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Annals of Dunfermline
A.D. 1801 - 1901 - Part 13

  1866.—THE Malcolm Canmore Lodge was instituted in January the year.


  LITERATURE.—“Clarkson Gray and Other Poems (with Illustrations).  By Mrs. James Morton, Dunfermline.  Published by William P. Nimmo, Edinburgh, 1886.”  This is an 8vo volume of 924 pages, and consists of thirty essays, &c., on miscellaneous subjects.


  JOSEPH NOEL PATON, R.S.A. was this year appointed her Majesty’s Limner for Scotland.  (MS Note.)


  THE Dunfermline Co-operative Society.—The foundation stone of their new buildings was laid by Provost Whitelaw on 4th June, 1866, at the top of Randolph Street.  There was a public procession on the occasion.  (An. Dunf. dates 1861, 1867.)


  TOWN-HOUSE SPIRE RE-ERECTED.—The lead covered wooden cone above the bastion of this steeple was removed by mistake in the year 1860 and was re-erected in October this year.


  PROVOST OF DUNFERMLINE.—John Whitelaw, Esq., re-elected Provost, November, 1866.  (Burgh Records.)


  1867.—THE Dunfermline Co-operative Society.—The Committee of this Society at the end of their first year’s transactions, find that the amount of business done reached the sum of £6,471 19s. 8d. (See An. Dunf. dates 1861, 1866.)


  LILLIE-HILL FIRE-CLAY AND TERRA COTTA WORKS.—Messers. Lindsay & Anderson began these now extensive works on 7th May, 1867.  About 100 persons are employed at the works.  Here terra cotta work of the finest quality is manufactured; sewerage pipes, fire bricks and many other articles made from clay are turned out in large quantities, and sent to the most distant parts of the kingdom, as also to Sweden, Norway, Denmark, and ports on the Black Sea, &c.  The works are about two miles north east of Dunfermline.


  GYMNASIUM.—On Monday, 13th May, 1867, the Gymnasium of the Dunfermline Athletic Club was opened at eight o’clock, evening.  The Honorary President, the Lord Provost of the city, in the chair; Andrew Blair, Secretary.  (Newspapers.)


  CANMORE STEAM POWER WEAVING FACTORY ERECTED.—This factory, in Damside Street, stands on the site once covered by the waters of the dam.  It was erected in 1867 by the Messrs. J. & T. Alexander, proprietors, and employs about 850 operatives.  (MS. Note)


  SOCIETY OF SOLICITORS.—The Solicitors of Dunfermline (ten in number) formed themselves into a society on 4th July, 1867, under the Act 28th and 29th Vict., cap. 86.  (MS. Note)


  SIR JOSEPH PATON, Knight.—This eminent artist, a native of Dunfermline, received this year (1867) from her Majesty’s hand, at Windsor, the honour of knighthood.  (MS Note)


  EXTENDED BOUNDARIES.—In an application, presented to the Sheriff of the County of Fife, by Robert Alston, watchmaker and jeweler, residing in Golfdrum Street, Dunfermline, and others, Ratepayers in respect of Lands and Heritages situated beyond the existing boundaries of the Royal Burgh of Dunfermline, praying him to take the steps provided by the Acts 20 and 21 Victoria, cap. 70, for extending the boundaries of said Royal Burgh, the Sheriff-Substitute pronounced deliverance thereanent.


  PROVOST OF DUNFERMLINE.—John Whitelaw, Esq., was re-elected Provost, Nov., 1867.  (Burgh Records)


  1868.—CASTLE BLAIR STEAM POWER WEAVING FACTORY.—This factory at Castle Blair, Dunfermline, was erected by Messrs. Inglis and Co, the proprietors.  There were upwards of 400 operatives employed.  (MS Note)


  RALPH ABERCROMBY. 2nd Lord Dunfermline died on 12th July, 1868, in the 63rd year if his age, and was buried in the Grange Cemetery, Edinburgh.  He succeeded his father, the 1st Lord Dunfermline, in 1858.  (Newspaper.)


  RE-ERECTION OF THE OLD MARKET CROSS STONE PILLAR.—This Pillar was re-erected on August 15th, 1878. 


