eminent antiquary, herald, and annalist, was born about the close of the
sixteenth century. He was the eldest son of a small Fife laird, Michael
Balfour of Denmylne, who derived his descent from James, son of Sir John
Balfour of Balgarvy, a cadet [This branch was ennobled in 1607, in the
person of Michael Balfour of Balgarvy, who, having served King James in
several embassies to the principal courts of Europe, was created Lord
Balfour of Burleigh. This peerage was attainted in consequence of the
concern of its occupant in the civil war of 1715.] of the ancient and
honourable house of Balfour of Balfour in Fife. James Balfour, the
ancestor of Sir Michael had obtained the estate of Denmylne from James
II., in the fourteenth year of his reign, which corresponds with 1450-1.
Michael Balfour, the father of Sir James, and also of Sir Andrew, whose
life has been already commemorated, was, in the words of Sir Robert
Sibbald, "equally distinguished for military bravery and civil
prudence." He bore the honourable office of Comptroller of the
Scottish Household, in the reign of Charles I., and in 1630 was knighted,
at Holyrood house, by George, Viscount Dupplin, Chancellor of Scotland,
under his Majesty’s special warrant. This eminent personage was, by Jean
Durham, daughter of James Durham of Pitkerrow, the father of five sons,
all of whom attained to distinction in public life, besides nine
daughters, who all formed honourable alliances, except two, who died
unmarried. He lived to see three hundred of his own descendants; a number
which his youngest son, Sir Andrew, lived to see doubled.
Sir Michael Balfour gave
his eldest son an education suitable to the extended capacity which he
displayed in his earliest years. This education of which the fruits are
apparent in his taste and writings, was accompanied by a thorough
initiation into the duties of religion, as then professed on a
Presbyterian model. The genius of the future antiquary was first exhibited
in a turn for poetry, which was a favorite study among the scholars of
that period, even where there was no particular aptitude to excel in its
composition, but for which Sir James Balfour appears to have had a genuine
taste. His juvenile proficiency in versification is thus alluded to by the
poet Leoch, or Leochaeus, in his Strenae, published in 1626, of
which that entitled Janus is dedicated Generoso
Juveni Jacobo Balfourio Kincardio:
Hunc tu carminibus
constrictum, Jacobe, Latinis
Coge tuis numeris, quos Musa Caledonis
Et natura tibi; nam tu quoque Scotica Siren.
Panthea nostra tu est ita cultu iaeta Britanno,
Et meliora mea, si quid queat esse, Puella.
It appears that Balfour, who cultivated
Scottish vernacular poetry, had successfully translated Leoch’s Latin
poem, entitled, Panthea, into that style of verse; therefore the
Latinist says—
Namque ut pulchra satis,
minus est mea Panthea casta;
Quum non pulchra minus, et tua casta
Sir Robert Sibbald informs
us that he had seen a volume containing Latin and Scottish poems by Sir
James Balfour, which, however, is now lost. In its absence, the taste at
least of the youthful antiquary for poetical objects of contemplation, is
evinced by the following letter, extracted from a transcribed collection
of his epistles in the Advocates’ Library at Edinburgh. It is addressed
to Lord Elcho, but has no date.
Ye aske of my health and
quhat I am aboute. I make a returne, by that rill issewing from the ocean
of your love, that I am now taken with the plesur of the fieldes, and
delyght als much in my reteired quietnes from out of the city, als your
lordship does to find a drag going cole at Cameron, [A coal field at
Cameron, in Fife.]for as that promises you for your pains riches,
so does this to me healthful houres, and bountiful recreations with the
Muses, quhen as I often feid my eiyes with the fruitful usery of my winter
labors, much rejoysing that with healthful prosperity, you should remember
your poorest freindes. Onley let me pleid for my bypast silence, since I
have nothing to wreatt but foolries, which I presume to be bot
harsh musicke for so wyse and weill tuned eares. Howsoever, quhen you are
most idle, will ye be bot pleased to overlook this paper, in which,
without aney mentall reservatione, I subscribe myselve, my lord,
Your lo: most faithful servant.
