Trochrig, second son of Adam Boyd of Pinkhill and Helen Kennedy of
the house of Cassillis, had, like Lord Boyd himself, fought on
behalf of Queen Mary at Langside, but, having obtained a remission,
had been appointed to a charge in the Kennedy country. Immediately
upon his promotion as archbishop, Boyd appears to have set about the
transference of power and property into the hands of the head of his
To begin with, the
archbishop himself entered into possession of the castle of Glasgow.
By the Regent Moray, after the Battle of Langside in 1568, the
keeping of the stronghold had been committed to Sir John Stewart of
Minto. By the king's letters Stewart was now ordered to hand it over
to the archbishop, and was granted a discharge of his actings while
in possession. [Privy Council Register, ii. 301, 697, 698.]
Sir John Stewart of
Minto was then provost of Glasgow and bailie of the regality as
nominee of the late Regent, Matthew, Earl of Lennox. [Charters and
Documents, ii. 149, No. lxiii.] The new archbishop, however,
superseded him in both of these offices. The earliest extant record
of the Burgh of Glasgow, on 19th January, 1573-74, shows "ane noble
and michtie lord, Robert Lord Boyde," acting as provost. A few days
earlier, the archbishop, with consent of the dean and canons, had by
charter appointed the same noble and michtie lord hereditary bailie
and justiciar of the barony and regality, and, to meet his "great
expenses and labours" in these offices, granted him £40 a year of
the rents of Badley, Mollence, Gartaforrowrie, Mukcrawis,
Gartynquene, Gartynquenemure, Johnestoune, Crystoun, Auchingeich,
Gartinkirk, Auchinlocht, Robrestoun, and Davidstoune, within the
barony, along with the amercements and escheats of courts. [Great
Seal Register, No. 2407, pp. 647, 648.]
To fortify the
position still further, the Privy Council a month later declared
Archbishop Beaton and a number of other persons to be traitors, and
prohibited all communication with them. [Privy Council Register, ii.
There are signs that
the new archbishop and his bailie showed a tendency to be grasping
in their exploitation of the temporalities of the see. Sir John
Stewart of Minto presented a memorial to the General Assembly
setting forth how, while keeper of the castle and steeple of
Glasgow, "and of the principal keyes of the cuntre," he had been
forced, not only to spend his own means and the means of friends,
but to take up part of the revenue of the bishopric for the year
1569, to keep and furnish the castle and steeple and "set forward
other common affairs." This had been done with the approval of Mr.
Andrew Hay, commissioner, and Mr. David Wemyss, minister of Glasgow,
both of whom thought it better that the revenues should be thus
applied than that they should be used by enemies "to maintain the
adverse cause." Nevertheless Sir John and the tenants from whom
these revenues had been uplifted now found themselves called upon to
pay the sums over again. The matter was remitted from the Assembly
to the Privy Council, by whom Sir John and the others were
assoilzied from the claim. [Privy Council Register, ii. 347, 348.]
Under Lord Boyd as
provost the enclosing and allotting of the common lands of the city
appear to have made further progress, and more than one protest was
made against the alienation of ground required by the inhabitants
for the cutting of peat fuel and the grazing of milk cows. It may or
may not be significant that the first protest was made against the
assignment of a plot of land to one of Lord Boyd's own name. On 1st
May, 1574, the merchants (i.e. shopkeepers) and six deacons of
crafts protested against the assigning of part of the common muir to
James Boyd, "or to ony utheris mair nor is ellis deft," and also
urged that the parts already divided out and given off without their
consent "in tymes bigane" should be made subject of revision and
recall. [Burgh Records, i. p. 9.] On 21st June, 1576, a further and
more considered protest was made on the same subject. By this it
appears that it had been arranged that each burgess was to have half
an acre, but that the provost and bailies had given off further
ground without the common consent. "Wire-pulling" had apparently
been resorted to. The complainers declare that "owre deaconis wotis
ar socht seuerallie in private houssis, quhair the haill suld be
callit to geve our consentis togidder," and they sturdily declare
that if the provost and bailies do not cease the giving off of land
required for " the pasturing of guddis for the sustening of our
babies," they will be to blame. They conclude by urging the provost
" for the luf ye beir to God and the commoion wiell of our toun and
our successouris that your lordschip haif better attendance thairto,
and nocht for ewery licht sute or requeist acquiesce or grant
thairto, and suffer nocht our haill communitie (common land) to
becum proper (an individual possession) and taine fra us." After
debate the council agreed that, since what was left of the common
lands would scarcely serve the townsmen for the pasturing of their
cows and the furnishing of fuel, no further feuing or portioning off
should take place. It was moreover declared that any such further
feuing or allotment should, if attempted, be " of nane awaill,
strengthe, nor effect." [Burgh Records, i. p. 52.]
