WHILE the Earl of Mar was
thus busily engaged exciting a rebellion in the north, the government was no
less active in making preparations to meet it. Apprehensive of a general
rising in England, particularly in the west, where a spirit of disaffection
had often displayed itself, and to which the insurrection in Scotland was,
it was believed, intended as a diversion; the government, instead of
despatching troops to Scotland, posted the whole disposable force in the
disaffected districts, at convenient distances, by which disposition,
considerable bodies could be assembled together to assist each other in case
of need. The wisdom of this plan soon became apparent, as there can be no
doubt, that had an army been sent into Scotland to suppress the rebellion in
the north, an insurrection would have broken out in England, which might
have been fatal to the government.
To strengthen, however, the
military force in Scotland, the regiments of Forfar, Orrery, and Hill, were
recalled from Ireland. These arrived at Edinburgh about the 24th of August,
and were soon thereafter despatched along with other troops to the west,
under Major-general Wightman, for the purpose of securing the fords of the
Forth, and the pass of Stirling. These troops being upon the reduced
establishment, did not exceed 1,600 men, a force inadequate for the
protection of such an important post. Orders were, therefore, sent to the
Earl of Stair’s regiment of dragoons and two foot regiments, which lay in
the north of England, to march to the camp in the park of Stirling with all
expedition, and at the same time, Evans’s regiment of dragoons, and Clyton’s
and Wightman’s regiments of foot were recalled from Ireland.
During the time the camp was
forming at Stirling, the friends of the Chevalier at Edinburgh formed the
daring project of seizing the castle of Edinburgh, the possession of which
would have been of vast importance to the Jacobite cause. Lord Drummond, a
Catholic, was at the head of this party, which consisted of about 90
gentlemen selected for the purpose, about one half of whom were Highlanders.
In the event of success, each of the adventurers was to receive £100
sterling and a commission in the army. To facilitate their design, they
employed one Arthur, who had formerly been an ensign in the Scotch guards,
to corrupt some of the soldiers in the garrison, and who by money and
promises of preferment induced a sergeant, a corporal, and two sentinels to
enter into the views of the conspirators. These engaged to attend at a
certain place upon the wall, on the north, near the Sally-port, in order to
assist the conspirators in their ascent. The latter had prepared a scaling
ladder made of ropes, capable of holding several men abreast, and had so
contrived it, that it could be drawn up through means of pulleys, by a small
rope which the soldiers were to fasten behind the wall. Having completed
their arrangements, they fixed on the 9th of September for the attempt,
being the day after the last detachment of the government troops quartered
in camp in St. Anne’s Yards, near Edinburgh, had set off for Stirling. But
the projectors of this well-concerted enterprise were doomed to lament its
failure when almost on the eve of completion.

Arthur, the officer who had
bribed the soldiers, having engaged his brother, a physician in Edinburgh,
in the Jacobite interest, let him into the secret of the design upon the
castle. Dr. Arthur, who appears to have been a man of a timorous
disposition, grew alarmed at this intelligence, and so deep had been the
impression made upon his mind while contemplating the probable consequences
of such a step, that on the day before the attempt his spirits became so
depressed as to attract the notice of his wife, who importuned him to inform
her of the cause. He complied, and his wife, without acquainting him, sent
an anonymous letter to Sir Adam Cockburn of Ormiston, Lord-Justice-Clerk,
acquainting him with the conspiracy. Cockburn received this letter at ten o’clock
at night, and sent it off with a letter from himself to Lieutenant-colonel
Stuart, the deputy-governor of the castle, who received the communication
shortly before eleven. Stuart lost no time in ordering the officers to
double their guards and make diligent rounds; but probably supposing that no
attempt would be made that night he went to bed after issuing these
instructions. In the meantime, the conspirators had assembled at a tavern
preparatory to their attempt, but unfortunately for its success they
lingered over their cups far beyond the time they had fixed upon for putting
their project into execution. In fact, they did not assemble at the bottom
of the wall till after the deputy-governor had issued his orders; but
ignorant of what had passed within the castle, they proceeded to tie the
rope, which had been let down by the soldiers, to the ladder. Unhappily for
the whole party, the hour for changing the sentinels had arrived, and while
the traitorous soldiers were in the act of drawing up the ladder, one
Lieutenant Lindsay, at the head of a party of fresh sentinels, came upon
them on his way to the sally-port. The soldiers, alarmed at the approach of
Lindsay’s party, immediately slipt the rope, one of them at the same time
discharging his piece at the assailants to divert suspicion from himself.
The noise which this occurrence produced told the conspirators that they
were discovered, on which they dispersed. A party of the town-guard which
the Lord Provost, at the request of the Lord-Justice-Clerk, had sent to
patrol about the castle, attracted by the firing, immediately rushed from
the West-Port, and repaired to the spot, but all the conspirators, with the
exception of four whom they secured, had escaped. These were one Captain
Maclean, an officer who had fought under Dundee at Killiecrankie, whom they
found lying on the ground much injured by a fall from the ladder or from a
precipice; Alexander Ramsay and George Boswell, writers in Edinburgh; and
one Lesly, who had been in the service of the same Duchess of Gordon who had
distinguished herself in the affair of the medal. This party picked up the
ladder and a quantity of muskets and carbines which the conspirators had
thrown away in their flight.
Such was the result of an
enterprise which had been matured with great judgment, and which would
probably have succeeded, but for the trifling circumstance above mentioned.
The capture of such an important fortress as the castle of Edinburgh, at
such a time, would have been of vast importance to the Jacobites, inasmuch
as it would not only have afforded them an abundant supply of military
stores, with which it was then well provided, and put them in possession of
a considerable sum of money, but would also have served as a rallying point
to the disaffected living to the south of the Forth, who only waited a
favourable opportunity to declare themselves. Besides giving them the
command of the city, the possession of the castle by a Jacobite force would
have compelled the commander of the government forces to withdraw the
greater part of his troops from Stirling, and leave that highly important
post exposed to the northern insurgents. Had the attempt succeeded, Lord
Drummond, the contriver of the design, was to have been made governor of the
castle, and notice of its capture was to have been announced to some of the
Jacobite partisans on the opposite coast of Fife, by firing three
cannon-shots from its battlements. On hearing the report of the guns, these
men were instantly to have communicated the intelligence to the Earl of Mar,
who was to hasten south with all his forces.
As the appointment of a
person of rank, influence, and talent, to the command of the army, destined
to oppose the Earl of Mar, was of great importance, the Duke of Argyle, who
had served with distinction abroad, and who had formerly acted as
commander-in-chief of the forces in Scotland, was pitched upon as
generalissimo of the army encamped at Stirling. Having received instructions
from his majesty on the 8th of September, he departed for Scotland the
following day, accompanied by some of the Scottish nobility, and other
persons of distinction, and arrived at Edinburgh on the 14th. About the same
time, the Earl of Sutherland, who had offered his services to raise the
clans in the northern Highlands, in support of the government, was sent down
from London to Leith in a ship of war, with orders to obtain a supply of
arms and ammunition from the governor of the castle of Edinburgh. He arrived
on the 21st of September, and after giving instructions for the shipment of
these supplies, departed for the north.
When the Duke of Argyle
reached Edinburgh, he found that Mar had made considerable progress in the
insurrection, and that the regular forces at Stirling were far inferior in
point of numbers to those of the Jacobite commander. He, therefore, on the
day he arrived in the capital, addressed a letter to the magistrates of
Glasgow, (who, on the first appearance of the insurrection, had offered, in
a letter to Lord Townshend, one of the secretaries of state, to raise 600
men in support of the government, at the expense of the city,) requesting
them to send forthwith 500 or 600 men to Stirling, under the command of such
officers as they should think fit to appoint, to join the forces stationed
there. In compliance with this demand, there were despatched to Stirling, on
the 17th, 18th, and 19th of September, three battalions, amounting to
between 600 and 700 men, under the nominal command of the Lord Provost, who
deputed the active part of his duties to Colonel Blackadder. On the arrival
of the first battalion, the duke addressed a second letter from Stirling to
the magistrates of Glasgow, thanking them for their promptitude, and
requesting them to send intimation, with the greatest despatch, to all the
friends of the government in the west, to assemble all the fencible forces
at Glasgow, and to hold them in readiness to march when required. In
connexion with these instructions, the duke, at the same time, wrote letters
of a similar import to the magistrates of all the well affected burghs, and
to private individuals who were known to be favourably disposed. The most
active measures were accordingly adopted in the south and west by the
friends of the government, and in a short time a sufficient force was raised
to keep the disaffected in these districts in check.
Meanwhile the Earl of Mar and
his friends were no less active in preparing for the campaign. Pursuant to
an arrangement with the Jacobite chiefs, General Gordon, an officer of great
bravery and experience, was despatched into the Highlands to raise the
north-western clans, with instructions either to join Mar with such forces
as he could collect at the fords of the Forth, or to march upon Glasgow by
Dumbarton. Having collected a body of between 4,000 and 5,000 men, chiefly
Macdonalds, Macleans, and Camerons, Gordon attempted to surprise
Fort-William, and succeeded so far as to carry by surprise some of the
outworks, sword in hand, in which were a lieutenant, sergeant, and 25 men;
but as the garrison made a determined resistance, he withdrew his men, and
marched towards Inverary. This route, it is said, was taken at the
suggestion of Campbell of Glendaruel, who, at the first meeting of the
Jacobites, had assured Mar and his friends that if the more northern clans
would take Argyleshire in their way to the south, their numbers would be
greatly increased by the Macleans, Macdonalds, Macdougalls, Macneills, and
the other Macs of that county, together with a great number of Campbells, of
the family and followers of the Earl of Breadalbane, Sir James Campbell of
Auchinbreck, and Sir Duncan Campbell of Lochnell; all of whom, he said,
would join in the insurrection, when they saw the other clans in that
country at hand to protect them against those in the interest of the Duke of
When the Earl of Islay,
brother to the Duke of Argyle, heard of General Gordon’s movements he
assembled about 2,500 men to prevent a rising of the clans in Argyle, and of
the disaffected branches of the name of Campbell. On arriving before
Inverary, General Gordon found the place protected by entrenchments which
the earl had thrown up. He did not venture on an attack, but contented
himself with encamping at the north-east side of the town, at nearly the
distance of a mile, where he continued some days without any hostile attempt
being made on either side. It was evidently contrary to Gordon’s plan to
hazard an action, his sole design in entering Argyleshire being to give an
opportunity to the Jacobite population of that district to join his
standard, which the keeping of such a large body of men locked up in
Inverary would greatly assist.
