a distinguished poet, moralist, and miscellaneous writer, was born at
Laurencekirk, Kincardineshire, October 25th, 1735. His father,
who kept a little retain shop in that village, also rented a small farm in
the neighbourhood, in which his forefathers had lived for many generations.
He was the youngest son, and his father dying when he was yet a child, his
elder brother David, on whom, with his mother, the care of the family
devolved, placed him at the village school, where, as he soon began to write
verses, his companions bestowed on him the title of “The Poet.” In 1749 he
was removed to Marischal College, Aberdeen, where he obtained a bursary or
exhibition. He studied Greek under Dr. Thomas Blackwell, author of ‘The
Court of Augustus,’ and ‘An Inquiry into the Life and Writings of Homer,’
who was the first to encourage Beattie’s genius. He made great progress in
his studies, and acquired that accurate and classical knowledge for which he
was afterwards so eminent. In 1753 he obtained the degree of A.M., and
having completed his course of study, he was appointed in August of that
year schoolmaster and parish clerk to the parish of Fordoun, at the foot of
the Grampians, six miles from his native village. It is related of him that
he loved at this time to wander in the fields during the night, and watch
the appearance of the doming dawn, feeding his young dreams of poesy “in
lone sequestered spots.” His early productions, inserted in the Scottish
Magazine, gained him some local reputation; and he attracted the favourable
notice of Mr. Garden, advocate, afterwards Lord Gardenstone, then sheriff of
Kincardineshire, Lord Monboddo, and others in the neighbourhood, who invited
him to their houses, and with whom he ever after maintained a friendly
intercourse. He had at one time an intention of entering the church; and in
consequence attended the divinity class at Marischal College; but
circumstances led him to change his views. In 1757, a vacancy occurred in
the grammar school of Aberdeen, and Beattie was induced to become a
candidate for the situation, but did not succeed. He acquitted himself so
well, however, that on a second vacancy in June 1758, he was elected one of
the masters of that school. In 1760 he published at London a volume of poems
and translations, which, though it met with a favourable reception, he
endeavoured at a future period, when his fame was established, to buy up and
suppress. Some of these will be found in the Appendix to Sir William Forbes’
Life of Beattie. By the influence of the earl of Errol and others of his
friends, he was the same year appointed professor of moral philosophy and
logic at Marischal college. Among his brother professors in the Aberdeen
universities at that time were such men of genius and learning as Dr.
Campbell, Dr. Reid, and Dr. Gregory. In 1762 he wrote his ‘Essay on Poetry,’
which was published in 1776, with others of his prose works. In 1765 he
published an unsuccessful poem on “The Judgment of Paris,’ in quarto. He
afterwards reprinted it in a new edition of his poetical works which
appeared in 1766. On the 28th June 1767 he married Mary, daughter
of Dr. James Dunn, the Rector of the grammar school at Aberdeen, his union
with whom was not happy, in consequence of a hereditary disposition to
madness on her part, which made its appearance a few years after the
marriage, and which subsequently caused her to be put in confinement.
In 1770 appeared
the work which first brought Dr. Beattie prominently into notice, viz, ‘An
Essay on the Nature and Immutability of Truth, in opposition to Sophistry
and Scepticism;’ written with the avowed purpose of confuting the pernicious
doctrines advanced by Hume and his supporters, which at that time were very
prevalent. His motives for engaging in this task are fully explained in a
long letter to Dr. Blacklock, which will be found in Forbes’ account of his
Life and Writings. The design, he says, “is to overthrow scepticism, and
establish conviction in its place, a conviction not in the least favourable
to bigotry or prejudice, far less to a persecuting spirit, but such a
conviction as produces firmness of mind, and stability of principle, in
consistence with moderation, candour, and liberal inquiry.” This work was so
popular, that in four years five large editions were sold, and it was
translated into several foreign languages. The “Essay on Truth,’ which Hume
and his friends treated as a violent personal attack, was intended to be
continued; but general ill health, and an inveterate disinclination to
severe study, prevented him from completing his design. In the same year he
published anonymously the First Book of ‘The Minstrel, or the Progress of
Genius,’ 4to, which he had commences writing in 1766. This poem was at once
highly successful. It was particularly praised by Gray the poet, who wrote
him a letter of criticism which is preserved in Forbes’ Life of Beattie.