Balfour also appears, at an early
period of his life, to have cultivated the society of William Drummond of
Hawthornden, then by far the highest poetical name in Scotland. Probably, as
none of his own pieces have escaped to posterity, they were such as to render
their loss no matter of regret: he must, however, have possessed the sort of
qualification which we have elsewhere [See Life of George Bannatyne.] designated
as passive or negative poetry, that is, a keen perception and relish of the
compositions of others, though perhaps destitute of the active power of creating
good poetry himself. This seems to be evidenced by the following letters to
Drummond, which breathe strongly of that ardent affection, which we are apt to
entertain towards distinguished literary personages whose writings have made a
deep impression upon our minds.
"Sir, - That love I beare
you hath mened me, with this passing bearir, to vreatt thesse few lynes, content
thus in haist to salut you, in doing quhereof, altho I fulfill not the office of
a frind, nevertheless I evedince the constancey of my affection. You may
therfore returne something to reid: and, if necessity urge, imitat my brevity;
although I be bewitched wit the neatness of your pieces, yet, finding heir in my
selve consciouns, I daire hardly be bold to crave a quholl sheitt of you;
howsoever, I will be yours quhill I am. "JA: BALFOUR."
"Sir,_You desyre of me
quholl sheitts, I must confess a symboll of our inteirest affections. Bot I,
conscious of my own imbecility, rather prove a Laconick. No wounder altho my
vaine be stopt, since this longe tyme you have not lanced it, aither with the
reiding of some of your pieces, or with so much as with a lyne of your hand.
Whence, then, is it that you should become such a usurer to him that has not
receved so long aney learnid annuity of you. Your starrie Urania, on the wings
of a strong wind, flees by us, in every ones handes: quherfor, I intreid you,
wold you have me deprived of it? Have you thought me dead to the Muses, that
aither I could not judge of it, or so dull that I could not praise it. In so
doing, you have dirogatt much from my genius, and daily conversatione.
Nevertheless, in despight of your interdictione, I have gained a sight of it. I
wold conceill my thoughts with silence. I wold be revenged, if the admiratione
of your writtings did not breke all sense of injury; and though you scatter
abroad your pieces (yet ceasse not to love me,) I sall enjoy them, though by the
bountifull hand of ane other. Faire ye weill."
The poetical temperament of Sir
James, and the courtly grace which generally is, and ever ought to be the
accompaniment of that character, is further shown in the following epistle to a
lady, which we consider a very elegant specimen of the English prose of the age
of Charles I., and, indeed, singularly so, when the native country of the writer
is considered: -
"Madam,—You must appardone
me if, after the remembring of my best love to you, I should rander you hartly
thanks for your affectione, since thankes are the best knowen blossomes of the
hartes strongest desyres. I never, for my pairt, doubtit of your affectione, bot
persuadit myselve that so good a creature could never prove unconstant, and
altho the fairest dayes may have some stormy overshadowings, yet I
persuade myselve that these proceids not from heavenly thinges, bot from vapors
arising from below, and though they for a tyme conte (ract) the sun’s heat,
yet make they that heat in the end to be more powerfull. I hope your friends
sall have all the contentment that layes in my power to gif them: And, since
Malice itselve can not judge of you bot noblie, I wisch that tyme make your
affectione als constant, as my harte sail ever prove, and remaine loyall; and
lest I seinie to weirey you more than myselve, again I must beg pardone
for all my oversights (if you think of aney) wich will be a rare perfectione of
goodness in you to forgive freely, and love constantly him quhosse greatest
happines under heaven is always to leive and die.