During the continuance before
Inverary of the "Black Camp," as General Gordon’s party was
denominated by the Campbells, the Earl of Islay and his men were kept in a
state of continual alarm from the most trifling causes. On one occasion an
amusing incident occurred, which excited the fears of the Campbells, and
showed how greatly they dreaded an attack. Some time before this occurrence,
a small body of horse from Kintyre had joined the earl: the men were
quartered in the town, but the horses were put out to graze on the east side
of the small river that runs past Inverary. The horses disliking their
quarters, took their departure one night in search of better pasture. They
sought their way along the shore for the purpose of crossing the river at
the lower end of the town. The trampling of their hoofs on the gravel being
heard at some distance by the garrison, the earl’s men were thrown into
the utmost consternation, as they had no doubt that the enemy was advancing
to attack them. As the horses were at full gallop, and advancing nearer
every moment, the noise increasing as they approached, nothing but terror
was to ho seen in every face. With trembling hands they seized their arms
and put themselves in a defensive posture to repel the attack, but they were
fortunately soon relieved from the panic they had been thrown into by some
of the horses which had passed the river approaching without riders; so that
"at last," says the narrator of this anecdote, "the whole was
found only to be a plot among the Kintyre horse to desert not to the enemy,
but to their own country; for ‘tis to be supposed the horses, as well as
their owners, were of very loyal principles."
Shortly after this event,
another occurrence took place, which terminated not quite so ridiculously as
the other. One night the sergeant on duty, when going his rounds at the
quarter of the town opposite to the place where the clans lay, happened to
make some mistake in the watchword. The sentinel on duty supposing the
sergeant and his party to be enemies, discharged his piece at them. The
earl, alarmed at the firing, immediately ordered the drums to beat to arms,
and in a short time the whole of his men were assembled on the castle-green,
where they were drawn up in battalions in regular order by torch or candle
light, the night being extremely dark. As soon as they were marshalled, the
earl gave them orders to fire in platoons towards the quarter whence they
supposed the enemy was approaching, and, accordingly, they opened a brisk
fire, which was kept up for a considerable time, by which several of their
own sentinels in returning from their posts were wounded. Whilst the
Campbells were thus employed upon the castle-green, several gentlemen, some
Bay general officers, who liked to fight "under covert," retired
to the square tower or castle of Inverary, from the windows of which they
issued their orders. When the earl found that he had no enemy to contend
with, he ordered his men to cease firing, and to continue all night under
arms. This humorous incident, however, was attended with good consequences
to the terrified Campbells, as it had the effect of relieving them from the
presence of the enemy. General Gordon, who had not the most distant
intention of entering the town, on hearing the close and regular firing from
the garrison, concluded that sonic forces had entered the town, to celebrate
whose arrival the firing had taken place, and alarmed for his own safety,
sounded a retreat towards Perth-shire before day-light.
No sooner, however, had the
clans left Inverary, than a detachment of the Earl of Breadalbane’s men,
to the number of about 500, entered the county under the command of Campbell
of Glenlyon. To expel them, the Earl of Islay sent a select body of about
700 men, in the direction of Loin, under the command of Colonel Campbell of
Fanab, an old and experienced officer, who came up with Glenlyon’s
detachment at Glenscheluch, a small village at the end of the lake called
Lochnell, in the mid division of Loin, about 20 miles distant from Inverary.
Both sides immediately prepared for battle, and to lighten themselves as
much as possible, the men threw off their plaids and other incumbrances.
Whilst both parties were standing gazing on each other with fury in their
looks, waiting for the signal to commence battle, a parley was proposed, in
consequence of which, a conference was held by the commanders half-way
between the lines. The result was, that the Breadalbane men, to spare the
effusion of the Campbell blood, agreed to lay down their arms on condition
of being allowed to march out of the country without disturbance. These
terms being communicated to both detachments, were approved of by a loud
shout of joy, and hostages were immediately exchanged on both sides for the
due performance of the articles. The Earl of Islay, on coming up with the
remainder of his forces, was dissatisfied with the terms of the
capitulation, as he considered that he had it in his power to cut off
Glenlyon’s party; but he was persuaded to accede to the articles, which
were accordingly honourably observed on both sides.
In the meantime, the Earl of
Mar had collected a considerable force, with which he marched, about the
middle of September, to Moulinearn, a small village in Athole, where he
proclaimed the Chevalier. On entering Athole, he was joined by 500 Atholemen,
under the Marquis of Tullibardine, and by the party of the Earl of
Breadalbane’s men, under Campbell of Glenlyon and Campbell of Glendaruel.
He was afterwards joined by the old earl himself, who, although he had, the
day preceding his arrival, procured an affidavit from a physician in Perth,
and the minister of the parish of Kenmore, of which he was patron,
certifying his total inability, from age, and a complication of diseases, to
comply with a mandate of the government requiring him to attend at
Edinburgh; yet, nevertheless, found himself able enough to take the field in
support of the Chevalier. Having received intelligence that the Earl of
Rothes, and some of the gentlemen of Fife, were advancing with 500 of the
militia of that county to seize Perth, he sent Colonel John Hay, brother to
the Earl of Kinnoul, with a detachment of 200 horse, to take possession of
that town; he accordingly entered it on the 14th of September, without
opposition, and there proclaimed the Chevalier. The provost made indeed a
demonstration of opposition by collecting between 300 and 400 men in the
market place; but Colonel Hay having been joined by a party of 150 men which
had been sent into the town a few days before by the Duke of Athole, the
provost dismissed his men. When the Earl of Rothes, who was advancing upon
Perth with a body of 500 men, heard of its capture, he retired to Leslie,
and sent notice of the event to the Duke of Argyle. The possession of Perth
was of importance to Mar in a double point of view, as it not only gave him
the command of the whole of Fife, in addition to the country north of the
Tay, but also inspired his friends with confidence. Accordingly, the
Chevalier was proclaimed at Aberdeen by the Earl Marischal; at Castle
Gordon, by the Marquis of Huntly; at Brechin, by the Earl of Panmure; at
Montrose, by the Earl of Southesk; and at Dundee, by Graham of Claverhouse,
who was afterwards created Viscount Dundee, by the Chevalier.
As Mar had no intention of
descending into the Lowlands himself without a considerable force, he
remained several days at Moulinearn waiting for the clans who had promised
to join him, and in the meantime directed Colonel Hay, whom, on the 18th of
September, he appointed governor of Perth, to retain possession of that town
at all hazards. He also directed him to tender to the inhabitants the oath
of allegiance to the Chevalier, and to expel from the town all persons who
refused to take the oath. After this purgation had been effected, Governor
Hay was ordered to appoint a free election of magistrates by poll, to open
all letters passing through the post-office, and to appoint a new postmaster
in whom he could have confidence. To support Hay in case of an attack, Mar
sent down a party of Robertsons, on the 22d, under the command of Alexander
Robertson of Strowan, their chief, known as the elector of Strowan.
At this time, Mar’s forces
did not probably exceed 3,000 men, but their number having been increased to
upwards of 5,000 within a few days thereafter, he marched down upon Perth,
which he entered on the 28th of September, on which day the Honourable James
Murray, second son of the Viscount Stormont, arrived at Perth with letters
from the Chevalier to the earl, giving him assurances of speedy and powerful
succour, and promises from the Chevalier, as was reported, of appearing
personally in Scotland in a short time. This gentleman had gone over to
France in the month of April preceding, to meet the Chevalier, who had
appointed him principal secretary for Scotland, and had lately landed at
Dover, whence he had travelled incognito overland to Edinburgh,
where, although well known, he escaped detection. After spending a few days
in Edinburgh, during which time he attended, it is said, several private
meetings of the friends of the Chevalier, he crossed the Frith in an open
boat at Newhaven, and landed at Burntisland, whence he proceeded to Perth.
The first operations of the
insurgents were marked by vigour and intrepidity. The seizure of Perth,
though by no means a brilliant affair, was almost as important as a victory
would have been at such a crisis, and another dashing exploit which a party
of the earl’s army performed a few days after his arrival at Perth, was
calculated to make an impression equally favourable to the Jacobite cause.
Before the Earl of Sutherland took his departure from Leith for Dunrobin
castle, to raise a force in the north, he arranged with the government for a
supply of arms, ammunition and military stores, which was to be furnished by
the governor of Edinburgh castle, and sent down to the north with as little
delay as possible. Accordingly, about the end of September, a vessel
belonging to Burntisland was freighted for that purpose, on board of which
were put about 400 stands of arms, and a considerable quantity of ammunition
and military stores. The vessel anchored in Leith roads, but was prevented
from passing down the Frith by a strong northeasterly wind, which,
continuing to blow very hard, induced the captain for security’s sake to
weigh anchor and stand over to Burntisland roads, on the opposite coast of
Fife, under the protection of the weather shore. The captain went on shore
at Burntisland, to visit his wife and family who resided in the town, and
the destination of the vessel, and the nature of her cargo being made known
to some persons in the Jacobite interest, information thereof was
immediately communicated by them to the Earl of Mar, who at once resolved to
send a detachment to Burntisland to seize the vessel. Accordingly, he
despatched on the evening of the 2d of October, a party of 400 horse, and
500 foot, from Perth to Burntisland, with instructions so to order their
march as not to enter the latter place till about midnight. To draw off the
attention of the Duke of Argyle from this expedition, Mar made a movement as
if he intended to march with all his forces upon Alva, in the neighbourhood
of Stirling, in consequence of which Argyle, who had received intelligence
of Mar’s supposed design, kept his men under arms the whole day in
expectation of an attack. Meanwhile, the party having reached their
destination, the foot entered Burntisland unperceived, and while the horse
surrounded the town to prevent any person from carrying the intelligence of
their arrival out of it, the foot seized all the boats in the harbour and
along the shore, to cut off all communication by sea. About 120 men were,
thereupon, sent off in some boats to board the ship, which they secured
without opposition. They at first attempted to bring the vessel into the
harbour, but were prevented by the state of the tide. They, however, lost no
time in discharging her cargo, and having pressed a number of carts and
horses from the neighbourhood into their service, the detachment set off
undisturbed for Perth with their booty, where they arrived without
molestation. Besides the arms and other warlike materials which they found
in the vessel, the detachment carried off 100 stands of arms from the town,
and between 30 and 40 more which they found in another ship. Emboldened by
the success of this enterprise, parties of the insurgents spread themselves
over Fife, took possession of all the towns on the north of the Frith of
Forth, from Burntisland to Fifeness, and prohibited all communication
between them and the opposite coast. The Earl of Rothes, who was quartered
at Leslie, was now obliged, for fear of being cut off, to retire to Stirling
under the protection of a detachment of horse and foot, which had been sent
from Stirling to support him, under the command of the Earl of Forfar, and
Colonel Ker.
