The year 1838 is memorable politically for the troubles
which arose from the revolt in Canada and the proceedings of Lord Durham
as High Commissioner. The Radicals became increasingly hostile to the Whig
Government of Lord Melbourne, and the Tories were powerfully led by Sir
Robert Peel. O’Connell and his Irish followers were active in various
ways, which did not add to the popularity of the Government. The
coronation of Queen Victoria in June formed a pleasant interlude to the
angry discussions of Parliament. "For the first time since the reign of
Charles II. there was a public procession, affording a large mass of the
people an opportunity of being witnesses of the pageant, which for nearly
two centuries had been reserved for a select few." It is noted by
annalists that the loudest acclamations were for the young Queen, the Duke
of Wellington, and the Duke’s old antagonist, Marshal Soult, Duke of
Dalmatia. In Scotland the year was marked by the decision of the Court of
Session in the Auchterarder case, which ultimately led to the Disruption.
The spring of 1838 was very severe, and notes will be found below on the
weather in the Highlands.
From the "Inverness Courier."
January 3.—"We are glad to find that our friend and
countryman, Mr Murdo Young, editor and proprietor of the ‘Sun,’ has
purchased from Mr D. Whittle Harvey, and the other proprietor, the
copyright of the ‘True Sun,’ and has merged the Radical journal in his
own." These were two papers which made considerable stir in their day. Mr Murdo Young was a son of the original proprietor of the
Journal," the first newspaper north of Aberdeen. The "True Sun’ was
conducted at a heavy loss. In connection with the two papers, mention is
made of Mr Patrick Grant, formerly the proprietor of Lakefield, in
Glen Urquhart, who, it was stated, had spent many thousands on the
newspaper press in London. At the time of the amalgamation he was in
Ibid.—On Monday, the 18th ult., the streets of Forres
were lighted with gas.
Ibid.—A report is published by the Glasgow Committee
which collected and distributed funds in the previous spring for the
relief of distress in the Highlands. The total contributed was £29,464,
and after supplying food and clothing and meeting other charges, there was
a balance in hand of £5847.
January 10.—There is an account of rejoicings in
Strathspey, in celebration of a visit paid to the district by the Master
of Grant, son and heir of the Hon. Colonel Grant of Grant. There was a
dinner at Grantown, and in other districts balls and bonfires. In each
case a feature of the festivities was an escort of Highlanders, in the
full tartans of the clan, and carrying torches.
January 17.—There is a report of the trial of
cotton-spinners at Glasgow, the managers or agents of a league who
endeavoured to raise the rate of wages by means of assault, fire-raising,
and murder. Their methods were much the same as those that were exposed at
Sheffield many years afterwards. Five men were convicted, but not on the
capital branch of the charge, and were sentenced to transportation for
seven years.
Ibid.—The sale of the steamer Duchess of Sutherland is
recorded. It was purchased by Mr David Chalmers, on behalf of the Aberdeen
Steam Navigation Company, for £13,500. A company had already been
organised in Aberdeen for continuing a vessel on the route between
Inverness and London. It was called the North Star. In a subsequent issue
it is stated that a steamer of a hundred horse-power was to attend the
North Star to collect and distribute the goods of ports which the larger
vessel could not enter.
Ibid.—An Act for the institution of Circuit Courts, to
be held by the Sheriff or Sheriff-Substitute, for the recovery of small
debts, had recently come into force. As an instance of the popularity of
the Act, it is stated that on the first circuit of Sheriff Colquhoun, no
fewer than 143 cases were called at Kingussie and 67 at Grantown.
January 24.—"The frequent representations made to the
Postmaster-General, the Earl of Lichfield, of the abstraction of
newspapers from their envelopes during their transit, has induced his
lordship to issue an order, permitting the name and address of the party
to whom it is directed to be ‘written on the paper itself as well as on
the wrapper.’ This will afford a guarantee in case of the wrapper being
defaced or accidentally torn off."
Ibid.—It is stated that the sport of curling might now
be said to have fairly commenced in Inverness. "Last week the
curling-stones, brooms, and other accompaniments were brought forward, and
Loch-na-Sanais, on the road to Dochfour, with the picturesque hills of
Tomnahurich and Torvain, echoed for the first time to the shouts and noise
of the ‘roaring play.’ A bonspiel was played on Saturday between a party
of married men on one side and bachelors on the other. Grave Magistrates,
Councillors, lawyers, and other citizens mingled in the pastime, and were
as eager and animated as ever they were at the Council Board. . . . The
novelty of the game drew forth a number of ladies and gentlemen, and there
were several hundreds of spectators on the ice and in its neighbourhood.
The public are indebted to Mr Wilson, of the Caledonian Hotel, for the
introduction of this pastime. He provided the curling stones, and has very
handsomely given the use of a coach and horses to convey the parties to
and from the scene of action."
Ibid.—A curious story is given and vouched for
concerning the adventures of a pair of geese. A sheep farmer living at
Borley, in the county of Sutherland, took the farm of Mudale, inland about
thirty miles, and carried with him a pair of geese, which were conveyed in
a covered basket. The new residence did not suit the feathered couple; so
they set off down the river to Loch-Naver, then to Invernaver, after that
by sea to Rispond and Durin. From the latter place they walked across the
country to their native lake at Borley. The wanderers had been six weeks
on their travels, taking a circuitous route of a hundred miles.
Unfortunately, at the final stage of their journey, they were shot in a
Ibid.—Sir Alexander Leith Hay, member for the Elgin
District of Burghs, had been appointed Governor of the Bermuda Islands. He
had sat in Parliament for five years, and proved a most acceptable member.
"Having occasion to vacate his seat as often as he was appointed Clark of
the Ordnance., he was elected five times during the period he sat in
Parliament, thrice without opposition, and twice after defeating Mr Holt
Mackenzie in 1832, by a majority of 125, and Brodie of Brodie in 1834, by
a majority of 120. At the last General Election his popularity among his
constituents was so well established and recognised that no opposition was
offered to his return." The Hon. Fox Maule came forward as a candidate in
succession to Sir Alexander, and was returned without opposition.