"Your trewly affectionat
Sir James seems to have spent
some of the years subsequent to 1626 in foreign countries, where he is said to
have improved himself much by observing the manners of nations more polished
than that to which he himself belonged, and by forming the acquaintance of
eminent literary men. At the close of his continental travels, he
spent some time in London, and obtained the friendship of the distinguished
antiquary, Sir Robert Cotton, and also of Sir William Segar, Garter King at
Arms. He had now turned his attention to the study of heraldry, and the
friendship of these men, which he obtained rather through the intense sympathy
produced by a common taste for rare pursuits, than by the recommendations of
others, was of material service in the completion of what might be called his
professional education. He also contracted a literary acquaintance with Roger
Dodsworth, and Sir William Dugdale, to whom he communicated several charters and
other pieces of information regarding Scottish ecclesiastical antiquities, which
they attached to their Monasticon Anglicanum, under the title, Caenobia
Scotica, and which Sir James afterwards expanded into a distinct volume,
under the title, Monasticon Scoticum, though, as Bishop Nicholson has
remarked, it looked more like an index to such a work than the complete work
itself. The friendship of Sir William Segar appears to have been of considerable
influence in the direction of Balfour’s course of life. He exerted himself to
conciliate to his Scottish protege, the respect of the college of heralds; and
his efforts were crowned with such success, that, in 1628, that body presented
to Balfour the following honourable diploma:
"To all and singular to whom
thir presents shall come, Greeting: Sir William Segar, Sir Richard St George,
and Sir John Barroughe, Garter, Clarentius, and Norroy, Kings of Arms; William
Penson, Lancaster; Sir Henry St George, Richmond, etc. According to the laudable
custome of nations, not to conceill that honour which is due to verteu and
learning, We doe testifie and beare record, that James Balfour, Esq. by and
attour his insicht and knowledge in diverse Languages, has also singular good
experience and knowledge in all antiquities and forraine histories, but
especiall in these concerning the illand of Great Britain and Irland; as also we
testifie and does vitness him to be ane expert and graduate herauld, in blazing
of cotta and armories, in inventing of crests and supporters, in searching of
genealogies and discents, in marshalling of funeralls, triumphs and
inaugurations, etc. and in all ceremonies whatsoever pertaining to honour or
armes. In witnes of the premisses, we above named, kings of armes, heraulds, and
pursevants, hes to this our present testificate and approbatione, with the
several cotts of our armes, affixed our manuall subscriptions, at our office of
armes in the cittie of London, Oct. 3, and Dec. 4, 1628."
Besides these antiquarian
friends, Balfour secured several others of a more courtly complexion, who were
natives of his own country. He enjoyed the friendship of Sir Robert Aytoun, the
poetical courtier, with whom he afterwards became distantly connected by
marriage. He was also on the most familiar terms with another poetical attendant
on the elegant court of Charles I.—the Earl of Stirling. [We quote from his
correspondence in the Advocates’ Library, the two following letters to this
SECRETARY OF SCOTLAND. My Lord, - I love your letters, because they bring with
them still some matter of gladness. The retribution of your innumerable favours
to me, are a few naked lynes, which, by the generosity of your noble mynd, are
als much in esteeme with you as riches are o the most miserable world-mongers.
According to your Lordship’s command, I have, by my letters, huymbly randred
thanks to the Kingis Majestie, my master, although ordnardly dayed in homely
russet, yet doubled with the best tissew, and full of the strong desires of ane
ardent affectione, quhillks, at the redicing, your goodness will extend one word
of unanimity with me, and sympathize with tir gratulations as a patrone of their
mater: Then sall your lordship find that your favors hes beine putt upone ane
quho will ever be myndful of the least of them, and remaine a daily headsman for
the further incresse of your health and honour. Fairweill, my lord.
