BALCARRES, earl of,
a title formerly possessed by a principal branch of the
ancient and noble family of Lindsay, and now held by the
chief of the name. (See LINDSAY, surname of.) The first
of the family of Balcarres was John Lindsay, the second
son of Sir David Lindsay of Edzell and Glenesk in
Forfarshire, ninth earl of Crawford, who died in
1558. (See CRAWFORD, earl of.) John Lindsay was born
in 1552, and, with his elder brother David, was, at the
proper age, sent to pursue his studies in France, under
the care of Mr. James Lawson, afterwards the well-known
colleague of John Knox in the ministry of Edinburgh. On
the troubles breaking out between the Huguenots and the
Catholics, they were obliged to fly from Paris at a
moment’s warning, leaving their books behind them, and
saving nothing but the clothes on their backs. They took
refuge at first at Dieppe, but on the capture of that
town, they passed over to England, and ultimately went
to the university of Cambridge. (Lives of the
Lindsays, vol. i. pp. 831, 332.) In conformity with
the practice of the age, whereby the nobility and barons
took possession of the temporalities which, before the
Reformation, belonged to the Romish clergy, the revenues
of the rectories of Menmuir, Lethnot, and Locblee, in
Forfarshire, livings in the gift of the family of Edzell,
had been settled upon John Lindsay, while yet a child,
and in consequence he took the title, familiar to every
Scottish antiquary, of Parson of Menmuir. He had also
the teinds, or tithes, of certain parishes, and a
pension of two hundred pounds annually out of the
bishopric of St. Andrews, by writ under the privy seal,
11th July 1576; and the small estate of Drumcairn, in
Forfarshire, was settled upon him. (Ibid. p.
834.) Having applied himself to the study of the law, he
was appointed a lord of session, 5th July 1581, before
he was thirty years of age, when he assumed the judicial
title of Lord Menmuir. Sibbald styles him "a wise and
learned person." (History of Fife, p. 358.) In
1587 he purchased the lands of Balcarres, in the parish
of Kilconquhar, Fifeshire, with Balneill, Pitcorthie,
and other lands in that county, and, 10th June 1592 he
obtained a royal charter uniting them in a free barony
in his favour; an estate, which, says Lord Lindsay, with
the lands of Balmakin and Innerdovat in Forfarshire,
formed the original patrimony of the Balcarres family.
(Lives of the Lindsays, vol. i. p. 337.) In 1587,
Lord Menmuir’s name appears prominently as member of
different public commissions, He was the framer of the
acts passed in that year, "anent the form and order of
parliament," "anent the vote of the barons," and other
acts which modified the constitution of the Scottish
parliament, and abridged the power of the higher
nobility, in admitting the lesser barons to a voice in
parliament by their commissioners. (See BARON, title and
privileges of.) In October 1591, he was appointed one of
the queen’s four master stabulars, or managers of her
revenues, the three others being Seyton, afterwards Lord
Chancellor and first earl of Dunferrnline; Elphinstone,
first lord Balmerinoch; and Hamilton, first earl of
Haddington. In June 1592 Lord Menmuir was appointed for
life " Master of the Metals" and minerals within the
kingdom, "an appointment," says Lord Lindsay,
"sanctioned by extensive powers, and the object of which
was the increase of revenue to the crown, by the
exploration of the mineral wealth of Scotland, more
especially the gold mines of Crawfordmoor on the lands
granted by the Lindsays, above three hundred and fifty
years before, to the monks of Newbattle. But this
resource was found unproductive, or at least the
necessary preliminary outlay was too expensive."
(Lives of the Lindsays, vol. i. p. 351.) In
January 1595 his lordship was appointed one of the eight
commissioners of the exchequer, called the Octavians, in
whom the control and management of the treasury and the
administration of public affairs were vested, with
unlimited powers, after the death of Chancellor
Maitland. In March of the same year (1595) Lord Menmuir
was appointed lord keeper of the privy seal, and on the
28th May 1596 secretary of state for life. "In this
capacity," says Lord Lindsay, quoting the Balcarres
papers in the Advocates’ Library, "the correspondence
and complicated negotiations with foreign powers, for
the object of securing their support of James in the
event of his succession to the throne of England, fell
to the conduct and guidance of Lord Menmuir." (Lives
of the Lindsays, vol. i. p. 356.) He was the chief
confidant and adviser of the king in his attempts to
restore episcopacy, and in 1596 drew up a "plat," or
scheme, for "planting" the whole kirks throughout
Scotland with perpetual local stipends,—a scheme which,
according to James Melville, who has inserted it at full
length in his Diary, (p. 223.) "was thought the best and
maist exact that ever was devisit or sett down, and wald,
sum little things amendit, haiff bein gladlie receavit
be the breithring of best judgment, gif in the monethe
of August ther haid nocht bein ane Act of Esteattis
devysit anent the renewing of the takes of teinds to the
present takismen for thair granting to the perpetuall
plat, quhilk in effect maid the teinds in all tyme
cumming heritable to them; thir locall stipends and a
portioun to the king sett asyde in ilka paroche. To the
quhilk, nather the kirk nor gentilmen whase teinds was
in vther men’s possessioun, could nor wald condisend to.
And sa, as I mentioned befor, the chieff of this wark
gaiff it ower as a thing nocht lyk to be done in his
dayes." (Melville's Diary, p. 229.) According to
Calderwood, the celebrated fifty-five "questions," as
they were called, which, embracing the principal points
in dispute between James and the clergy, were sent by
the king to the different synods and presbyteries, and
led to the convention of a General Assembly at Perth,
28th February 1597, and ultimately to the yielding by
the clergy of most of James’ demands and the
re-establishment of episcopacy, were drawn up by Lord
Menmuir. (Lives of the Lindsays, vol. i. p. 366.)
As he had for years suffered severely from the stone,
his lordship designed to go to Paris, as was then the
custom, to be cut for the disease, and King James
accordingly appointed him ambassador to France,
assigning him one hundred crowns monthly during his
absence. Towards the end of 1597 he resigned his office
of secretary of state, and his place as a lord of
session, the latter of which was bestowed on his elder
brother Sir David, thenceforward designed Lord Edzell.
(See EDZELL, Lindsays of.) His own title and rank as
Lord Menmuir were continued to him for life. Increasing
infirmity prevented his departure for France, and he
died September 3, 1598, at his house of Balcarres in
Fifeshire, in his forty-seventh year. A total eclipse of
the sun had appalled the people of Scotland early in
that year, and among other events which it was thought
to have portended was the death of Lord Menmuir, "for
naturall judgment and lerning," says James Melville,
"the graittest light of the polecie and counsell of
Scotland." (Diary, p. 290.) Besides the other offices
held by him, he was also chancellor of the university of
St. Andrews.