February 7.—"We beg to intimate that the ‘Courier’
Office will shortly be removed to those commodious premises at the foot of
Bank Lane, adjoining the Bank of Scotland." These are the premises, which
in an enlarged form, the proprietors still occupy. Previous to 1838 the
offices were at 45 High Street.
lbid.—"We regret to announce the death of Dr Smith,
Provost of Nairn, which took place on the 31st ult. For a long period Dr
Smith was unremitting in his duty to the public as a skilful, benevolent,
and generous practitioner of medicine, a useful citizen, and a
warm-hearted, kind, and faithful friend, the funeral of Dr Smith took
place on Monday last, when the Clergy, Magistrates, and Council, and a
vast number of gentlemen from the town and county attended the mournful
ceremony. It was calculated that upwards of a thousand persons were
present, the greatest number of individuals that ever attended a funeral
in Nairn."
February 14.—The year was marked by a severe frost and
snowstorm, general throughout the country. The North mails were blocked,
and on the East Coast the snow lay deeper than in any other quarter. One
day the mail guard from Aberdeen had to take to horseback at Huntly, and
after leaving Keith disappeared in a wreath, from which he was with
difficulty rescued. "He at length arrived at Inverness, having taken
thirty hours and twenty minutes to accomplish the journey, which usually
occupies about twelve hours." Meanwhile the mail by the Highland road kept
wonderfully good time. In the town of Inverness the price of butcher meat
had risen, and also that of oatmeal, the latter owing to the stoppage of
the water mills. "From the want of the means of communication many of our
shops are running short of supplies, and altogether, if the storm does not
soon abate, we shall be placed in a state of complete blockade." The poor
were suffering severely.
Ibid.—"We are glad to learn that our accomplished
countryman, James Bailie Fraser, Esq., the celebrated Oriental traveller,
who, by direction of the British Government, remained with the Persian
Princes during their recent visit to London, and returned with them to
Constantinople, has just published a Narrative of their residence in
London, where they were received in the highest circles, and had the most
favourable opportunity of viewing society in all its aspects. The
Narrative also embraces an account of their escape from Persia, which was
accompanied by many remarkable adventures."
February 21.—Mr John Westwood, gardener, Belladrum
sends the following readings of the thermometer :—At eight o’clock on the
night of Wednesday, 14th inst., 8 degrees below zero; at ten o’clock 1½
degrees below; at twelve 2 degrees below; and at four on the morning of
Thursday 6 degrees below. The mercury began to rise about five o’clock on
the latter day, and every night afterwards ranged from 32 degrees to 24
degrees. Mr Westwood observes that owing to the lowness of the situation,
the want of a free circulation of air, &c., the frost was generally more
severe there than at any other place in the district.
Ibid.—"Mr Baillie of Tarradale’s keeper shot lately,
right and left, a falcon and blue hawk, each having a recently killed
snipe in its talons."
February 28.—On the morning of the 26th a fire broke
out in the square at Tulloch Castle, near Dingwall, which partially
consumed the front part of the extensive range of buildings. With
assistance from Dingwall and from neighbouring farms, the fire was
Ibid.—The Kirk-Session of Inverness had taken into
consideration a proposal for laying on an assessment on the burgh and
parish for the relief of the poor. They desired to have a conference on
the subject with the Town Council, but the Council considered it
inexpedient to accept the invitation. The next issue stated that the
proposed assessment had been postponed until a special meeting of
Kirk-Session, heritors, and other inhabitants could be called. The number
of paupers was said to be about 800, of whom about 380 were unprovided for
either by the Session funds or charitable endowments.
March 7.—Mr Robert Falconar was elected Provost of
Nairn in room of the late Dr Smith. The same issue says—"The Town Council
of Nairn have passed a resolution that the town bell should be rung as
formerly for the Established Church. It was suspended by an order of a
former Council of the burgh."
Ibid.—An illustration of the severity of the season was
presented by the appearance of a flock of swans on Loch-Lochy. They had
also visited Loch-Ness and other lakes. Seven had been shot at Laggan, two
at Clunes, and four or five about Fort-Augustus. A number of black swans
had been seen on Loch-Quoich, in the Glengarry country. Loch-Oich was
frozen over to a depth of fifteen inches, and was used by the country
people as a common thoroughfare. Two vessels had been locked up in the
River Beauly for eight weeks. There was great distress in the towns and
villages, and meetings were held to raise funds for the relief of the
March 14.—This issue contains the decision of the Court
of Session in the famous Auchterarder case. A majority of the Judges,
eight in number, decided that the Veto Act was illegal, while a minority
of five gave a contrary opinion.
Ibid.—Died, at Nairn, on the 28th ult., Mrs Elizabeth
Ketchen, widow of the Rev. Isaac Ketchen, who was for forty years minister
of the Secession congregation there. Mrs Ketehen was a sister of the late
Brodie of Brodie, and aunt of the Duchess of Gordon. She died in the 92nd
year of her age. A cordial tribute is paid to her religious character and
active goodness.
Ibid.—"On Sunday last, after divine service, a public
baptism took place in the High Church here—the first circumstance of the
kind witnessed there for a great number of years, though the ceremony is
common in many parts of Scotland. The child was a daughter of the Rev. Mr
Clark, Inverness, and the ceremony was performed in a very impressive
manner by the Rev. Dr Rose, who descended from the pulpit to administer
the sacred rite in an adjoining seat." The same number records "a
deliverance from the icy rigours which have so long bound us." The coaches
from Aberdeen and Elgin had begun to run, but there was still no regular
communication north of Tain.
