The extraordinary expansion of the
Scotch iron trade of late years has been mainly due to the discovery by
David Mushet of the Black Band ironstone in 1801, and the invention of the
Hot Blast by James Beaumont Neilson in 1828. David Mushet was born at
Dalkeith, near Edinburgh, in 1772. [footnpote... The Mushets are an old
Kincardine family; but they were almost extinguished by the plague in the
reign of Charles the Second. Their numbers were then reduced to two; one of
whom remained at Kincardine, and the other, a clergyman, the Rev. George
Mushet , accompanied Montrose as chaplain. He is buried in Kincardine
churchyard. ...]
Like other members of his family he
was brought up to metal-founding. At the age of nineteen he joined the staff
of the Clyde Iron Works, near Glasgow, at a time when the Company had only
two blast-furnaces at work. The office of accountant, which he held,
precluded him from taking any part in the manufacturing operations of the
concern. But being of a speculative and ingenious turn of mind, the
remarkable conversions which iron underwent in the process of manufacture
very shortly began to occupy his attention. The subject was much discussed
by the young men about the works, and they frequently had occasion to refer
to Foureroy's well-known book for the purpose of determining various
questions of difference which arose among them in the course of their
inquiries. The book was, however, in many respects indecisive and
unsatisfactory; and, in 1793, when a reduction took place in the Company's
staff, and David Mushet was left nearly the sole occupant of the office, he
determined to study the subject for himself experimentally, and in the first
place to acquire a thorough knowledge of assaying, as the true key to the
whole art of iron-making.
He first set up his crucible upon the
bridge of the reverberatory furnace used for melting pig-iron, and filled it
with a mixture carefully compounded according to the formula of the books;
but, notwithstanding the shelter of a brick, placed before it to break the
action of the flame, the crucible generally split in two, and not
unfrequently melted and disappeared altogether. To obtain better results if
possible, he next had recourse to the ordinary smith's fire, carrying on his
experiments in the evenings after office-hours. He set his crucible upon the
fire on a piece of fire brick, opposite the nozzle of the bellows; covering
the whole with coke, and then exciting the flame by blowing. This mode of
operating produced somewhat better results, but still neither the iron nor
the cinder obtained resembled the pig or scoria of the blast-furnace, which
it was his ambition to imitate. From the irregularity of the results, and
the frequent failure of the crucibles, he came to the conclusion that either
his furnace, or his mode of fluxing, was in fault, and he looked about him
for a more convenient means of pursuing his experiments. A small square
furnace had been erected in the works for the purpose of heating the rivets
used for the repair of steam-engine boilers; the furnace had for its chimney
a cast-iron pipe six or seven inches in diameter and nine feet long. After a
few trials with it, he raised the heat to such an extent that the lower end
of the pipe was melted off, without producing any very satisfactory results
on the experimental crucible, and his operations were again brought to a
standstill. A chimney of brick having been substituted for the cast-iron
pipe, he was, however, enabled to proceed with his trials.
He continued to pursue his experiments
in assaying for about two years, during which he had been working entirely
after the methods described in books; but, feeling the results still
unsatisfactory, he determined to borrow no more from the books, but to work
out a system of his own, which should ensure results similar to those
produced at the blast-furnace. This he eventually succeeded in effecting by
numerous experiments performed in the night; as his time was fully occupied
by his office-duties during the day. At length these patient experiments
bore their due fruits. David Mushet became the most skilled assayer at the
works; and when a difficulty occurred in smelting a quantity of new
ironstone which had been contracted for, the manager himself resorted to the
bookkeeper for advice and information; and the skill and experience which he
had gathered during his nightly labours, enabled him readily and
satisfactorily to solve the difficulty and suggest a suitable remedy. His
reward for this achievement was the permission, which was immediately
granted him by the manager, to make use of his own assay-furnace, in which
he thenceforward continued his investigations, at the same time that he
instructed the manager's son in the art of assaying. This additional
experience proved of great benefit to him; and he continued to prosecute his
inquiries with much zeal, sometimes devoting entire nights to experiments in
assaying, roasting and cementing iron-ores and ironstone, decarbonating
cast-iron for steel and bar-iron, and various like operations. His general
practice, however, at that time was, to retire between two and three o'clock
in the morning, leaving directions with the engine-man to call him at
half-past five, so as to be present in the office at six. But these
praiseworthy experiments were brought to a sudden end, as thus described by
himself: -- "In the midst of my career of investigation," says he,
[footnote... Papers on Iron and Steel. By David Mushet. London, 1840. ...]