Lord Menmuir is commemorated as an able lawyer and
statesman, a scholar, a man of letters, and a poet. He
seems to have been acquainted with the French, Italian,
Spanish, and other continental languages, and wrote both
the Latin and Scottish fluently and vigorously. He is
mentioned with praise as a writer of " Epigrams," both
by Scott of Scotstarvet, and Sir William Alexander, earl
of Stirling; but none of them have been preserved. A
treatise of his, ‘De Jure Anglicano,’ has also been
lost. He was a book-collector, and accumulated numerous
state-papers and letters by personages distinguished
during the earlier parts of the sixteenth century,
particularly those belonging to the court of France,
such as, Catherine de Medicis; Henry the Second; the
celebrated Anne, Constable de Montmorency; Diana of
Poitiers; Mary, Queen of Scots; Margaret of France,
duchess of Savoy; James the Fifth of Scotland; Jeanne
d’Albret, queen of Navarre, and others. All these, with
others of later date, were presented, in 1712, to the
Advocate’s library, Edinburgh, by Lord Menmuir’s great
grandson, Colin, third earl of Balcarres, and have been
arranged and bound up, by Dr. Irving, the late
librarian, in nine folio volumes. Mr. Maidment,
advocate, has printed several of them in the
Miscellany of the Maitland Club, vol. i. page 207,
et seq., and in the Analecta Scotica, 2
vols. 8vo, 1836—7. Much of Lord Menmuir’s own
correspondence, both in Latin and Scottish, is also
preserved in the public repositories of Scotland.
Several of his Latin letters are printed in Mr.
Maidment’s Letters and State Papers during the reign
of King James 17., Abbotsford Club, page 18
et seq. (See Lives of the Lindsays, vol.
i. pp. 375, 376, and notes.) The family mansion
of Balcarres was erected by his lordship in 1595.
He was twice married, first, in 1581, to Marion,
daughter of Alexander Guthrie, burgess of Edinburgh, and
widow of David Borthwick of Lochhill, Lord Advocate from
1573 to 1580, by whom he had two sons, John and David,
and three daughters; secondly, to Dame Jean Lauder, the
dowager lady of Corstorphin, who, described as "a
termagant," made his life very uncomfortable, and was
even imprisoned for her violence. By this lady he had no
children. Catherine, his eldest daughter, was married
first to her cousin Sir John Lindsay of Woodhead and
Ballinscho, fourth son of David, tenth earl of Crawford,
and had a son, Colonel Henry Lindsay; secondly, to John
Brown of Fordell, Perthshire, to whom also she had
issue; Margaret, the second daughter, married Sir John
Strachan of Thornton, and Janet, the youngest, became
the wife of Sir David Auchmutie of Auchmutie.
John Lindsay, Lord Menmuir’s eldest son, died
shortly after himself, under age and unmarried, in
January 1601.
The second son, David, succeeded his brother when
only fourteen years old. In 1607, before he was twenty
years of age, he went to the continent, and spent some
years in France and elsewhere. In 1612 he returned to
Scotland, when he received the honour of knighthood. He
married Lady Sophia Seyton, third daughter of Alexander,
first earl of Dunfermline, lord high chancellor of
Scotland, and retiring to Balcarres, devoted himself to
literary and scientific pursuits. He is said to have had
the best library of his time in Scotland. He was a
laborious alchemist, and "natural philosophy,
particularly chemistry and the then fashionable quest of
the elixir vitae, and the philosopher’s stone,
occupied much of his attention." (Lives of the
Lindsays, vol. ii. p. 3.) Ten volumes of transcripts
and translations from the works of the Rosicrucians and
others were, at one period, in the library at Balcarres,
written in his own hand, of which only four now remain.
was the correspondent and friend of Drummond of
Hawthornden, and the celebrated Sir John Scott of
On Charles the First’s visit to Scotland in 1633,
Sir David was created Lord Lindsay of Balcarres, 27th
June that year, to him and his heirs male bearing the
name of Lindsay. In 1639, when the Scots mustered their
forces on Dunse Law, to resist Charles’ attempt to
overthrow the civil and religious liberties of Scotland,
Lord Balcarres appeared at the head of his followers on
the side of the Covenanters. The treaty of Berwick
brought a temporary peace, and Lord Balcarres disbanded
his followers. He died at Balcarres in March 1641.
His eldest son, Alexander, second Lord Balcarres,
raised a troop of horse, constantly alluded to in the
histories of the period, with which he joined the
Covenanters, and was engaged at the battle of Alford
against the marquis of Montrose, 2d July 1645. After the
defeat of the Covenanters, with General Baillie and the
earl of Argyle, he repaired to the parliament of
Stirling, and was favourably received. At the sitting of
10th July, "the house, by ther acte, ordained the Lord
Balcarras good service to hes countrey to be recordit in
the bookes of parliament to posterity, and a letter of
thankes to be wrettin from the house to him, for hes
worthey carriage and good service." (Balfour’s
Annals, vol. iii. p. 295.) At the battle of Kilsyth,
which followed, Balcarres acted as general of the horse,
and on the defeat of the Covenanters, he fled to West
Lothian, and reached Colinton the same night, with ten
or twelve horsemen only. On the surrender of the king to
the Scottish army, Lord Balcarres was one of the
commissioners sent by the Scottish parliament 19th
December 1646, to negotiate with Charles on the part of
the church and parliament of Scotland; but as his
majesty declined the terms, the Scotch army retired from
England, after surrendering him to the English
parliament. In 1648 Lord Balcarres entered into the
engagement or league, which was formed for the rescue of
the king, and was appointed colonel of horse for the
shire of Fife. He was also one of the Committee
appointed to manage affairs during the recess of
parliament. On the arrival of Charles the Second in
Scotland in 1650, he waited upon his majesty. by whom he
was graciously received. After the rout at Dunbar, he
formed a party in favour of the king, and they soon
became the majority in parliament. On the 22d February
1651, "My Lord Balcarras," says Sir James Balfour, "gave
his Majestie a banquett at his housse (in Fife), quher
he stayed some two houres, and visited his ladey that
then lay in." (Annals, vol. iv. p. 247.) He was
created earl of Balcarres by patent dated at Perth 9th
January 1651, appointed hereditary governor of the
castle of Edinburgh, (this office was given up to the
crown after his death, by his widow,) and high
commissioner to the General Assembly of the kirk, which
met at Dundee, 16th July, 1651.
On Charles’s march to Worcester, he left
Balcarres, with the earl of Crawford and Lords Marischal
and Glencairn, as a committee of estates, in charge of
his affairs in Scotland, but his lordship was soon
obliged to take refuge in the Highlands, where he
assumed the command of the royalist troops, under the
king’s commission. He had sold his plate the previous
year for two thousand pounds, to defray the expenses of
the General Assembly. To assist his majesty’s interests
in the north, he now mortgaged his estates for six
thousand pounds more. (Lives of the Lindays, vol.
ii. p. 92.) After the defeat of the king at Worcester,
Lord Balcarres capitulated, in December 1651 to
Cromwell’s officers at Forres, and, disbanding his
followers, settled, on the 8th November 1652, with his
family at St Andrews, whence he kept up a correspondence
with his exiled sovereign.