March 21.—A renewal of the storm had taken place,
slight in Inverness but severe in other places. In Lochaber it was the
most severe storm of snow and drift that had occurred during the winter.
"Last week an immense avalanche of snow fell in the parish of Eddrachills,
above Scourie (in Sutherland); it carried off trees and stones in its
descent, and killed ten red deer, which were grazing at the foot of the
March 28.—"We understand that George Cameron, Esq.,
solicitor here, has been appointed Sheriff-Substitute of Easter Ross and
Cromarty in room of Mr David Ross, resigned. Mr Cameron had previously
accepted the Sheriff-Substituteship of Fort-William, but has relinquished
it in favour of the above appointment" Mr Andrew Fraser, W.S., was
appointed Sheriff-Substitute of the Fort-William district.
April 4.—A meeting of Magistrates, heritors. and
Kirk-Session, relative to the levying of assessments for relief of the
poor, was held and adjourned, it was stated that the church collections of
Inverness last year for the benefit of the poor were £294 11s 11d, but
with rents and charity funds there was a sum annually available of about
£600. The number receiving relief was 421.
April 11.—A piece of plate, value 200 guineas, was
presented to General Sir James Macdonell, brother of the late Glengarry,
by the inhabitants of Armagh and its vicinity, as a memorial of the regard
which he conciliated during a seven years’ residence among them in command
of the Northern Districts of Ireland. The departure of General Macdonell
to assume command of the troops serving in Canada called forth this
tribute of respect.
April 18.—A man from the Island of Lews was convicted
of the crime of murdering his wife, and was sentenced to death. He was
afterwards certified to be insane, and ordered to be kept in custody. The
case was one of jealousy, growing out of religions mania. Lord Cockburn
presided as Judge, and it is stated that he bade fair to be as eminent on
the bench as he had proved to be as an advocate. "His plain good sense,
sagacity, and discernment—the ease with which he separates the chaff from
the wheat, whether tendered by witness or counsel—and the homely
earnestness and deep pathos which he can command upon all necessary
occasions, joined to his unostentatious gentlemanly demeanour, made a
strong impression upon the crowded audiences that thronged the
Court-House." At the Circuit there were some cases of violent personal
assault, which, we are told, "is the most common crime in the Highlands."
Ibid.—The snowstorm had been renewed. "Sunday was a
dreadful day of sleet and wind—a perfect tempest. Monday was clouded with
snow, and yesterday (Tuesday) we had furious blasts and occasional snow
Ibid.—An obituary notice from the "Globe" records the
death of Robert Gordon Roy, for many years one of the proprietors of that
journal. Mr Roy died at Forres, his native place, in his 68th year. The
paragraph adds—"Mr Roy was in literature, ancient and modern, nearly a
universalist, in manners a finished gentleman, and in morals an Israelite
without guile. This brief notice is felt to be due to his memory by a
co-proprietor, who deemed it an honour to have attracted his regard at a
very early period of life, and who maintained with him an uninterrupted
friendship for fifty-one years."
Ibid.—The ceremony of laying the foundation-stone of
the new Court-House and public offices at Forres was gone through on
Friday week, by Mr John Hoyes, late Speaker of the House of Assembly,
Grenada, who officiated as Provincial Grand Master, by mandate from Sir
Thomas Dick Lauder. There was a great procession of Masons, Magistrates,
and Councillors, workmen, and school children. Rev. Dr Rose, of Drainie,
officiated as chaplain.
April 25.—The death is announced of Sir Reginald
Macdonald Steuart Seton, of Staffa, at his residence in Edinburgh. "Born
in the Highlands, and imbued with the prepossession. of their inhabitants,
he so loved to perpetuate the relics that still remain of the ancient
modes and habits of the people, that he only differed from the chiefs of
by-gone days in his anxious wish to see introduced among his countrymen
the moral and religious improvements which in neighbouring places
characterised his time. At the early age of twenty-one he was elected, and
for thirty-nine successive years continued to he ruling elder for the
General Assembly, a fact perhaps unparalleled in the annals of that
venerable body." Sir Reginald was for twenty-six years Sheriff of
Stirlingshire, and was long Honorary Secretary to the Highland and
Agricultural Society of Scotland. Sir Walter Scott knew him well, and paid
a tribute to his warmth of heart. Sir Reginald was in his sixty-first
Ibid.—There is a long report of a meeting of the Synod
of Ross, which discussed an appeal from the Presbytery of Tain in the case
of a presentation to the parish of Logie-Easter. The people objected to
the minister presented under the Veto Act. The Presbytery allowed a proof
of certain averments. The majority of the congregation held that this was
not legitimate, as the Act simply provided that no person was to be placed
in a parish contrary to the will of the people. The Synod sustained the
appeal, and remitted the case to the Presbytery to proceed in terms of the
Act. Mr E. S. Gordon acted as counsel for the parishioners, instructed by
Mr Charles Stewart, Inverness. Rev. Mr Stewart, of Cromarty, took an
active part in the discussion, speaking on the popular side. The same
issue records the ordination of the Rev. Thomas Maclauchlan, as assistant
and successor to his father in the united parishes of Moy and Dalarossie.
May 2.—The Synod of Moray had before it the case of the
presentation of John Edwards to the parish of Marnoch, in Strathbogie,
which had been referred by the Presbytery to the Synod. Two motions were
submitted to the Synod. The first instructed the Presbytery to find the
presentee disqualified, as there was a large majority of male heads of
families on the communion roll opposed to him, and further, "that in case
the presentee refuse obedience to the sentence of the Church Courts, or
take any steps to defeat the same, they shall deal with him for that
offence as a breach of the promise to obey the judicatories of the Church,
under which he came for receiving his license to preach the gospel." The
second motion proposed to refer the whole case to the Assembly. The first
motion was carried by 22 votes to 4. Afterwards an overture was submitted,
asking the General Assembly to enact "that all Presbyteries be instructed
to take steps for deposing all ministers and depriving of their license
all probationers, who shall attempt to intrude themselves on parishes
contrary to the consent of the majority of male heads of families in
communion with the Church, and who will not acquiesce in the judgments and
decisions of the Church Courts." This overture was adopted by 18 votes to
Ibid.—The issue gives an account of the exploring work
of Thomas Simpson and P. W. Dease on the North Coast of America. They were
sent out with twelve men, equipped by the Hudson Bay Company. Thomas
Simpson was a native of Ross-shire, son of the late Bailie Alexander
Simpson, of Dingwall. He left this country in 1829 to act as secretary to
his relative, Mr George Simpson, of the Hudson Bay Company.