Mar had not yet been joined
by any of the northern clans, nor by those under General Gordon; but on the
5th of October, about 500 of the Mackintoshes arrived under the command of
the Laird of Borlum, better known by the name of Brigadier Mackintosh, an
old and experienced soldier, who, as uncle of the chief, had placed himself
at the head of that clan in consequence of his nephew’s minority. This
clan had formerly sided with the revolution party; but, influenced by Borlum,
who was a zealous Jacobite, they were among the first to espouse the cause
of the Chevalier, and had seized upon Inverness before some of the other
clans had taken the field. On the following day the earl was also joined by
the Marquis of Huntly at the head of 500 horse and 2,000 foot, chiefly
Gordons; and on the 10th by the Earl Marischal with 300 horse, among whom
were many gentlemen, and 500 foot. These different accessions increased Mar’s
army to upwards of 8,000 men.
Mar ought now to have
instantly opened the campaign by advancing upon Stirling, and attacking the
Duke of Argyle, whose forces did not, at this time, amount to 2,000 men. In
his rear he had nothing to dread, as the Earl of Seaforth, who was advancing
to join him with a body of 3,000 foot and 600 home, had left a division of
2,000 of his men behind him to keep the Earl of Sutherland, and the other
friends of the government in the northern Highlands, in check As the whole
of the towns on the eastern coast from Burntisland to Inverness were in
possession of his detachments, and as there was not a single hostile party
along the whole of that extensive stretch, no obstacle could have occurred,
had he marched south, to prevent him from obtaining a regular supply of
provisions for his army and such warlike stores as might reach any of these
ports from France. One French vessel had already safely landed a supply of
arms and ammunition in a northern port, and another during Mar’s stay at
Perth boldly sailed up the Frith of Forth, in presence of some English ships
of war, and entered the harbour of Burntisland with a fresh supply. But
though personally brave, Mar was deficient in military genius, and was
altogether devoid of that promptitude of action by which Montrose and Dundee
were distinguished. Instead, therefore, of attempting at once to strike a
decisive blow at Argyle, the insurgent general lingered at Perth upwards of
a month. This error, however, might have been repaired had he not committed
a more fatal one by detaching a considerable part of his army, including the
Macintoshes, who were the best armed of his forces, at the solicitation of a
few English Jacobites, who, having taken up arms in the north of England,
craved his support.
About the period of Mar’s
departure for Scotland, the government had obtained information of a
dangerous conspiracy in England in favour of the Chevalier, in consequence
of which the titular Duke of Powis was committed to the Tower, and Lords
Lansdowne and Dupplin were arrested, as implicated in the conspiracy, and a
warrant was issued for the apprehension of the Earl of Jersey. At the same
time, a message from the king was sent to the house of commons, informing
them that his majesty had given orders for the apprehension of Sir William
Wyndham, Mr. Thomas Forster, junior, member for the county of
Northumberland, and other members of the lower house, as being engaged in a
design to support an invasion of the kingdom. Sir William Wyndham was
accordingly apprehended, and committed to the Tower, but Mr. Forster having
been apprised of the arrival of a messenger at Durham with the warrant for
his apprehension, avoided him, and joined the Earl of Derwentwater, a young
Catholic nobleman, against whom a similar warrant had been issued. Tired of
shifting from place to place, they convened a meeting of their friends in
Northumberland to consult as to the course they should pursue; it was
resolved immediately to take up arms in support of the Chevalier. In
pursuance of a resolution entered into, about 60 horsemen, mostly gentlemen,
and some attendants, met on Thursday the 6th of October, at a place called
Greenrig, whence, after some consultation, they marched to Plainfield, a
place on the river Coquet, where they were joined by a few adherents. From
Plainfield they departed for Rothbuxy, a small market town, where they took
up their quarters for the night.
Next morning, their numbers
still increasing, they advanced to Warkworth, where they were joined by Lord
Widdrington, with 30 horse. Mr. Forster was now appointed to the command of
this force, not on account of his military abilities, for he had none, but
because he was a Protestant, and therefore less objectionable to the
high-church party than the Earl of Derwentwater, who, in the absence of a
regularly bred commander, should, on account of his rank, have been named to
the chief command. On Sunday morning, Mr. Forster sent Mr. Buxton, a
clergyman of Derbyshire, who acted as chaplain to the insurgent party, to
the parson of Warkworth, with orders to pray for the Chevalier by name as
king, and to introduce into the Litany the name of Mary, the queen-mother,
and all the dutiful branches of the royal family, and omit the names of King
George, and the prince and princess. The minister of the parish wisely
declined to obey these orders, and for his own safety retired to Newcastle.
The parishioners, however, were not deprived of divine service, as Mr.
Buxton, on the refusal of the parson to officiate as directed, entered the
church, and performed in his stead with considerable effect.
On Monday the 10th of
October, Mr. Forster was joined by 40 horse from the Scottish border, on
which day he openly proclaimed the Chevalier. This small party remained at
Warkworth till the 14th, when they proceeded to Alnwick, where they were
joined by many of their friends, and thence marched to Morpeth. At Eelton
bridge they were reinforced by another party of Scottish horse to the number
of 70, chiefly gentlemen from the border, so that on entering Morpeth their
force amounted to 300 horse. In the course of his march Forster had numerous
offers of service from the country people, which, however, he was obliged to
decline from the want of arms; but he promised to avail himself of them as
soon as he had provided himself with arms and ammunition, which he expected
to find in Newcastle, whither he intended to proceed.
In connection with these
movements, Launcelot Errington, a Newcastle shipmaster, undertook to
surprise Holy Island, which was guarded by a few soldiers, exchanged weekly
from the garrison of Berwick. In a military point of view, the possession of
such an insignificant post was of little importance, but it was considered
by the Jacobites as useful for making signals to such French vessels as
might appear off the Northumberland coast with supplies for the insurgents.
Errington, it appears, was known to the garrison, as he had been in the
habit of visiting the island on business; and having arrived off the island
on the 10th of October, he was allowed to enter the port, no suspicions
being entertained of his design. Pursuant to the plan he had formed for
surprising the castle, he invited the greater part of the garrison to visit
his vessel, and having got them on board, he and the party which accompanied
him left the vessel, and took possession of the castle without opposition.
Errington endeavoured to apprise his friends at Warkworth of his success by
signals, but these were not observed, and the place was retaken the
following day by a detachment of 30 men from the garrison of Berwick, and a
party of 50 of the inhabitants of the town, who, crossing the sands at low
water, entered the island, and carried the fort sword in hand. Errington, in
attempting to escape, received a shot in the thigh, and being captured, was
carried prisoner to Berwick; whence he had the good fortune to make his
escape in disguise. The possession of Newcastle, where the Jacobite interest
was very powerful, was the first object of the Northumberland insurgents;
but they were frustrated in their design by the vigilance of the
magistrates. Having first secured all suspected persons, the magistrates
walled up all the gates with stone and lime, except the Brampton gate, on
which they placed two pieces of cannon, An association of the well-affected
inhabitants was formed for the defence of the town, and the churchmen and
dissenters, laying aside their antipathies for a time, enrolled themselves
as volunteers. 700 of these were immediately armed by the magistrates. The
keelmen also, who were chiefly dissenters, offered to furnish a similar
number of men to defend that town; but their services were not required, as
two successive reinforcements of regular troops from Yorkshire arrived on
the 9th and 12th of October. When the insurgents received intelligence of
the state of affairs at Newcastle, they retired to Hexham, having a few days
before sent an express to the Earl of Mar for a reinforcement of foot.
The news of the rising under
Mr. Forster having been communicated to the Marquis of Tweeddale, Lord
Lieutenant of Haddingtonshire, his lordship called a meeting of his deputy
lieutenants at Haddington early in October, and at the same time issued
instructions to them to put the laws in execution against
"papists" and other suspected persons, by binding them over to
keep the peace, and by seizing their arms and horses in terms of a late act
of parliament. In pursuance of this order, Mr. Hepburn of Humbie, and Dr.
Sinclair of Hermandston, two of the deputy lieutenants, resolved to go the
morning after the instructions were issued, to the house of Mr. Hepburn of
Keith, a zealous Jacobite, against whom they appear to have entertained
hostile feelings. Dr. Sinclair accordingly appeared next morning with a
party of armed men at the place where Hepburn of Humbie had agreed to meet
him; but as the latter did not appear at the appointed hour, the doctor
proceeded towards Keith with his attendants. On their way to Keith, Hepburn
enjoined his party, in case of resistance, not to fire till they should be
first fired at by Mr. Hepburn of Keith or his party; and on arriving near
the house he reiterated these instructions. When the arrival of Sinclair and
his party was announced to Mr. Hepburn of Keith, the latter at once
suspecting the cause, immediately demanded inspection of the doctor’s
orders. Sinclair, thereupon, sent forward a servant with the Marquis of
Tweeddale’s commission, who, finding the gates shut, offered to show the
commission to Hepburn at the dining-room window. On being informed of the
nature of the commission, Hepburn signified the utmost contempt at it, and
furiously exclaiming "God damn the doctor and the marquis both,"
disappeared. The servant thinking that Mr. Hepburn had retired for a time to
consult with his friends before inspecting the commission, remained before
the inner gate waiting for his return. But instead of coming back to receive
the commission, Hepburn and his friends immediately mounted their horses and
sallied out, Hepburn discharging a pistol at the servant, which wounded him
in two places. Old Keith then rode up to the doctor, who was standing near
the outer gate, and after firing another pistol at him, attacked him sword
in hand and wounded him in the head. Sinclair’s party, in terms of their
instructions, immediately returned the fire, and Mr. Hepburn’s younger son
was unfortunately killed on the spot. Hepburn and his party, disconcerted by
this event, instantly galloped off towards the Borders and joined the
Jacobite standard. The death of young Hepburn, who was the first person that
fell in the insurrection of 1715, highly incensed the Jacobites, who longed
for an opportunity, which was soon afforded them, of punishing its author,
Dr. Sinclair.
Whilst Mr. Forster was thus
employed in Northumberland, the Earl of Kenmure, who had received a
commission from the Earl of Mar to raise the Jacobites in the south of
Scotland, was assembling his friends on the Scottish border. Early in
October he had held private meetings with some of them, at which it had been
resolved to make an attempt upon Dumfries, expecting to surprise it before
the friends of the government there should be aware of their design; but the
magistrates got timely warning. Lord Kenmure first appeared in arms, at the
head of 150 horse, on the 11th of October at Moffat, where he proclaimed the
Chevalier, on the evening of which day he was joined by the Earl of Wintoun
and 14 attendants. Next day he proceeded to Lochmaben, where he also
proclaimed "the Pretender." Alarmed at his approach, the
magistrates of Dumfries ordered the drums to beat to arms, and for several
days the town exhibited a scene of activity and military bustle perfectly
ludicrous, when the trifling force with which it was threatened is
considered. Kenmure advanced within two miles of the town, but being
informed of the preparations which had been made to receive him, he returned
to Lochmaben. He thereupon marched to Ecclefechan, where he was joined by
Sir Patrick Maxwell of Springkell, with 14 horsemen, and thence to Langholm,
and afterwards to Hawick, where he proclaimed the Chevalier. On the 17th of
October, Kenmure marched to Jedburgh, with the intention of proceeding to
Kelso, and there also proclaimed the prince; but learning that Kelso was
protected by a party under the command of Sir William Bennet of Grubbet, he
crossed the Border with the design of forming a junction with Forster.