When General Monk was recalled from Scotland, Lord
Balcarres again took arms in the Highlands, and in
concert with Athol, Lorn (afterwards the unfortunate
earl of Argyle, beheaded in 1685), and the principal
Highland chiefs, under the earl of Glencairn as
commander-in-chief, made a last unavailing attempt to
uphold the royal cause against Cromwell. In 1654 his
estate was sequestrated. He was afterwards sent for by
the king, to consult as to the position of affairs, and
accordingly, with his countess, he proceeded to France.
He continued some years with the king, holding the
office of secretary of state for Scotland, and was
employed in various political negotiations for the
interest of King Charles. Lord Clarendon, head of the
high church party, once had influence enough with the
king to procure his dismissal from the court at Cologne,
but he was soon recalled. In a letter to Lord Arlington,
Charles thus expresses himself,—" Our little court are
all at variance, but Lord Balcarres will soon return and
heal us with his wisdom." (Memoirs of James, earl of
Balcarres, quoted in the Lives of the Lindsays, vol.
ii. page 106.) His lordship died in exile at Breda, 30th
August 1659, and his body having been brought to
Scotland, was interred at Balcarres. Cowley, styled by
Lord Lindsay the minstrel of the Cavaliers, wrote an
elegiac poem upon his death, which thus concludes:
own and country’s ruin had not weight
Enough to crush his mighty mind;
He saw around the hurricanes of state,
Fixed as an island ‘gainst the waves and wind.
Thus far the greedy sea may reach;
All outward things are but the beach;
A great mans soul it doth assault in vain!
Their God himself the ocean doth restrain
With an imperceptible chain,
And bids it to go back again.His wisdom, justice, and
his piety,
His courage both to suffer and to die,
His virtues, and his lady too,
Were things celestial. And we see
In spite of quarrelling philosophy,
How in this case ‘tis certain found
That heaven stands still, and only earth goes round!"
first earl of Balcarres had married, in 1640, the lady
Anna Mackenzie, daughter and co-heiress of Colin, first
earl of Seaforth, and had issue Charles and Colin, who
both succeeded him in the earldom, and three daughters:
Anne, who died a nun; Sophia, a lady remarkable for her
liveliness and spirit, who accomplished the escape of
her stepfather, the earl of Argyle, from the castle of
Edinburgh in 1680, in the disguise of a page holding up
her train, and who married the Hon. Colonel Charles
Campbell, Argyle’s third son by his first wife; and
Harriet, who became the wife of Sir Duncan Campbell,
Baronet, of Auchinbreck. The countess of Balcarres
married a second time, in 1671, Archibald, the
unfortunate earl of Argyle, beheaded in 1685.
The eldest son, Charles, second earl of Balcarres,
did not long survive his father, dying unmarried on the
15th October 1662, when only twelve years old, of a
disease of the heart.
The second son, Colin, succeeded his brother. He
was an episcopalian, and distinguished himself by his
staunch adherence to James the Seventh. Lord Lindsay
relates that at the age of sixteen he went to London,
and was presented to King Charles by his cousin the duke
of Lauderdale. Being extremely handsome, the king was
pleased with his countenance. He said he had loved his
father, and would be a father to him himself, and though
so young he gave him the command of a select troop of
horse, composed of one hundred loyal gentlemen who had
been reduced to poverty during the recent troubles, and
had half-a-crown a-day. (Lives of the Lindsays, vol. ii.
p. 120.) His majesty had previously settled on Lady
Balcarres and the longest liver of her two sons a
pension of one thousand pounds a-year, on her giving up,
during their minority, the patent of the hereditary
government of Edinburgh castle, which had been conferred
on their father. Earl Colin married early, and there is
a romance attending his marriage of a peculiarly
affecting nature. The young Mademoiselle Mauritia de
Nassau, sister of Lady Arlington and the countess of
Ossory, and daughter of Louisa de Nassau, count of
Beverwaert and Anverquerque in Holland, a natural son of
Maurice prince of Orange, had fallen deeply in love with
him, and erelong the day was fixed for their marriage.
On this occasion, says Lord Lindsay, the prince of
Orange, afterwards William the Third, presented his fair
kinswoman with a pair of magnificent emerald ear-rings,
as his wedding gift. On the marriage day, when the
wedding party were assembled in the church, and the
bride was at the altar, to their dismay no bridegroom
appeared. The earl, it seems, had forgotten the day
fixed for his marriage, and was found, in his nightgown
and slippers, quietly eating his breakfast. He hurried
instantly to the church, but in his haste left the
wedding ring in his writing case. A friend in the
company gave him one. The ceremony proceeded, and
without looking at the ring he had received, he placed
it on the finger of his fair young bride, It was a
mourning ring, with the morthead and crossed bones! On
perceiving it, at the close of the ceremony, the
countess fainted, and the evil omen made such an
impression on her mind that she declared she should die
within the year, a presentiment which was too truly
fulfilled. (ibid., p. 121.)
After the death of his wife, Lord Balcarres went
to sea with the duke of York, and was with his royal
highness in the well-fought battle of Solebay, 28th May
1672. He was admitted a privy councillor 3d June 1680,
and in 1682 became sheriff of Fifeshire. After the
accession of James the Seventh he was appointed, 3d
September 1686, one of the Council of Six, or
commissioners of the treasury, in whom the Scottish
administration was lodged. When the prince of Orange
prepared to invade Britain, the earl of Balcarres and
his friend the earl of Cromarty proposed to the earl of
Perth, the chancellor, with the money then in the
Scottish exchequer, about ninety thousand pounds, to
levy ten battalions of foot, to form a body of four or
five thousand men from the Highlands, to raise the
arrière van and to select about twelve thousand horse
out of them, and with this force and three or four
thousand regular troops, amounting in all to an army of
about fifteen thousand men, commanded by General Douglas
and Lord Dundee, to march to York, and keep all the
northern counties in order. This plan was disapproved of
by Lord Melfort, sole secretary of state, who sent
orders for the small army on foot instantly to march
into England, to reinforce the English army. On rumours
of the landing of the prince reaching Scotland, Lord
Balcarres was sent by the council to London to ascertain
the state of matters. With Lord Dundee he waited upon
the king a day or two after his return from his flight
to Feversham, and was affectionately received. At the
request of James they took a walk with his majesty in
the Mall. The king asked them how they came to be with
him, when all the world had forsaken him for the prince
of Orange. Lord Balcarres said their fidelity to so good
a master would ever be the same, and that they had
nothing to do with the prince of Orange. Lord Dundee
also made the strongest professions of duty. The poor
king then demanded, "Will you two, as gentlemen, say you
have still attachment to me ?" They both replied, "Sir,
we do." "Will you," said James, "give me your hands upon
it, as men of honour ?" They did so. "Well," continued
the king, "I see you are the men I always took you to
be. You shall know all my intentions. I can no longer
remain here but as a cipher, or be a prisoner to the
prince of Orange, and you know there is but a small
distance between the prisons and the graves of kings;
therefore I go for France immediately. When there, you
shall have my instructions,— you, Lord Balcarres, shall
have a commission to manage my civil affairs, and you,
Lord Dundee, to command my troops in Scotland." (Lives
of the Lindsays, voL ii. p. 162.)