Lord Boyd continued
to secure the foundations of his family by acquiring large
properties elsewhere. Among these were broad lands in Cunningham—Portincross
and Ardniel, Netherton, Bircat, Braidschaw, and Knockindon, and
also, it is said, Giffortland, for which he obtained charters from
the king. [Great Seal Register, iii. 580, No. 2201, 742, No. 2727;
Douglas Peerage, ii 34.]
At the same time the
archbishop attended the Assembly on 6th March, 1574, was appointed
to the committee for drawing up the Second Book of Discipline, and
was chosen Moderator. But in the autumn that stout coadjutor of John
Knox, Andrew Melville, returned from Geneva, was appointed Principal
of the College of Glasgow, and proceeded to organize opposition to
the episcopal system. In the spring and again in the autumn Assembly
of 1576 the archbishop was challenged for not attaching himself as
pastor to a particular congregation. The same objection might have
been raised a few years earlier against the superintendent, John
Willocks, but that was, of course, "another pair of sleeves." The
archbishop urged that he was acting according to the agreement
between the Regent and the Assembly itself, which was to last during
the king's minority, or until parliament should alter it, and that
by his oath he must conform to that agreement or be guilty of
perjury. At the same time he offered, without prejudice to his
episcopal authority, to act as pastor of one particular church
whilst residing in Ayrshire and of another whilst in Glasgow. This
arrangement seems to have remained undisturbed till the end of
Morton's regency, in March, 1577-8. A month later the General
Assembly met at Edinburgh, chose the uncompromising republican,
Andrew Melville, as moderator, declared that all bishops must be
called by their own names, or simply brethren, and that, owing to
the great corruption already visible in the estate of bishops, no
further appointments to that office should be made till the next
General Assembly. [Tytler, iv. ch. i.] At that Assembly held in
June, this order was made perpetual, and at the next, on 24th
October, the Archbishop of Glasgow was accused of neglecting his
duties. Boyd maintained the scriptural authority of his office, but
his answer being declared unsatisfactory, and Melville deputed to
threaten him with excommunication, he submitted unconditionally to
the Assembly held in Edinburgh on 27th July, 1579. [Chalmers's
Caledonia, iii. 625; Spottiswoode, ii. 202, 256-7; Calderwood, iii.
403, 411-428.]
Meanwhile by a coup
at Stirling on 26th April, 1578, Morton, though no longer Regent,
had regained the chief power in Scottish affairs, and the
archbishop's temporal authority was not interfered with. He had,
however, other troubles. Calder-wood states that, a year or two
after his appointment, Lord Boyd found him less pliable than he had
expected, and caused his son, the Master of Boyd, to seize the
archbishop's castle and levy the episcopal revenues. [Calderwood,
iii. 302.] This may refer to the action of a party employed, it is
said, by Robert Boyd of Badinheath, who on ioth January, 1578-9,
destroyed the archbishop's country seat and stronghold of Lochwood a
few miles to the east of the city. Sir James Marwick suggests that
this outrage may have been occasioned by the refusal of the
archbishop to submit to the demands of the Kirk. [Charters and
Documents, i. cxii.] But there appears to be a more obvious reason.