We must now direct attention
to the measures taken by the Earl of Mar in compliance with the request of
Mr. Forster and his friends to send them a body of foot. As Mar had not
resolution to attempt the passage of the Forth, which, with the forces under
his command, he could have easily effected, he had no other way of
reinforcing the English Jacobites, than by attempting to transport a part of
his army across the Frith. As there were several English men-of-war in the
Frith, the idea of sending a body of 2,000 men across such an extensive arm
(if the sea appeared chimerical ; yet, nevertheless, Mar resolved upon this
bold and hazardous attempt.
To command this adventurous
expedition, the Jacobite general pitched upon Old Borluin, as Brigadier
Mackintosh was familiarly called, who readily undertook, with the assistance
of the Earl of Panmure, and other able officers, to perform a task which few
men, even of experience, would have undertaken without a grudge. For this
hazardous service, a picked body of 2,500 men was selected, consisting of
the whole of the Mackintoshes, and the greater part of Mar’s own regiment,
and of the regiments of the Earl of Strathmore, Lord Nairne, Lord Charles
Murray, and Drummond of Logic Drummond. To escape the men-of-war, which were
stationed between Leith and Burntisland, it was arranged that the expedition
should embark at Crail, Pittenweem, and Elie, three small towns near the
mouth of the Frith, whither the troops were to proceed with the utmost
secrecy and expedition by the most unfrequented ways through the interior of
Fife. At the same time, to amuse the ships of war, it was concerted that
another small and select body should openly march across the country to
Burntisland, seize upon the boats in the harbour, and make preparations as
if they intended to cross the Frith. With remarkable foresight, Mar gave
orders that the expedition should embark with the flowing of the tide, that
in case of detection, the ships of war should be obstructed by it in their
pursuit down the Frith.
Accordingly, on the 9th or
10th of October, both detachments left Perth escorted by a body of horse
under the command of Sir John Erskine of Alva, the Master of Sinclair, and
Sir James Sharp, grandson of Archbishop Sharp of St. Andrews; and whilst the
main body proceeded in a south-easterly direction, through the district of
Fife bordering upon the Tay, so as to pass unobserved by the men-of-war, the
other division marched directly across the country to Burntisland, where
they made a feint as if preparing to embark in presence of the ships of war
which then lay at anchor in Leith Roads. When the commanders of these
vessels observed the motions of the insurgents, they manned their boats and
despatched them across to attack them should they venture out to sea, and
slipping their cables they stood over with their vessels to the Fife shore
to support their boats. As the boats and ships approached, the insurgents,
who had already partly embarked, returned on shore; and those on land
proceeded to erect a battery, as if for the purpose of covering the
embarkation. An interchange of shots then took place without damage on
either side, till night put an end to hostilities. In the meantime,
Brigadier Mackintosh had arrived at the different stations fixed for his
embarkation, at the distance of nearly 20 miles from the ships of war, and
was actively engaged in shipping his men in boats which had been previously
secured for their reception by his friends in these quarters. The first
division crossed the same night, being Wednesday the 12th of October, and
the second followed next morning. When almost half across the channel,
which, between the place of embarkation and the opposite coast, is about 16
or 17 miles broad, the fleet of boats was descried from the top-masts of the
men-of-war, and the commanders then perceived, for the first time, the
deception which had been so successfully practised upon them by the
detachment at Burntisland. Unfortunately, at the time they made this
discovery, both wind and tide were against them; but they sent out their
boats fully manned, which succeeded in capturing only two boats with 40 men,
who were carried into Leith, and committed to jail. As soon as the tide
changed, the men-of-war proceeded down the Frith, in pursuit, but they came
too late, and the whole of the boats, with the exception of eight, (which
being far behind, took refuge in the Isle of May, to avoid capture,) reached
the opposite coast in perfect safety, and disembarked their men at Gullane,
North Berwick, Aberlady, and places adjacent. The number carried over
amounted to about 1,600. Those who were driven into the Isle of May,
amounting to 200, after remaining therein a day or two, regained the Fife
coast, and returned to the camp at Perth.
The news of Mackintosh’s
landing occasioned a dreadful consternation at Edinburgh., where the friends
of the government, astonished at the boldness of the enterprise, and the
extraordinary success which had attended it, once conjectured that the
brigadier would march directly upon the capital, where he had many friends,
and from which he was only 16 miles distant. As the city was at this time
wholly unprovided with the means of defence, Campbell, the provost, a warm
partisan of the government, adopted the most active measures for putting it
in a defensive state. The well affected among the citizens formed themselves
into a body for its defence, under the name of the Associate Volunteers, and
these, with the city guards and trained bands, had different posts assigned
them, which they guarded with great care and vigilance. Even the ministers
of the city, to show an example to the lay citizens, joined the ranks of the
armed volunteers. The provost, at the same time, sent an express to the Duke
of Argyle, requesting him to send, without delay, a detachment of regular
troops to support the citizens.
After the brigadier had
mustered his men, he marched to Haddington, in which he took up his quarters
for the night to refresh his troops, and wait for the remainder of his
detachment, which he expected would follow. According to Mackintosh’s
instructions, he should have marched directly for England, to join the
insurgents in Northumberland, but having received intelligence of the
consternation which prevailed at Edinburgh, and urged, it is believed, by
pressing solicitations from some of the Jacobite inhabitants to advance upon
the capital, as well as lured by the eclat which its capture would confer
upon his arms, and the obvious advantages which would thence ensue, he
marched rapidly towards Edinburgh the following morning. He arrived in the
evening of the same day, Friday 14th October, at Jock’s lodge, about a
mile from the city, where, being informed of the measures which had been
taken to defend it, and that the fluke of Argyle was hourly expected from
Stirling with a reinforcement, he immediately halted, and called a council
of war. After a short consultation, they resolved, in the meantime, to take
possession of Leith. Mackintosh, accordingly, turning off his men to the
right, marched into the town without opposition. He immediately released
from jail the 40 men who had been taken prisoners by the boats of the
men-of-war, and seized a considerable quantity of brandy and provisions,
which he found in the custom-house. He then took possession of and quartered
his men in the citadel which had been built by Oliver Cromwell. This fort,
which was of a square form, with four demi-bastions, and surrounded by a
large dry ditch, was now in a very dismantled state, though all the
outworks, with the exception of the gates, were entire. Within the walls
were several houses, built for the convenience of sea bathing, and which
served the new occupants in lieu of barracks. To supply the want of gates,
Mackintosh formed barricades of beams, planks, and of carts filled with
earth, stone, and other materials, and seizing six or eight pieces of cannon
which he found in some vessels in the harbour, he planted two of them at the
north end of the drawbridge, and the remainder upon the ramparts of the
citadel Within a few hours, therefore, after he had entered Leith,
Mackintosh was fully prepared to withstand a siege, should the Duke of
Argyle venture to attack him.
Whilst Mackintosh was in full
march upon the capital from the east, the Duke of Argyle was advancing upon
it with greater rapidity from the west, at the head of 400 dragoons and 200
foot, mounted, for the sake of greater expedition, upon farm-horses. Ho
entered the city by the west port about ten o’clock at night, and was
joined by the horse militia of Lothian and the Merse with a good many
volunteers, both horse and foot, who, with the Marquis of Tweeddale, Lord
Belhaven, and others, had retired into Edinburgh on the approach of the
insurgents. These, with the addition of the city guard and volunteers,
increased his force to nearly 1,200 men. With this body the duke marched
down towards Leith next morning, Saturday, 15th October; but before he
reached the town many of the "brave gentlemen volunteers," whose
enthusiasm had cooled while contemplating the probable consequences of
encountering in deadly strife the determined band to which they were to be
opposed, slunk out of the ranks and retired to their homes. On arriving near
the citadel, Argyle posted the dragoons and foot on opposite sides, and
along with Generals Evans and Wightman, proceeded to reconnoitre the fort on
the sea side. Thereafter he sent in a summons to the citadel requiring the
rebels to surrender under the pain of high treason, and declaring that if
they obliged him to employ cannon to force them, and killed any of his men
in resisting him, he would give them no quarter. To this message the laird
of Kynnacbin, a gentleman of Athole, returned this resolute answer, that as
to surrendering they did not understand the word, which could therefore only
excite laughter — that if his grace thought he was able to make an
assault, he might try, but he would find that they were fully prepared to
meet it; and as to quarter they were resolved, in case of attack, neither to
take nor to give any.
This answer was followed by a
discharge from the cannon on the ramparts, which made Argyle soon perceive
the mistake he had committed in advancing without cannon. Had his force been
equal and even numerically superior to that of Mackintosh, he could not have
ventured without almost certain destruction, to have carried the citadel
sword in hand, as he found that before his men could reach the foot of the
wall or the barricaded positions, they would probably have been exposed to
five rounds from the besieged, which, at a moderate computation, would have
cut off one half of his men. His cavalry, besides, on account of the nature
of the ground, could have been of little use in an assault; and as, under
such circumstances, an attack was considered impracticable, the duke retired
to Edinburgh in the evening to make the necessary preparations for a siege.
While deliberating on the expediency of making an attack, some of the
volunteers were very zealous for it, but on being informed that it belonged
to them as volunteers to lead the way, they heartily approved of the duke’s
proposal to defer the attempt till a more seasonable opportunity.
Had the Earl of Mar been
apprised in due time of Mackintosh’s advance upon Edinburgh, and of the
Duke of Argyle’s departure from Stirling, he would probably have marched
towards the latter place, and might have crossed the Forth above the bridge
of Stirling, without any very serious opposition from the small force
stationed in the neighbourhood; but he received the intelligence of the
brigadier’s movement too late to make it available, had he been inclined;
moreover it appears that he had resolved not to cross the Forth till joined
by General Gordon’s detachment.
On returning to Edinburgh the
Duke of Argyle gave orders for the removal of some pieces of cannon from the
castle to Leith, with the intention of making an assault upon the citadel
the following morning with the whole of his force, including the dragoons,
which he had resolved to dismount for the occasion. But he was saved the
necessity of such a hazardous attempt, the insurgents evacuating the place
the same night. Old Borlum, seeing no chance of obtaining possession of
Edinburgh, and considering that the occupation of the citadel, even if
tenable, was not of sufficient importance to employ such a large body of men
in its defence, had resolved, shortly after the departure of the duke, to
abandon the place, and to retrace his steps without delay, and with all the
secrecy in his power. Two hours before his departure, he sent a boat across
the Frith with despatches to the Earl of Mar, giving him a detail of his
proceedings since his landing, and informing him of his intention to retire.
