KEILL, JOHN, an eminent mathematician and natural
philosopher, the elder brother of the preceding, was born in Edinburgh, on
the 1st of December, 1671. [Martin’s Biographia Philosophica, 457.] He
received the rudiments of education in the schools of his native city, and
remained at the Edinburgh university until he was enabled to take the degree
of master of arts. He early displayed a genius and predilection for
mathematics, and had the good fortune to study the science, along with the
Newtonian system of philosophy, under Dr Gregory. When, in the year 1694,
Gregory went to try his fortune in England, Keill followed him, and
contrived along with him to find admission to Oxford, where he held one of
the Scottish exhibitions in Baliol college. Keill made his first appearance
before the scientific world in his "Examination of Dr Burnet’s Theory of the
Earth, together with some remarks on Mr Whiston’s new Theory of the Earth,"
published at Oxford in the year 1698. Any "Theory of the Earth," or account
of its formation and state, in anticipation of the discovery of facts to
support it, always formed a fruitful subject of debate; but Burnet’s Theory
afforded more ample field for censure than any other which pretended to
support from the enlightened doctrines of modern philosophy. The grand
outlines of his theory were of themselves sufficiently imaginative, and
their effect was increased by the curious speculations with which he filled
up the minor details of his edifice. He supposes the earth to have been
originally a heterogeneous mass of fluid matter, of which the heavier
portions fell to the centre, forming there a dense body, surrounded and
coated by lighter bodies, while the water—the lightest of all the
heterogeneous mass, remained on the outside of the whole. The air and other
celestial fluids floated round this body: while between it and the water was
gradually formed a coat of unctuous or oily matter, higher than water. Upon
this unctuous coat, certain impure particles which had at first been mingled
with the air, descended, and floating about covered the surface, forming a
shell over the water, which became the crust of the earth. The crust thus
formed was level and uniform, without hill or vale; so it remained for about
sixteen centuries, until the heat of the sun having cracked it in divers
places, the water rushed forth, causing the general deluge. This water
found, however, a means of partially subsiding, betwixt the broken masses of
the crust, and thus leaving the globe in the state of ocean, hill, and
Keill, who, besides being a man of accurate science, was
a person of clear good sense and critical acumen, saw clearly the evil done
to science, by the admission of suppositions which have a fully greater
chance of being wrong than of being right, while the richness of the
doctor’s imagination, and the poetic beauty of his language and
illustration, did not protect his principles from a subjection to the strict
rules of logic. Keill’s book is full of the clear argumentation of a man who
is rather formed to correct and check the discoveries of others, than to
allow his invention to stray so far as to make any of his own. He
occasionally condescends to use demonstration, while, well knowing that
there may be positions against which the gravity of an argument is
misapplied, he makes very frequent use of sarcasm, a power of which he is an
accomplished and apt handler. Most of the vigour of the attack is derived
from the manner in which the different parts of the theory are found
inconsistent with each other, without any very extensive reference to other
authority. "After this fashion," says Keill, after giving an outline of
Burnet’s first formation of the earth, "has the theorist formed his
antediluvian habitable world, which doth not much differ from the Cartesian
method of making the earth: only Des Cartes, being somewhat wiser than the
theorist, would not allow the outward crust, within whose bowels the waters
were shut up, to be a habitable earth, knowing well that neither man nor
beast could live long without water. But he made the crust first be broken,
and the waters flow out, before he placed any inhabitants on it. Another
small difference betwixt the two hypotheses is, that Monsieur Des Cartes
never thought of making the exterior orb of oily liquids, which the theorist
asserts to be absolutely necessary towards the formation of the crust; for
if it were not, says he, for the oily liquor which swims upon the surface of
the abyss, the particles of earth which fell through the air had sunk to the
bottom, and had never formed the exterior orb of earth. But notwithstanding
this, I believe it may be easily made evident (though neither of these
systems is true), that the theorist’s hypothesis is the worse of the two,
which I will prove from his own concessions: for he has already owned that
the oily liquor is much lighter than the watery orb. He has mentioned also,
that the terrestrial particles when falling from the air, if the orb were
only water, would sink to the bottom; and therefore these particles must be
heavier than water. From thence I think it does necessarily follow, that
these terrestrial particles must also be heavier than the oily fluid, which
is lighter than water, and therefore they will more easily descend through
it than they did through water, it being well known that there are several
bodies which will swim in water, but sink in oil." [Examination 37, 38,]
Proceeding on such positions, Keill destroys what has
been raised by his adversary, wisely substituting nothing in its stead,
except what experiment and demonstration support; the general aim of the
