A Parish History By The Rev. Peter Anton (1893)
The Walled Gardens Kilsyth Scotland
Chapter I.
The Names of the Parish—Boundaries—Patronage—Baronies— Alexander
Livingston — Parliament of 1560—First General Assembly—Relationship of
Alex. Livingston to Lord Livingston—Battle of Pinkie—Ordination and
Stipend —Commissioner for Stirlingshire—The Case of Lady Livingston—Her
Excommunication—Deposition of Minister.
Chapter II.
Prelate versus Presbyter—William Livingston—Voice and Appearance—The
King—His Character—Melville, Welsh, and Bruce—Bishops Ordain
Ministers—Perth Assembly—Jenny Geddes—W. Livingston Presented to Kilsyth—The
Enmity of the King—Livingston Confined to his Parish— Deposed—Presented
to Lanark—Second Deposition—Imprisoned—His Curious Dream—Before the High
Commission—Addresses Marquis of Hamilton—Glasgow Assembly —Last
Chapter III.
John Livingston—A Burning and Shining Light—Appearance and
Disposition—Birth and Education—Mouse Water Cave —Licensed—Continued
Opposition—Torphichen—Countess of Wigton—Persecution and its Results—Stewarton
Revival—Shotts Revival—Livingston’s Great Sermon—The Holy-rood
Sermon—Three Young Men—Livingston’s Methods —Killinchy—Suspended—Attempts
to Reach America— Marriage—Deposed—Second Attempt to Reach America—
Stranraer—Newburn Skirmish—Commissioner to the King —“ The Plague to
Scotland ”—Cromwell and Livingston— Cromwell asks him to Preach—His
Prayer—Oliver has enough of John—Summoned before Privy Council—Banished
—Life in Holland and Studies—Death.
Chapter IV.
Declaration of American Independence—The Signatories— Robert
Livingston—Birth and Removal to Holland— Emigrates—Settles in
Albany—Marriage—Appointments— Indian Raids and Negotiations—Lords of
Trade—With Earl of Bellomont fits out Adventure Galley—William Kidd— The
American Landowner—“Livingston” on the Hudson —Kidd turns Pirate—A
Desperate Career—Livingston’s Estates Confiscated—Captured—Again in
London—Regains Position—Colonial Speakership—Death.
Chapter V.
Lady Livingston’s Epitaph—Viscount Dundee—His Life a Biographical
Problem—His Avariciousness—From Cornet to Peer—Birth—College Life—In the
Army of William— Joins Royalists—Sent to Scotland—Drumclog—John King’s
Invitation—Dundee’s Marriage—Jean Cochrane’s Beauty and Constancy—The
Cases of John Brown and Andrew Hislop—Attends the Convention — Rallies
the Clans— Killiecrankie.
Chapter VI.
The First Laird Livingston—The Second Laird—The Third Laird—Flodden—The
First Baronet —Darnley and Mary—Banishment—Restoration—A Juryman in the
Morton Trial—Earl of Lennox Arrested—Kilsyth Befriends Him— Divorced—The
Second Baronet—His Accomplishments —Fits out a Fleet—His Estates and
Wealth—The First Viscount Kilsyth and Lord Campsie—Defends his Castle -
Overpowered by Cromwell—Disgraceful Conduct of Cromwell’s Troops—The
Castle Burnt—The Supplication of the People—Cromwell’s Act of
Pardon—Cromwell and the Provost of Glasgow—Charles raises Sir James to
the Peerage —The Second Lord Kilsyth—Changed Opinions—In
Parliament—Resigns Commission—Resigns his Estates— His Vacillation and
Chapter VII.
William Livingston, Last Lord Kilsvth—Case of Betty Whytfoord—Marches
into England—The Edinburgh Convention— Attempt to join
Dundee—Arrested—Critical Position—Appeal for Mercy—Banishment—Marries
Lady Dundee—The Exchanged Rings—Utrecht—Lady Livingston
Killed—Presbyterian Plots—Exposure of Lady Livingston’s Remains—A
Picturesque Description—Sir Archibald Edmonstone’s Letter to Napier—Lord
Kilsyih and the French Plot—Again Arrested—“ The Standard on the Braes
o’ Mar”—Battle of Sheriffmuir—Lord Kilsyth Flees—The Last of the Kilsyth
Chapter VIII.
The Covenanters’ Graves—The Battle of Kilsyth—Scottish Army in
England—Montrose—Famine—Pestilence—The Story of Bessie Bell and Mary
Gray—Montrose’s Victories —A Hot Day—Strength of the Armies—The
Decoy—The Snare — Charge of Covenanting Dragoons — Onset of M‘Leans and
M‘Donalds—General Engagement—Fearful Carnage—A Romance of the
Battle—Gordon’s Gravestone.
Chapter IX.