Halyroodhouss this 7 of March, 1631. TO THE SAME, My werry noble good Lord, -
This bearir, my frind, as in a sure sanctuary, casts himselve in the bossame of
your patrociney; a man every way worthy of your respect; by profession a lover
of nobility; quhosse ingenious spirit and modest carriage betters his stock. If
your lordship suspecte my recommendatione as partiall, hes obsequious carriage
and worthy parts, after your triall, will make all good: So wishing your
lordship all happiness, heir and for ever, I will live and die, Your lordship,
JA: BALFOUR. Ed. 12 Maii, 1631.] His chief patron, however, was George, Viscount
Dupplin, [Afterwards created Earl of Kinnoul, on the occasion of the coronation
of King Charles at Edinburgh in 1633. Sir James Balfour related the following
curious anecdote of his lordship. The King, in 1626, had commanded, by a letter
to his Privy Council, that the Archbishop of St. Andrews should have precedence
of the Chancellor. To this his lordship would never submit. "I
remember," says Sir James, "that K. Charles sent me to the Lord
Chancellor on the day of his coronation, in the morning, to show him that it was
his will and pleasure, bot onlie for that day, that he wold ceed and give way to
the archbishop, but he returned by me to his Majestie a very bruske answer,
which was that he was ready in all humility to lay his office doune at his
Majestie’s feet; bot since it was his royal will should he enjoy it with the
knowen privileges of the same, never a priest in Scotland should sett a foot
before him, so long as his blood was hote. Quhen I had related his answer to the
king, he said, ‘Weel, Lyone, letts goe to business: I will not medle farther
with that olde cankered gootish man, at quhose hand ther is nothing to be gained
bot soure words.’" What makes this anecdote the more expressively
illustrative of the rancour with which the secular officers and nobility behold
the newly dignified clergy is, that the Lord Chancellor had just on the
preceding afternoon been raised to the rank of Earl of Kinnoul.] who held the
high and almost vice-rega1 office of Chancellor of Scotland. By the
recommendation of this nobleman, aided by his own excellent qualifications, he
was created by Charles I., Lord Lion King at Arms, a dignified legal office in
Scotland, in which resides the management of all matters connected with armorial
honours, as also all public ceremonials. Sir Jerome Lyndsay having previously
resigned the office, Balfour has crowned and installed at Holyroodhouse, June
15, 1630, having in the preceding month been invested with the necessary
honour of knighthood by the king. On this occasion, Lord Dupplin officiated as
Royal Commissioner.
Sir James Balfour now settled in
Scotland, in the enjoyment of his office. On the 21st of October, he was married
to Anna Aiton, daughter of Sir John Aiton of that Ilk, and in January, 1631, he
obtained, in favour of himself and his spouse, a grant of the lands and barony
of Kinnaird in Fife. In December, 1633, he was created a baronet by Charles I.,
probably in consequence of the able manner in which he marshalled the
processions and managed the other ceremonials of the royal visit that year. At
this period of peace and prosperity, a number of learned and ingenious men were
beginning to exert themselves in Scotland. It was a peaceful interval between
the desolating civil wars of the minority of King James, and the equally unhappy
contest which was soon after incited by religious and political dissentions.
Like soldiers enjoying themselves during a truce, the people were beginning to
seek for and cultivate various sources of amusement in the more elegant arts.
This was the era of Jamieson, the painter of Drummond, the poet—of the
geographer Pont—and the historians Spottiswood, Calderwood, Johnston, and
Hume. [David Hume of Godscroft, author of the History of the House of Douglas.]
Sir James Balfour, inspired with the common spirit of these men, commenced
the writing of history, with as much zeal as could be expected in an age, when,
the printing of a written work being a comparatively rare occurrence, literature
might be said to want the greater part of its temptations.
Sir James, as already mentioned,
had been bred a strict Presbyterian. In this profession he continued to the
last, notwithstanding that, in politics, he was an equally firm royalist. In a
letter to a young nobleman, (Correspondence, Advocates’ Library,) he is
found advising a perusal of "Calvine, Beza, Parens, and Whittaker," as
"orthodox writers." When the introductions of the liturgy imposed by
Charles I, roused Scotland from one end to the other in a fit of righteous
indignation, Sir James Balfour, notwithstanding his connection with the
government, joined cordially with his countrymen, and wrote an account of the
tumult of the 23rd of July, under the burlesque title of "Stoneyfield
Day." [In a letter written on the 27th of July, to his friend
Lord Elcho, he thus expresses himself regarding that extraordinary exertion of
popular force: - My Lord, - I know your suddain departure from this citey on
Saturday was to see how they brought your light from darkness. Neither will I
accuse you as privy to that OSANNA our grate-heided bishope had this bypast,
Saboth, from the tumultuous concors in welcoming home their new devised liturgie
to old Sr. Geilles: Bot our day here begane to darken ere twelffe o’clocke, (a
verey short day in Julay indeed) and if we live to tell you, my lorde likely to
become a foule day, ver not our pryme churchmen had large breiches (happily) and
nimble helles to save them from a stoney tempest, which at two several tymes
menacd, destructione to all, yet nibbled the noddells of bot two or three.