  LITERATURE.—“Clark’s Guide to the Abbey and its Antiquities.  Containing an Account of the Abbacy; the Royal Tombs; Discovery of the Grave of king Robert the Bruce; the Monastery, the Royal Palace, Malcolm Canmore’s Palace; Malcolm Canmore and Queen Margaret; the persons whose Portraits adorn the Town Hall; Queen Margaret’s Cave; Mr. Paton’s Collection of Antiquities, &c.  Published by William Clark 12 High Street, Dunfermline.  1868.”  This 12mo contains 64 pp. of interesting local details, and is embellished with a fine copperplate frontispiece engraving of the Abbey Church from the north east.


  ERECTION OF GENERAL BRUCE’S MONUMENT in the South Transept, Abbey Church.—This monument (or, rather, Altar Tomb, of white marble), was erected in October, 1868.It was executed by Folley, the sculptor and was done by order of the Bruce family at Broomhall, in memory of General Bruce, tutor to the Prince of Wale, and has beautifully cut on it, in alto, several emblematical representations in connection with his visit to the Holy Land with the Prince.  The tomb is on the east side of the South Transept of the New Abbey Church (above the Elgin vault).


  THE TOMB OF THE BRUCE.—A fine painting, entitled, “The Tomb of the Bruce,” by Waller Hugh Paton, Esq., R.S.A., was exhibited the year at the Royal Scottish Academy. 


  PROVOST OF DUNFERMLINE.—Henry Reid, Esq., manufacturer, was elected Provost, Nov., 1868.  (Burgh Records.)


  LITERATURE.—“The Tomb of the Bruce.”  Recited to the Knights Companions of the Royal Order of Scotland,” &c., by the author, Rev. J. B. Johnstone (8vo pamphlet, 8 pp. and 16 stanzas).  Published by W. Clark, Dunfermline.


  ELECTION OF FOUR BAILIES INSTEAD OF TWO.—“From time immemorial,” down to 1868, two bailies had been chosen for the Burgh.  for “the proper dispatch of business, and holding weekly courts, the following were elected:--Messrs. Morrison, Duncanson, Balfour, and Walker.”  (Dunf.Press.)


  PRESENTATION TO EX-PROVOST WHITELAW.—A soiree was held in the Music Hall, on Tuesday evening, 1st December, in honour of Ex-Provost Whitelaw, when he was presented with a testimonial, consisting of a time-piece and upwards of £200 worth of silver plate, subscribed for by the inhabitants, in appreciation of the many valuable services he had rendered to the town.  (Newspaper.)


  1869.—LITERATURE.—“The Dunfermline and West of Fife Annual Register and Almanac for 1869.  Published by Andrew Ker, bookseller, Dunfermline.”  First number.


  REV. JAMES M’KENZIE, minister of the Free Church congregation, Canmore Street, died on 10th June, 1869, aged 51.  An obelisk, 21 feet in height, was erected over his remains in the New Cemetery, with the following inscription in gilt letters:--“Erected by the Free Abbey Congregation, in affectionate remembrance of the Rev. James M’Kenzie, for twenty years their beloved pastor.  Born, 21st July, 1818.  Died 10th June, 1869.”


  LITERATURE.—“The Clashin’ Wives o’ Pittencrieff, and Other Original Songs.  By David Fleming.  Published by A. Romanes, Press Office, 1869.  Price 2d.”


  THE New Slaughter Houses, Baldridge Burn, were finished, and opened for business on Tuesday, 17th August, 1869.  The same day the following members of the “Slaughter House Committee” visited the premises:---Provost Reid, Ex-Provost Robertson, Bailies Morrison and Balfour.  (For full description of the building and its conveniences, see Dunf.  Press of 21st August, 1869.)


  PROVOST OF DUNFERMLINE.—Henry Reid, Esq., re-elected Provost, November, 1869.  (Burgh Records.)


  REV. JAMES YOUNG, minister of Queen Ann Street Church, died suddenly, in his manse, on 5th December, 1869, in the 66th year of his age, and 39th of his ministry.  He was the author of “The remembrance and Imitation of Departed Ministers,”  1849, and of “Our Refuge,” connection with the Crimean War, 1854.  (See An. Dunf. date 1831.)


  1870.—CONSUMPTION OF ANIMAL FOOD IN DUNFERMLINE.—Since the Slaughter House (Baldridge Burn) was opened on 17th August, 1869, to 1st January, 1870, a correct account of all animals slaughtered in it has been kept.  The following is copied from the “Slaughter Book”:--“17th August, 1869, to 1st January, 1870 (140 days), 8 bulls, 203 oxen, 43 cows, 208 heifers, 12 calves, 1868 sheep and lambs, and 273 pigs.  Total animals slaughtered, 2615.”


