons, that
the " Glasgow Evening News," on 27th September, 1884, published, for the
first time, a late edition containing the principal results of matches
played that afternoon. A small sheet containing a few of the principal
results was published in Paisley in that year, which circulated in Glasgow.
Hitherto these results were not known until the Monday morning papers came
out, though several licensed shops in Glasgow had private telegrams sent
from the various football fields for exhibition in their premises.
Afterwards agencies were formed who supplied these results. It was at the
urgent solicitation of Mr. R. Robinson, then athletic editor of the "Glasgow
News" and "Evening News," that the proprietors of the latter paper, after
much persuasion, decided to meet a want which the public demanded. Only 400
copies of the "Evening News" were printed of that first issue. Weekly the
circulation increased, and before the end of the season reached 5,000. This
was the beginning of Saturday football editions. All over the country the
idea spread, and now almost every important town in Scotland and England has
its Saturday evening newspaper, giving extensive football reports. In regard
to circulation at the present day, the "Glasgow Evening News," and the
"Evening Times," on the occasion of important matches, such as
Internationals, or final cup ties, touch to an issue of over 400,000 copies,
to such an extent has the industry grown, and the vast improvement effected
in the machinery for printing an issue in the shortest possible time. The
first football issue of the "Evening News" was printed by hand on the bill
machine, but in a week or two the steam-power machine had to be used, so
great was the demand, even then, for football results. It should also be
stated that the first report of a football match played in England, to be
published on the evening of the same day on which the game was played, was
that of the English Cup final between Queen's Park and Blackburn Rovers, at
the Oval, 4th April, 1885. The match was reported by Mr. Robinson, wired
from the telegraph office at the Oval to Glasgow, and a two-column report of
the game appeared in the "Evening News" of that date—a piece of enterprise
on the part of the proprietors of that paper which had its own reward. It
was considered a great feat in those days, but is now a matter of everyday
occurrence, even with less important matches played between Scottish and
English clubs. Indeed, as a rule, reports of such games are now telephoned
to Glasgow from the grounds on which they are played.
The Queen's Park decided in November, 1886, to insure
the playing members of all three teams against accidents. The original
intention was to insure only the First and Second Elevens, and leave the
Hampden XI to look after itself, in the meantime. Mr. Sam Wylie, however,
the match secretary of the junior team, stuck out for his men, and gained
his point. This practice has been continued ever since, and includes the
Victoria XI. It has proved very beneficial to the players, relieved the club
from providing -for injured members, and removed the objectionable stigma
from the players of receiving doles from the club in whose service they
sustained injury.
No little commotion was
created down Cathkin Park way in 1887, when rumour was abroad that John
Auld, 3rd Lanark's International half-back, had in July, 1887, signed a form
of application for membership of the Queen's Park, and had been duly
admitted a member of the club. The rumour was duly contradicted by the
Volunteers. It was, however, only too true, as Auld made his debut for the
senior club in October against Cambuslang. He afterwards went as a
professional to Sunderland F.G. He started there in business, and met with
some success both as a player and a business man. The Queen's Park half-back
line was rather weak, and the new season, 1887-88, about to open, and a man
of Auld's stamp would be a welcome acquisition to the club. The previous
season had been the worst in the history of the Queen's Park, up to that
Rumours were in
circulation, and these had even been published in some of the newspapers,
that members of the club had received money for playing, and Mr. Anderson,
in order to clear up the matter, asked Mr. Stewart Lawrie, the president,
formally if these statements were true. The chairman replied that there was
no foundation whatever for the imputation, and that no member had ever been
paid for playing. The Queen's Park, during its fifty years of existence, no
matter in what straits it might have found itself at the time, has never
allowed the slightest taint of professionalism to stain its record of
amateurism, pure and unadulterated. Nor was it ever necessary, as the
reputation of the club was such that players considered it a high honour to
be members of the club, and the height of their ambition was to be included
in the team. That was in the amateur days, before professionalism made
football a trade.
The English Cup,
while in possession of Aston Villa in 1895, was stolen from a shop window in
Birmingham, and never recovered. A new cup was purchased, as close a replica
of the lost trophy as could be obtained. This cup, however, was subsequently
withdrawn by the Football Association, and presented to Lord Kinnaird,
president of the association, in appreciation of his long services to the
game. As no sentimental value was attached to the cup, it seems rather a
peculiar presentation to his lordship. A third cup, which is. of registered
design, was procured, the first winners of which were Bradford City in 1911.