Nather could that lubardly monster with the satin goune defend himselve by hes
swollwen hands and gressy belley, bot he had half a dissone neck fishes to a
reckoninge, and Maxwell becam so affrighted that to have been safely gone I
verily think that he wold have left Arminius house, and run under the keyes of
the baticane – nay, he that first vented here Christ’s locall discension to
hell, if he might have been liberant of feare, wold have (before his tyme) gone
thither himselve. Bot this day is fair wether, and ane indictione set on
Edinburghe, for since the preceisse peopell will not sing ther prayers, our
famous clergy will not suffer them to have aney in prosse. Our weyffes heir
inveighss (envy) your lordships happiness, quho may pray publickly as the
primitive fathers did, and say so be it, quheras ther gressey bellied fathers
wold have them to sing Amen, and to use maney vantone curtisies, bobbings,
nodings, and knellings, which this roughe and uncivill multitude have not been
accustomed nor acquainted with – a world of such trash and trumperies as your
lordship may behold landeit in ther New Alcoran. God bless our prince and all
thouse that gives him healthful counsaill, and as to thesse men quho only
ambitiously hunts ther commodity and honor, God gif them the reward of that
honorees persone, quho after he had betrayed his maker and master, hanged
himselve, and gif your lordship many happey dayes to be assured of the treuth,
by which I own myselve to be, Your lordships faithful friend and servant.]
But though indignant, in common
with all people of his own persuasion, at the religious innovations attempted by
the government, Sir James appears to have very soon adopted different feelings.
Like many moderate persons who had equally condemned the ill advised conduct of
the king he afterwards began to fear that the opposition would produce greater
mischiefs than the evil which was opposed. He conceived that the people in their
indignation at the royal measures had put themselves under a more slavish
subjection to a band of ambitious nobles, who appeared determined to
press upon the royal prerogative till they should leave no trace of the ancient
government in the land. Thus, so early as May 1639, less than two years after
the publication of "Stoneyfield Day," and while the popular leaders
enjoyed an unlimited power, he is found addressing the following letter "to
a noble friend."
Altho, my lord, you think perhaps
I might gaine muche by silence, for my part I will never make question in
speaking, quhen I have aney thing in my head better than silence, and admonishe
your lordship once again to bewarr of thosse men quho, furiously seeking to cry
downe the present government, and to shake the fundamental lawes of the kingdom,
doe bot rather aim at ther owen particular advantages than redress of disorders,
and since I have admonished your lordship quhat to eshew, I wold also gladly
advysse you quhat were most fitting for your awen housse and the preservation of
your awen family to follow. And to causse, if I could, good lawes to arysse out
of evill maneris were not I think it more fitt to take tyme to deliberate upone
a matter of such importance, and trewly, my lord, to speake heirin to purposse
all the witt I have, joined to that of others, were no more than sufficient. In
confidence of your lordship’s pardon, and in assurance that ye will remaine
constant to be my werrey good lord, I will heir subscribe myself,
Your lordship’s most obliged
Falkland, 9 May, 1639.
At a somewhat earlier date, he
writes in the following terms to his friend Drummond, who, it will be
recollected, was also a devoted loyalist: -
Sir,—By your letters, you aske
how I live heir in winter, out of the capitall citey. I assure you, mured up
within the royall walles, expecting the sessone of primrosses and anemonies. I
am heir in a place of no curiosites. The sunne bath yet heat eneuche to dissolve
our medow snowes, which all the winter fall upon the neighbouring mountains. If
ye wold have me to conceil nothing from you, I must freely tell you that there
is no place quhar verteu is so neir to vice as heir. Idleness in this place
being our honest mens ordinarey creatione, and debauches of all sortes the
exercisses quherein they disscipline themselves. Notwithstanding if ye be yet
yourselve, and by solemne vow have forsaken the world and the vanities thereof,
assure yourselve that it is in this place quher felicitie doth attend you, and
being once in this place, you will esteeme all thosse as banished persons quhom
you have left in Edinburghe behind. Faire weill, and confidently love him quho
sail ever bie,
Your treu friend and servant.