May 9.—Mr George Cameron, solicitor, was presented by
friends in Inverness with a handsome tea and coffee service, on his
leaving to take up his appointment at Tain as Sheriff-Substitute for
Easter Ross and Cromarty. Rev. Mr Clark brought forward, in the Presbytery
of Inverness, an overture to the General Assembly, asking them to petition
Parliament for the repeal of the Patronage Act of 1712. The motion was
defeated by a majority of one, seven votes to six. Some of the members
preferred the existing Veto Act. It is stated that Mr Baillie of Dochfour
had erected a new schoolhouse at Dochgarroch, solely at his own expense. A
greet robbery is reported from the office of the Aberdeen Banking Company,
in the city of Aberdeen. The amount stolen was no less than £16,000. The
Bank had been opened with skeleton keys.
Ibid.—"The weather is now warm and sunny, and
vegetation is making rapid progress. We understand, however, that a farmer
in our neighbourhood has been forced to plough up a wheat field of eight
acres, which had been destroyed by the frost. The sheep farmers must now
be in a great measure relieved from their fears."
May 16.—An instance is given of expeditious travelling
between Edinburgh and Cheltenham. The passenger travelled by mail to
Liverpool, thence by railway to Birmingham, and then by coach to
Cheltenham. The paragraph proceeds—"Thus he performed a journey of 350
miles between seven o'clock on the morning of Saturday and five in the
afternoon of Sunday; having during that time rested altogether about an
hour and three-quarters. A traveller leaving Inverness on Monday morning
per mail, might with ease reach London on Wednesday evening at eight
o’clock by the following route :—Mail to Edinburgh, which it reaches at
six o’clock next morning; Tuesday—per mail to Liverpool, where it arrives
at six next morning; Wednesday—per railroad to London, which it reaches at
eight in the evening. The same distance might also be accomplished in
about the same time by steam navigation. Looking at these results, and
considering what travelling was ‘sixty years since,’ or even half that
period, we may well exclaim—Prodigious !"
Ibid.—A meeting of Magistrates, clergymen, and
inhabitants of Lochaber was held at Fort-William on the 8th inst., for the
purpose of adopting means to promote emigration from that district to the
Australian colonies. Upwards of 260 persons were present. It was stated
that there was a strong feeling in favour of emigration among the people
of the district, upwards of 1200 having pledged themselves, and prepared
to emigrate under the Colonial Act. They had expected a vessel to come to
Fort-William to convey them, free of expense, to Australia, but as this
expectation had been disappointed, the meeting resolved to memorialise
Lord Glenelg, the Colonial Secretary, praying him to have a vessel sent
forthwith to carry away the families. Another resolution stated that an
extensive emigration of a voluntary and unaided character had taken place
from Lochaber and neighbouring districts during the past two years, and
that no county abounded more than this with active and industrious young
men in want of employment.
Ibid.—After a few days’ warm sunshine, cold winds and
frost had come again. On two days there were hail and snow, and the
surrounding hills were white.
May 23.—"We understand it has been decided by the
Sheriff in Inverness that no pontage or custom is chargeable on grain
passing the old bridge here. The question arose between the tacksman of
the Petty Customs and one of the farmers of the parish of Petty."
May 30.—There is a report of the discussion in the
General Assembly on the Auchterarder case. The motion by Mr Buchanan, of
Glasgow, affirming the spiritual independence of the Church, and
expressing its determination to enforce submission to its spiritual
jurisdiction on all office-bearers and members, was carried by 183 votes
to 142, giving a majority of 41.
Ibid.—The Assembly afterwards took up the case of Logie-Easter.
The facts appeared to be that on the vacancy occurring the parishioners
seemed to be resolved on obtaining for their minister the Rev. Mr
Macdonald, of Plockton. The patron did not acquiesce in this, but offered
the parishioners a leet of five clergymen in the neighbourhood. The
parishioners did not object to hear them preach, but they did object to
hear them on the understanding that they were to choose any of them for
their minister, their minds being made up on behalf of Mr Macdonald. The
patron then presented Mr Daniel Macbride, Prestonpans. At the proper time
thirteen out of the seventeen male heads of families, communicants,
dissented. Twelve out of the thirteen took the prescribed declaration that
they were not actuated by factious motives, the other being ill. The
Presbytery then rejected Mr Macbride, and the appeal was taken. Mr
Maitland Makgill expressed the belief that the parishioners had not been
actuated by the spirit which was contemplated by the Veto law. At the same
time he thought the appellants were not entitled to go to a proof of
factious motives, and he moved that the Assembly dismiss the appeal, and
remit to the Presbytery to proceed in terms of the Veto Act. The
Procurator differed from Mr Makgill, and proposed to get quit of the case
on a point of form. It appeared that the Presbytery had allowed the
presentee to lead proof of factious motives, and no competent appeal
having been taken from that sentence, it became the law of the case. He
therefore moved the Assembly to sustain the appeal, and remit to the
Presbytery to take proof of the allegations made by the appellants. The
Procurator’s motion was carried by a majority of 44.
Ibid.—The Chisholm issued an address announcing his
resignation as representative in Parliament of the county of Inverness. He
took this step, he stated, on the ground of his health and for other
urgent reasons. In the same issue appears the address of Francis W. Grant,
Master of Grant, as a candidate for the seat. He was afterwards elected
without opposition.