After James was gone, Lord Balcarres waited on the
prince of Orange, to whom he was well known. The prince
said he doubted not of his lordship’s attachment to him
at the convention. The earl replied, that although he
had the utmost respect for his highness, be could have
no hand in turning out his king, who had been a kind
master to him, however imprudent in many things. The
prince twice thereafter spoke to him on the same
subject, but at last told him to beware how be behaved
himself, for if he transgressed the law, he should be
left to it. Lords Balcarres and Dundee then returned to
Scotland, where, with the archbishop of St. Andrews,
they received a commission from King James to call a new
convention at Stirling. After Dundee had gone north to
raise forces in King James’ behalf, the duke of
Hamilton, who was president of the parliament, had been
invested with full powers, to imprison suspected
persons, sent a detachment of infantry to Fife, to take
Lord Balcarres prisoner. He was carried to Edinburgh,
and confined in the common gaol, where at first he had
liberty to see his friends. At the first meeting of the
convention, however, some intercepted letters, directed
to him by the earl of Melfort, were read; wherein, after
assurances of speedy relief, he expressed a wish that
some had been cut off that he and Lord Balcarres had
often spoken off, and then these things had never
happened, "but when we get the power," it was added, "we
will make these men hewers of wood and drawers of
water." In his memorial to King James, Lord Balcarres
solemnly denied that he had ever heard Lord Melfort use
any such expressions, and in the convention he was
defended by the duke of Queensberry, who expressed his
conviction that Melfort had written the letters on
purpose to injure Lord Balcarres, with whom he was on
very ill terms. Influenced by the duke of Hamilton,
however, the convention voted his lordship close
prisoner in the tolbooth, where he remained for four
months. On the surrender of the castle of Edinburgh by
the duke of Gordon, he was removed to that fortress, and
not released till after the death of Dundee at
Killiecrankie, and consequent dispersion of his army.
When confined to the castle he is said to have seen the
ghost of his friend Dundee one morning at daybreak. The
story is thus related. "The spectre, drawing aside the
curtain of the bed, looked very steadfastly upon the
earl, after which it moved towards the mantelpiece,
remained there for some time in a leaning posture, and
then walked out of the chamber without uttering one
word. Lord Balcarres, in great surprise, though not
suspecting that which he saw to be an apparition, called
out repeatedly to his friend to stop, but received no
answer, and subsequently learned that at the very moment
this shadow stood before him Dundee had breathed his
last near the field of Killiecrankie." (Law’s Memorials,
Prefatory Notice by C. Kirkpatrick Sharpe, Esq. p. xci.
quoted by Lord Lindsay.) Lord Balcarres had no doubt
been dreaming of Dundee, and the vision which he thus
saw had been but the vivid impression of his dream.
had no sooner regained his freedom than he engaged
deeply in the plot set on foot by Sir James Montgomery
of Skelmorly, for the restoration of King James, and on
its discovery, in 1690, he thought it advisable to
retire to the continent. He first went to Holland to
visit his first wife’s relations, and then proceeded
through Flanders in a coach with some friends on his way
to France. At one part of the journey he was proceeding
on foot with a guide through a wood to the next stage,
when he met with a party of banditti, who seized and
robbed him, and were going to kill him, but on promising
them a good ransom they spared his life. He remembered
that the Jesuits had a college at Douay, from which they
were distant thirty miles—they, he said, would pay his
ransom. The thieves agreed for one hundred pistoles, and
took his oath never to discover them. The money was
paid, and he got his liberty, and went to the college,
where he found the famous Father Petre. The priests
treated him with great kindness, got him clothes, and
lent him money on his bills. (Lives of the Lindsays,
vol. ii. p. 176.)
On his arrival at St. Germains, he waited on the
exiled monarch, by whom, as well as by the queen, he was
received with great affection. He delivered to King
James the curious memoir, drawn up by himself, which,
with the title of ‘An Account of the Affairs of Scotland
relating to the Revolution of 1688,’ was published in
1714 at London, and afterwards in 1754 at Edinburgh; a
work which has entitled Lord Balcarres to a place in
Walpole’s Royal and Noble Authors. The manuscripts from
which these editions were printed having been, in
several instances, corrupted and interpolated, Lord
Lindsay has printed the Memoir for the Bannatyne Club,
for the first time in its original state.
Lord Balcarres remained for six months at St.
Germains, in great familiarity with King James; but his
old opponent, Lord Melfort, and the priests, becoming
jealous of the favour shown to him, artfully forged a
calumny against him, and he was forbid the court.
He retired to the south of France, whence he addressed
an expostulatory letter to the king, as his father, on a
similar occasion, had done to King Charles the Second in
his exile. James soon wrote to him, inviting him back
again, owning that he had been imposed upon, but the
earl refused to return. After passing a year in France,
he went to Brussels, then to Utrecht, and sending for
his wife and family from Scotland, resided there some
years in tranquility in society with Bayle, Leclerc, and
other learned men. He had married a second time, Lady
Jean Carnegie, eldest daughter of David earl of
Northesk. By this lady he had a daughter, Anne, who
became the wife of Alexander, fifth earl of Kellie, and
after his death, of James third Viscount Kingston,
attainted after the rebellion of 1715, and whom also she
survived. His second countess died in King Charles’s
reign, and he married a third time, Lady Jean Ker,
paternally Drummond, only daughter of William earl of
Roxburgh, youngest son of John earl of Perth, the cousin
of that earl of Perth who was chancellor of Scotland
under King James. By this lady he was father of Colin,
Lord Cummerland, master of Balcarres, who died unmarried
in November 1708, and Lady Margaret Lindsay, who married
John earl of Wigton, and had one daughter, married to
Sir Archibald Primrose.
Owing to his long exile, and his carelessness in
money matters, Lord Balcarres’ affairs in Scotland fell
into disorder, and he found himself five thousand pounds
in debt. Many applications were made to King William to
permit him to re— turn to Scotland. In Carstares’
State Papers, (page 630,) will be found a letter
from the Duke of Queensberry to Car-stares (secretary of
state for Scotland), dated Holyroodhouse 31st August
1700, recommending his being allowed to return.
Carstares had already spoken to King William in Lord
Balcarres’ behalf. His lordship had walked on foot, as
usual, to the Hague, to solicit his favour. Carstares
told the king, a man he had once favoured was in so low
a condition that he had footed it from Utrecht that
morning to desire him to speak for him. "if that be the
case," said he, "let him go home, he has suffered enough
already." Lord Balcarres accordingly returned to
Scotland towards the end of 1700, after an exile of ten
years. (Lives of the Lindsays, vol. ii. p. 190.)
On the accession of Queen Anne Lord Balcarres went
to court, to wait on her Majesty, and as Lord Lindsay
adds, to negotiate for the interests of the Episcopal
church of Scotland. The duke of Marlborough, with whom
he had an early friendship, and who often said he was
the pleasantest companion he ever knew, got him a
rent-charge of five hundred pounds a-year, for ten
years, upon the crown lands of Orkney, as he had lost
his pension of a thousand pounds per annum at the
Revolution. The grant, dated May 29, 1704, proceeds on
the consideration of Anne, countess of Balcarres, having
surrendered the heritable right to the government of the
castle of Edinburgh. This rent-charge his necessities
compelled him afterwards to sell. Although admitted a
privy councilor by Queen Anne, and talked of as likely
to be appointed lord-justice-general, he held no public
office subsequently to the Revolution. (Ibid.
page 193.)