Shortly afterwards he visited London, and was flatteringly received by Lord
Littleton, Dr. Johnson, and other ornaments of the literary society of the
metropolis. In 1773 he renewed his visit; and owing to the most powerful
influence exerted on his behalf, he obtained a pension of £200 a-year, on
account of his ‘Essay on Truth.’ George III. received him with distinguished
favour, and honoured him with an hour’s interview in the royal closet, when
the queen also was present. Among other marks of respect, the university of
Oxford conferred on him the degree of LL.D. at the same time with Sir Joshua
Reynolds. That great artist having requested him to sit for his portrait,
presented him with the celebrated painting containing the allegorical
Triumph of Truth over Sophistry, Scepticism, and Infidelity. He was also
pressed to enter the Church of England by the Archbishop of York and the
bishop of London, which he declined, on the ground chiefly lest the
opponents of revealed religion should assert that he was actuated by motives
of self-interest. One prelate offered him a living worth nearly £500 a-year;
which also he refused, “partly,” he says, “because it might be construed
into a want of principle, if, at the age of 38, I were to quit, with no
other apparent motive than that of bettering my circumstances, that
church of which I have hitherto been a member.” In 1774 appeared the Second
Book of the ‘Minstrel,’ which has become one of the standard poems in our
language. A vacancy having occurred in the chair of natural and experimental
philosophy in Edinburgh, he was advised by several of his friends to become
a candidate; but this he declined, preferring to remain in Aberdeen. In 1777
he brought out by subscription a new edition of his ‘Essay on Truth,’ to
which were added some miscellaneous dissertations on “Poetry and Music,’
“Laughter and Ludicrous Composition,’ and ‘The Utility of Classical
Learning.’ In 1783 he published “Dissertations, Moral and Critical,’ 4to,
and in 1786 “Evidences of the Christian Religion,’ 2 vols. 12mo. In 1790 he
edited an edition of Addison’s papers, which appeared at Edinburgh that
year. The same year he published the first volume of his “Elements of Moral
Science;’ the second followed in 1793. To the latter volume was appended
some remarks against the continuance of the slave-trade. Long before the
abolition of that iniquitous traffic was mooted in parliament. Dr. Beattie
had introduced the subject into his academical course, with the express hope
that the lessons of humanity which he taught would be useful to such of his
pupils as might thereafter proceed to the West Indies. His last production
was ‘An Account of the Life, Character, and Writings of his eldest Son,
James Hay Beattie,’ an amiable and promising young man, his assistant in the
professorship, who died in 1790, at the age of 22 (see next article). This
great affliction was followed in 1796 by the equally premature death of his
youngest son Montague, in his 19th year. These bereavements, with
the melancholy fate of his wife, quite broke his heart. Looking at the
corpse of his boy, he said, “I am now done with this world;” and although he
performed the duties of his chair till a short time previous to his death,
he never again applied to study; he enjoyed no society or amusement; even
music, of which he had been passionately fond, lost its charms for him, and
he answered few letters from his friends. Yet ye would sometimes express
resignation to his childless condition. “How could I have borne,” he would
feelingly say, “to see their elegant minds mangled with madness!” He had
been all his life subject to headaches, which sometimes interrupted his
studies; but now his spirits and his constitution were entirely gone. – In
April 1799 he was struck with palsy, and, after some paralytic strokes, he
died at Aberdeen, August 18, 1803. Subjoined is a portrait of Dr. Beattie
from the painting by Sir Joshua Reynolds:

Beattie’s metaphysical writings are clear, lively, and attractive, but not
profound, and the “Essay on Truth,’ once so much read and admired, has now
fallen into comparative neglect, from its merits having been much overrated
at the time it appeared. His poem of the “Minstrel,’ his ‘Odes to Retirement
and Hope,’ and his ‘Hermit,’ will perpetuate his name as one of the most
popular and pleasing poets of the eighteenth century, when his philosophical
productions are no longer read. “Of all his poetical works,” says Sir
William Forbes, “the Minstrel is beyond all question the best, whether we
consider the plan or the execution. The language is extremely elegant, the
versification harmonious; it exhibits the richest poetic imagery, with a
delightful flow of the most sublime, delicate, and pathetic sentiment. It
breathes the spirit of the purest virtue, the soundest philosophy, and the
most exquisite taste. In a word, it is at once highly conceived and
admirably finished.” The descriptions of natural scenery in this fine poem
are not exceeded in beauty by those of any of his contemporaries. The
following stanza was declared by Gray to be “true poetry:”
O! How can’st thou renounce the boundless store
Of charms which Nature to her votary yields?