The first cup was the trophy for which Queen's Park competed.
Few people have any conception of the
amount of charitable work done, all through, by the Queen's Park as a club.
Its hand was never out of its pocket. Every football club, Senior or Junior,
in monetary trouble, appealed to the senior club for help—even those to-day
in a flourishing condition—either to play a match for their benefit or give
a contribution. Athletic, harriers, and cycling clubs who had held sports at
Hampden Park had their losses, on appeal to the club, greatly reduced, the
Queen's Park giving now the whole, now a part, of the stand drawings, which
were its share or rent for the use of the ground. All sorts and conditions
of charitable bodies tried to lay the Queen's Park under contribution, not
always with success, as many, if not most of them, were aided from the
proceeds of the Glasgow Charity Cup competition. Langside Dorcas Society was
a special favourite of Queen's Park. The club did good quietly and without
ostentation. The families of deceased players, and servants who needed it,
were lavishly provided for, and even employment found for the relatives. The
departed had rendered service to the club, and that was a sufficient claim
on its generosity. Players in ill-health who could not afford the expense of
an operation were carefully nurtured, medical fees paid, and the patients
brought back to health, Clubs, even former sharp opponents, who had met with
evil days, and who wanted to be helped over the stile, were not turned away
empty. Its monies were on trust, and the club was faithful to its trust.
Cases of this kind are too numerous to mention, and all reflect the greatest
credit on the club, its good management, its kind-heartedness, and its
A rather curious
sequel attended the final tie for the Scottish Cup set down for decision at
Ibrox Park, 25th February, 1893, the contesting clubs being Queen's Park and
Celtic. The tie was declared off on account of the frozen state of the
ground, and a friendly was played, which Celtic won by 1-0. A spectator sued
the association for 3s., which he had paid at the gate, alleging "breach of
contract," as the match had been advertised as a "Scottish final tie," and
was not played as such. Other actions were pending. The association defended
the case, and it is said the two clubs concurred in whatever was to be done.
It was proposed to arbitrate over the matter, with Sheriff Murray as
arbiter, without result. Sheriff Guthrie tried the case, and decided in
favour of the association, without costs. Then came the question of the
responsibility of the clubs for their share of the expenses, which they were
unwilling to pay, but on second thoughts each of the three parties involved
paid up, and the Queen's Park divided half of its share of the gate—
£140—between the three infirmaries (£40 each) and the Sick Children's
Hospital (£20).
A good story is
told of J. B. Weir by a friend, Mr. Matthew Robertson, who was with him on
holiday at Lamlash. Walking along the shore, Weir being nearer the water
than his friend, a large rat ran from under a rock, and passed between them.
The friend took a running kick at the rodent, and sent it flying high over
J. B.'s head, fifty feet into the sea. Weir turned round with an aggrieved
air, and said, "Ah, Matt! why didn't you dribble him?" Then he would have
had a foot in the sport.
Mr. C.
Wreford-Brown, a famous Corinthian in his day, as hon. secretary for the
Sheriff of London Charity Shield, wrote to the Queen's Park, requesting the
club to play for the trophy against Aston Villa, at the Crystal Palace, on
11th March, 1899. As the club had a fixture on that date, there was some
difficulty; but, seeing the game was in the cause of charity, it was agreed
to accept the invitation. The game took place on the date fixed, and even
after an extra half-hour had been played, neither had scored, and the game
was left drawn (0-0). The match had a strange sequel. Mr. Wreford-Brown
wrote in May to the effect that, taking everything info account, and more
particularly owing to the unpleasantness which had arisen through the
committee and players of Aston Villa P.C. not being invited to dinner after
the match (the Villa being a professional team), the organising committee
had decided to give the first custody of the shield to Aston Villa, no doubt
as a sop to their wounded feelings. The Queen's Park and Aston Villa were to
be considered joint-holders of the trophy, Aston Villa retaining it for six
months, and Queen's Park for the remainder of the year. In October, 1899, it
was exhibited for a short period in Messrs. Forsyth's window, Renfield
Street, and afterwards found a location in the People's Palace for the
remainder of the period the Queen's Park had it in possession.
The club
was invited again to compete for the Sheriff of London Football Charity
Shield, in a letter from Mr. H. W. Hewitt, hon. secretary to the London
Charity Committee, dated 22nd November, 1907. The invitation was accepted,
provided the actual out-of-pocket expenses incurred by the club were
guaranteed. Evidently the London committee had a very exaggerated idea of
the sums derived from football in Glasgow, as on 7th December Mr. Hewitt
wrote, suggesting that the game might be played at Hampden Park, provided
the Queen's Park guaranteed a definite sum to charity, say £1,000 sterling,
at the same time inquiring what expenses would be required were the match
played in London. Needless to say, the former offer was declined, and the
sum named for expenses to and in London was to be £75. Evidently the terms
did not suit, and the Queen's Park did not again play for the shield.