Falkland, January 8, 1639.
It thus appears that, in some
disgust at the bold measures taken against the government, he had now retired to
the royal hunting-palace of Falkland, where, and at his seat of Kinnaird, he
devoted himself to those studies by which the present may be forgotten in the
past. His annals, however, show that he still occasionally appeared in public
affairs in his capacity of Lord Lion. It is also clear that his political
sentiments must have been of no obtrusive character, as he continued in his
office during the whole term of the civil war, and was only at last deprived of
it by Cromwell. During his rural retirement at Falkland and Kinnaird, he
collected many manuscripts relative to heraldry, and wrote many others in his
own language, of which some are preserved in the Advocates’ Library, while
others were either lost at the capture of Perth (1651), to which town he had
conveyed them for safety, or have since been dispersed. Persevering with
particular diligence in illustrating the History of Scotland, he had recourse to
the ancient charters and diplomas of the kingdom, the archives of monasteries,
and registers of cathedral churches, and in his library was a great number of
chronicles of monasteries, both originals and the abridgments; but it is to be
deeply regretted that many of these valuable manuscripts fell a prey to the
sacrilegious and illiterate, and were shamefully destroyed by the hands of
children, or perished in the flames during the civil wars. A few only were
opportunely rescued from destruction by those who were acquainted with their
value. The style of these monastic chronicles was, indeed, rude and barbarous
but they were remarkable for the industry, judgment, and fidelity to truth, with
which they were compiled. For some time after the erection of monasteries in
this kingdom, these writers were almost the only, and certainly the most
respectable observers in literature, as scarcely any other persons preserved in
writing the memory of the important occurrences of the times. In these registers
and chronicles were to be found, an accurate record of transactions with foreign
powers, whether in forming alliances, contracting marriages of state or
regulating commerce; letters and bulls of the holy see; answers, edicts, and
statutes of kings; church rescripts; provincial constitutions; acts of
parliament; battles; deaths of eminent persons; epitaphs and inscriptions; and
sometimes the natural appearances of the seasons; the prevalent diseases;
miracles and prodigies; the heresies that sprung up; with an account of the
authors, and their punishments. In short, they committed to writing every
important occurrence in church and state, that any question arising in after
ages might be settled by their authority, and the unanimous confirmation of
their faithful and accurate chronicles. In collecting and preserving these
manuscripts, Balfour therefore raised a monument to his memory which the latest
posterity must revere. For he did so from a conviction that these old and
approved authors were the only guides to the knowledge of facts, as well as to
correct evidence, and reasoning on the remote history of Scotland; and he
considered them, not only of signal use to himself but a valuable treasure to
the literature of the country. He therefore persevered throughout life in
collecting such manuscripts, without regard to either trouble or expense. The
catalogue which he left is still extant, [Memoria Balfouriana, p. 19-33.] although
many, as already mentioned, were lost by the depredations of the English and
other causes. He formed with great industry, and at a considerable expense, a
library of the most valuable books on every subject, particularly in the
branches of Scottish history, antiquities, and heraldry. From these he extracted
every assistance they could afford in the pursuit of his inquiries, and for
further aid he established a correspondence with the most respectable living
historians, such as Robert Maule, Henry Maule, David Buchanan, Gordon of
Straloch, and, as has already been shown, Drummond of Hawthornden, all of whom
he regarded through life with the warmest esteem, and with the greatest respect
for their talents and accomplishments.