  ST. MARGARET’S WORKS.—Steam Power weaving Factory Erected.—This steam loom factory, erected by the firm of Messrs. Robertson & Hay, foundry Street, was put in motion on 21st January, 1870.  About 270 operatives were employed.  (Newspaper)


  STREET SWEEPING MACHINE.—The new patent machine for sweeping streets was tried in April for the first time, when it was found to do its work admirably.  (MS)


  FREE ABBEY CHURCH, CANMORE STREET—Induction.—The Rev. James M. Shiach was ordained minister of this church on the 18th of May, 1870, as successor to the late Rev. James M’Kenzie.


  THE REV. PETER CHALMERS, D.D., A.M., F.A.S., historian of Dunfermline, died on 11th April, 1870, in the Abbey Church Manse, in the 80th year of his age and 52nd of his ministry.


  SCARCITY OF WATER—The Loch Gloe Scheme.—In consequence of the great scarcity of water experienced in Dunfermline for some years past, in time of drought, but especially in 1870, the town council resolved to increase the supply by bringing water into the burgh from Loch Gloe, which is about six miles north of Dunfermline.  The “Loch Gloe Water Scheme” was shortly afterwards abandoned in consequence of the great opposition it met with from the ratepayers.  The expenses incurred amounted to £709 15s. 10d.  (Burgh Records.)


  THE DEVON WATER SCHEME.—“The Loch Gloe scheme having been abandoned, Mr. George Lauder, a retired merchant, began to advocate, with commendable persistency, the claims of the Devon Scheme.”  (See An. Dunf. date 1875, &c.)


  QUEEN ANN STREET CHURCH—Ordination.—The Rev. Robert French, was ordained minister of this church on 5th October, 1870.  He resigned in May, 1872, and was induced minister of Derby Road Chapel, Bootle, Liverpool, on 4th June, 1872.  (Newspaper)


  “THE DASHWOOD BRUCE MONUMENT.”—Early in October, 1870, a beautifully sculptured paneled white marble monument was erected in the south transept of the Abbey Church, over the Bruce family vault, to the memory of Charles Dashwood Preston Bruce, who was killed by a fall from his horse on 26th August, 1864.  (See An. Dunf. October, 1868.)


  EVANGELICAL UNION CHURCH.—The Rev. John Adam, who was inducted pastor of this church in 1869, demitted his charge in 1870. 


  ABBEY CHURCH—Ordination.—The Rev. John Pitt was ordained minister of the Second Charge of the Abbey Church on the 22nd of September, 1870.


  PROVOST OF DUNFERMLINE.—Henry Reid, Esq., was re-elected Provost, Nov., 1870.  (Burgh Records)


  CONSUMPTION OF ANIMAL FOOD.—From 1st January, 1870, to the 31st of December, 1870, the following is the number of animals slaughtered in the Slaughter House for Burgh Consumption, viz.—Bulls, 30; oxen, 871; cows, 156; heifers, 326; calves, 129; pigs, 857; sheep and lambs, 3,312—total, 5,681.  (Slaughter House Book.)


  1871.—THE “KING ROBERT THE BRUCE” LODGE, of the Order of Foresters, was instituted on the 21st January, 1871.


  FREE TEMPLARS.—“King Robert the Bruce Lodge,” No. 3, of the United Temperance Association, was instituted in Dunfermline on 21st January, 1871, under the name of “Free Templars of St. John.”  A union was effected in 1875, by which it was agreed in future to designate the association as the “United Temperance Association.”  (MS Note)


  THE “BRUCE LODGE,” No. 280, of the Independent Order of Good Templars, was instituted at Dunfermline on the 23rd January, 1871.


  MEMORIAL WINDOW.—In March, 1871, a beautifully stained glass memorial window, to the memory of the late Rev. Dr. Chalmers, was erected in one of the old Norman windows on the south side of the old Abbey Church, by his widow Louisa Maria Chalmers.