Livingston to Robe—Archibald Graham—Samuel Rutherford—Gabriel
Cunningham—Public Worship—Rous versus Barton—-James Gartshore—Walter
M‘Gill— Leighton—Prelate versus Presbyter—A Parish Riot—Insult and
Resignation—Michael Robe—Elected to Easter Lenzie —James Hay—Parochial
Cases and Anecdotes—Cursing the Minister—Assistant to be Appointed.
Chapter X.
Battlefields and Churches—Principal Carstares—Interview with the
King—James Robe—Presented by Lord Kilsyth—Parish Records — New
Collections — The Communion Vessels—Church Repaired—Parish
Administration—Compared with Edward Irving—A Faithful Ministry—Societies
for Prayer — Pleurisy — Schismatical Controversy — A Period of
Dearth—Operation of Holy Spirit—Sermons on Regeneration—Whitefield—The
First Kilsyth Revival— Evidences of the Power of the Spirit—A Pleasant
Work— Communion—A Gracious Time—Results—Testimonials— Opposition of
Seceders—a Dignified Reply—Robe’s Literary Activity and Death.
Chapter XI.
Rev. John Telfer—Manse and School Building—Parish Notes —Church and
State—Carlyle and Hill Burton—Patronage —Ebenezer Erskine—Thomas
Gillespie—The Relief Church Formed—James Graham—Allan Comfoot—James
Dun—John Anderson—Robert Anderson—John S. Goodall—Dr. William
Anderson—Early Life—Influence of Chalmers—Using the Paper—The Organ
Question—Various Controversies—His Preaching—LL.D.—Estimate.
Chapter XII.
The Agricultural Interest—James Frew—Robert Graham— Introduces the
Potato—History of the Potato—Graham’s Experiments — Widespread Interest
and Success — Dr. Robert Rennie—Graham and Rennie Compared—Peat Moss
Studies—The Nature of Peat—Peat Companies— Rennie’s Early
Life—Presentation and Marriage—A Distinguished Son—Second Marriage—A
Faithful Pastorate— Number of Communicants—New Parish Church—The “Essays
on Peat Moss”—The Peat Bogs of Europe—Dullatur Moss—Flanders
Moss—Substances contained in Moss— Qualities and Sterility of
Moss—Publication and Honours—Czar of Russia—Alexander I.—Offers
Appointment—Sir John Sinclair Advises Acceptance—The Czar’s
Presents—Bell of Antermony—Rennie’s Death.
Chapter XIII.
York House—York Buildings Company—A Romantic Story —Sale of Confiscated
Estates—Rise and Fall of Shares—Kilsyth Estate—State of Agriculture —
Kilsyth Estate Farmed by James Stark—Bought by Campbell—Dullatur
Bog—Plague of Frogs—The Young Pretender—The Company’s Undertakings—Sir
Walter Scott—An Aberdeen Tinsmith—Increase in Price of Land—The Company
Wound Up—The Livingston and Edmonstone Families.
Chapter XIV.
The Kilsyth Estates—The York Buildings Company—The Edmonstone
Achievement—The Edmonstone Family— Princess Isobel—Royal
Descent—Cadency—Princess Mary —First Three Edmonstones—The Fourth Sir
William— Connection with Sir William Wallace—The Fifth Sir
William—Murder of Sir James Stewart—Sir James Edmonstone—The Gowrie
Conspiracy—Apprehended by Arran —A Deep Plot—Popular Fury—Settles in
Ireland—Dun-treath Redeemed—The Ninth Laird—His Brief but Brilliant
Career—Sir Archibald Edmonstone, the Eleventh Laird —Buys Kilsyth—M.P.
for Dumbartonshire—Sir Charles, Second Baronet—Sir Archibald, Third
Baronet—Contests Stirlingshire—Sir William, Fourth Baronet—A Brush with
Pirates—Visits Lord Byron—Captain Wild—Sir Archibald, the Fifth Baronet.
Chapter XV.
“The Christian Gentleman’s Daily Walk”—Sir Archibald Edmonstone, the
Christian Gentleman—Public Opinion —Colzium Library and Chapel—Books,
Sermons, Hymns —Letter to.People of Kilsyth—Vols. of Travel—Thoughts by
the Way—Opinion of Mezzofanti—Prince Charlie’s Widow —Meets Belzoni—The
Holy Land—Ali Pasha—Classical Spots—Byron’s “ Maid of Athens
“Fitzwalter”—“Progress of Religion”—“Happiness”—Letter from Lamartine—
Literary Estimate—Translation from Petrarch.
Chapter XVI.