"and without a cause being assigned, I was stopped short. My furnaces, at
the order of the manager, were pulled in pieces, and an edict was passed
that they should never be erected again. Thus terminated my researches at
the Clyde Iron Works. It happened at a time when I was interested--and I had
been two years previously occupied--in an attempt to convert cast-iron into
steel, without fusion, by a process of cementation, which had for its object
the dispersion or absorption of the superfluous carbon contained in the
cast-iron,--an object which at that time appeared to me of so great
importance, that, with the consent of a friend, I erected an assay and
cementing Furnace at the distance of about two miles from the Clyde Works.
Thither I repaired at night, and sometimes at the breakfast and dinner hours
during the day. This plan of operation was persevered in for the whole of
one summer, but was found too uncertain and laborious to be continued. At
the latter end of the year 1798 I left my chambers, and removed from the
Clyde Works to the distance of about a mile, where I constructed several
furnaces for assaying and cementing, capable of exciting a greater
temperature than any to which I before had access; and thus for nearly two
years I continued to carry on my investigations connected with iron and the
alloys of the metals.
"Though operating in a retired manner,
and holding little communication with others, my views and opinions upon the
RATIONALE of iron-making spread over the establishment. I was considered
forward in affecting to see and explain matters in a different way from
others who were much my seniors, and who were content to be satisfied with
old methods of explanation, or with no explanation at all.....
Notwithstanding these early reproaches, I have lived to see the nomenclature
of my youth furnish a vocabulary of terms in the art of iron-making, which
is used by many of the ironmasters of the present day with freedom and
effect, in communicating with each other on the subject of their respective
manufactures. Prejudices seldom outlive the generation to which they belong,
when opposed by a more rational system of explanation. In this respect, Time
(as my Lord Bacon says) is the greatest of all innovators.
"In a similar manner, Time operated in
my favour in respect to the Black Band Ironstone. [footnote... This valuable
description of iron ore was discovered by Mr. Mushet, as he afterwards
informs us (Papers on Iron and Steel, 121),in the year 1801, when crossing
the river Calder, in the parish of Old Monkland. Having subjected a specimen
which he found in the river-bed to the test of his crucible, he satisfied
himself as to its properties, and proceeded to ascertain its geological
position and relations. He shortly found that it belonged to the upper part
of the coal-formation, and hence he designated it carboniferous ironstone.
He prosecuted his researches, and found various rich beds of the mineral
distributed throughout the western counties of Scotland. On analysis, it was
found to contain a little over 50 per cent. of protoxide of iron. The coaly
matter it contained was not its least valuable ingredient; for by the aid of
the hot blast it was afterwards found practicable to smelt it almost without
any addition of coal. Seams of black band have since been discovered and
successfully worked in Edinburghshire, Staffordshire, and North Wales. ...]
The discovery of this was made in
1801, when I was engaged in erecting for myself and partners the Calder Iron
Works. Great prejudice was excited against me by the ironmasters and others
of that day in presuming to class the WILD COALS of the country (as Black
Band was called) with ironstone fit and proper for the blast furnace. Yet
that discovery has elevated Scotland to a considerable rank among the
iron-making nations of Europe, with resources still in store that may be
considered inexhaustible. But such are the consolatory effects of Time, that
the discoverer of 1801 is no longer considered the intrusive visionary of
the laboratory, but the acknowledged benefactor of his country at large, and
particularly of an extensive class of coal and mine proprietors and iron
masters, who have derived, and are still deriving, great wealth from this
important discovery; and who, in the spirit of grateful acknowledgment, have
pronounced it worthy of a crown of gold, or a monumental record on the spot
where the discovery was first made.