The warbling woodland, the resounding shore,
The pomp of groves, and garniture of fields;
All that the genial ray of morning gilds,
And all that echoes to the song of even,
All that the mountain’s sheltering bosom shields,
And all the dread magnificence of Heaven;
O! How canst thou renounce, and hope to be forgiven!
private life Dr. Beattie was a man of amiable and unassuming manners; and a
warm attachment to the principles of morality and religion pervades all his
writings. His life, by Sir William Forbes of Pitsligo, baronet, an old and
intimate friend of his, which appeared in two volumes 4to in 1806, contains
some interesting selections from his private correspondence. In his latter
years Dr. Beattie was assisted in the duties of his professorship by his
relation, Mr. George Glennie, afterwards D.D., and one of the ministers of
Aberdeen, who succeeded him.
is a list of Dr. Beattie’s works:
Original Poems and Translations. Lond. and Edin. 1761. Consisting partly of
originals, and partly of pieces formerly printed in the Scots Magazine.
Judgment of Paris; a Poem. 1765, 8vo.
new edition of his Poems. Second edition. 1766, 8vo. To this edition he
added a Poem of the Talk of Erecting a Monument to Churchill, in
Westminster-Hall, and by Sir William Forbes, to have been first published
separately, and without a name.
Essay on the Nature and Immutability of Truth, in opposition to Sophistry
and Scepticism. 1770, 8vo. Edin. 1771, 8vo. 1772, 1773. Lond. 1774, 8vo.
Minstrel, or the Progress of Genius; a Poem. Book i. Edin. 1771, 4to. Book
ii. Edin. 1774, 4to. Published together, with a few juvenile poems. 1777, 2
vols. 12mo. Edin. 1803, 4to. A new edition, with the Life of the Author by
Alex. Chalmers, Esq. 1805, 8vo. Book iii, being a continuation of the
Minstrel, appeared in1807, 4to.
Essays on Poetry and Music, as they affect the mind; on Laughter and
Ludicrous Composition; on the Utility of Classical Learning. Edin. 1776,
8vo. Loun. 1779, 8vo.
Dissertations, Moral and Critical, on Memory and Imagination; on Dreaming;
the Theory of Language; on Fable and Romance; on the Attachments of Kindred;
and Illustrations on Sublimity. Lond. 1783, 4to.
Evidences of the Christian Religion briefly and plainly stated. Lond. 1786,
2 vols, 8vo.
Theory of Language; in two parts.
Elements of Moral Science. Vol. i. 1790, 8vo; including Psychology, or
Perceptive Faculties and Active Powers; and Natural Theology; with two
Appendices on the Incorporeal Nature, and on the Immortality of the Soul.
Second volume. Lond. 1793, 8vo. Containing Ethics, Economics. Politics, and
Remarks on some Passages on the Sixth Book of the Æneid. Trans. Roy. Soc.
Edin. 1790, 2d vol. This is, in fact, a dissertation on the Mythology of the
Romans, as poetically described by Virgil, in the episode of the descent of
Æneas into hell.
son of the preceding, was born at Aberdeen, November 6, 1768. “He had
reached his fifth or sixth year,” says his father, “knew the alphabet, and
could read a little; but had received no particular information with respect
to the Author of his being; because I thought he could not yet understand
such information; and because I had learnt from my own experience, that to
be made to repeat words not understood, is extremely detrimental to the
faculties of a young mind. In a corner of a little garden, without informing
any person of the circumstance, I wrote in the mould with my finger the
three initial letters of his name; and sowing garden cresses in the furrows,
covered up the seed, and smoothed the ground. Ten days after, he came
running up to me, and with astonishment in his countenance, told me that his
name was growing in the garden. I smiled at the report, and seemed inclined
to disregard it; but he insisted on my going to see what had happened. Yes,
said I, carelessly, I see it is so; but there is nothing in this worth
notice; it is mere chance, and I went away. He followed me, and taking hold
of my coat, said, with some earnestness, It could not be mere chance, for
somebody must have contrived matters to as to produce it. So you think, I
said, that what appears so regular as the letters of your name cannot be by
chance? Yes, said he, with firmness, I think so. Look at yourself, I
replied, and consider your hand and fingers, your legs and feet, and other
limbs; are they not regular in their appearance, and useful to you? He said
they were. Came you, then, hither, said I, by chance? No, he answered, that
cannot be; something must have made me. And who is that something? I asked.