  CENSUS.—The eighth Government Census was taken in April, 1871.  The following are the results for the Parish of Dunfermline:--Population of the Town within the new extended boundary, 23,116: population of the Town within the new extended boundary, 14,958; of which 6,744 are males and 8,214 females, being as increase of 1,882, since 1861, in Town and Parish, and of the extended municipality alone of 1097.  (Newspaper Note,)


  EVANGELICAL UNION CHURCH—Induction.—Rev. James Foote, was inducted minister of this church in 1871.


  FLORAL: “THE YUCCA GLORIOSA.”—This curious plant, called Yucca Gloriosa, or Adam’s Needle, was in full bloom in the garden of Mr. John Reid, James’s Place, Dunfermline, in the month of August, 1871; it has been said that the Yucca flowers only once in 100 years, therefore, should this rare plant live, it will not appear in bloom again until August, 1971.  Mr. Reid has had this plant in his garden for twenty five years; it stands about eight feet high from the ground, the leaves are of a deep green colour, sharp pointed, lance shaped, stiff and has a beautiful and graceful appearance.  (MS Note)


  THE SIR WALTER SCOTT CENTENARY.—The 15th August, 1871, was held as a partial holiday in Dunfermline in memory of the Great Wizard.  flags floated from several houses, as well as from the Town House Steeple.  In the afternoon a banquet, managed by an equal number of citizens and town councilors, was held in the Music Hall, and in the evening a Scotch Festival was held in the same place.  The chair at the afternoon’s banquet was occupied by Sir James Colville, of Craigflower.  Sir James was supported on the platform by Sir Peter Arthur Halket, Bart, of Pitfirrane, and lady, Provost Reid, Thomas Spowart, Esq., Bailie Duncanson, and Ex-Provost Whitelaw.  There was a very large and respectable company, and speechifying, anecdotes, and song singing, were the order of the evening.  Although not equal to the Burns’ Centenary, yet it was a success.  (MS Note)


  THE PALACE RUINS AND MR. HUNT’S CLAIM.—The proprietorship of the palace ruins, which had been the subject of litigation for the last twenty years, was finally settled in favour of the Crown on Monday, 25th September, 1871.  The House of Lords had decided that the Royal Palace Ruins at Dunfermline, with as much ground around them as would be sufficient to give access thereto, belonged to the Crown.  It was remitted to the Court of Session to apply the judgment, which was done on 25th September, 1871, in presence of James A. Hunt, Esq., proprietor of the adjoining ground, Mr. Rankine, Advocate, Mr. Kerr, of H.M. Board of Works, Mr. Peddie, C.E., Edinburgh and Mr. P. Macallum, C.E., Dunfermline.


  THEOLOGICAL PRIZE ESSAY.—Mr. William Horne, M.A., our talented young townsman, highly distinguished himself in literary composition, by carrying off the Prize of £100 offered by an anonymous donor for the best Essay on “The Nature and Contents of Scripture Revelation as compared with other forms of Truth.”  Mr. Horne, when a student at the University of St. Andrews in 1869, obtained the Rector’s Prize, value £25, for the best Essay on the “Principle of Inseparable Association.”  (Dunf. Press, Nov., 1871)

  PROVOST OF DUNFERMLINE.—Kenneth Mathieson, Esq., elected Provost.  (Burgh Records, Nov., 1871)

  TEMPERANCE ASSOCIATION.—The Queen Mary Lodge, No. 8, of the United Temperance Association, was instituted in Dunfermline on 8th Dec., 1871, under the same designation as that into which the King Robert the Bruce Lodge merged, and the same explanation as to change of name is also similar.

CONSUMPTION AL ANIMAL FOOD IN DUNFERMLINE.—Between the 31st December, 1870 and 31st December, 1871, there were slaughtered in the new slaughter house, 33 bulls, 83 oxen, 117 cows, 551 heifers, 86 calves, 2,633 sheep and 868 pigs—total 5,126.

  1872.—DIED, at his residence in Rolland Street, Dunfermline, Alexander Dick Miller, aged 29.  “He was the tallest man in Great Britain, being nearly 7 feet 5 inches in height.”  (Newspaper)

  MEMORIAL WINDOW—Abbey Steeple Belfry.—During the month of August, this year, the Abbey Belfry window was glazed with stained emblem glass, by the late James Hunt, Esq., of Pittencrieff, in memory of his father.  (For description of window, see Dunfermline Press of August, 1872.)