Lord Balcarres supported the treaty of union, but
on the breaking out of the rebellion in 1715, his old
predilections for the Stuarts returned, and he joined
the standard of the Pretender. After the suppression of
the rebellion, his friend the duke of Marlborough
interposed his good offices on his behalf, and the duke
of Argyle, by whose exertions principally the rebellion
had been suppressed, being also favourable to him, on
surrendering he was subjected to no other punishment
than being confined to his own house, with a single
dragoon to attend him, till the passing of the bill of
indemnity. His latter years were spent in retirement at
Balcarres. He was fond of books and added to his
library. He had also a taste for art, and during his
residence in Holland collected several pictures of the
Dutch school, now in the possession of the present Lord
Balcarres. He caused a handsome village to be built
below his house, which is named after himself,
Colinsburgh, now a burgh of barony under the Balcarres
family, and a thriving place. He died in 1722, in his
seventy-third year. He had married, a fourth time, Lady
Margaret Campbell, eldest daughter of James, second earl
of London, and by her, besides several children who died
young, he had four who survived him, namely, two sons,
Alexander, fourth earl of Balcarres, and James, fifth
earl, and two daughters, Lady Eleanor Lindsay, married
to the Hon. James Fraser of Lonmay, third son of
William, eleventh Lord Salton, and Lady Elizabeth,
familiarly called lady Betty Lindsay, who died at
Edinburgh, 12th March, 1744, unmarried.
Alexander, fourth earl of Balcarres, entered the
army at an early age, and was first an ensign and then a
lieutenant in the horse grenadier guards. He next became
a captain in Lord Orkney’s regiment, then stationed in
Flanders, in which he served from 1707 to the end of the
war, was in all the battles and most of the sieges
during that time, was wounded at St. Venant, and was
looked upon by all as an active, intrepid and skilful
officer. Lord Lindsay quotes a spirited reply of his
which is still remembered and cited in illustration of
his character. A portion of the British army, in which
he had a command, besieging a town in Flanders, was in
its turn threatened by a superior force. As he voted for
perseverance in the siege, he was asked, "What then have
we to retreat upon ?" "Upon Heaven!" was his
reply—and they ultimately took the town. (Lives of
the Lindsays, vol. ii. p. 202.) He was in Ireland
with his regiment at the time his father and brother
engaged in the rebellion of 1715, and their
participation in that outbreak made him lose all
expectation of promotion in the army. He returned home,
and, in 1718, married Elizabeth, daughter of David Scott
of Scotstarvet, in Fife. In 1732 he was promoted to a
company in the foot guards, the highest military rank he
ever attained. At the general election 1734, he was
chosen one of the sixteen representative peers of
Scotland. He died 21st July, 1786. By his countess, who
survived him till 4th September 1768, he had no issue,
and was consequently succeeded by his brother.
James, fifth earl of Balcarres, was born 14th
November, 1691. Preferring the naval to the military
service, at the age of thirteen he went to sea on board
the lpswich, commanded by Captain Robert Kirkton, an
excellent officer, with whom he remained five years, and
through whose means he became lieutenant of the
Portland. In that ship he suffered much hardship for
nearly three years, and lost his health, which obliged
him to observe the strictest temperance in his habits,
and he became so much accustomed to it that he
persevered in it as long as he lived. The following
characteristic anecdote is related by Lord Lindsay:
"Like most other gay and handsome young men, he was fond
of showing off his natural graces to the best advantage,
and, on the day appointed for his examination as
lieutenant, he waited upon his judges in a rich suit of
clothes, with red silk stockings and pink heels to his
shoes; his examiners were a set of rough seamen in
sailors’ jackets, who abhorred dandyism. They determined
not to let him pass, and sent him back to sea for six
months. At the expiration of that time, he reappeared
before the nautical tribunal, a wiser man—in a sailor’s
dress, with a quid of tobacco in his cheek,—passed a
most rigid examination with great credit, and was
dismissed with the assurance that he had acquitted
himself equally to their satisfaction six months
before,—’ but we were determined,’ said they, ‘not to
pass you till you were cured of your puppyism, which
will not do for a sailor.’" (Lives of the Lindsays,
vol. ii. p. 197.) His ship being paid off at the
peace, he returned at the age of twenty-five to
Scotland. He opposed his father’s inclinations to join
the Pretender, but finding him bent upon it, he resolved
to accompany him. He and his friend, the Master of
Sinclair, with the help of others, levied three troops
of gentlemen, who acted as common soldiers. Of this body
he was one of the three captains. At the battle of
Sheriffmuir five squadrons of dragoons ran away before
three squadrons of them. They kept together and in
order, acting with the greatest gallantry, and when the
Highlanders returned from the pursuit, upon the left
wing being beat, they had these squadrons to rally to.
This saved the army, and Lord Marischal, by order of the
earl of Marr, came to their front, and thanked the whole
body for their behaviour. (Lady Anne Barnard,
quoted in Lives of the Lindsays, vol. ii. p.
After the suppression of the rebellion he was
concealed for some time in the castle of Newark, now
ruinous, about three miles from Balcarres, and then
belonging to the Anstruthers. One of the young ladies,
we are informed, concealed him in a secret room
communicating with her apartment, and situated near the
leads of the house. To furnish him with food woman’s wit
came to her aid. She feigned a ravenous appetite, the
cravings of which increased to such a degree that she
declared she could not bear to be seen eating. In
consequence, all her meals were brought to her room that
she might eat by herself; and the supply her pretended
voracity required served to satisfy both. His aunt, the
countess of Stair, represented him to General Cadogan as
drawn into the rebellion by his father against his will,
and solicited a remission for him, which was granted, at
the joint request of Cadogan and Lord Stan-hope, by
George the First, who soon after gave young Lindsay a
lieutenant’s commission in the Royal North British
dragoons, or Scots Grays, commanded by his uncle, Sir
James Campbell. He was in that station when he succeeded
as Lord Balcarres, on the death of his brother, in 1736.