To deceive the men-of-war which lay at anchor in the Roads, he caused a shot
to be fired after the boat, which had the desired effect of making the
officers in command of the ships think the boat had some friends of the
government on board, and thus allowing her to pursue her course without
At nine o’clock at night,
every thing being in readiness, Mackintosh, favoured by the darkness of the
night and low water, left the citadel secretly, and pursuing his course
along the beach, crossed, without observation, the small rivulet which runs
through the harbour at low water, and which was then about knee deep, and
passing the point of the pier, pursued his route south-eastward along the
sands of Leith. At his departure, Mackintosh was obliged to leave about 40
men behind him, who having made too free with the brandy which had been
found in the custom—house, were not in a condition to march. These, with
some stragglers who lagged behind, were afterwards taken prisoners by a
detachment of Argyle’s forces, which also captured some baggage and
The Highlanders continued
their march during the night, and arrived at two o’clock on the morning of
Sunday, the 16th of October, at Seaton House, the seat of the Earl of
Wintoun, who had already joined the Viscount Kenmure. Here, during the day,
they were joined by a small party of their friends, who had crossed the
Frith some time after the body which marched to Leith had landed, and who,
from having disembarked farther to the eastward, had not been able to reach
their companions before their departure for the capital. As soon as the Duke
of Argyle heard of Mackintosh’s retreat, and that he had taken up a
position in Seaton House, which was encompassed by a very strong and high
stone wall, he resolved to follow and besiege him in his new quarters. But
the duke was prevented from carrying this design into execution by receiving
intelligence that Mar was advancing upon Stirling with the intention of
crossing the Forth.
Being apprised by the receipt
of Mackintosh’s despatch from Leith, of the Brigadier’s design to march
to the south, Mar had resolved, with the view principally of facilitating
his retreat from Leith, to make a movement upon Stirling, and thereby induce
the Duke of Argyle to return to the camp in the Park with the troops which
he had carried to Edinburgh. Mar, accordingly, left Perth on Monday the 17th
of October, and General Witham, the commander of the royalist forces at
Stirling in Argyle’s absence, having on the previous day received notice
of Mar’s intention, immediately sent an express to the duke, begging him
to return to Stirling immediately, and bring back the forces he had taken
with him to Edinburgh. The express reached Edinburgh at an early hour on
Monday morning, and the duke immediately left Edinburgh for Stirling,
leaving behind him only 100 dragoons and 150 foot under General Wightman. On
arriving at Stirling that night he was informed that Mar was to be at
Dunblane next morning with his whole army, amounting to nearly 10,000 men.
The arrival of his Grace was most opportune, for Mar had in fact advanced
the same evening, with all his horse, to Dunblane, little more than six
miles from Stirling, and his foot were only a short way off from the latter
place. Whether Mar would have really attempted the passage of the Forth but
for the intelligence he received next morning, is very problematical; but
having been informed early on Tuesday of the duke’s return, and of the
arrival of Evans’s regiment of dragoons from Ireland, he resolved to
return to Perth. In a letter which he wrote to Mr. Forster from Perth on the
21st of October, after alluding to the information he had received, he gives
as an additional reason for this determination, that he had left Perth
before provisions could be got ready for his army, and that he found all the
country about Stirling, where he meant to pass the Forth, so entirely
exhausted by the enemy that he could find nothing to subsist upon. Besides,
from a letter he had received from General Gordon, he found the latter could
not possibly join him that week, and he could not think of passing the
Forth, under the circumstances detailed, till joined by him. Under these
difficulties, and having accomplished one of the objects of his march, by
withdrawing the Duke of Argyle from the pursuit of his friends in Lothian,
he had thought fit, he observes, to march back from Dunblane to Auchterarder,
and thence back to Perth, there to wait for Gordon and the Earl of Seaforth.
Mackintosh, in expectation
probably of an answer to his despatch from Leith, appeared to be in no hurry
to leave Seaton House, where his men fared sumptuously upon the best that
the neighbourhood could afford. As rJl communication was cut off between him
and the capital by the 100 dragoons which Argyle had left behind, and a
party of 300 gentlemen-volunteers under the command of the Earl of Rothes,
who patrolled in the neighbourhood of Seaton House, Mackintosh was in
complete ignorance of Argyle’s departure from the capital, and of Mar’s
march. This was fortunate, as it seems probable that had the Brigadier been
aware of these circumstances, he would have again advanced upon the capital,
and might have captured it. During the three days that Mackintosh lay in
Seaton House, no attempt was, of course, made to dislodge him from his
position, but he was subjected to some petty annoyances by the volunteers
and dragoons, between whom and the Highlanders some occasional shots were
interchanged without damage on either side. Having deviated from the line of
instructions, Mackintosh appears to have been anxious, before proceeding
south, to receive from Mar such new or additional directions as a change of
circumstances might require. Mar lost no time in replying to Borlum’s
communication, and on Tuesday the 18th of October, Borlum received a
despatch desiring him to march immediately towards England, and form a
junction near the borders with the English Jacobite forces under Mr.
Forster, and those of the south of Scotland under Lord Kenmure. On the same
day, Mackintosh received a despatch from Mr. Forster, requesting him to meet
him without delay at Kelso or Coldstream.
To give effect to these
instructions, Mackintosh left Seaton House next morning, and proceeded
across the country towards Longformacus, which he reached that night. Doctor
Sinclair, the proprietor of Hermandston House, had incurred the Brigadier’s
displeasure by his treatment of the laid of Keith, to revenge which he
threatened to burn Sinclair's mansion in passing it on his way south, but he
was persuaded not to carry his threat into execution. He, however, ordered
his soldiers to plunder the house, a mandate which they obeyed with the
utmost alacrity. When Major-general Wightman heard of Mackintosh’s
departure, he marched from Edinburgh with some dragoons, militia and
volunteers, and took possession of Seaton House. After demolishing the wall
which surrounded it, he returned to Edinburgh in the evening, carrying along
with him some Highlanders who had lagged behind or deserted from Mackintosh
on his march.
Mackintosh took up his
quarters at Longformacus during the night, and continued his march next
morning to Dunse, where he arrived during the day and proclaimed the
Chevalier. Here Mackintosh halted two days, and on the morning of Saturday
the 224 of October, set out on his march to Kelso, the appointed place of
rendezvous, whither the Northumbrian forces under Forster were marching the
same day. Sir William Bennet of Grubbet and his friends hearing of the
approach of these two bodies, left the town the preceding .night, and, after
dismissing their followers, retired to Edinburgh. The united forces of
Forster and Kenmure entered Kelso about one o’clock on Saturday. The
Highlanders had not then arrived, but hearing that they were not far off,
the Scottish cavalry, to mark their respect for the bravery the Highlanders
had shown in crossing the Frith, marched out as far as Ednam bridge to meet
them, and accompanied them into the town about three o’clock in the
afternoon, amidst the martial sounds of bagpipes. The forces under
Mackintosh now amounted to 1,400 foot and 600 horse; but a third of the
latter consisted of menial servants.
The following day, being
Sunday, was entirely devoted by the Jacobites to religious duties. Patten,
the historian of the insurrection, an episcopal minister and one of their
chaplains, in terms of instructions from Lord Kenmure, who had the command
of the troops while in Scotland, preached in the morning in the great church
of Kelso, formerly the abbey of David I., to a mixed congregation of
Catholics, Presbyterians and Episcopalians, from Deuteronomy xxi. 17.
"The right of the first born is his."
["All the lords that
were Protestants, with a vast multitude of people, attended: It was very
agreeable to see how decently and reverently the very common Highlanders
behaved, and answered the responses according to the Rubrick, to the shame
of many that pretend to more polite breeding." —Patten, p. 40.
Patteu, p. 49.]
The prayers on this occasion
were read by Mr. Buxton, formerly alluded to. In the afternoon Mr. William
Irvine, an old Scottish Episcopalian minister, chaplain to the Earl of
Carnwath, read prayers, and delivered a sermon full of exhortations to his
hearers to be zealous and steady in the cause of the Chevalier. This
discourse, he afterwards told his colleague, Mr. Patten, he had formerly
preached in the Highlands about twenty-six years before, in presence of Lord
Viscount Dundee and his army.
Next morning the Highlanders
were drawn up in the church-yard, and thence marched to the market-cross
with colours flying, drums beating, and bagpipes playing, when the Chevalier
was proclaimed by Seaton of Barnes, who claimed the vacant title of Earl of
Dunfermline. After finishing the proclamation, he read the manifesto quoted
in the conclusion of last chapter, at the end of which the people with loud
acclamations shouted, "No union! no malt-tax! no salt-tax !"
The insurgents remained three
days in Kelso, chiefly occupied in searching for arms and plundering the
houses of some of the loyalists in the neighbourhood. They took possession
of some pieces of cannon which had been brought by Sir William Bennet from
Hume castle for the defence of the town, and which had formerly been
employed to protect that ancient stronghold against the attacks of the
English. They also seized some broad-swords which they found in the church,
and a small quantity of gunpowder. Whilst at Kelso, Mackintosh seized the
public revenue, as was his uniform custom in every town through which he
During their stay at Kelso,
the insurgents seem to have come to no determination as to future
operations; but the arrival of General Carpenter with three regiments of
dragoons, and a regiment of foot, at Wooler, forced them to resolve upon
something decisive. Lord Kenmure, thereupon, called a council of war to
deliberate upon the course to be pursued. According to the opinions of the
principal officers, there were three ways of proceeding. The first, which
was strongly urged by the Earl of Wintoun, was to march into the west of
Scotland, to reduce Dumfries and Glasgow, and thereafter to form a junction
with the western clans, under General Gordon, to open a communication with
the Earl of Mar, and threaten the Duke of Argyle’s rear. The second was to
give battle immediately to General Carpenter. who had scarcely 1,000 men
under him, the greater part of whom consisted of newly-raised levies, who
had never seen any service. This plan was supported by Mackintosh, who was
so intent upon it, that, sticking his pike in the ground, he declared that
he would not stir, but would wait for General Carpenter, and fight him, as
he was sure there would be no difficulty in beating him. The last plan,
which was that of the Northumberland gentlemen, was to march directly
through Cumberland and Westmoreland into Lancashire, where the Jacobite
interest was very powerful, and where they expected to be joined by great
numbers of the people. Old Borlum was strongly opposed to this view, and
pointed out the risk which they would run, if met by an opposing force,
which they might calculate upon, while General Carpenter was left in their
rear. He contended, that if they succeeded in defeating Carpenter, they
would soon be able to fight any other troops,— that if Carpenter should
beat them, they had already advanced far enough, and that they would be
better able, in the event of a reverse, to shift for themselves in Scotland
than in England.
