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Oliver Brown
Self Government

What nonsense the politicians have written about the increase in the SNP poll! Of course, all elections are decided by protest votes. The votes are not Tory or Labour - they are anti-Tory or anti-Labour, a form of negative expression.

The fact is that nationalism is the supreme force of our time, smashing to bits the French, the Dutch and British Empires — holding at bay the unscrupulous might of the United Stationers (my own invention) in Vietnam and disrupting (thank heavens!) the Communist blocks. Scotland could not avoid it!

(13 May 1967)

I am so certain that we will wake some day soon to find a Scottish Government in operation that I am planning to set up an opposition.

Revolutionary bodies make the mistake that a change of regime necessarily implies progress, whereas history proves that, unless preceded by a psychological revolution, it merely perpetuates old evils under new names as every intelligent Soviet citizen knows, but dare not say.

I remember how unfavourable SNP reactions were when I prophesied that we were going to have a long and tiring struggle because a whole generation of hopelessly corrupted minds had to die out. In the thirties a prediction that we would have self-government in five years was always greeted with cheers at meetings. That may have been a useful illusion! I am glad it did not come true. We were not ready for it.

One of the slogans which the Scottish National Party formerly used was, "ANY SCOTTISH GOVERNMENT COULD DO BETTER."

The more we study the actions of successive United Kingdom Governments the more we realise the truth of that slogan.

Freedom means that von go to Hell if you want.

Alien rule means that you must.



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