He then went to London, gained the good-will of the earl
of Ilay, the brother of the duke of Argyle, and Sir
Robert Walpole, and got the command of a troop, with
which he proceeded to the continent. At the battle of
Dettingen, fought 16th June 1743, he commanded one of
the squadrons of his regiment, and was by some of the
generals recommended to George the Second as deserving a
higher rank. The king "fell into a passion, and told the
minister that he had occasion to know before that no
person who had ever drawn his sword in the Stuart cause
should ever rise to command, and that it was best to
tell Lord Balcarres so at once." The earl, in
consequence, resolved to quit the army, which he did
after the battle of Fontenoy, where his gallant uncle,
Sir James Campbell, received a mortal wound. His
lordship now retired to his seat at Balcarres, and
devoted_himself to the improvement of his estates. In
the old Statistical account of the parish of
Kilconquhar, Fifeshire, he is described as a nobleman
distinguished by the benevolence of his heart, the
liberality of his sentiments, and the uncommon extent of
his knowledge, particularly in history and agriculture,
and as among the first who brought farming to any degree
of perfection in this country. (Stat. Acc. vol.
ix. p. 296.) When almost sixty years of age, Lord
Balcarres married. He had met at the waters of Moffat,
Miss Anne Dalryrnple, youngest daughter of Robert
Dalrymple, of Castleton, knight, and granddaughter of
the Hon. Sir Hew Dairymple, of North Berwick, knight,
lord president of the court of session. She was born
25th December 1727, and married Lord Balcarres at
Edinburgh 24th October 1749, when only twenty-two. They
had eight sons and three daughters. Of this large family
the celebrated Lady Anne Lindsay or Barnard (see
BARNARD, Lady Anne) was the eldest. Lord Balcarres died
at Balcarres, 20th February 1768, in his seventy-seventh
In his old age he was extremely deaf. The death of
his brother, in 1736, to whom he was much attached, had
so nervously affected him that it suddenly deprived him
of his sense of hearing, which was never restored. He
wrote a Sys— tem of Agriculture, and Memoirs of his
family, from which latter manuscript Douglas, in his
peerage, derived much assistance in drawing up his
account of the Balcarres family. The manuscript was for
a time lost, but was ultimately recovered. Lady Anne
Lindsay says it was lent to the brother of her
governess, a herald in the office of the Lord Lion of
Scotland, and on his death was sold among his books.
Many years afterwards it was discovered on a stall by a
person who bought it for a shilling, and returned it to
a member of the Balcarres family. Lady Anne arranged it
as well as its state permitted, but altered nothing, and
wrote a preface to it. A continuation was written by her
brother, Alexander, the sixth earl. From this valuable
family history copious extracts are given by Lord
Lindsay in his interesting biographical work. Earl James
was also the author of a poetical epistle, addressed to
his wife, written after reading Thomson’s Seasons, "my
first," he says, "and probably last essay in poetry." Of
Thomson he says, "I lived a winter with the man at Bath;
he had nothing amiable in his conversation, and I
expected little from his writings, and never had before
read them; yet his Seasons are truly poetic,—his
descriptions beautiful, re— flections wise." (Lives
of the Lindsays, vol. ii. p. 275, and note.)
eldest son but second child, Alexander, the sixth earl
of Balcarres, was born 18th January 1752, and when
fifteen years of age he entered the army as an ensign in
the 53d foot, and joined his regiment at Gibraltar. He
next went to Germany, where he remained two years,
studying at the university of Gottingen. On his return
he became, in 1771, a captain in the 42d or Royal
Highlanders. In 1775 he was appointed, by purchase, all
his commissions had been bought, major of his old
regiment, the 53d, with which he embarked for Canada, on
the breaking out of the American war. In 1777 he
commanded the light infantry in the unfortunate army
under General Burgoyne, and at the battle near
Ticonderago, 7th July of that year, he was wounded in
the left thigh. Thirteen balls passed through his
jacket, waistcoat, and breeches, yet the wound was
slight. At the head of his regiment of light infantry he
stormed and carried the lines of Huberton. On the 7th of
October following, on the fall of the gallant
brigadier-general Frazer, the command devolved on Lord
Balcarres, who having previously fortified his battalion
in a very strong manner, at the head of his light
infantry was enabled to repulse the American army
commanded by General Arnold, although victorious on
every other point. A few days thereafter, however, he
was forced to surrender with the army, in consequence of
Burgoyne’s convention with General Gates at Saratoga on
the thirteenth October. He obtained his liberty two
years afterwards, in 1779, and on his return home he
married, at London, 1st June 1780, his cousin-german,
Elizabeth, daughter and heiress, by a second marriage,
of Charles Dalrymple, Esq. of North Berwick. While he
remained a prisoner he had been appointed a
lieutenant-colonel in the 24th regiment, and in February
1782 he was advanced to the rank of colonel, and
constituted lieutenant-colonel commandant of the second
battalion of 71st foot, then formed into a separate
regiment, and called the second 71st regiment of foot.
At the general election of 1784, Lord Balcarres
was chosen one of the sixteen representative peers of
Scotland. To the bill introduced into the house of lords
that year, for restoring the forfeited estates, he gave
his warmest support. In answer to an inquiry of Lord
Thurlow, then lord-chancellor, as to where the persons
to whom the estates originally belonged had resided, and
what services they had been engaged in, since the two
rebellions for which their ancestors and themselves had
suffered, Lord Balcarres made a very eloquent and
striking speech, in the course of which occurred the
following passage: "Banished their country, their
properties confiscated, and impoverished in every thing
but their national spirit, they offered their services
to foreign princes, in whose armies they were promoted
to important commands and trusts, which they discharged
with fidelity; but the moment they saw a prospect of
return to their friends and restoration to the bosom of
their country, there was not a man of them that
hesitated; they resigned those high stations, and from
being general officers and colonels, accepted companies,
and some even subaltern commissions in our service. They
were, indeed, returned to their friends, and received
with open arms, nor, in the course of those twelve
years, was there a man who had abandoned his chief
because he was poor, or had deserted him because the
heavy hand of adversity hung over his head. A few more
years promoted them to commands in the British service;
and, at the beginning of the late war, we again see
armies rushing from the Highlands, but not with the same
ideas that formerly animated them.
They had already fully established their
attachment to their sovereign, and a due regard to the
laws of their country. They had repeatedly received the
thanks of their king, and of the two houses of
parliament; but they now found themselves impelled by a
further motive,—they saw themselves commanded by their
former chieftains,—they hoped that, by the effusion of
their blood, by the extraordinary ardour and zeal they
would show in the service, they should one day see their
leaders legally re-established in their paternal
estates, and be enabled to receive from them those
kindness and attentions which they had so generously
bestowed upon them in their adversity. It was this hope,
and these ideas only, that put a stop to those
emigrations which had almost depopulated the northern
parts of the kingdom." In reply, the lord-chancellor,
after disclaiming any intention of reflecting on the
characters or impeaching the merits of the gallant
gentlemen in whose favour this act of grace had been
brought forward, proceeded to say, "It was fortunate for
those brave men that, from what he had said, he had
afforded an opportunity for their merits to be brought
forward in a manner so truly honourable to them, and the
best calculated to do them the justice they deserved. He
rejoiced that their merits had now received the highest
remuneration, the praise of a soldier who had
distinguished himself so eminently in the service of his
country, that his competency to distribute either
censure or approbation on military merit became
unquestionable, and thence his applause was an honour
superior to all reward. So well satisfied was he with
what had fallen from the noble lord on that part of the
subject, that he declared he would desire no better
proof of the merits of the persons concerned." This
benevolent and important bill passed on the 18th of
August, 1784. He was rechosen a representative Scottish
peer at the elections of 1790, 1802, 1806, and 1807. He
had been colonel of the 63d foot since the 27th August,
1789 and in 1793 he had the rank of major-general.