Either of the two
first-mentioned plans was far preferable to the last, even had the troops
been disposed to adopt it; but the aversion of the Highlanders to a campaign
in England was almost insuperable; and nothing could mark more strongly the
fatuity of the Northumberland Jacobites, than to insist, under these
circumstances, upon marching into England. But they pertinaciously adhered
to their opinion, and, by doing so, may be truly said to have ruined the
cause which they had combined to support. As the comparatively small body of
troops under Argyle was the only force in Scotland from which the insurgents
had anything to dread, their whole attention should have been directed in
the first place to that body, which could not have withstood the combined
attacks of the forces which the rebels had in the field, amounting to about
16,000 men. The Duke of Argyle must have been compelled, had the three
divisions of the insurgent army made a simultaneous movement upon Stirling,
to have hazarded a battle, and the result would very probably have been
disastrous to his army. Had such an event occurred, the insurgents would
have immediately become masters of the whole of Scotland, and would soon
have been in a condition to have carried the war into England with every
hope of success.
Amidst the confusion and
perplexity occasioned by these differences of opinion, a sort of medium
course was in the mean time resolved upon, till the chiefs of the army
should reconcile their divisions. The plan agreed upon was, that they should
to avoid an immediate encounter with General Carpenter, decamp from Kelso,
and proceed along the border in a south-westerly direction towards Jedburgh:
accordingly, on Thursday the 27th of October, the insurgents proceeded on
their march. The disagreement which had taken place had cooled their
military fervour, and a feeling of dread, at the idea of being attacked by
Carpenter’s force, soon began to display itself. Twice, on the march to
Jedburgh, were they thrown into a state of alarm, approaching to terror, by
mistaking a party of their own men for the troops of General Carpenter.
Instead of advancing upon
Jedburgh, as they supposed Carpenter would have done, the insurgents
ascertained that he had taken a different direction in entering Scotland,
and that from their relative positions, they were considerably in advance of
him in the proposed route into England. The English officers thereupon again
urged their views in council, and insisted upon them with such earnestness,
that Old Borlum was induced, though with great reluctance, and not till
after very high words had been exchanged, to yield. Preparatory to crossing
the Borders, they despatched one Captain Hunter (who, from following the
profession of a horse-stealer on the Borders, was well acquainted with the
neighbouring country,) across the bills, to provide quarters for the army in
North Tynedale; but he had not proceeded far, when an order was sent after
him countermanding his march, in consequence of a mutiny among the
Highlanders, who refused to march into England. The English horse, after
expostulating with them, threatened to surround and compel them to march;
but Mackintosh informed them that he would not allow his men to be so
treated, and the Highlanders themselves despising the threat, gave them to
understand that they would resist the attempt.
The determination, on the
part of the Highlanders, not to march into England, staggered the English
gentlemen; but as they saw no hopes of inducing their northern allies to
enter into their views, they consented to waive their resolution in the
meantime, and by mutual consent the army left Jedburgh on the 29th of
October for Hawick, about ten miles to the south-west. While on the march to
Hawick, a fresh mutiny broke out among the Highlanders, who, suspecting that
the march to England was still resolved upon, separated themselves from the
rest of the army, and going up to the top of a rising ground on Hawick moor,
grounded their arms, declaring, at the same time, that although they were
determined not to march into England, they were ready to fight the enemy on
Scottish ground. Should the chiefs of the army decline to lead them against
Carpenter’s forces, they proposed, agreeably to the Earl of Wintoun’s
advice, either to march through the west of Scotland and join the clans
under General Gordon, by crossing the Forth above Stirling, or to co-operate
with the Earl of Mar, by falling upon the Duke of Argyle’s rear, while Mar
himself should assail him in front. But the English officers would listen to
none of these propositions, and again threatened to surround them with the
horse and force them to march. The Highlanders, exasperated at this menace,
cocked their pistols, and told their imprudent colleagues that if they were
to be made a sacrifice, they would prefer being destroyed in their own
country. By the interposition of the Earl of Wintoun a reconciliation was
effected, and the insurgents resumed their march to Hawick, on the
understanding that the Highlanders should not be again required to march
into England.
The insurgents passed the
night at Hawick, during which the courage of the Highlanders was put to the
test, by the appearance of a party of horse, which was observed by their
advanced posts patrolling in front. On the alarm being given, the
Highlanders immediately flew to arms, and forming themselves in very good
order by moonlight, waited with firmness the expected attack; but the affair
turned out a false alarm, purposely got up, it is believed, by the English
commanders, to try how the Highlanders would conduct themselves, should an
enemy appear. Next morning, being Sunday, the 30th of October, the rebels
marched from Hawick to Langholm, about which time General Carpenter entered
Jedburgh. They arrived at Langholm in the evening, and with the view, it is
supposed, of attacking Dumfries, they sent forward to Ecclefechan, during
the night, a detachment of 400 horse, under the Earl of Carnwath, for the
purpose of blocking up Dumfries till the foot should come up. This
detachment arrived at Ecclefechan before day-light, and, after a short halt,
proceeded in the direction of Dumfries; but they had not advanced far, when
they were met by an express from some of their friends at Dumfries,
informing them that great preparations had been made for the defence of the
town. The Earl of Carnwath immediately forwarded the express to Langholm,
and, in the meantime, halted his men on Blacket ridge, a moor in the
neighbourhood of Ecclefechan, till further orders. The express was met by
the main body of the army about two miles west from Langholm, on its march
to Dumfries.
The intelligence thus
conveyed, immediately created another schism in the army. The English, who
had been prevailed upon, from the advantages held out to the Jacobite cause
by the capture of such an important post as Dumfries, to accede to the
proposal for attacking it, now resumed their original intention of marching
into England. The Highlanders, on the other hand, insisted upon marching
instantly upon Dumfries, which they alleged might be easily taken, as there
were no regular forces in it. It was in vain that the advocates of this plan
urged upon the English the advantages to be derived from the possession of a
place so convenient as Dumfries was, for receiving succours from France and
Ireland, and for keeping up a communication with England and their friends
in the west of Scotland. It was to no purpose they were assured, that there
were a great many arms and a good supply of powder in the town, which they
might secure, and that the Duke of Argyle, whom they appeared to dread, was
in no condition to injure them, as he had scarcely 2,000 men under him, and
was in daily expectation of being attacked by the Earl of Mar, whose forces
were then thrice as numerous ;—these and similar arguments were entirely
thrown away upon men who had already determined at all hazards to adhere to
their resolution of carrying the war into England. To induce the Scottish
commanders to concur in their views, they pretended that they had received
letters from their friends in Lancashire inviting them thither, and assuring
them that on their arrival a general insurrection would take place, and that
they would be immediately joined by 20,000 men, and would have money and
provisions in abundance. The advantages of a speedy march into England being
urged with extreme earnestness by the English officers, all their Scottish
associates, with the exception of the Earl of Wintoun, at last consented to
try the chances of war on the soil of England. Even Old Borlum, (who, at the
time the parties were discussing the point in dispute, was busily engaged at
a distance from the place where the main body had halted, restraining a
party of the Highlanders from deserting,) yielded to the entreaties of the
English officers, and exerted all his influence to induce his men to follow
his example. By the aid of great promises and money, the greater part of the
Highlanders was prevailed upon to follow the fortunes of their commander,
but about 500 of them marched off in a body to the north. Before they
reached Clydesdale, however, they were almost all made prisoners by the
country people, and lodged in jail. The Earl of Wintoun, who was quite
opposed to the measure resolved upon, also went off with his adherents, but
being overtaken by a messenger who was despatched after him to remonstrate
with him for abandoning his friends, he consented to return, and immediately
rejoined the army. When overtaken, he drew up his horse, and, after a
momentary pause, as if reflecting on the judgment which posterity would form
of his conduct, observed with chivalrous feeling, that history should not
have to relate of him that he deserted King James’s interest or his
country’s good, but with a deep presentiment of the danger of the course
his associates were about to pursue, he added, You, addressing the
messenger, " or any man shall have liberty to cut these (laying hold of
his own ears as he spoke) out of my head, if we do not all repent it."
The insurgents, after spiking
two pieces of cannon which they had brought from Kelso, immediately
proceeded on their march for England, and entered Longtown in Cumberland the
same night, where they were joined by the detachment which had been sent to
Ecclefechan the previous night. On the following day, November 1st, they
marched to Brampton, a small market town in Cumberland, where they
proclaimed the Chevalier, and levied the excise duties on malt and ale. Mr.
Forster now opened a commission which he had lately received from the Earl
of Mar, appointing him general of the Jacobite forces in England. As the men
were greatly fatigued by forced marches, having marched about 100 miles in
five successive days, they took up their quarters at Brampton for the night
to refresh themselves. When General Carpenter heard that the insurgents had
entered England, he left Jedburgh, and recrossing the hills into
Northumberland, threw himself between them and Newcastle, the seizure of
which, he erroneously supposed, was the object of their movement.
Next day the insurgents
marched towards Penrith, on approaching which they received intelligence
that the posse comitatus of Cumberland, amounting to nearly 14,000
men, headed by the sheriff of the county, and attended by Lord Lonsdale and
the Bishop of Carlisle, had assembled near Penrith on the line of their
march to oppose their advance. Mr., now General Forster, sent forward a
party to reconnoitre, but he experienced no trouble from this immense rustic
force, which broke up and dispersed in the utmost confusion on hearing of
the approach of the reconnoitring party. Patton, the historian of the
rebellion, who had formerly been curate of Penrith, attempted, at the head
of a party of horse, to intercept his superior, the Bishop of Carlisle, but
his lordship escaped. The insurgents captured some horses and a large
quantity of arms, and also took several prisoners, who being soon released,
expressed their gratitude by shouting, "God save King James and prosper
his merciful army." To impress the inhabitants of Penrith with a
favourable idea of their strength and discipline, the insurgents halted upon
a moor in the neighbourhood, where they formed themselves in order of
battle, and thereafter entered the town in regular marching order. The
principal inhabitants, from an apprehension of being plundered, showed great
attention to them, in return for which, and the comfortable entertainment
which they received, they abstained from doing any act which could give
offence. They however raised, according to custom, the excise and other
public duties.