"At an advanced period of life, such
considerations are soothing and satisfactory. Many under similar
circumstances have not, in their own lifetime, had that measure of justice
awarded to them by their country to which they were equally entitled. I
accept it, however, as a boon justly due to me, and as an equivalent in some
degree for that laborious course of investigation which I had prescribed for
myself, and which, in early life, was carried on under circumstances of
personal exposure and inconvenience, which nothing but a frame of iron could
have supported. They atone also ,in part, for that disappointment sustained
in early life by the speculative habits of one partner, and the
constitutional nervousness of another, which eventually occasioned my
separation from the Calder Iron Works, and lost me the possession of
extensive tracts of Black Band iron-stone, which I had secured while the
value of the discovery was known only to myself."
Mr. Mushet published the results of
his laborious investigations in a series of papers in the Philosophical
Magazine,--afterwards reprinted in a collected form in 1840 under the title
of "Papers on Iron and Steel." These papers are among the most valuable
original contributions to the literature of the iron-manufacture that have
yet been given to the world. They contain the germs of many inventions and
discoveries in iron and steel, some of which were perfected by Mr. Mushet
himself, while others were adopted and worked out by different
experimenters. In 1798 some of the leading French chemists were endeavouring
to prove by experiment that steel could be made by contact of the diamond
with bar-iron in the crucible, the carbon of the diamond being liberated and
entering into combination with the iron, forming steel. In the animated
controversy which occurred on the subject, Mr. Mushet's name was brought
into considerable notice; one of the subjects of his published experiments
having been the conversion of bar-iron into steel in the crucible by contact
with regulated proportions of charcoal. The experiments which he made in
connection with this controversy, though in themselves unproductive of
results, led to the important discovery by Mr. Mushet of the certain
fusibility of malleable iron at a suitable temperature.
Among the other important results of
Mr. Mushet's lifelong labours, the following may be summarily mentioned: The
preparation of steel from bar-iron by a direct process, combining the iron
with carbon; the discovery of the beneficial effects of oxide of manganese
on iron and steel; the use of oxides of iron in the puddling-furnace in
various modes of appliance; the production of pig-iron from the
blast-furnace, suitable for puddling, without the intervention of the
refinery; and the application of the hot blast to anthracite coal in
iron-smelting. For the process of combining iron with carbon for the
production of steel, Mr. Mushet took out a patent in November, 1800; and
many years after, when he had discovered the beneficial effects of oxide of
manganese on steel, Mr. Josiah Heath founded upon it his celebrated patent
for the making of cast-steel, which had the effect of raising the annual
production of that metal in Sheffield from 3000 to 100,000 tons. His
application of the hot blast to anthracite coal, after a process invented by
him and adopted by the Messrs. Hill of the Plymouth Iron Works, South Wales,
had the effect of producing savings equal to about 20,000L. a year at those
works; and yet, strange to say, Mr. Mushet himself never received any
consideration for his invention.
The discovery of Titanium by Mr.
Mushet in the hearth of a blast-furnace in 1794 would now be regarded as a
mere isolated fact, inasmuch as Titanium was not placed in the list of
recognised metals until Dr. Wollaston, many years later, ascertained its
qualities. But in connection with the fact, it may be mentioned that Mr.
Mushet's youngest son, Robert, reasoning on the peculiar circumstances of
the discovery in question, of which ample record is left, has founded upon
it his Titanium process, which is expected by him eventually to supersede
all other methods of manufacturing steel, and to reduce very materially the
cost of its production.