To the Members of the
Scotch-Irish Society of America .
In offering this
compilation to the Society, and the general public, we do not pretend
that it is a complete history of the Scotch-Irish people. That will
require the systematic effort of years. As the initial volume of
distinctive Scotch-Irish records, however, we believe that it will prove
interesting and satisfactory. In the selection and arrangement of the
matter contained, we have acted with the advice of the Executive
Committee. For the convenience of the reader, the formal addresses,
bearing directly upon the race, have been taken from their regular order
in the minutes and arranged separately in Part Second.
The addresses are
published as they were delivered, and we do not assume any
responsibility for the views of the speakers. We bespeak for the volume
kindly reception and consideration.
A. C. Floyd,
Lucius Frierson,
Robert Pillow,
Publishing Committee.
Part I
Part II