June 6.—The estate of Glenshiel, in Ross-Shire, beside
Glenelg, was purchased from Mr Lillingstone, by Mr J. E. Baillie, for the
sum of £24,500. Mr Arthur Cooper, solicitor, Inverness, was appointed
Town-Clerk of Fortrose.
June 13.—A descriptive writer in London remarked at
this time that Lord Brougham was now dressing rather smartly. He had laid
aside, "at least for a time," the tartan trousers and waistcoat which he
had worn since his Scottish tour in 1834. He was said to have bought as
much tartan cloth when in Inverness as would make a dozen pairs of
trousers and a dozen waistcoats. Now, however, he appeared "in cloth of a
more usual kind," and displayed on his breast a handsome gold chain. The
editor remarks—"Lord Brougham seems to have turned a sort of dandy in his
outward man. Now, certainly his lordship was far from displaying anything
of this kind when we saw him in Inverness. His dress was more striking
than valuable. Sydney Smith said of clerical horses that the rector’s home
was beautiful, but the curate’s was picturesque, and Lord Brougham’s
appearance seemed to come under the latter category."
lbid.—Various items may be mentioned. There was no
Savings Bank at this time in Inverness. The capercailzie had made its
appearance in Caithness, and a couple of fine specimens had been added to
a private museum in Wick. The election of the Master of Grant as
representative for the county of Inverness took place on the 12th inst.
Rejoicings were held on the Cawdor estate on the 11th to celebrate the
coming-of-age of Lord Emlyn.
June 20.—There was a meeting at Cromarty on the
previous Thursday to consider the conduct of the parish clergyman in
fixing the Cornmunion Fast-Day for the day of the Queen’s Coronation. This
was the beginning of a controversy in the little town, which is narrated
with a good deal of humour in the 24th chapter of Hugh Miller’s "Schools
and Schoolmasters." He says—"The Liberals held what was very properly
called a public meeting, seeing that, though the public had failed to
attend it, the public had been quite at liberty to do so, nay, had even
been specially invited; and there appeared in the provincial newspapers a
long report of its proceedings, including five speeches—all written by a
legal gentleman—in which it was designated a meeting of the inhabitants of
the town and parish of Cromarty." This was the meeting reported in the
present issue.
Ibid.—The proposed scheme of penny postage was by this
time becoming a public question. The editor writes: —"We beg to remind our
readers of the necessity of petitioning Parliament, once and again till
the object is obtained, in favour of Mr Hill’s plan. This undoubtedly is
the most valuable practical reform that we can expect to see carried for
years to come. Every town end county should take the matter up, and urge
it on the attention of their Parliamentary representatives."
Ibid.—"Died, on the 20th ult., at Campbelltown,
Fort-George, where he had resided for the last 52 years, as an
out-pensioner of Chelsea Hospital, Christopher Macrae, at the advanced age
of 105. He was a native of Kintail, and enlisted not very early in life in
the 8th Foot, in which regiment he served for 27 years, and he did duty
for six years more in a garrison battalion. He was a man of temperate and
correct habits, his faculties were little impaired, and he used to take
his daily walk till within three weeks of his death, when his energies
received an irrecoverable shock by the death of his wife at the age of
June 27.—"The estate of Redcastle, county of Ross, has
been purchased by Colonel Hugh Baillie of Tarradale, from the heirs of the
late Sir William Fettes, for the sum of £120,000."
July 4.—This issue contains an account of the
Coronation of Queen Victoria. It gives a portrait of the Queen and a
picture of the scene in Westminster Abbey. There are also reports of local
July 11.—The list of Coronation honours includes a
baronetcy conferred on George Macpherson-Grant, Esq. of Ballindalloch. The
editor says—"We congratulate Ballindalloch on the well-won and worthily
bestowed honour conferred upon him by her Majesty, which we trust he will
long enjoy. His high character, rank, possessions, and public services
marked him out as a fit object for the Royal favour."
July 11.—Hugh Miller’s letter on the Cromarty
controversy appears in this issue. He says in his reminiscences—"I fairly
succeeded, as there were not a few comical circumstances in the
transaction, in getting the laughers on my side." We have no doubt he did.
The letter is couched in a vein of clever banter, and displays much of the
literary and controversial skill that afterwards distinguished the writer.
He says that the official demonstration in honour of the Coronation was
only postponed, and came off a few days later with great success.
Ibid.—"Died, at Fraserburgh, on the 29th ult., the
Right Rev. Alexander Jolly, D.D., Bishop of Moray. For some time before
his death he had been unable, from age and infirmities, to perform his
official duties. He was consecrated in 1796, and continued during the long
period of 42 years to command the reverence and affection of all who knew
him, and of thousands who only heard of his virtues, as the finest and
most solitary modern specimen of the primitive saint and churchman. His
meekness and humility were without bounds; and his charity was so
extensive that he could, with the greatest difficulty, be induced to
believe ill of any of his fellow-creatures."
July 18.—The Sheep and Wool Fair held the previous week
was very brisk. In wool there was a rise of thirty per cent. compared with
the previous year’s prices, and in sheep an advance of from eight to ten
per cent. The most valuable lot of wedders was the stock belonging to Mr
Houston of Kintradwell, which was bought by a Liverpool salesman for £1
10s 6d each. Another Sutherland gentleman sold his lot of sheep for £1 9s
9d each; and a third from the same county (Mr Sellar, Morvich), topped the
market for Cheviot wool, laid, which brought £1 2s 6d per stone. Ewes were
greatly in demand to replace losses in various flocks, and the best sold
for 22s. The run of prices is quoted as follows :—Cheviot wedders, 23s to
30s; ewes, 17s to 22s; lambs, 12s to 14s. Gross wedders, 18s to
26s; ewes, 15s to 20s; lambs, 10s to 11s 6d. Blackfaced wedders, 15s to
20s 6d; ewes, 10s to 13s. In wool the prices were—Cheviot, laid, washed,
19s to 22s 6d; unwashed, 16s to 17s 6d; cross, washed, 15s to 16s 6d;
unwashed, 13s to 15s; blackfaced, laid, 9s to 10s 6d. Some choice lots of
Cheviot wool, white, sold from 30s to 32s, and blackfaced white at 12s per
stone. "Every year," we are told, "diminishes the amount of blackfaced
stock and wool brought into the market, the superior breed of sheep being
now generally reared." The question of uniting the two ordinaries again
excited acrimonious discussion, and the editor expresses the hope that in
future there will be less "personal and political feeling."