The Queen's Park Musical and Dramatic Society, while not directly
associated with the club, nevertheless consisted for the most part, if not
entirely, of members of the Queen's Park. In 1883, and for some years
thereafter, the society gave several concerts, all of a high-class
character, the members displaying considerable musical and dramatic talent.
A favourite farce was "A Trip to Dublin," given with great gusto. Mr. J. J.
Jordon acted as conductor, and his brother, Mr. L. S. Jordon, usually
presided at the piano, as accompanist. Mr. C. Campbell took a lively
interest in the society, and did much to ensure its success. The services of
the society were in great demand, and concerts were given in several towns
in Scotland, as well as Glasgow. Once, when the society visited Dundee,
several members of the football team preferred to accompany the concert
party, and absented themselves from the team, at which the committee were
naturally indignant, but as the society was not under their jurisdiction
nothing could be done.
Turnstiles to the
number of four were introduced at Hampden Park in December, 1894, and found
most convenient. Their number was increased from time to time as required.
There had been no check in the early days. Then roll tickets were
introduced. There are now- fifty turnstiles in operation at the different
entrances to new | Hampden Park and in the stands.
In carrying out the first rule of the new
constitution, passed 9th August, 1867, "that this club shall be called the
Queen's Park Football Club, and its object shall be the recreation and
amusement of its members," at a meeting of committee, 12th October, 1869, "
a discussion was entered into in regard to the getting up of an amateur
concert in connection with the club, and the following two gentlemen were
appointed as a committee, Messrs. J. Smith and W. Klinger, to inquire into
the probable expenses of the concert, and to make a report to the next
committee meeting. An annual festival was also suggested, and brought into
con- sideration, but it was deemed better to delay settlement of J anything
definite until the feeling of the club would be consulted." These gentlemen
(26th October, 1869) made "a favourable report regarding the expenses of the
proposed concert, and, after a little deliberation, the 23rd November, 1869,
was fixed as a suitable date, liable to alteration should anything come in
the way to prevent it." Messrs. Gardner' and Wotherspoon were appointed a
committee, with power to add to their number, to take the management of
affairs and to push matters forward, and that everyone communicate all the
information to these gentlemen. On 4th November, 1869, "favourable reports
were heard as to the procuring of a few voices to assist at the concert, and
one gentleman who has given his consent to sing, also, kindly promised to
draw up the programme in proper form. The evening of Thursday, 2nd December,
was named as being the probable date for the concert, liable to alteration
to the Wednesday previous." Unfortunately the hall at Strath-bungo, in which
" we intended to hold the concert, had changed hands, and would be pulled
down," so the committee (11th November, 1869J considered it would hardly be
advisable to proceed with the concert under the circumstances, as no other
place could be had suitable for that purpose in the vicinity of the park ;
but the whole matter was laid before a special general meeting that same
evening, 11th November, when Mr. Gardner stated the object the committee had
in view in proposing the said concert was for the benefit of the funds of
the club, and to bring the year to an agreeable close by affording the
members and their friends a night's amusement and enjoyment, and to enlist
the interest of those in the neighbourhood of the park in the welfare of the
club. As far as musical arrangements had gone, everything promised to be
very successful, as a sufficient number of ladies and gentlemen had kindly
consented to take part in the concert to fill up a very satisfactory and
promising programme. Unfortunately the only place available, a mission hall
at Strathbungo, was to be pulled down, and the concert could not be held on
2nd December, the date fixed. As the meeting came to no definite decision,
the subject was allowed to drop. When the matter cropped up again (26th
October, 1870), the committee considered the advisability of having a social
meeting, which this time was to be a conversazione. Each member of committee
was to exert himself in procuring promises from the members to take tickets,
and to secure, in the first place, a sufficient number to make it
financially successful. On 3rd November, 1870, a sufficient number of
members could be depended on to purchase tickets to guarantee a tolerably
good turnout, •and it was decided " to push on with the matter," and Messrs.
H. N. Smith, R. Gardner, and D. N. Wotherspoon were to fix the night they
found to suit best, provided it was within the first two weeks of December.