  GREAT FALL OF RAIN.—About midnight, of August 26th, a “heavy rain began to fall; it increased in fury and volume of fall until about six o’clock in the morning, when it began to moderate.  All the burns in the district overflowed their banks, the streets were flooded, and much damage was done to house roofs and exposed places.  The damage done was estimated at £2,200.  (Newspaper)

  THE Dunfermline Journal, after a suspension of about ten years, began to be republished, in a much enlarged form, on Oct. 12, 1872.

  PROVOST OF DUNFERMLINE.—Kenneth Mathieson, Esq., was re-elected Provost, Nov., 1872.  (Burgh Records.)

  1873.—CITY OF GLASGOW BANK.—A branch of this bank was established in Queen Ann Street, in Jan., 1873—John Ross, Esq., agent.

  THE CONCORD LODGE, No. 840, of the Independent Order of Good Templars, was instituted in Dunfermline on Feb. 7, 1873.  (MS Note)

  THE DUNFERMLINE ORCHESTRAL SOCIETY was instituted in March, 1873.

  FIRST SCHOOL BOARD ELECTION.—On the 20th March, 1873, the polling for the Burgh School Board took place in the High School by ballot, when the following were declared elected:--James Hunt (Pittencreiff), 1084; Dr. Dow, 843; Provost Mathieson, 653; Rev. A. Mitchell, 449; Dr. Morris, 296; A. Jackson, founder, 284; James Mullen, broker, 265; T. Spowart, of Broomhead, 263; Bailie Walls, 260.

  OPENING OF THE ROMAN CATHOLIC CHAPEL.—The new Roman Catholic Chapel in Martyr’s Place, which had for some months previous been building, was finished and opened with great ceremony on March 23, 1873.  Bishop Strain, of Edinburgh, officiated.

  QUEEN ANN STREET CHURCH.—The Rev. Robert Alexander was inducted minister of this church on 1st October, 1873.

  LITERATURE.—“Dunimarle, Perthshire, 1873.  By J. Todd, Sept., 1873.”  This is the title of a manual guide to Dunimarle, near Culross.  It is a 12mo of 16 pages.

  THE Dunfermline Savings’ Bank, East Port Street, was built this year.

  MEMORIAL WINDOWS IN THE OLD ABBEY CHURCH.—Two of the windows in the north aisle of the Old Church, during December, 1873, were decorated with stained glass figures emblematical of Scripture subjects.  One of these windows was erected by Mr. Robert Reid of Iffley, in memory of his parents; the other (Above Pitcairn’s Tomb), by Thomas Alexander, in memory of his parents and relatives.

  The “Reid Memorial” has emblazoned on it a large illustration of the family of Bethany, which occupies the main part of the window, and is by the old stone dials divided into three parts.  In the centre division there is a representation of Jesus, with Mary seated at His feet; in the other is their sick brother Lazarus reclining upon a couch.  Two tracery openings above contain figures of angels, emblematic of the Resurrection.  In the under part of the window there are three subjects, viz., Nicodemun’s visit to Christ by night; Christ blessing children; and Christ at supper with the two disciples at Emmaus.

  The “Alexander Memorial” is the easterly window of the nave.  The emblazoned subjects represent, in the main arch, the baptism of our Lord Jesus receiving the glorification of the Spirit of God being the grand central figure in the design; in the side divisions of the window are figures of John the Baptist, Mary, the mother of Jesus, and Joseph; while the three smaller groups underneath are “The Sower,” “The Good Shepard,” and “The Good Physician.”

Both these windows were executed by Messrs. Ballantyne of Edinburgh.  It is much to be regretted that the top part of the old historical monument of Secretary Robert Pitcairn had to be removed for the display of the under part of the emblazonments of the last mentioned window.  This fine tomb ought to be restored to its original condition.

  1874.—LITERATURE.—“Atlas of Scripture Geography, consisting of Sixteen Maps and plans, with Historical and Geographical Questions and Answers on each Map, by Andrew Thomson, Dunfermline.  Published by Collins, Sons, & Co. Glasgow.  March, 1874.”  This work is a 12mo of 128 pp., and is embellished with sixteen very beautifully engraved maps, on each of which a series of questions is put and answered.  There are about 2,000 questions and answers in this useful little volume.

