This magazine, Northern Notes
and Queries, is intended for Archaeologists in Scotland and the northern
counties of England. The want of suet a periodical has beep acknowledged.
The English Notes and Queries long stood alone as a channel through which
antiquarian information could be circulated, and answers obtained to
queries, often of great interest. But now, though it still maintains its
well-earned supremacy, there are in England twelve provincial periodicals of
a similar character.
Scotland is rich in
antiquities, and possesses men second to none in zeal and capacity to
utilise them as exponents of history. The English counties bordering on
Scotland are also closely connected with her past life.
In Scotland and the North of
England there are many Societies working in a common cause, but having no
common publication in which to interchange facts or theories. The Scottish
History Society, now fairly started, will give a new impetus to historical
inquiry. Thus the time seems favourable to the establishment of a quarterly
paper which may become in time a monthly issue, and grow from sixteen pages
to twice or thrice those dimensions. Its success must in the first case
depend on its attaining a fair circulation for the first year, and that can
only be secured by the greater number of those who receive this, the first
copy, sending at once their names and subscriptions, 4s., to the Editor. The
sale of such a paper over the counter is always fluctuating. In order to
encourage subscribers, it is arranged that they and they only shall receive
the future parts of a transcript of a very rare and interesting ms.,
AEconomia Rokebeiorum, never before printed in its entirety. The first
portion of this is presented with our first Number I the fourth portion will
contain Tide-page, Preface, Notes, and a full Index. As this work is paged
distinct from Northern Notes and Queries, it will form at the close of the
year a complete and most interesting volume. If success attends our efforts
we shall endeavour year by year to produce a work on the same plan, and thus
we hope to secure a steadily increasing number of regular subscribers. But
money is not all that is required—nay, is not the chief thing. We must ask
our readers to be literary contributors also. Our first Number, while it may
serve as a pattern, as far as size and matter go, is necessarily wanting in
the variety which can only be secured by the co-operation of the many. We
have been fortunate in obtaining notes from several talented archaeologists,
but we have been thrown much on our own resources; we have done our best to
present to our readers matter that has not appeared in print before, or only
in an obscure way. Of course, also, our Query Column is weak, for we cannot
ourselves ask questions ad nauseam, and we have as yet no readers whose
curiosity we can invoke. We trust that in our September Number there will be
many interesting Queries inserted, and that in January these will receive
satisfactory Answers. We appeal to the reading public to support us, and
would ask those who receive this our first Number to subscribe, or, if not
disposed to do that, to lend or give the paper to some friend who will
subscribe. We feel sure that in time such a work as this will make its way,
and we shall do our utmost to select such Notes and Queries as may be most
interesting and most useful to the Archaeologist, Genealogist and Historian.
Uncertain of the reception we
should meet with, and of our ability to continue the publication of N. N. &
Q., we hesitated to call the first year's issue the first volume, but now
that fortune has smiled on us, and a second year has been survived, we think
it best to make the age of the work and the number of the volumes coincide,
and have given a Title-page and Index for Vols. i. and ii. (combined).
With the first number of
Volume iii. we have made an addition to our title, that it may be known that
our work is meant to possess a national character. As The Scottish
Antiquary, it embraces the whole of Scotland. As time goes on we hope to
welcome many provincial periodicals of a like nature. Since our first
appearance one, The Scottish Notes & Queries, has undertaken to illustrate
the Aberdeenshire district, and is carried on with much ability. Our readers
will have seen that we have been favoured with contributions from all parts
of Scotland: nor has the border-land been overlooked. As the proof of the
pudding is said to be in the eating, it may be well to state that so
satisfactory has been the sale of our work, that complete sets of Vols. I.
and II. are all but exhausted, and it will be necessary to hoard the twelve
sets that remain in order that any special demand which may arise for them
may be met
Of some parts a few numbers
are still unsold, but early application should be made for them. If they can
be supplied, their price will be 2s. each.
A. W. C. H.

Vol 1
Issue 1
Vol 1
Issue 2
Vol 1
Issue 3
Vol 1
Issue 4
Quarterly Edition 1887
September Quarterly Edition 1887
Quarterly Edition 1887
Quarterly Edition 1888
Index to Volumes I
and II
An Account of the
Family of Rokeby
Quarterly Edition 1888
September Edition 1888
Edition 1888
Edition 1889
Index to Volume III
Index of Places
Edition 1889
September Edition 1889
Edition 1889
Index to Volume IV
March Edition
June Edition 1890
September 1890
December 1890
March 1891
June 1891
September 1891
December 1891
March 1892
June 1892
September 1892
January 1893
April 1893
1893 Index
1894 Volume
Notes 504 to 524
1894 525 to
1894 548 to
1894 563 to
1894 586 to
1894 609 to
1894 626 to
1894 644 to
Index to Volume 9
1894 Volume10
Notes 682 To 693
Volume 10 Notes 694
To 703
Volume 10 Notes 704
To 716
Index for Volume 10
with new editor J H Stevenson
July 1896
October 1896
Jan 1897
April 1897
July 1897
January 1898
April 1898 |