principles he espouses being, that, excepting in so far as we know by
experiment the operation of nature, we must take the cosmogony of the earth,
either literally as we find it laid down in holy writ, or, admitting our
inability to penetrate into its secrets, be content with what is afforded us
by experience, demonstration, and rational or certain deduction. Whiston, in
his "New Theory of the Earth, from its original to the consummation of all
things," maintained, that the Mosaic account of the creation did not give a
philosophical account of the formation of the universe, but that it was
merely intended, in the most simple and intelligible manner, to give a
history of the formation of the globe we inhabit; that before being brought
into existence as an inhabited world, it had been a comet, which being
subject to perpetual reverses from heat to cold, became by the alternate
congealing and melting of its surface, covered with a coat of heterogeneous
matter or a chaos, within which the solid nucleus formed a great burning
globe. This great mass of matter, as the eccentricities of its orbit
decreased, became more nearly circular, and the materials ranging themselves
according to their gravities, assumed at the period of the "creation" the
forms of earth, water, and air. If this theory does not possess any
recommendation to our belief superior to that claimed by Burnet, its author
had at least the art, to found a greater number of his conclusions on
experiments, and to deduce others in a less imaginative manner. Keill treats
this adversary with more respect than he affords to the theoretic Burnet,
seldom proving his positions "impossible," and generally contenting himself
with being sceptical; he allows that the author "has made greater
discoveries, and proceeded on more philosophical principles than all the
theorists before him have done."
Keill’s small work is often referred to as authority by
geologists and natural philosophers; it contains many experimental
calculations, among which is that estimate of the depth of the sea, on which
Breislak in later times founded his celebrated calculation, that there never
could have been a sufficient quantity of water in and about our globe to
have kept the matter of it at any time in solution. It was considered by
many, that Keill had used the venerable doctor Burnet, much his elder in
years, a scholar, and a man esteemed for his private virtues, with too much
asperity and unbecoming sarcasm. It appears that the respective theorists
answered the attack, although in what manner we have been unable to
In 1699, Keill published a rejoinder, entitled "An
Examination of the Reflections on the Theory of the Earth, together with a
defence of the Remarks on Mr Whiston’s New Theory." The Defence of the
Theory appears by no means to have infused into Keill a greater spirit of
politeness. He proceeds with the impatience of a man of sense and knowledge
interrupted, terminating with an advice to Burnet to study "numbers and
magnitude, astronomy and statics; that," he continues, "he may be the better
able to understand the force of my arguments against his Theory, after which
I doubt not but that he will easily perceive its errors, and have the
ingenuity to acknowledge them. But till then, all farther disputation
between him and me must needs be vain and frivolous, since true reasoning on
natural philosophy depends on such principles as are demonstrated in those
sciences, the knowledge of which he has not yet attained." To his other
opponent, Whiston, Keill has in this work, probably owing to the manner in
which he was answered, forgot his former courtesy, treating him with no more
deference than he has used toward Burnet.
In 1700, Dr Thomas Millington, Sedelian professor of
natural philosophy in Oxford, on his appointment as physician in ordinary to
the king, substituted Keill as his assistant, to read his public lectures;
and the term for enjoying the Scottish exhibition at Baliol college then
expiring, he accepted an invitation from Dr Aldrich, dean of Christ’s
church, to reside there. As his master Gregory was the first who introduced
the Newtonian philosophy to the universities, Keill himself possesses the
reputation of having been the first to demonstrate its principles on
experiment; a task he is said to have performed through machinery of his own
invention, but of what description, or to what extent he proceeded in his
proofs, we are not informed.
In 1701, Keill published his "Introductio ad Veram
Physicam," a useful and popular treatise on the Newtonian Philosophy. It is
considered as an excellent introduction to Sir Isaac Newton’s Principia, and
has frequently been reprinted in England, and in a French translation. About
the year 1708, Keill was chosen a fellow of the Royal Society, and after his
admission he published in the Philosophical Transactions a pretty lengthy
paper, "in which the laws of attraction, and other principles of physic are
shown." At this period, the scientific world became disturbed by
the dispute which had assumed the aspect of a national question, whether
Leibnitz formed his idea of the doctrine of fluxions from some unpublished
discoveries of Sir Isaac Newton, and which of these two great men could
properly be considered the inventor of that sublime addition to the power of
the human intellect. In the Acta Eruditorum published at Leipsic, it was
maintained that Leibnitz was the sole inventor, all right on the part of
Newton being denied. To this Keill answered in a paper which he communicated
to the Royal Society, defending his friend without much regard to the
accusations which he brought against his opponent.