On 4th March, 1572-3, after the decree of barratry against
Archbishop Beaton, the keeping of Lochwood had been given by the
Regent Morton to Boyd of Badinheath. Archbishop Boyd would naturally
reclaim this, and its destruction by Badinheath would be an act of
revenge. The archbishop complained to the Privy Council, but the
only result was that, while Badinheath was ordered to cease from
further destruction, the archbishop was directed to cease from
molesting him and his helpers for what they had done. [Privy Council
Register, iii. 99.] Loch-wood evidently remained in the hands of
Badinheath, for a generation later, on 10th March, 1617, Robert,
Lord Boyd, was served heir of Robert Boyd of Badinheath, his
grandfather's brother, to the four-pound lands of Lochwood, with the
lakes and fishings in the regality of Glasgow held in fee farm. [Chalmers's
Caledonia, iii. 639, note g.]
For these events the
archbishop evidently cherished no malice against his uncle and
patron. On 1st June, 1579, he granted to Lord Boyd a feu of the
lands of Whiteinch meadow, with the New Park and Auld Park of
Partick. [Great Seal Register, iii. 807, No. 2937.] On 13th
November, 1579, he granted to George Elphinstoun of Blythswood, one
of the bailies of Glasgow, a feu of the lands of Gorbals and
Bridgend, with half of the five merk lands of Woodside. [Inventure,
i. p. 44, No. i ; Great Seal Register, iii. 807, No. 2938. ] And on
2nd February, 1580, he granted Lord Boyd a feu of the lands of
Bedlay, Mollanys, and others, part of the Provost's Haugh, with four
acres of Cuninglaw, all in the barony and regality of Glasgow—which
lands Lord Boyd had previously held in rental—for payment of a feu
duty of £8 2S. Scots. This feu duty the archbishop allocated as part
payment of Lord Boyd's fee of £40 Scots payable as remuneration for
his labours as bailie and justiciary of the barony and regality.
[Great Seal Register, iv. p. 155, No. 509.]
Already, two years
previously, Lord Boyd had been dispossessed of the office of bailie
of the regality. The circumstances are interesting. By the death of
the regent, Mathew, Earl of Lennox, in September, 1571, the earldom
with its lands and other property had devolved on King James as only
son of Lord Darnley. The earldom and lands were, however, made over
to the king's uncle, Lord Darnley's younger brother Charles. When
Earl Charles died in 1576, leaving an only daughter, Lady Arabella
Stewart, the earldom and its possessions again fell to the king. Two
years later, action was taken to reclaim for the king, as heir of
the Regent Lennox, the hereditary bailieship of the regality of
Glasgow. It was declared that the office had been enjoyed by the
Earls of Lennox from time immemorial, and that Lord Boyd, during the
later troubles, had intruded himself into it. Accordingly, on 14th
May, 1578, it was ordained that the king, as Earl of Lennox, should
be repossessed in the bailieship. [Privy Council Register, ii. 697.]
A month later the earldom of Lennox with its lands and offices was
conferred on Robert Stewart, Prior of St. Andrews, younger brother
of the Regent Lennox. [Great Seal Register, iii. 762, No. 2785.] The
charter included the other rights of old incorporated with the
earldom, and accordingly the bailieship of the regality of Glasgow
became once more an appanage of the house of Lennox. On 30th
September, in the same year, the new earl was made a burgess of the
city, and the archbishop, reviving his right to nominate the provost
and baffles, appointed the earl to be provost. By this act Thomas
Crawford of Jordanhill, who during the previous year had been
provost as nominee of Lord Boyd, [Burgh Records, i. 71, 1st Oct.
1577.] was superseded in the office. Crawford protested at the time,
"that the auld libertie and privilege of the toun be observit and
keipit," and also, two days later, that he had been put out of the
council " but ony f alt and vncallit thairfore." [Burgh Records, i.
72.] But the transaction stood, and the procedure was repeated by
the archbishop on 6th October in the following year. [Ibid. i. 76.]