Ibid.—A column of Highland anecdotes is published, as
picked up from a gentleman "rich in memorials of the olden time." One
mentions a stone in the church-yard of Dunlichity, in Strathnairn, which
was used by Highlanders in former times for sharpening arrows. It was
situated in the east corner of the wall which surrounded the
burying-ground of the Macphails and Shaws. Another anecdote is as follows
Payments in kind, commonly called ‘kain,’ long continued in the Highlands.
In 1715 the lady of Aberarder had a number of fowls, eggs, &c., delivered
to her by way of rent. This prudent lady had a kind of measure for eggs,
with a round hole through it, so that everyone that was too small and did
not stick in the hole was invariably returned to the tenants, with
instructions to send larger eggs in their stead."
Ibid.—Extracts are given from a letter written by
Donald Macleod, one of the men who emigrated from Snizort, in the Island
of Skye, to New South Wales. It was dated Paterson River, February 2,
1838. The letter was cheerful, the people doing well. All the Skye
contingent were settled in one place, having their own minister with them.
Donald wrote to his friends not to be afraid of the sea, for "he had
sometimes more trouble going to Fladachuin than he experienced during all
his long voyage."
July 25.—Two volumes which had been prepared by Mr
Thomas Telford, C.E., were published by one of his executors, Mr Rickman.
They were to some degree biographical, but relating chiefly to the great
works which Mr Telford had executed. One was a thick quarto volume, and
the other a large volume of engravings. "We have seldom," says the editor,
"seen a more superb work; nearly £4000, we believe, has been expended on
the plates and letterpress." Mr Rickman writes of his friend—"Telford
loved his profession, and was so energetic in any task before him that all
other motives became subordinate to it. He formed no matrimonial
connection, and lived as a soldier, always in active service, without
fixed habitation, until he had reached that age which our forefathers
deemed the usual close of life. Thus the acquisition and accumulation of
property had always been a secondary consideration with him." Telford left
legacies to the amount of £16,600. This was not a large sum, considering
the magnitude of the works on which he was employed.
August 8.—The Shetlanders were in a state of
destitution, and a committee was making efforts to obtain assistance from
the fund subscribed the previous year for the relief of distress in the
Highlands and Islands. No less than £20,000 of this fund remained
unappropriated. Captain J. E. Gordon, formerly M.P. for Dundalk, who was
interested in Ross-shire, proposed that part of the money should go to the
support of a dispensary at Strathpeffer Spa. This proposal aroused strong
criticism. It was at first accepted by the London Committee, but
afterwards rescinded.
August 15.—The restoration of the Cathedral Church of
Dornoch was now completed. It was carried out at the expense of the
Duchess-Countess of Sutherland, and is said to have cost over £6000. The
parish clergyman of the day would not sanction the introduction of
stained-glass windows.
Ibid.—The story is told of the melancholy fate of a
poor strolling player and his boy. They had gone to Lairg, in Sutherland,
about nine months before, and set out in the direction of Altnaharra, to
interest people in a proposed entertainment. The man’s wife and daughter,
who had accompanied them to Lairg, remained there for a time, but as the
two failed to return, they subsequently left the place. Early in August
the remains of the unfortunate stroller and his son were found on a
solitary part of the farm of Shinness. They had apparently sunk on the
ground exhausted, and died together, the father supporting the boy’s head
and covering it with part of his coat. "Thus perished the lone outcast of
the drama, with his unfortunate son, in a land of strangers, amidst the
wildest scenes of nature, and under circumstances as touching as any which
draw tears on the stage." The pathetic story is reproduced in full in the
Highland Notebook.
August 22.—Parliament was prorogued on the 16th inst.
by her Majesty in person. The session had been laborious and trying to
Ministers. Lord Durham’s policy in Canada was the theme of warm
Ibid.—The statue which crowns the colossal monument on
Ben-Bhraggie, to the memory of the first Duke of Sutherland, was
approaching completion. "We had the curiosity last week to measure the
dimensions of the head of the statue. Its circumference is ten feet two
inches; from the forehead to the back of the head is three feet two
inches, and across the temple is two feet nine inches. Sir Francis
Chantrey may well feel gratified by the success with which his assistant
has worked out his admirable model on so magnificent a scale."
August 29.—"A prospectus will be found in our
advertising columns of a new Joint Stock Bank, proposed to be established
in Inverness." This was the beginning of the Caledonian Banking Company.
September 5.—Extracts are given from a manuscript
volume preserved at Moyhall, written by Lady Ann Duff or Mackintosh in the
eighteenth century. It gives particulars of the funeral of the nineteenth
Chief, who died at Dalcross Castle in December 1704. "He lay in state from
the 9th December to the 18th of January. There were two thousand foot, of
his own name and clan, at the funeral, besides the Macphersons and
Farquharsons. There were two hundred horse, or more, at it. Keppoch was
there, and eleven score of foot. It is said that when the first part of
the procession was entering the Church-yard of Petty, the last was only
leaving Dalcross, a distance of nearly three miles. In order to please the
common people, the corpse being put upon a hearse having six cross bars,
was carried on their shoulders; and old women accompanied the procession,
who sang melancholy songs lamenting the deceased, which is called singing
the coronach. The family arms were placed on the coffin, and the piper,
with a black flag to his pipe, also attended." The twentieth Chief,
Lachlan, who died in 1731, lay in state at Dalcross Castle for six weeks,
until his successor, William, who was abroad, could return to be present
at the funeral. "The expense attending his interment cost £700 sterling,
and twice the number of men were present." The writer, Lady Ann, was the
widow of the twentieth Chief, and daughter of Alexander Duff of Drummuir.