In 1711, Leibnitz complained to the Royal Society, that
Keill had accused him of obtaining and publishing his knowledge in a manner
not reputable to a philosopher, or even exactly consistent with honesty; he
appealed to Sir Isaac himself as a witness of his integrity, and required
that Keill should publicly disavow the offensive construction which might be
applicable to his words. The Royal Society being appealed to as
philosophical judges in the matter, appointed a committee to examine the
papers and documents connected with the dispute, who did not find it
difficult to produce a report rather unfavourable to the continental
philosopher, bearing "That Mr Leibnitz was in London in 1673, and kept a
correspondence with Mr Collins, by means of Mr Oldenburgh, till September,
1676, when he returned from Paris to Hanover, by way of London and
Amsterdam; that it did not appear that M. Leibnitz knew anything of the
differential calculus before his letter of the 21st June, 1677, which was a
year after a copy of a letter wrote by Sir Isaac Newton, in the year 1672,
had been sent to Paris to be communicated to him, and about four years after
Mr Collins began to communicate that letter to his correspondents; wherein
the method of fluxions was sufficiently explained to let a man of his
sagacity into the whole matter: and that Sir I. Newton had even invented his
method before the year 1669, and of consequence fifteen years before Mr
Leibnitz had given anything on the subject in the Leipsic acts;" from which
train of circumstances they concluded that Keill was justified in his
imputations. The censure of the society, and the papers connected with it,
were published apart from the Transactions in 1712, under the title "Commercium
Epistolicum de Analysi Promota." For some time the philosopher appears not
to have answered this array against him, until the Abbe Conti, in the year
1716, addressed him, calling on him, if he did not choose to answer Keill,
at least to vindicate himself from the non-admission of his claim on the
part of Newton; [Published in the Phil. Trans., xxx. 924.] and he just
commenced the work of vindication at a period when death prevented him from
completing it.
In the year 1709, Keill was appointed treasurer to the
Palatines, and in performance of his duties, attended them in their passage
to New England. On his return in 1710, he was appointed successor to Dr
Caswell, Savilian professor of astronomy at Oxford. At this period, he again
entered the field of controversy, in support of his friend Sir Isaac Newton,
whose philosophy had been attacked on the foundation of Des Cartes’s theory
of a plenum; and he published in the Philosophical Transactions for 1713, a
communication to the society, on the rarity of matter and the tenuity of its
composition. In this controversy, he was, however, interrupted by his
appointment to the situation of decypherer to the queen, and he was soon
afterwards presented with the degree of doctor of medicine, by the
university of Oxford. About this period we find him gratefully remembered by
that unfortunate scholar Simon Oakley, for having permitted him the use of
the Savilian study. [Nichol’s Literary Anecdotes.]
Keill, in the year 1717, took to himself a wife. The name
of the lady who made him the happiest of men, has not been preserved; but it
is said he married her "for her singular accomplishments." In the
Gentleman’s Magazine for 1739, we find a curious Horatian ode, addressed to
Keill by the celebrated Anthony Alsop; its period of publication is some
years after the death of both the parties, and there is no comment alluding
to the date of its composition; but the circumstances mentioned show it to
be a congratulatory epistle to Keill on his marriage. The ode is extremely
spirited and not destitute of elegance; but whether from other motives, or
the anxiety of the author to reach the familiar vivacity of the Roman
lyrist, he has treated his grave subject in a manner which would not now be
considered very worthy of a divine, or to convey a pleasing compliment to a
venerable professor. The subject was one of some delicacy to Alsop, who was
then enjoying a species of banishment, the consequence of a verdict obtained
against him for breach of a contract of marriage; and whether from this
circumstance, or his classical feelings, he has dwelt on the habits of his
friend in a manner which would hardly fail to draw "damages" from a modern
jury. In 1718, Keill published "Introductio ad veram Astronomiam, seu
lectiones Astronomicae," a work which was reprinted, in the year 1721, at
which period, at the request of the duchess of Chandos, he published a
translation of this work in English, with emendations, under the title of
"An Introduction to the true Astronomy; or, Astronomical Lectures, read in
the astronomical school of the university of Oxford." The year in which he
accomplished these literary labours was the last of his life; during the
summer of 1721, he was seized with a violent fever, of which he died in the
month of September, in the fiftieth year of his age. Besides the works we
have mentioned, he published in 1715, an edition of Commandinus’s Euclid,
with additions. |