He said, he did not know. I had now gained the point I aimed at, and saw
that his reason taught him, though he could not so express it, that what
begins to be must have a cause, and that what is formed with regularity must
have an intelligent cause. I therefore told him the name of the Great Being
who made him and all the world; concerning whose adorable nature I gave him
such information as I thought he could in some measure comprehend. The
lesson affected him greatly, and he never forgot either it or the
circumstance that introduced it.” The first rules of morality taught him by
his father were to speak truth and keep a secret, and “I never found,” he
says, “that in a single instance he transgressed either.” Having received
the rudiments of his education at the grammar school of Aberdeen, he was
entered at the age of 13, a student in the Marischal College, and was
admitted to the degree of M.A. in 1786. In June 1787 when he was not quite
nineteen, on the recommendation of the Senatus Academicus of Marischal
College, he was appointed by the king assistant professor and successor to
his father in the chair of moral philosophy and logic. In this character, it
is stated, he gave universal satisfaction, though so young. He was so deeply
impressed with the importance of religion, as always to carry about with him
a pocket Bible and the Greek New Testament. He studied music as a science,
and performed well on the organ and violin, and contrived to build an organ
for himself. He early began to write poetry, and had he been spared, he
would no doubt have produced something worthy of his name. But his days were
numbered. In the night of the 30th November 1789, he was suddenly
seized with fever; before morning a perspiration ensued, which freed him
from all immediate danger, but left him weak and languid. Though he lived
for a year thereafter, his health rapidly declined, and he was never again
able to engage much in study. He died November 19, 1790, in the 22d year of
his age. Over his grave, in the churchyard of St. Nicholas, Aberdeen, his
afflicted father erected a monument to his memory, and, as already stated in
the life of Dr. Beattie, his writings in prose and verse were published by
the latter in 1799, with a memoir of the author. “His life,” says Dr.
Beattie in a letter to the Duchess of Gordon, giving an account of his
death, “was one uninterrupted exercise of piety, benevolence, filial
affection, and indeed every virtue which it was in his power to practise.”
He was an excellent classical scholar, and his talents were considered of
the highest order by all who had an opportunity of knowing him.
author of ‘John o’Arnha’,’ was born in the parish of St. Cyrus, county of
Kincardine in 1785. His parents were respectable, and he received a liberal
education. In 1807 he commenced business as a writer in Montrose. His
abilities soon brought him into notice. He had a strong turn for poetry,
some pieces of which have been published. In September 1823 a disappointment
in love brought on a depression of spirits, under the influence of which he
deprived himself of life, in the church-yard of St. Cyrus, where a tombstone
has been erected to his memory, with an appropriate inscription. The fifth
edition of ‘John o’Arnha’,’ a humorous and satirical poem, somewhat in the
style of ‘Tam o’Shanter,’ appeared at Montrose in 1826, to which was added
‘The Murderit Mynstrell,’ and other poems. The opening lines of ‘The
Murderit Mynstrell,’ which is in the old Scottish dialect, are very fine; –
sweitlie shonne the morning sunne
Upon the bonnie Ha’-house o’Dun:
Siccan a bien and lovelie abode
Micht syle the pilgrime aff his roade;
But the awneris’ hearte was harde as stane,
And his Ladye’s was harder still, I weene.
They neur gaue amous to the poore,
And they turnit the wretchit frae thair doure;
Quhile the strainger, as he passit thair yett,
Was by the wardowre and tykkes besett.
Oh! There livit there ame bonnie Maye,
Mylde and sweit as the morning raye,
Or the gloamin of ane summeris daye;
Hir haire was faire, hir eyne were blue,
And the dymples o’luve playit round hir sweit mou;
Hir waiste was sae jimp, hir anckel sae sma,
Hir bosome as quhyte as the new-driven snawe
Sprent o’er the twinne mountains of sweit Caterhunne,
Beamand mylde in the rayes of a wynterie sunne.
Quhair the myde of a fute has niver bein,
And not a cloud in the life is sein;
Quhen the wynd is slamb’ring in its cave,
And the barke is sleeping on the wave,
And the breast of the ocean is as still
As the morning mist upon Morven Hill.
Oh sair did scho rue, baith nighte and daye,
Hir hap was to be this Ladye’s Maye.