William H. Burns—Two Kirk Session Meetings—Dun and Kilsyth—9th May,
1843—Character Sketch—At the Feet of Christ—Birth—Ordination—Work at
Dun—Induction to Kilsyth—Presentation and “Call”—At the Grave of Robe
—W. C. Burns—The Memory of Rev. John Livingston—The Second Revival—The
’43 Secession—A Long Bright Sunset— Rev. Robert Black —
Family—Education— Church Building—Rev. W. Jeffrey.
Chapter XVII.
William C. Burns—Boyhood—“A Maxie”—Edinburgh Life —A Turning
Point—Studies for the Ministry—Oratorical Power—Industrious
Preaching—Second Revival—Scene in Church—Visits Dundee—Becomes an
Evangelist—Visits Canada—Embarks for China—China and Chinese Sects—
Methods and Means of Work—His Death—Thoughts of Home—“Very Poor”.
Chapter XVIII.
Professor Islay Burns—“The Pastor of Kilsyth” and “The Chinese
Missionary”—Three Different Characters—A Lovable Soul—Birth—Description
of Kilsyth Manse—A Family Gronp—Student Days—Loss of Sight—A Quiet
Place—Chosen for St. Peter’s—A Peculiar Position—A Cultured
Ministry—Islay Burns and M‘Cheyne—Liberal Views— Pictures of Church
History—Contest with Mr. Rainy—“The Pastor” and “Missionary”—Appointed
Professor —Spiteful Opposition—Life in Glasgow—An Abundant Entrance.
Chapter XIX.
A Successful Family—The Bairds—Sagacity and Enterprise—Their
Works—Connection with Kilsyth—Coke Making— Members of Firm in
i860—Tradition—History—Alex. Baird of Kirkwood—Alex. Baird of Woodhead—An
Anecdote—First Mining Ventures—Merryston—Gartsherrie—“William Baird &
Co.”—List of Mineral Estates—Varied Family Gifts—William Baird—M.P.—Chairman
of Caledonian Railway—Deputy Governor of the Forth and Clyde Canal—John
Baird of Woodhead—Alex. Baird of Urie—James Baird—Townhead Church —
Portrait—Hot Air Blast—Patent Rights Lawsuit—Auchmedden Romance—Deep
Religious Convictions—Robert, Douglas, and George Baird—Alex.
Whitelaw—His Business Capacity—Isaac Disraeli—A Baconian Maxim
Refuted—Present Members of Firm.
Chapter XX.
The Parish Church—Banton Chapel—Rev. J.
Lyon—Ordination—Secession—Pursued by an Echo—Succession of
Missionaries—Manse Built—Rev. James Whiteford—A Parish Quoad
Sacra—William Cadell—Friendship with Dr. Roebuck—Carron Company
Founded—William Archibald Cadell—Scientific Pursuits—His Taciturnity—Sir
Joseph Banks—“A Journey in Italy”—Encyclopaedia Contributions—Clever
Escape—Forth and Clyde Canal—Smea-ton—Hugh Baird—Canal Locks — Trial of
Charlotte Dundas—Fish-tail Propeller.
Chapter XXI.
1843 and After—Rev. Henry Douglas—His Amiability—“Rabbi Duncan”—Work at
Saline and Alexandria—Douglas and M‘Cheyne engaged to Sisters—Inducted
to Kilsyth —Reception—William Henry—Douglas’s Personal
Appearance—Delicate Health and Death—Rev. Alex. Hill— Preaching and
Urbanity—A Distinguished Family—A. K. H. Boyd—Church Membership—Galloway
Bequest—Translation to St. Andrews—Dr. Park—“In like manner I shall
go”—St. Andrews Session Minute.
Chapter XXII.
The Methodists—Succession of Preachers—New Church—The Congregationalists
— Clerical Succession — The Roman Catholic Church—Canon Murphy—Rev.
Alex. Speirs—Lochwinnoch—Dr. Watson, Dundee—Dr. Graham, Kilbarchan - The
Gorbals—“A Congregation without a Church”—Inducted to Kilsyth—Personal
Appearance—Rev. Robert Hope Brown—Author of "Life of Allan
Cunningham”—Ordained to St. Andrew’s Parish, Dundee— Inducted to Kilsyth—“He
did it unto me”—Professor Jeffray—Appointed to Anatomy Chair—Rev. R. H.
Stevenson, D.D.—Rob Roy—Pulpit Power—Overwork— Moderator— Dr. Archibald
Chapter XXIII.
Population—At Revolution—In 1794—In 1891—The Heritors —The Police
Burgh—Magistracy—Parochial Board—Educational— Patrick Bequest—John
Kennedy—Review of Prices and Wages—Benefit Societies—The Savings Bank—
Recreation Clubs — Mineralogy—Natural History—From the Church Tower—An
Ancient River-bed—The Roman Wall—Revived Interest—An Old British
Fort—Derivation of Kilsyth, Kelvin, Banton—A Fingalian Tradition—Making
of Kelvin—“Line upon Line”.
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