Another event of
far-reaching consequence now occurred,

Esme Stewart, son of
John Stewart, Lord d'Aubigny, governor of Avignon, captain of the
Scots Bens d'armes in France, and a younger brother of the Regent
Lennox and the new Earl Robert, came home from France. When he
arrived at Leith on 8th September, 1579, he was probably about
thirty years of age, [Calderwood, iii. 457.] and with his handsome
person and the refinement and graces of the French court, he at once
attracted to an extraordinary degree the admiration and affection of
King James, then in his fourteenth year. At Holyrood he had splendid
apartments provided for him next those of the youthful monarch, and
James proceeded to heap upon him favour after favour in
unprecedented fashion. On 14th November, two months after his
arrival, he was presented with the rich abbacy of Arbroath, recently
forfeited by Lord John Hamilton. [Great Seal Register, iii. 803, No.
2920.] Next, on 4th March, the infeftment of Robert Stewart in the
earldom of Lennox was revoked, [Privy Council Register, iii. 271,
272. He received in exchange, two years later, the Earldom of March
and Lordship of Dunbar; Great Seal Register, iv. 139, No. 448 ;
Douglas's Peerage, ii. 98, 99.] and next day was conferred on Esme
Stewart, along with many rich lands in different parts of the
country. [Great Seal Register, iii. 816, 817, Nos. 2971-4.] The new
earl was also appointed Great Chamberlain of Scotland, an office
which included the personal guardianship of the king.
It was rumoured that
Lennox was a Catholic emissary, sent from France by Queen Mary's
uncle, the Duke of Guise, to influence James against England. He had
brought with him forty thousand crowns, possibly for purposes of
corruption; [Calderwood, MS. British Museum, fol. 1098; Tvtler, iv.
ch. i.] he had had a consultation before leaving France with Mary's
agents, Archbishop Beaton and the Bishop of Ross; and the Duke of
Guise had accompanied him to Dieppe, and conferred with him long on
the ship before his departure. [French Correspondence, quoted by
Tytler, iv. ch. i.] It is true that Lennox, at the king's instance,
changed his creed, but it soon became clear that a new and strong
party had arisen at court, headed by the king's cousin, against the
ex-regent Earl of Morton, Queen Mary's bitterest enemy.
In the midst of these
intrigues, on 4th October, 1580, Mathew Stewart of Minto, acting as
procurator for "Esme, Earl of Lennox, Lord Darnley and Aubigne,"
presented to the town council of Glasgow a letter from Archbishop
Boyd, nominating and presenting the earl as provost for the year,
which nomination the bailies and council accepted "gladly with
reverence." At the same time Mathew Stewart himself was made a
member of the council, and the retiring bailies and council
presented a list to the archbishop from which he named three new
bailies for the year. [Burgh Records, i. 79.]
A curious thing then
happened, the reason for which is not quite clear. The three bailies
thus appointed, whose names had been submitted by the town council,
appeared on 15th October before the Privy Council, and at the
request of the king, and for the favour they bore to the earl,
resigned the bailieship, and consented to the nomination of such
other persons as the Earl thought good, without prejudice to the
appointment of magistrates in the usual way in years to come, [Privy
Council Register, iii. 325.] and on 19th October, Stewart of Minto
produced to the town council another letter from the archbishop
nominating in their place three other bailies, Robert Stewart,
Hector Stewart, and John Graham.
Meanwhile trouble was
brewing for Archbishop Boyd himself. At the General Assembly held at
Dundee on 12th July, 1580, the opponents of episcopacy, led by
Andrew Melville, proceeded to condemn and abolish the system as
unwarranted by scripture, and fitted to overthrow the true church of
God. All bishops were required not only to demit the office, but to
cease acting as pastors till admitted anew by the Assembly. Synods
were appointed to meet in St. Andrews, Aberdeen, Glasgow, and Moray,
to receive the submission of the bishops of these dioceses, and
report to the next assembly to be held at Glasgow, on 24th April,
such as refused to submit, with a view to their excommunication.