Next day the insurgents
marched to Appleby, where, as at Penrith, they proclaimed the Chevalier and
seized the public revenue. After halting two days at this town, they resumed
their march on the 5th of November, and arrived at Kendal, where they took
up their quarters for the night. Next morning, being Sunday, they, after a
short march, reached Kirkby-Lonsdale, where, after proclaiming the
Chevalier, they went to the church in the afternoon, where, in absence of
the parson, who had absconded, Mr. Patton read prayers. This author relates
a singular instance of Jacobite zeal on the part of a gentleman of the name
of Gum, or Gwyn, who entered the churches which lay in the route of the
army, and scratching out the name of King George from the prayer books,
substituted that of the Chevalier in its stead, in a manner so closely
resembling the print that the alteration could scarcely be perceived.
The insurgents had now
marched through two populous counties, but they had obtained the accession
of only two gentlemen to their ranks. They would probably have received some
additions in Cumberland and Westmoreland, had not precautions been taken by
the sheriffs of these counties beforehand to secure the principal Catholics
and lodge them in the castle of Carlisle. Despairing of obtaining any
considerable accession of force; 17 gentlemen of Teviotdale had left the
army at Appleby, and the Highlanders, who had borne the fatigues of the
march with great fortitude, now began to manifest signs of impatience at the
disappointment they felt in not being joined by large bodies of men as they
were led to expect. Their prospects, however, began to brighten by the
arrival of some Lancashire Catholic gentlemen and their servants at Kirkby-Lonsdale,
and by the receipt of intelligence the following day, when on their march to
Lancaster, that the Jacobites of Lancashire were ready to join them, and
that the Chevalier had been proclaimed at Manchester.
The insurgents entered
Lancaster without opposition, and instantly marching to the market-place,
proclaimed the Chevalier by sound of trumpet, the whole body being drawn up
round the cross. After remaining two days at Lancaster, where the
Highlanders regaled themselves with claret and brandy found in the
custom-house, they took the road to Preston on Wednesday the 9th of
November, with the intention of possessing themselves of Warrington bridge
and securing Manchester, as preliminary to a descent upon Liverpool. The
horse reached Preston at night, two troops of Stanhope’s dragoons and part
of a militia regiment under Sir Henry Houghton, which were quartered in the
town, retiring to Wigan on their approach; but owing to the badness of the
road from a heavy rain which had fallen during the day, the foot did not
arrive till the following day, when the Chevalier was proclaimed at the
cross with the usual formalities. On the march from Lancaster to Preston,
and after their arrival there, the insurgents were joined by different
parties of gentlemen, chiefly Catholics, with their tenants and servants, to
the number of about 1,500 in all, by which additions Forster’s army was
increased to nearly 4,000 men.
Forster, who had kept a
strict watch upon Carpenter, and of whose movements he received regular
accounts daily, was, however, utterly ignorant of the proceedings of a more
formidable antagonist, who, he was made to understand by his Lancashire
friends, was at too great a distance to prove dangerous. This was General
Wills, who had the command in Cheshire, and who was now busily employed in
concentrating his forces for the purpose of attacking the rebels.
Unfortunately for them, the government had been induced, by the tumults and
violences of the high-church party in the west of England during the
preceding year, to quarter bodies of troops in the disaffected districts,
which being disposed at Shrewsbury, Chester, Birmingham, Stafford,
Wolverhampton, Manchester, and other adjacent places, could be easily
assembled together on a short notice. On information being communicated to
the government of the invasion of England, General Wills had been directed
to collect all the forces he could, and to march upon Warrington bridge and
Preston, to prevent the advance of the insurgents upon Manchester.
General Wills had,
accordingly, made great exertions to fulfil, without delay, the instructions
he had received, and hearing that General Carpenter was at Durham, had sent
an express to him to march westward; but he was unable to save Preston. When
the insurgents entered this town, Wills was at Manchester, waiting for the
arrival of two regiments of foot and a regiment of dragoons, which were
within a few days’ march of him; but alarmed lest by delaying his march
the rebels might make themselves masters of Warrington bridge and
Manchester, by the possession of which they would increase their force and
secure many other advantages, he resolved instantly to march upon Preston
with such troops as he had, he left Manchester, accordingly, on Friday the
11th of November, for Wigan, with four regiments of dragoons, one of horse,
and Preston’s regiment of foot, formerly known as the Cameronian regiment.
He arrived at Wigan in the evening, where he met Stanhope’s dragoons and
Houghton’s militia, who had retired from Preston on the evening of the
9th. In the meantime, the inhabitants of Liverpool anticipating a visit from
the insurgents, were actively employed in preparations for its defence.
Within three days they threw up a breastwork round that part of the town
approachable from the land side, on which they mounted 70 pieces of cannon,
and, to prevent the ships in the harbour from falling into the hands of the
enemy, they anchored them in the offing.
It was the intention of
Forster to have left Preston on the morning of Saturday the 12th; but the
unexpected arrival of Wills at Wigan, of which he received intelligence on
the preceding night, made him alter his design. Forster had been so elated
by the addition which his forces had received at Preston, that he affected
to believe that Wills would never venture to face him; but old Mackintosh
advised him not to be too confident, as they might soon find it necessary to
defend themselves. Observing from a window where they stood, a party of the
new recruits passing by, the veteran warrior thus contemptuously addressed
the inexperienced general, "Look ye there, Forster, are yon fellows the
men ye intend to fight Wills with. Good faith, Sir, an’ ye had ten
thousand of them, I’d fight them all with a thousand of his
dragoons." In fact, a more uncouth and unsoldier-like body had never
before appeared in the field, than these Lancashire rustics; some with rusty
swords without muskets, others with muskets without swords, some with
fowling-pieces, others with pitchforks, while others were wholly unprovided
with weapons of any sort. Forster now altered his tone; and if the report of
a writer, who says he was an eye-witness, be true, the news of Wills’s
advance quite unnerved him. Undetermined how to act, he sent the letter
conveying the intelligence to Lord Kenmure, and retired to rest. His
lordship, with a few of his officers, repaired to Forster’s lodgings to
consult him, and, to their surprise, found him in bed, though the night was
not far advanced. The council, after some deliberation, resolved to send out
a party of horse towards Wigan, to watch the motions of the enemy, to secure
the pass into the town by Ribble bridge, and to prepare the army for battle.
About day-break of the 12th,
General Wills commenced his march from Wigan, and as soon as it was known
that he was advancing upon Preston, a select body of 100 well-armed
Highlanders, under the command of Farquharson of Invercauld, was posted at
Ribble bridge, and Forster himself at the head of a party of horse, crossed
the bridge, and advanced to reconnoitre.
The approach to Ribble
bridge, which is about half a mile from Preston, is by a deep path between
two high banks, and so narrow in some places that scarcely two men can ride
abreast. Here it was that Cromwell, in an action with the royalists, was
nearly killed by a large fragment of a rock thrown from above, and only
escaped by forcing his horse into a quicksand. The possession, therefore, of
this pass, was of the utmost importance to the insurgents, as Wills was not
in a condition to have forced it, being wholly unprovided with cannon. Nor
could he have been more successful in any attempt to pass the river, which
was fordable only at a considerable distance above and below the bridge, and
might have been rendered impassable in different ways. But the Jacobite
general was grossly ignorant of every thing appertaining to the art of war,
and in an evil hour ordered the party at the bridge to abandon it, and
retire into the town.
General Wills arrived
opposite Ribble bridge about one o’clock in the afternoon, and was
surprised to find it undefended. Suspecting an ambuscade, he advanced
through the way leading to the bridge with great caution, and having cleared
the bridge, marched towards the town. He, at first, supposed that the
insurgents had abandoned the town with the intention of returning to
Scotland; but he soon ascertained that they still maintained their ground,
and were resolved to meet him. Halting, therefore, his men upon a small
rising ground near the town, he rode forward with a strong party of horse to
take a survey of the position of the insurgents.
During the morning they had
been busily employed in raising barricades in the principal streets, and
making other preparations for a vigorous defence. The Earl of Derwentwater
displayed extraordinary activity and zeal on this occasion. He distributed
money among the troops, exhorted them to stand firm to their posts, and set
them an example by throwing off his coat, and assisting them in raising
intrenchments. There were four main barriers erected across the leading
streets near the centre of the town, at each of which, with one exception,
were planted two pieces of cannon, which had been carried by the insurgents
from Lancaster, and beyond these barriers, towards the extremities of the
town, others were raised of an inferior description. Behind the barricades
bodies of men were posted, as well as in the houses outside the barricades,
particularly in those which commanded the entrances into the principal
streets. Certainly after the abandonment of Ribble bridge, a more judicious
plan of defence could not have been devised by the ablest tactician for
meeting the coming exigency; but unfortunately for the insurgents, the
future conduct of their leaders did not correspond with these skilful
One of the main barriers was
a little below the church, and was commanded by Brigadier Mackintosh, the
task of supporting whom was devolved upon the gentlemen volunteers, who were
drawn up in the churchyard under the command of Viscount Kenmure and the
Earls of Derwentwater, Nithsdale, and Wintoun. A body of Highlanders, under
Lord Charles Murray, third son of the Duke of Athole, was posted at another
barrier at the end of a lane leading to the fields. Colonel Mackintosh, at
the head of the Mackintoshes, was posted at a third barricade called the
Windmill barrier, from its adjoining such a structure on the road to
Lancaster. At the remaining barrier, which was in the street leading to the
Liverpool road, were placed some of the gentlemen volunteers, and a part of
the Earl of Strathmore’s regiment under the command of Major Miller and
Mr. Douglas.
When the government general
had made himself acquainted with the plan of defence adopted by the
insurgents, he returned to his main body, and made preparations for an
immediate attack. As he had not sufficient forces to make a simultaneous
assault upon all the barriers, he resolved to confine himself at first to
two only, those commanded by Old Borlum and Colonel Mackintosh, in the
streets leading to Wigan and Lancaster respectively, at both ends of the
town. For this purpose he divided his troops into three bodies ;—the first
consisted of Preston’s regiment of foot, and 250 dismounted dragoons taken
in equal proportions from the five dragoon regiments. This division was
commanded by Brigadier Honeywood, and was supported by his own regiment of
dragoons. The second body consisted of the regiments of Wynn and Dormer, and
a squadron of Stanhope’s regiment, all of which were dismounted ;—the
last division, consisting of Pitt’s horse and the remainder of Stanhope’s
regiment, was kept as a reserve for supporting the other divisions as
occasion should require, and to prevent the insurgents from escaping over
the Ribble.