On the breaking out of the war that year, he was
appointed to the civil government and command of his
majesty's forces in the island of Jersey, in the absence
of Marshal Conway the governor. While in that command he
undertook and carried on the correspondence with the
army of La Vendee, and the establishment of the lines of
communications with its chiefs and those of the Chouans,
a business on which he prided himself, and from which he
had great expectations, but which, being mismanaged at
home, came to nothing.
In 1794 Lord Balcarres was named to the government
of Jamaica, where he arrived in April 1795. Almost
immediately after his arrival the Maroons broke out in
rebellion, for the suppression of which he at once
adopted the most spirited and judicious measures, and
was successful in putting an end to the revolt. His
exertions were acknowledged by the House of Assembly,
22d April 1796, voting the sum of seven hundred guineas
for the purchase of a sword to be presented to him as a
testimony of the gratitude of the colony. In answer, his
lordship congratulated the assembly that "during their
contest with an enemy the most ferocious that ever
disgraced the annals of history—an army of savages, who
had indiscriminately massacred every prisoner whom the
fate of war had placed in their power—no barbarity, nor
a single act of retaliation, had sullied the brightness
of their arms." In 1798 he became lieutenant-general,
and in 1801 he resigned his government of Jamaica, and
returned to England, and on the 25th September 1803, he
attained to the full rank of general. Having met with an
accident which lamed him for life, he resided in his
latter years at Haigh Hall, near Wigan, in Lancashire,
the Haigh property being the inheritance of his
countess, on failure of male issue in her maternal
family, that of Sir Robert Bradshaigh of Haigh, baronet,
her ladyship’s great—grandfather. Besides the
continuation of his father’s Memoirs, already mentioned,
Lord Balcarres commenced ‘Anecdotes of a Soldier’s
Life,’ which he did not finish. In the third volume of
the Lives of the Lindsays is inserted an interesting
selection from his public despatches and private
correspondence during the Maroon war. He died March
27th, 1825. He had issue, James Lord Lindsay, the
seventh earl of Balcarres, three other sons and two
The following anecdote, related by the late Mr.
James Stuart, younger of Dunearn, is eminently
characteristic of Lord Balcarres. Speaking of General
Arnold, the celebrated American renegade, he says that
he "resided in England after the war, but was treated at
various times in a way not likely to lead others to
emulate his treasonable conduct. He was with the king
(George the Third) one day when Lord Balcarres, who had
fought under General Burgoyne in the Saratoga campaign,
(and had been specially opposed to him in the action of
October 7, 1777, when his little redoubt saved the
British army,) was presented. The king introduced them.
‘What, Sire!’ said the earl, drawing up his form, and
retreating, ‘the traitor Arnold?’ The consequence was a
challenge from Arnold. They met, and it was arranged
that the parties should fire by signal. Arnold fired,
and Lord Balcarres, turning on his heel, was walking
away, when Arnold exclaimed, ‘Why don’t you fire, my
lord?’ ‘Sir,’ said Lord Balcarres, looking over his
shoulder, ‘I have you to the executioner!’" (Stuart’s
Three Years in North America, vol. ii. p. 462.)
The Hon. Robert Lindsay, second son of the fifth
earl of Balcarres, born in 1751, was many years in the
civil service of the East India Company. Having served
his time, he was appointed to the superintendency of
Sylhet, in the extreme north of Bengal, where he made a
large fortune. While still a resident in India, he
purchased the estate of Leuchars in Fife, and on his
return to Scotland in 1789 he bought from his elder
brother the lands of Balcarres. He married his cousin
Elizabeth, third daughter of Sir Alexander Dick of
Preston-field, baronet, and had issue five sons and four
daughters. He wrote some interesting ‘Anecdotes of an
Indian Life’ printed in the third volume of the Lives of
the Lindsays. He died in 1836, and was succeeded by his
eldest son, Colonel James Lindsay of Balcarres and
Leuchars, grenadier guards, colonel of the Fifeshire
militia, and formerly member of parliament for
Fifeshire. By his second wife, Anne, daughter of Sir
Coutts Trotter, baronet of Westville, he had Sir Coutts
Lindsay, baronet, born in 1824, younger of Balcarres,
author of ‘Alfred, a Drama,’ and ‘Edward the Black
Prince, a Tragedy,’ another son, named Robert, and three
daughters. Margaret, the eldest, married in 1846 her
cousin Lord Lindsay, the author of the Lives of the
Three of the fifth earl’s sons, Colin, James, and
John, were officers in the army. The Hon. Colin Lindsay,
born 5th April 1755, purchased an ensigncy in November
1771, in the 4th regiment of foot. He embarked for
America as lieutenant in the 55th, and was afterwards
promoted by purchase to a company in the 73d, or
Mackenzie Highlanders. He served as captain of
grenadiers during the greater part of the American war,
and was in all the actions in the West Indies. In 1780
he was appointed major to the second battalion of the
73d, and in that capacity served at Gibraltar during the
famous siege of that fortress. At the peace of 1783 he
returned to England with his regiment, and was promoted
to the lieutenant—colonelcy of the 46th. In December
1793 he was appointed aide-de-camp to the king, with the
rank of colonel in the army. An expedition being ordered
to the West Indies, Colonel Lindsay was early in 1795
advanced to the rank of brigadier-general, and appointed
quarter-master-general of the forces there. He sailed
with his brother, the earl of Balcarres, then proceeding
to Jamaica, and landing at Barbadoes on 12th March, was
directed to take the command of the troops in Grenada,
at that time in a dangerous state, on account of the
revolt of the Mulattoes and Negroes excited by French
emissaries. He marched from St. George’s at four in the
morning of the 15th, attacked and defeated the
insurgents on the 17th, but fell a victim to excessive
fatigue and a noxious climate, deeply lamented by his
brother officers and the soldiers under his command. His
death took place 22d March 1795, in the fortieth year of
his age. He published A Military Miscellany; Extracts
from Colonel Templehoffe’s History of the Seven Years’
War; his Remarks on General Lloyd; on the Substance of
Armies; and on the March of Convoys: also a Treatise on
Winter Posts. To which is added, A Narrative of Events
at St. Lucie and Gibraltar; and of John Duke of
Marlborough’s March to the Danube; with the Causes and
Consequences of that Manoeuvre. Lond. 1793, 2 vols. 8vo.
The next son, the Hon. James Stair Lindsay,
entered the army in 1774, as an ensign in the 14th foot,
then in America. He commanded the grenadiers of the 73d
in the engagement with the French and Mahrattas at
Cuddalore 13th June 1783, when he was mortally wounded,
storming the redoubts of that place. He received his
wound about three o’clock, but the attack and defence
being most vigorous, he refused to be taken out of the
enemies’ lines, and lay there till near six, when a
French officer got him a surgeon. He was carried
prisoner into the fort and taken to the French hospital,
and humanely treated. In a few days he died, 22d June
1783, in the twenty-fifth year of his age, unmarried.
General Stewart, in his Sketches of the Highlanders,
(vol. ii. p. 163,) speaks of him with great praise. Part
of an unfinished Journal of the War in the Carnatic, in
which he fell, is inserted in the third volume of the
Lives of the Lindsays.