Nothing would probably have pleased the republican, Andrew Melville,
better than to see Archbishop Boyd, the chancellor of his own
university, humiliated in his own city.
Events, however, were
moving rapidly in another direction. At the Privy Council meeting on
31st December, 1580, Captain Stewart, son of Lord Ochiltree, direct
descendant, by the way, of Murdoch, Duke of Albany, grandson of King
Robert, II., executed by James I. in 1425, suddenly appeared and
accused the Earl of Morton of being accessory to the murder of Lord
Darnley. Morton was at once arrested and confined in Dunbarton
Castle till his trial and condemnation on 1st June, and his
execution next day. [Privy Council Register, iii. 339, 388;
Calderwood, iii. 482-4, 557-575.] Morton's arrest meant the downfall
of the Presbyterian and Elizabethan party, and placed almost
absolute power in the hands of Lennox, who on the same day was
granted a number of other lands and baronies, [Great Seal Register,
iv. 24.] after Morton's execution received his escheat, with the
other lands and baronies, [Ibid. iv. 66; No. 204] and on 5th August
was made Duke of Lennox, Lord of Aubigny, Tarbolton, and Dalkeith.
[Privy Council Register, iii. 413.] He was also made governor of
Dunbarton Castle, captain of the guard, and first gentleman of the
bedchamber. [Crawford, p. 33.]
The rise of Lennox to
predominant influence came too late, however, to save Archbishop
Boyd. The conflict with the uncompromising firebrands of the General
Assembly had undermined his health. It is pathetic to find that one
of his last acts was to confer a substantial favour on the
university which had afforded a status as principal to his acrid
persecutor, Andrew Melville. On 28th May, 1581, with consent of his
chapter, he granted to the college in perpetuity the whole customs
dues of the tron, with the customs of fair or market, of meat or
weight, within the burgh. [Charters and Documents, ii. 189, No.
lxxii.] This grant afforded the means of establishing an additional
regent in the university. [Stat. Accounts, xxi; Caledonia, iii.
On 30th May the
archbishop conveyed to Andrew Paterson younger, in West Schiell, the
nineteen shilling land there and the twelve shilling and sixpenny
land in the village of Meikle Govan both then possessed by him. The
transaction affords a good example of the process then going on, of
affording the tenants of church lands security of tenure by
converting their existing rents into feu-duties. The preamble to
Paterson's charter expressly states that "by the acts of the most
noble Princes of Scotland, made for the benefit of the kingdom and
common weal, it is provided and decreed that the lands and
possessions as well of prelates and barons as of any others
heritably possessing lands, and of churchmen, should be let and set
in feu farm and heritage especially to the old tenants and
possessors, that, by the care, industry, and labour of wise men they
might be manured, improven, and made to yield better crops." For the
nineteen shilling land of West Shields, Paterson undertook to pay a
feu-duty of seventeen and five-pence, with three firlots each of
bear and oats, two capons and two poultry, and for the twelve
shilling and sixpenny land in Meikle Govan, ten and fourpence
halfpenny, with two firlots and one peck each of bear and oats, one
capon and a half, certain multures, salmon, and services, and twelve
pence in augmentation of rental, the sum of money to be doubled in
the first year of entry of heirs to the lands. [Judicial Records of
Renfrewshire, p. 271.]
Three weeks later, on
21st June, the archbishop died. [Grub, ii. 215.] According to
Spottiswoode, he was "a wise, learned, and religious prelate, worthy
to have lived in better times." He provided for his wife and family
from the estates of the see, made some other small grants from the
same source, granted a tenement in Edinburgh to James Boyd of Kipps,
and a pension of £200 Scots for life to the king's preceptor, Peter
Young. [Act. Pan. iii. 471, 491, 616.] Boyd was buried in the choir
of Glasgow Cathedral, next Archbishop Dunbar. [Keith, pp. 260, 261;
Grub, ii. 191-215.] |