Details of the arrangements made were given to the committee (29th November,
1870), to the effect that the Baronial Hall, South Portland Street,
musicians, purveyors, etc., had been secured, and the night fixed for 9th
December, 1870. At a meeting of committee, 24th March, 1871, "notice was
taken of the conversazione, the plan originating and being carried out on
the entire responsibility of the committee, of affording the members of the
club an opportunity of social intercourse and enjoyment. The committee had
reason to feel gratified that the programme was fully taken advantage of,
and enjoyed by all present."
This was the first of a series of such
entertainments " for the amusement of the members." As the club advanced in
prosperity and wealth., its efforts in this direction became more extensive.
Indeed, Queen's Park adventures of the kind were all functions in their way.
The Q.P. sports, the Q.P. daances, the Q.P. dinners, the Q.P. smoking
concerts, the Q.P. Musical and Dramatic Society (not directly connected with
the club), were all more of public than private celebrity, and were all
carried out in the best style, in true "Queen's Park form."
Amongst a number of old members of the Queen's Park F.C. who do not now
take an active part in the club and its management, a desire was felt that
some means should be found to bring together the ancients of the club, and
so keep alive the many delightful friendships formed in the years gone by,
and it was with this object in view that the Queen's Park P.O. Society was
called into being in February, 1914. The objects of the society were, to
promote the interests of the Queen's Park F.C, to form a bond of union among
the old members, and to encourage the pursuit of amateur football and
athletics in every form. Only members of the Queen's Park were eligible, and
not of less than fifteen years' standing, not necessarily continuous. Mr.
Stewart Lawrie was the first president of the society, Mr. D. D. Warren,
vice-president, and Mr. A. J. Christie hon. secretary and treasurer, which
last was the moving spirit in the affair. To inaugurate the society, a
dinner was held in the Grand Hotel, 31st March, 1914, Mr. Stewart Lawrie in
the chair, at which there were 100 present, and the whole function was voted
a great success. Among the guests were the Lord Provost of Glasgow, Sir D.
M. Stevenson ; Mr. R. S. Horne, K.C. (now Sir Robert S. Horne, M.P.,
President of the Board of Trade) ; Mr. M. P. Fraser, advocate; Mr. William
Gillies, LL.D., Dean of Faculty of Procurators; Sir John Lindsay, Town
Clerk; Mr. Tom Robertson, president, Queen's Park F.C.; the president of the
S.A.A.A.; Mr. J. S. Samuel (now Sir John),, secretary to the Lord Provost;
Dr. John Smith ; Mr. James Grant, one of the original members in 1867 of the
club, and twice its president; and Mr. Robert Livingstone. In addition to
the six members of committee, the Queen's Park F.C. annually nominate two
members of the club to act on the committee of the society, thus giving it
official recognition. Unfortunately the war broke out in the August
following, and that sphere of usefulness which the society had mapped out
had to be postponed, or very much curtailed; but its opportunity has now
arrived for that social enjoyment which was the original intention of the
members. Mr. D. D. Warren, the vice-president, generously presented to the
society a handsome silver cup to be competed for annually in a golf
competition, and also a gold badge to the winner of the cup each year. The
first competition was held on 26th May, 1914, and twenty competed. The cup
was won by Mr. H. J. Irons, after a tie with Mr. R. A. Lambie. The war hung
up all further activities, but now that it has been brought to a victorious
end the society has free scope to promote the excellent objects for which it
was founded.
Naturally the Vale of
Leven were jubilant when they gained the distinction of being the first
Scottish club to defeat Queen's Park, which they did in the famous Scottish
Cup tie, 30th December, 1876. Having a poet laureate of their own, in the
person of Mr. Ferguson, he celebrated the Vale's triumph in verse, in the
form of a parody of "The Charge of the Light Brigade," which was published
in the " Dumbarton Herald" of 4th January, 1877. It is quite a clever
production. Two other efforts of Mr. Ferguson appeared in the same paper, on
dates 19th April, 1877, and 4th April, 1878—the one recording the victory
over Rangers in the final tie of 1877, and. the other when the Vale again
won the cup from Rangers, Queen's Park, and Third Lanark, the last in the
final of 1878. Unfortunately want of space prevents their publication.