She disapproved of such "parades." The same lady entertained Prince
Charles and the Duke of Cumberland at Inverness in 1746, and remarked,
"I've had two King’s bairns living with me in my time, and to tell you the
truth I wish I may never have another." According to Mr Mackintosh, the
historian of the clan, Lady Ann survived her husband, the twentieth Chief,
nineteen years.
Ibid.—The same issue contains extracts from a paper in
the "Quarterly Journal of Agriculture," on the causes of the recent
destitution in the Highlands. It was written by Mr Alexander Macgregor,
licentiate of the Church of Scotland, manse of Kilmuir, Skye, afterwards
so well known as the minister of the West Church, Inverness. Among the
immediate causes of destitution were the failure of the kelp trade and the
herring fisheries, the fall in the value of black cattle, and the
cessation of employment at the making of public roads. In addition to
these are enumerated, first, an excess of population; second, early and
improvident marriages; third, the lotting system and the continued
sub-division of lands; fourth, bad husbandry, or the mismanagement of
domestic economy. Mr Macgregor gives a striking account of the evils of
sub-division. "On many farms," he says, "by means of this baneful system,
the population has doubled within the last sixteen years." He also
mentions that in the immigrant ships the previous year, 459 persons were
from the different parishes in Skye, and these had left behind them 264
individuals, their nearest relatives, of whom 103 were parents or aged
sisters, who had thus lost their chief stay and support. The editor joins
in condemning the practice of continued sub-division, and suggests that
the fisheries on the West Coast might he extended. "The greatest fishing
now carried on in the ides," he says, "is by the London cod-smacks, and by
the Irish, who have frequented for some years the different banks in the
channels between Barra-Head, Coll, and Tiree. Why should not our own
countrymen avail themselves of these natural advantages? Why fold their
hands in supineness and despair?" The problem at that time was evidently
more than usually serious.
Ibid.—The announcement is made of the appointment of Mr
Peter Fraser, as Sheriff of the Island of Van Diemen’s Land. Mr Fraser was
a son of the late minister of Kirkhill, and had been four years in the
Colonial Office.
Ibid.—The Rev. Mr Campbell, minister of the East
Church, Inverness, had been presented to the parish of Tarbat. He also
received a unanimous call.
September 12 and 19.—These issues contain notices of
the death and funeral of Alexander William Chisholm of Chisholm, late
member for the county of Inverness. He was attacked with severe illness on
1st August, in the Caledonian Hotel, Inverness, and died there on 8th
September, aged twenty-eight. Chisholm’s father died in 1817, and in
addition to his widow appointed as tutors and guardians to his son,
Charles Grant, afterwards lard Glenelg, Sir John Peter Grant of
Rothiemurchus and other gentlemen. Young Chisholm was educated at Eton and
Cambridge. He never seems to have enjoyed robust health, but his speeches
display an active mind. He is described in the contemporary notice as "a
young gentleman of considerable attainments and of amicable disposition."
The funeral, which took place on the 18th inst., was attended by a large
gathering from the county, and by the Provost and Magistrates of
Inverness. Mr Macdonell of Glengarry, cousin of the deceased, was present
as chief mourner. Chisholm’s father was buried in the Priory of Beauly,
but the remains of the young Chief were laid, by his own request, in the
beautiful spot, near Erchless Castle, where some of his ancestors had been
interred. The funeral was supposed to be the largest that had been
witnessed in the North for many years. The deceased was succeeded by his
brother, Captain Duncan Chisholm of the Guards, an accomplished officer,
who had distinguished himself at College, and who was then with his
regiment in Canada.
September 26.—On the previous Friday Mr Thomas
Mackenzie of Applecross, M.P. for Ross-shire, was entertained to dinner at
Tain. The chair was taken by Mr Rose of Cromarty, who was then Provost of
Tain. The dinner was held in the Court-House, which was ornamented with
deers’ heads, shot by Mr Horatio Ross of Rossie, in Hungary, and said to
be the largest in Europe. The gathering took the form of a Conservative
lbid.—A curious case came before the Circuit Court. A
shopkeeper in Inverness was accused of assaulting his brother. The brother
was called as a witness, but it was objected that he was an outlaw. Proof
of outlawry was given, and the public prosecutor abandoned the case. Later
in the day the discredited witness attacked the man who had given proof of
his outlawry. The assailant was apprehended and fined in the Police Court.
October 3.—The Northern Meeting, which was held the
previous week, is described as one of the most successful and spirited for
many years. The Duke of Richmond was present, and was appointed patron of
the Meeting in succession to the late Duke of Gordon. Thus, it is stated,
the old tie which existed between Gordon Castle and the Highland capital
was renewed. Dinners as well as balls were held in the Meeting Rooms.
Games were held at the Longman.
lbid.—There was an acceleration of mails to the extent
of about eight hours. The South mail from Perth arrived at half-past two
in the morning, instead of half-past ten, and left for the North at three
in the morning. Letters were delivered in Inverness before breakfast. The
mail for Perth was despatched at ten o’clock in the evening.
October 10.—The young Duchess of Buccleuch had a narrow
escape the previous week on Ben-Nevis. The Duke had been deer-stalking in
Badenoch, and the Duchess was staying at Corpach Inn. With a young
relative and a guide her Grace set out one fine day to ascend Ben-Nevis.