William, the next son, was drowned at St. Helena,
getting into a boat from the Prism East Indiaman, in
1785, aged twenty-six, having been born in 1759.
His next brother, the Hon. Charles Dalrymple
Lindsay, entered into holy orders, and became bishop of
Kildare, in Ireland. He was born 14th December 1760:
studied at Baliol College, Oxford; had the rectory of
Great Sutterton in Lincolnshire conferred on him in
1793; was consecrated bishop of Killaloe and Kilfenora,
20th October 1803, and was translated to the see of
Kildare in 1804. He was also dean of Christ Church,
Dublin. He married first, at Boston, 1st January 1790,
Elizabeth only daughter of Thomas Fydell, Esq., member
of parliament for Boston, and by her, who died 7th
February 1797, he had three sons and a daughter. He
married, secondly, Catherine, daughter of George
Coussmaker, Esq., who brought him two sons. He died 8th
August, 1846.
The Hon. John Lindsay, the ninth of the family,
born 15th May 1762, had a lieutenant’s commission in the
73d foot, in December 1777, and was promoted in 1780 to
a captaincy in the 2d battalion of the 73d regiment
serving in India, in which station he continued fifteen
years. He accompanied Colonel Fletcher and the troops
detached to the support of Colonel Baillie, on Hyder
Ali’s memorable invasion of the Carnatie, and was taken
prisoner by the Mahrattas, 10th September, 1780, after
being wounded in four places, and endured a captivity of
three years and ten months at Seringapatam, suffering
the greatest privations, and even denied medical aid.
His Journal of that terrible captivity, printed in the
third volume of the Lives of the Lindsays, has been
truly described as one of the most affecting and
interesting narratives extant. At the conclusion of the
peace in March 1784 Captain Lindsay and his
fellow-prisoners obtained their freedom, and rejoined
their regiments. He served under the Marquis Cornwallis
in 1791—2, and with his friend Sir David Baird, was at
the taking of Seringapatam, where he had so long been a
prisoner. He next served in the war with France in 1793,
and returned to England on his regiment’s being ordered
home in 1797. He became major and lieutenant-
colonel of the 71st, and quitted the army on the peace
in 1801. Lord Lindsay states that in 1822, when General
Stewart of Garth published his ‘Sketches of the
Highlanders,’ Colonel Lindsay and Sir David Baird (see
life of the latter, ante, p. 191) were the only
survivors of the two hundred men of the flank companies
of the 73d who had fought under Baillie’s command at
Conjeveram. (Lives of the Lindsays, vol. ii. p.
349.) He married, 2d December 1800, Lady Charlotte
North, youngest daughter of Frederick second earl of
Guilford, and died in 1826.
The Hon. Hugh Lindsay, the youngest son, born 30th
October 1765, entered the navy, and after serving till
the cessation of all promotion at the close of the
American war, became commander of an East Indiaman, in
the service of the East India Company, and afterwards
was a director and chairman of the Company. He married
at Bargeny 14th January 1799, Jane, second daughter of
the Hon. Alexander Gordon, a judge of the court of
session, under the title of Lord Rockville, fourth son
of William second earl of Aberdeen, by Anne, dowager
countess of Dumfries and Stair, and had issue. He died
23d April 1844. An interesting adventure in China, in
which he figures as the principal actor, will be found
in the third volume of the Lives of the Lindsays.
Besides Lady Anne Barnard, already mentioned, the
fifth earl had two other daughters, Lady Margaret and
Lady Elizabeth. Lady Margaret was born 14th February
1753, and married, first, at Balcarres, 20th June 1770,
Alexander Fordyce, Esq. of Roehampton in Surrey, banker
in London, who died without surviving issue, and
secondly, in 1812, Sir James Burgess, and died in Dublin
in December 1814. The great beauty of this lady was
commemorated by Sheridan while she was yet young, in the
well-known lines:
Marked you her eye of heavenly blue,
Marked you her cheek of rosy hue;
That eye in liquid circles roving,
That cheek abashed at man’s approving;
The one Love’s arrows darting round,
The other blushing at the wound?"
youngest daughter, Lady Elizabeth, born 11th October
1763, married 24th July 1782, Philip third earl of
Hardwicke, lord-lieutenant of Ireland from 1801 to 1806,
and had issue. Like the rest of the family she was
highly gifted, and was the authoress of a beautiful
translation of the ‘Gerusalemme Liberata,’ in
manuscript. Lord Lindsay quotes an ‘Address to Entick,’
written in a playful vein, when a mere girl, on the
fly-leaf of Entick’s grammar, on the occasion of an
absurd task having been imposed on her by her
school-mistress; also, lines addressed to her eldest
son, Lord Viscount Royston on his birthday, and sent to
him at Harrow in May 1796, inserted in the Lives of the
Lindsays, (vol. ii. pages 338 and 339). Lord Royston was
lost in a storm off Lubeck 1st April 1808, in his
twenty-fourth year. His ‘Remains’ were published in one
volume, edited by the Rev. Henry Pepys, now bishop of
venerable Countess Dowager of Balcarres, the mother of
this large family, survived her husband, the fifth earl,
fifty-two years, and died at Balcarres 29th November
1820, in the ninety-fourth year of her age.
James the seventh earl was born 24th April, 1783. He had
entered the army, and was major in the 20th regiment of
light dragoons, when he quitted the service in 1804. He
succeeded his father in March 1825, and was created
baron of Wigan, in the peerage of Great Britain, by
patent, dated in June 1826. He married, 21st November
1811, the Hon. Maria Margaret Frances Pennington, only
surviving child of the first Lord Muncaster, and has
issue four sons. His eldest son, Alexander William
Crawford, Lord Lindsay, born in 1812, is the author of a
‘Letter on the Evidences of Christianity;’ ‘Letters on
Egypt and the Holy Land;’ ‘The History of Christian
Art;’ and ‘The Lives of the Lindsays;’ from which latter
work considerable assistance has been derived in the
drawing up of this account of the Balcarres family. He
married, as already stated, his cousin Margaret, eldest
daughter of Col. Lindsay of Balcarres, and has issue.
the death of George, the twenty-second earl of Crawford,
in 1808, Alexander, sixth earl of Balcarres, succeeded
as twenty-third earl of Crawford, but did not assume
that title. His son, the seventh earl of Balcarres, had
the dignities of earl of Crawford and baron Lindsay
adjudged to him by the decision of the House of Lords,
11th August 1848, (see CRAWFORD, earldom of, and
LINDSAY, Lord,) whereby he succeeded as twenty-fourth
earl of Crawford, and takes rank as the premier earl of
Scotland in the Union roll. His lordship, who is the
acknowledged chief of the clan Lindsay, also claims the
title of duke of Montrose (see that title), conferred on
David, fourth earl of Crawford, by charters, dated 18th
May 1488 and 19th Sept. 1489, an older creation than
that held by the head of the ancient house of Graham
The Balcarres arms are the same as those of
the earl of Crawford, which see. At right is a
representation of Balcarres Craig, on the east of
Balcarres house in Fife.