When the club was a year in
existence, it was decided to issue a membership card to each member. A
reproduction of the first page of this card will be found below. It
contained the names of the office-bearers, the constitution and rules, the
laws of the game as first played and amended by the committee, definition of
terms and by-laws, all of which occupied four pages. This particular card
belonged to Mr. James Macdonald, who was admitted to membership, 22nd June,
1868, and then resided with his brother Peter, also a member, now in South
Africa, at 108 Eglinton Street. These gentlemen had been proposed and
seconded on the field, and their names came before the committee on the
above date, with eighteen others in a similar position, for confirmation.
name of the Queen's Park Football Club has always been synonymous with all
that is best and highest in the winter pastime, and its name is writ large
in the annals of the game. Under the flag of amateurism it has been a
pioneer, the highest honours have fallen to the club, and many famous
players have sported its black and white colours. At a meeting held on 9th
July, 1867, the club was instituted, and the interesting event of the
jubilee was marked by a dinner, which was held in the Grosvenor Restaurant,
8th March, 1920, when the president, Councillor G. T. Samson, presided over
a large company, that comprised many prominent personalities in the world of
football, past and present. The menu card was an interesting compilation. It
had a photograph of the team of 1873-74, a view of the modest pavilion of
1883, and, by way of contrast, the now magnificent ground of the club at
Hampden. On the back of the card was a facsimile of the first minute of the
club, when it was resolved to institute the club, and it was an interesting
link with the days of fifty years ago that the first goalkeeper of the club,
Mr. J. C. Grant, was seated at the chairman's table. Interesting
communications conveying congratulations were read from Lord Kinnaird, Lord
Weir, Lord Provost James W. Stewart, Sir John Stirling-Maxwell, Sir John Ure
Primrose, from English and Irish officials, Mr. Tom Scott, the president of
the Rugby Union, and Mr. Ritchie, the first president of the club. It was
agreed to send a message of greeting to Mr. Arthur Geake, and to express
regret at his. absence. The speeches throughout the evening were naturally
reminiscent of the past glories of the

club, and
these obtruded themselves in the formal toasts, which were proposed, and
responded to by the Town Clerk, Sir John Lindsay, Colonel Wilson, Sir John
Anthony, and Bailie Crerar. In a speech going back to 1867, Mr. A. S.
M'Bride, the oldest surviving president of the Scottish Football
Association, and an ex-president of the Vale of Leven Football Club,
proposed the toast of the club. He recalled how a Queen's Park team in 1871
had gone down to the Vale of Leven to play a team there, where shinty was
the principal pastime. The game resembled the battle of Sheriffmuir, in so
far that "some said we won, and some they won," but the Queen's Park was the
mother of the Vale of Leven club. The Queen's Park had a record unequalled
in football annals, and its one outstanding feature had been that it had
kept alive the amateur spirit, and had maintained the purity of the game. He
urged the youngsters to play the game. The chairman, in reply, said that the
sporting citizens of Glasgow, and the world, owed a debt of gratitude to the
founders of the club, which he did not think they would ever be able to
repay. The spirit of amateurism had always permeated the members of the
club, and he trusted it would continue true to the tenets which were laid
down and carried through with such iudomitable energy by their predecessors.
That was without disparagement to those who were connected with other
organisations, there having been evolutions in football, as in everything
else. Mr. Samson's reference to the past history of the club was restrained,
yet very much to the point. Referring to the war record of the club, he said
that 214 members of the club joined the colours, and twenty-seven had
fallen. Other toasts included "Football Associations, League, and Kindred
Clubs," proposed by Mr. T. R. Park, and responded to by Mr. Thomas White.
"The Press"' was proposed by Major Benzies, and replied to by Mr. R.
Robinson and Mr. J. H. Catton ("Athletic News"). —"Glasgow Herald," 9th
March, 1920.
The feature of the
half-yearly meeting of Queen's Park Football Club, 28th October, 1920, was
the consideration of a scheme for ground extension, submitted by the
committee, who have decided to acquire more ground to the east of the
present site for the purpose. Suffice it to say meantime that it is a
gigantic affair, which will bring the holding capacity of the enclosure to
175,000, all of whom will be in a position to view the match in comfort,
and, for the most part, under cover. To complete the business will take
years, but when the end has been reached Hampden Park will assuredly be the
last word in football enclosures.
The treasurer's report was received with
enthusiasm, as well it might be, for the liquid assets of the club amount to
some £9,000. There are 541 members, and it has been decided to allow no more
non-playing members at present.
The president (Mr. George T. Samson) made
feeling reference to the deaths of Messrs. Arthur Geake and John Harvie,
both of whom had done splendid work in the interests of the club and for the
cause of amateurism in Scotland. Mr. Harvie was amateur walking champion of
Scotland in the late 'seventies. |