They reached the summit, but soon afterwards fog came on and the guide
became bewildered. Their delay in returning excited alarm, and the
inhabitants of Fort-William were mustering for rescue, when Mr John
Macdonald, proprietor of the Ben-Nevis Distillery, mounted his horse, and,
taking with him a handbell, cantered out into the dark night. "The sound
of the bell caught the ear of the wanderers, and the Duchess and her noble
relative were, by his ingenious device, rescued from their dangerous
situation. Mr Macdonald’s plaid being converted into a temporary
pack-saddle, the noble lady was conveyed, in an almost exhausted state, to
Fort-William, where ‘tired nature’s sweet restorer’ effaced all traces of
her toil."
Ibid.—A Harvest Home in Nairn (a gathering carried on
for many years) and an Agricultural Show in Lochaber are reported in this
issue. There is also a notice of "The Mountain Minstrel," by Evan M’Coll.
October 11.—At a meeting of Commissioners at Elgin, it
was agreed to erect new jails in Elgin and Forres.
October 24.—The resignation of Lord Durham as
Governor-General of Canada is announced. He was "stung to the quick by the
contumelies thrown upon him by Lord Brougham and the Conservative peers,
and the cold neglect with which this claims were treated by his friends of
the Ministry."
Ibid.—A dispatch is published announcing the death of
Sir Robert Grant, Governor of Bombay, son of the late Charles Grant, and
brother of Lord Glenelg. The editor mentions that when Grant was at
Cambridge, Robert Hall was preaching there, and the young student was one
of his most constant hearers and devoted admirers. Wilberforce induced him
to enter Parliament. "He was successively representative for the Inverness
District of Burghs, Norwich and Finsbury. In the House of Commons he did
not speak often, but always with eloquence and effect, and no member was
listened to with more attention—a result produced equally by the intrinsic
value of his speeches and by the moral dignity of his character."
October 31.—There is an interesting article from the
editor’s pen on a visit to the land of Burns.
November 7.—There were rejoicings at Rosehaugh and
other places in Ross-shire on the marriage of Mr Mackenzie, yr. of
Scatwell, to lady Anne Fitzwilliam.
November 14.—Mr John Smith, A.M., parochial
schoolmaster of Ardersier, was entertained to a public dinner, and
presented with a gold medal, voted by the Celtic Society, for his long and
meritorious services as a teacher.
Ibid.—"Died, at 9 Manor Place, Edinburgh, on the 7th
inst., in the 84th year of her age, Mrs Anne Grant, late of Laggan, widow
of the Rev. James Grant of Laggan, in the county of Inverness." A memoir
of Mrs Grant appears in a subsequent issue.
November 21.—Extracts are given from the report of a
public meeting held in Bombay to perpetuate the memory of the late
Governor, Sir Robert Grant. It was stated that Sir Robert had been mainly
instrumental in establishing the Chamber of Commerce, in forwarding steam
communication, in constructing roads, in lessening public burdens, and in
ameliorating the condition of the natives.
Ibid.—Letters and announcements in connection with the
Caledonian Banking Company had appeared in several issues. A paragraph on
this date says—"Our readers will be glad to observe that this bank has now
been fairly established, and the numerous and respectable appearance of
shareholders at the meeting augurs well for its future success. It is most
pleasing to observe the unanimity and cordiality which prevailed on every
question submitted to the meeting; and everyone joins in saying that a
better selection of Extraordinary and Ordinary Directors could not have
been made." Mackintosh of Mackintosh presided at the first meeting, and
his name heads the list of Extraordinary Directors.
November 28.—A Secession Chapel was in course of
erection at Tain. One of the causes that of erection at Tain. One of the
causes that the heritors in the Parish Church. The town of Kirkwall had
been lighted with gas.
Ibid.—There is a description of the original
manuscripts of the Waverley Novels, which the editor has inspected on the
premises of Mr Cadell, publisher, Edinburgh.
December 5.—A vessel of 400 tons register was launched
at Inverness, built by Mr Cook for Mr Ure, Maryburgh, and to be employed
in the timber trade between the Moray Firth and Newcastle. She was named
the Stirling Castle.
December 12.—The Canadian insurrection had broken out
again, but had been suppressed. There is a note giving an account of the
capture of Mr Ellice, M.P., by the rebels, and his subsequent release. A
full account of this incident appeared recently in "Chambers’s Journal,"
from a diary kept by Mr Ellice’s sister-in-law, who still survives (1904).
Ibid.—Mr Alexander Gray, accountant, Glasgow, was
appointed manager of the Caledonian Bank. A sum of £967 had been
subscribed for a new harbour at Nairn, and an appeal was made for more
funds. The marriage of Brodie of Brodie to Miss Baillie, daughter of
Colonel Hugh Baillie of Tarradale, was celebrated with rejoicings on the
December 19.—At a meeting in the Town Hall it was
resolved to establish a Savings Bank in Inverness. There was also a
proposal on foot for the formation of an Inverness Farmer Society. A
Society existed in the earlier part of the century, but had expired.
Ibid.—The Town Council settled a long-standing dispute
as to the appropriation of Dr Andrew Bell's educational endowment. One
plan was to devote the money exclusively to the erection and maintenance
of one large seminary; another was to endow several subordinate schools
along with a central institution. The second scheme was carried by 15
votes to 4. "Accordingly, a central institution will be erected in
Farraline Park; the infant school at the top of Castle Street will be
purchased by the trustees; a district school will be erected in
Tomnahurich Street, and another school on the Maggot; these will be in
addition to the school in the Merkinch already supported by the trustees."
Ibid.—On the 17th of September a ship called the Asia
sailed from Cromarty with about 280 emigrants, from the counties of Ross
and Inverness, for New South Wales. On getting to sea she proved very
leaky, and put into Plymouth, where she was declared unfit for the voyage.
The food provided for the Passengers was also poor and insufficient. The
case was the subject of inquiry.