The action was begun by the
division of Honeywood, which, after driving a party of the insurgents from a
small barricade at the extremity of one of the leading streets, entered the
town, and attacked the barrier near the church, defended by Brigadier
Mackintosh; but Honeywood’s men were unable to make any impression, and
after sustaining a galling and destructive fire from the barrier and from
the houses on both sides of the street, they were forced to retreat from the
street with considerable loss. Some of the officers of Preston’s regiment
being informed whilst engaged in the street, that the street leading to
Wigan was not barricaded, and that the houses on that side were not
possessed by the insurgents, Lord Forrester, the lieutenant-colonel,
resolved, after Honeywood’s division had failed to establish itself in the
neighbourhood of the church, to attempt an entrance in that direction. He
accordingly drew off his men by a narrow back passage or lane which led into
the street in the direction of Wigan, and ordering them to halt till he
should personally survey the position of the insurgents, this intrepid
officer deliberately rode into the street with his drawn sword in his hand,
and amidst a shower of bullets, coolly examined the barrier, and returned to
his troops. He then sallied into the street at the head of his men, and
whilst with one party he attacked the barrier, another under his direction
crossed the street, and took possession of a very high house belonging to
Sir Henry Houghton, which overlooked the whole town. In this enterprise many
of the assailants fell by the fire of the insurgents who were posted in the
adjoining houses. At the same time, Forrester’s men possessed themselves
of another house opposite, which was unoccupied by the insurgents. The
possession of these houses was of immense advantage to the government
troops, as it was from the firing kept up from them that the insurgents
chiefly suffered. A party of 50 Highlanders, under Captain Innes, had been
posted in Houghton’s house, and another body in the opposite one; but
Brigadier Mackintosh had unfortunately withdrawn both parties, contrary to
their own wishes, to less important stations.
Forrester’s men maintained
the struggle with great bravery, but were unsuccessful in every attempt to
force the barrier. As the insurgents, from their position in the houses and
behind the barricade, were enabled to take deliberate aim, many of their
shots took deadly effect, and the gallant Lord Forrester received several
wounds; but although Preston’s foot kept up a smart fire, they did little
execution among the insurgents, who were protected by the barricade and the
houses. Captain Peter Farquharson was the only Jacobite officer who fell in
this attack. He received a shot in the leg, and being taken to the White
Bull inn, where the wounded were carried, he called for a glass of brandy,
and thus addressed his comrades :—" Come lads, here is our master’s
health; though I can do no more, I wish you good success." Amputation
being deemed necessary, this brave man expired, almost immediately, from the
unskilfulness of the operator.
Whilst this struggle was
going on near the church, a contest equally warm was raging in another
quarter of the town between Dormer’s division and the party under Lord
Charles Murray. In approaching the barrier commanded by this young nobleman,
Dormer’s men were exposed to a well-directed and murderous fire from the
houses, yet, though newly-raised troops, they stood firm, and reached the
barricade, from which, however, they were vigorously repulsed. Lord Charles
Murray conducted himself with great bravery in repelling this attack, and
anticipating a second attempt upon the barrier, he obtained a reinforcement
of 50 gentlemen volunteers from the churchyard. Dormer’s troops returned
to the assault, but although they displayed great courage and resolution,
they were again beaten back with loss. An attack made on the Wind mill
barricade, which was defended by Colonel Mackintosh, was equally
Thus repulsed in all their
attacks, and as in their approaches to the barriers the government troops
had been incessantly exposed to a regular and well-directed fire from the
houses, General Wills issued orders to set the houses at both ends of the
town on fire, for the purpose of dislodging the insurgents from such
annoying positions, and cooping them up in the centre of the town. Many
houses and barns were in consequence consumed, including almost the entire
range of houses as far as Lord Charles Murray’s barrier. As the assailants
advanced under cover of the smoke of the conflagration, many of the
insurgents, in attempting to escape from the flames, were cut down on the
spot. The rebels in their turn attempted to dislodge the government troops
from the houses of’ which they had obtained possession, by setting them on
fire. Fortunately there was no wind at the time, otherwise the whole town
would have been reduced to ashes.
Night came on, yet an
irregular platooning was, notwithstanding, kept up till next day by both
parties. To distinguish the houses possessed by the government forces,
General Wills ordered them to be illuminated, a circumstance which gave the
besieged a decided advantage, as the light from the windows enabled them to
direct their fire with better effect. Wills soon perceived the error he had
committed, and sent persons round to order the lights to be extinguished,
which order being promulgated aloud in the streets, was so strangely
misunderstood by those within, that, to the amusement of both parties, they
set up additional lights. During the night a consider-able number of the
insurgents left the town.
Before day-break, General
Wills visited the different posts, and gave directions for opening a
communication between both divisions of the army to support each other,
should necessity require. During the morning, which was that of Sunday the
13th of November, he was occupied in making arrangements for renewing the
attack. Meantime General Carpenter arrived about ten o’clock with
Churchill’s and Molesworth’s dragoons, accompanied by the Earl of
Carlisle, Lord Lumley, and others. This event was as exhilarating to the
royalists as it was disheartening to the besieged, who, notwithstanding the
defection of their more timorous associates during the preceding night,
were, before the accession of Carpenter, fully a match for their assailants.
Wills, after explaining to Carpenter the state of matters, and the
dispositions he had made, offered to resign the command to him, and his
superior officer, but being satisfied with Wills’s conduct, Carpenter
declined to accept it, remarking, that as he had begun the affair so well,
he ought to have the glory of finishing it. On examining matters himself,
however, Carpenter found that the town was not sufficiently invested,
particularly at the end of Fishergate street, which led to a meadow by which
the insurgents could easily have escaped. He therefore posted Pitt’s horse
along the meadow, and lest the whole body of the besieged should attempt to
force a retreat that way, he caused a communication to be opened through the
enclosures on that side, that the other divisions of the army might the more
readily hasten thither to intercept them.
Thus invested on all sides,
and pent up within a narrow compass by the gradual encroachments of the
royalists, the Jacobite general grew alarmed, and began to think of a
surrender. The Highlanders were fully aware of their critical situation, but
the idea of surrendering had never once entered their minds, and they had
been restrained only by the most urgent entreaties from sallying out upon
the royalists, and cutting their way through their ranks, or dying, as they
remarked, like men of honour, with their swords in their hands. Neither
Forster nor any other officer durst, therefore, venture to make such a
proposal to them, and Patten asserts, that had they known that Colonel
Oxburgh had been sent on the mission he undertook, he would have never seen
Tyburn, but would have been shot by common consent before he had passed the
barrier. This gentleman, who had great influence over Forster (and who, in
the opinion of the last-named author, was better calculated, from the
strictness with which he performed his religious duties, to be a priest than
a field officer), in conjunction with Lord Widdrington and others, prevailed
upon him to make an offer of capitulation, thinking that they would obtain
favourable terms from the government general. This resolution was adopted
without the knowledge of the rest of the officers, and Oxburgh, who had
volunteered to negotiate, went off about two o’clock in the afternoon to
Wills’s head-quarters. To prevent suspicion of his real errand, the
soldiers were informed that General Wills had sent to offer them bonourablo
terms, if they would lay down their arms.
The reception of Oxburgh by
General Wills was very different from what he and his friends had
anticipated. Wills, in fact, absolutely refused to hear of any terms, and
upon Oxburgh making an offer that the insurgents should lay down their arms,
provided he would recommend them to the mercy of the king, he informed him
that he would not treat with rebels, who had killed several of his Majesty’s
subjects, and who consequently must expect to undergo the same fate. The
colonel, thereupon, with great earnestness, begged the general, as an
officer and a man of honour, to show mercy to people who were willing to
submit. The royalist commander, somewhat softened, replied, that all he
would promise was, that if the insurgents would lay down their arms and
surrender themselves prisoners at discretion, he would prevent the soldiers
from cutting them to pieces till further orders; and that he would allow
them an hour for the consideration of his offer. The result of this
interview was immediately reported by Oxburgh to his friends, but nothing
had transpired to throw any light upon their deliberations. Before the hour
had elapsed, Mr. Dalzell brother of the Earl of Carnwath, appeared at Wills
head quarters, and requested to know what terms he would grant separately to
the Scots; Wills answered that he would not treat with rebels, nor grant any
other terms than those already offered.
To bring matters to an
immediate issue, General Wills sent Colonel Cotton into the town about three
o’clock in the afternoon, to require an immediate answer to Wills’s
proposal. He was told, however, that differences existed between the English
and Scottish officers upon the subject, but they requested that the general
would allow them till seven o’clock next morning to settle their
differences, and to consult upon the best method of delivering themselves
up. This proposal being reported to Wills, he agreed to grant the Jacobite
commanders the time required, provided they would bind themselves to throw
up no new entrenchments in the streets, nor allow any of their men to
escape; for the performance of which stipulations he required the delivery
of approved hostages.—Cotton having returned to the town, the Earl of
Derwentwater and Brigadier Mackintosh were pitched upon as hostages for the
observance of these stipulations, and sent to the royalist head-quarters.
As soon as the Highlanders
perceived that a capitulation was resolved upon, their fury knew no bounds.
They declared that sooner than surrender, they would die fighting, and that
when they could no longer defend their posts, they would attempt to cut
their way through their assailants, and make a retreat. During the night
they paraded the streets, threatening destruction to every person who should
even allude to a surrender. During these disturbances, several persons were
killed, and many wounded, and Mr. Forster, who was openly denounced as the
originator of the capitulation, would certainly have been cut to pieces by
the infuriated soldiers, had he appeared in the streets. He made a narrow
escape even in his own chamber, a gentleman of the name of Murray having
fired a pistol at him, the ball from which would have taken effect had not
Mr. Patten, the Jacobite chaplain, struck up the pistol with his hand, and
thus diverted the course of the bullet.
At seven o’clock next
morning, Forster notified to General Wills that the insurgents were willing
to surrender at discretion as he had required. Old Borlum being present when
this message was delivered, observed that he would not be answerable for the
Scots surrendering without terms, as they were people of desperate fortunes;
and that he who had been a soldier himself, knew what it was to be a
prisoner at discretion. "Go back to your people again," answered
Wills, "and I will attack the town, and the consequence will be I will
not spare one man of you." After this challenge, Mackintosh could not
with a good grace remain, and returned to his friends; but he came back
immediately, and informed Wills that Lord Kenmure and the rest of the Scots
noblemen would surrender on the same conditions as the English.
Colonel Cotton was thereupon
despatched with a detachment of 200 men to take possession of the town, and
the rest of the government forces thereafter entered it in two grand
divisions, amid the sound of trumpets and beating of drums, and met in the
market-place, where the Highlanders were drawn up under arms ready to
surrender. The number of prisoners taken on this occasion was 1,468, of whom
about 463 were English, including 75 noblemen and gentlemen; of the Scots
143 were noblemen and gentlemen. The noblemen and gentlemen were placed
under guards in the inns of the town, and the privates were confined in the
church. On the part of the insurgents there were only 17 killed and 25
wounded in the different attacks, but the loss on the part of the royalists
was very considerable, amounting, it is believed, to five times the number
of the former. From the small number of prisoners taken, it would appear
that few of the country people who had joined the insurgents when they
entered Lancashire, had remained in Preston. They probably left the town
during the nights of Saturday and Sunday. |