The Arthur legend has been mostly legend for 1500 years.
Many philosifers have tried to interpret the ‘ILLES OF ARTURUS’. Geoffrey of
Monmouth was somewhat successful in translating some of the old manuscripts. Modern times
offer higher educated doctorates to interpret the manuscripts. The Ancient Knights Templar
has excellent records on the genealogy of Arthur, Lancelot, Galahad and Perceval. These new interpretations open the gates to a complete new theory that the
great knights and kings spoken about in the Legend of Arthur are really Scots.
In 1952, Mr. R L Graeme Ritchie found and identified
Caerlaverock Castle on the north shore of the Solway Firth, near the modern Day City of
Carlisle. Caerlaverock is the legendary birthplace of Arthur Pendragon. The son of Uther
(the bad) Pendragon, a Roman Commander stationed at Hadrian’s Wall. The years are
during the Dark Ages when written documentation was very scarce. Geoffrey of Monmouth was
a good resource to the written records of Arthur. The only problem with Geoffrey was his
lack of geographical knowledge of Britain. Certain names of towns sounded much like the
names of Welsh towns therefore he concluded his theory of Arthur being from Wales.
The twelve battles that Arthur was in are as follows:
- Ostium fluminis. Glein = mouth of the River Glein
- allied flumen Dubglas in reione Linnuis = another River, the
Dubglas in the Linnuis area
- same
- same
- same
- Flumen. Basses = River Bassas
- in silva Celidonis, Cat Coit Celidon = in the Celidon Wood,
Battle of Celidon
- in castello Guinnion = in Fort Guinnon
- in urbe Legionis = in the city of the Legion
- in litore fluminis Tribruit = on the banks of the River
- in monte Agned = on Mount Agned
- in monte Badonis = on Mount Badon
The study seems to connect Arthur to the areas of North York
near Hadrian’s Wall, no further north than the Antonine Wall, on the west to what is
now Glasgow and to the East to what is now Edinburgh. This also connects to the Firth of
Clyde and the Firth of Forth.
There were three Legion cities during the Roman times; York,
Chester and Caerleon. Carlisle is mentioned as the headquarters for Arthur in many
manuscripts. The Brigantes were the victorious tribes that won the Northern or Pictish
shores of the Solway. The same area that King Arthur was born in. So, Carlisle is very
important in the history of Britain but also in the role that Arthur led in becoming the
peacemaker of the people.
Arthur was born in 559 AD. When Columba ordained King Aedan
of Dalriada in 574, records show Arthur being Aedan’s eldest son. Arthur’s
mother was Ygerna del Acqs, the High Queen of the Celtic kingdoms. Ygerna was married to
Gwyr-Llew, Dux of Carlisle. The Duke of Carlisle had been sent south to become Gorlois,
Duke of Cornwall. During this time is when Aedan of Dalriada became totally enthralled
with the beauty of Ygerna or better known as Igrain. Later on in years, after Cornwall had
died, Igraine married Aedan making Arthur a legitimate heir to the thrown.
Briton was being invaded by the Anglo- Saxons during the rein
of King Aedan. He was not successful in defeating the Angles. All sides including the
original Scots who are now the Irish and Scandinavians were threatening Dalriada. The Pics
and Alba were fighting over their rights in what is now Scotland. The Christian Church was
growing stronger each day and the Old Celtic ways were being forgotten.
Pendragon and Merlin are both titles, Pendragon meaning Head
Dragon of the Island, King of Kings and Guardian of the Celtic Island. Merlin meant Seer
to the King. Merlin’s real name was Emrys of Powys, the son of Aurelius. The Merlin
was also an elder cousin to King Aedan.
Merlin was a Celt Priest and Vivien del Acqs, the grandmother
of Arthur was the Queen of Avalon and High Priestess of the Ancient Celtic Religion.
Arthur was supposed to unite the two religions but his conscience to be loyal to ONE
religion swayed him to make Christianity the dominating religion of Britain.
Aedan was the son of King Gabran and Lluan of Brecknock.
Lluan was a direct descendent of Joseph of Arimathea, therefore entitling King Aedan mac
Gabran of Scots to receive the title of Pendragon and the first to be ordained by Columba,
a Catholic priest.
In 575 AD, at the age of sixteen, Arthur was appointed
sovereign Guletic (commander). Arthur did have brothers. Their names were Eochaid Find,
Domingart and Eochaid Buide. He was not an only child. Merlin was appointed to Arthur
because he was the eldest. One may conclude that Merlin did raise and protect Arthur.
There was a relationship between Arthur and his half-sister
Morganna or Morgan le Faye the wife of King Urien of Rheged and Gowrie (Goure). Many
people frowned on this act of incest but to the Celtic Britain, it was perceived as the
dual nature of God, the ancient principle of the ‘sacred sister-bride.’ A son
named Modred was born from this union.
Modred plays a significant roll in the destruction of
Arthur’s realm that will be discussed later on in this series. The old transcripts
were confusing to many scholars because of the Welsh-Scottish resemblance of the Gaelic
language. Wales and Scotland were very close allies and friends throughout this time
frame. The remainder of the story shall prove a theory of Lancelot, Galahad and Perceval
also being Scots. |