He endeavoured to elucidate our
history (which was then involved in confusion) from the examination of ancient
medals, coins, rings, bracelets, and other relics of antiquity, of which he
formed a separate collection, as an appendage to his library. Observing also
from historians, that the Romans had long been settled in Scotland, and had made
desperate attempts to expel our ancestors, both Scots and Picts, he collected
the inscriptions which they had left on certain stone buildings, and transcribed
them among his notes. In compiling the work to which he gave the title of
Annals, our author was more anxious to supply the deficiencies of other
historians, and to bring to light obscure records, than to exhibit a continued
and regular history of Scotland. He therefore carefully extracted, from old
manuscripts, the names, dignities, and offices of distinguished public
characters, the dates of remarkable transactions, and every other circumstance
of importance, and arranged them in separate paragraphs. He was actuated by a
generous disposition, to rescue from oblivion and the grave, the memory of
illustrious men; for which purpose he visited all the cathedral, and the
principal parish churches of the kingdom, and examined their sepulchres and
other monuments, from which he copied the epitaphs and inscriptions, carefully
preserving them in a volume. He deeply interested himself in some laudable
attempts to improve the geography of Scotland. The ingenious Timothy Pont
traversed the whole kingdom, (an attempt which had not been made before) and
from personal surveys made plans and descriptions of the different counties and
islands, which he was intending to publish, when carried off by a premature
death. Sir John Scott of Scotstarvet put these papers into the hands of Straloch,
by whom they were published, with corrections and additions, in the descriptions
accompanying Bleau’s maps. Sir James made also a survey of Fife, his native
county, examining particularly ancient monuments, and the genealogies of the
principal families. He afterwards compiled a description of the whole kingdom,
of which the manuscript was so useful to Bleau, that he dedicated to our author
the map of Lorne in his Theatrum Scotiae, and embellished it with the arms of
Zealous in the improvement and
knowledge of heraldry, he carefully reviewed, not only the public acts and
diplomas of nobility, but the contents of ancient edifices, temples, and
palaces, shields and sepulchral monuments. When it had become proper, from his
years, to allow the Prince of Wales a separate establishment, an inquiry was
ordered concerning the revenues of the hereditary princes, as steward or lords
marshall of Scotland, in which Balfour appears to have taken part, as we find
among his manuscripts the following; "The true present state of the
principality of Scotland, with the means how the same may be most conveniently
increased and augmented; with which is joined ane survey, and brief notes from
the public registers of the kingdoms, of certain infeftments and confirmations
given to princes of Scotland; and by them to their vassals of diverse baronies
and lands of the principalitie, since the fifteenth year of the reign of Robert
In the history of this country,
he displayed his uncommon industry in his numerous collection of manuscripts, in
the great assemblage of historical works in his own library, and in his careful
inspection of the various manuscripts dispersed over the kingdom, from which he
generally extracted the substance, if he did not wholly transcribe them, forming
a general index to such as were useful in Scottish history. He made several
abridgments of the Registers of Scone, Cambuskenneth, and others, and from the
works of Major, Boece, Leslie, and Buchanan, which, in proper order, formed
parts of his chronological works, along with relations of important transactions
throughout the world. Besides this, he wrote a remarkably concise yet
comprehensive history of the kings of Scotland, from Fergus I. to Charles I. He
also intended to have enlarged the annals of the Scottish kings from James I. to
the beginning of Charles II., of which he had finished the two first James’s,
on a more diffuse and extensive scale. In other works, he wrote memoirs of James
III., IV., V., of Queen Mary, and of James VI., and the transactions of Charles
I., brought down to his death. In natural history, he wrote an alphabetical list
of gems, with descriptions, their names and qualities, and the places where they
are produced. Another work upon the same subject, written in Latin, exhibited
from various authors, an account of ingenious inventions or frauds, practised in
counterfeiting and imitating precious stones.
Sir James concluded an
industrious, and, it would appear, a most blameless life, in February, 1657,
when he must have been about sixty years of age. He had been four times married;
1st, to Anna Aiton, by whom he had three sons and six daughters, and who died
August 26th, 1644; 2nd, to Jean Durham, daughter of the laird of Pitarrow, his
own cousin, who died without issue only eleven months subsequent to the date of
his first wife’s death; 3d, to Margaret Arnot, only daughter of Sir James
Arnot of Fernie, by whom he had three sons and three daughters; 4th, to Janet
Auchinleck, daughter of Sir William Auchinleck of Balmanno, by whom he had two
daughters. Yet his family is now extinct in the male line. The Annals and Short
Passages of State, above alluded to, were, after nearly two centuries of
manuscript obscurity, published, in 1824, in 4 volumes 8vo. by Mr James Haig of
the Advocates’ Library, in which receptacle nearly the whole of the
collections of this great antiquary have found a secure resting-place.