  BUST OF DR. LIVINGSTONE, from the chisel of Mrs. D.O. Hill, was presented by that lady to the Members of St. John’s Lodge, Dunfermline (No. 26) on 25th March, 1874.  (For a short list of Mrs. Hill’s sculpture works)

  JOSEPH PATON, ESQ., F.S.A., died at his residence, Wooer’s Alley, Dunfermline, on 14th April, 1874, in the 78th year of his age.  During the last half century he was celebrated as an indefatigable collector of Scotch and other antiquities, books, &c.  In early life Mr. Paton was a weaver; afterwards, for a short time a printer, in the printing office of the late Me. John Miller, Dunfermline, and at last settled down about the year 1818 as a pattern designer, which profession, from this period till within a month of his death, he prosecuted with great success.  His antiquarian museum, books, &c., were disposed of by Mr. T. Chapman, auctioneer, Hanover Street, Edinburgh, on 6th, 7th, 9th, 10th, 11th and 12th, November, 1878.  The greater part of the articles brought high prices, and like many other antiquarians, he was frequently deceived by sellers of antiquities, and consequently, many of the items could not be relied on as genuine.  Mr. Paton’s remains lie interred in the Old Churchyard, Dunfermline.  A small granite tombstone, cut in the form of a cross, was erected in 1876 by his two sons, Sir J. Noel and Waller H. Paton.  It has an appropriate inscription, and marks his last resting place.  The writer became acquainted with Mr. Paton about the year 1822 and from that date to his death, he enjoyed without interruption his kid, free and easy sociable friendship. 

  THE REV. NEIL M’MICHAEL, D.D., A.M., minister of Gillespie Church, died in his names, Dunfermline, on the 3rd April, 1874, in the sixth eighth year of his age and the thirty ninth of his pastorship.  In 1841, he was appointed Professor of Systematic Theology and Church History by the Relief Synod, and in 1847, Professor of Ecclesiastical History, &c., by the United Presbyterian Church, on the union of the Secession and Relief Churches; and, in 1850, he received the degree of D.D. from St. Andrews University.  On 9th June, 1869, he was presented with a Silver Epergne and £1,600 by a large number of friends and admirers.  In 1853 he published his celebrated lecture on “Hildebrand and his Age;” in 1856, “The Messiah’s Greatness;” “Family Worship;” and “pilgrim Psalms,” &c.

  CALEDONIAN STEAM POWER WEAVING FACTORY ERECTED.—This factory was erected in Knabbie Street by Messrs. Steel & Co. in 1874, and employs about 220 persons.  (MS Note)

  DEATH OF EX-BAILIE BIRRELL.—Died, at his residence in St. Margaret’s Street, Dunfermline, on the 9th May, 1874, David Birrell, Esq., Ex-Bailie of the City, in his 79th year.  In his earlier days he was a captain of the famous Edinburgh “Six Foot Club,” and was acquainted with Sir. Walter Scott, Professor Wilson, and other eminent men.  He was also a member of the old Edinburgh Celtic Society; and in August, 1822, did duty as one of the Guards by whom George IV. was escorted during his sojourn in Edinburgh.  (Scotsman, May 16th, 1874.)  He was an enthusiastic antiquarian, and possessed an excellent private museum.  The writer was long favoured with Mr. Birrell’s interesting letters on the antiquities of Dunfermline. 

  THE Dunfermline Association Foot-Ball Club was formed in 1874.  It is in connection with the Dunfermline Cricket Club.

  DIED, the Rev. William Johnstone, A.M., D.D., minister of the U. P. Church, Limekilns, on the 24th May, 1874, in the 74th year of his age, and the 51st of his ministry.

  THE Albany Steam Power Weaving Factory was erected in Gardener’s Street by Messrs. Walker, Reid, and Co., the proprietors, in 1874.  There were upwards of 260 operatives employed.

  FEEING MARKET.—The first Feeing Market, for the western district of Fife, was held at the Town Green on the 15th September.  It was the opinion of all concerned, that the market had supplied a want which had long been greatly felt in the district.  (Dunfermline Press, 19th September, 1874.)

  PROVOST OF DUNFERMLINE.—Kenneth Mathieson, Esq., was re-elected Provost in November, 1874.  (Burgh Records.)

  1875.—THE REV. JOHN MacFARLANE, L.L.D., died at Clapham London, on 7th February, 1875, in the 69th year of his age and 40th of his ministry.  He was “one of the most popular divines and eminent literary sons of Dunfermline.”  We have before us a letter from Dr. M’Farlane, received many years ago, which gives a note of his works.  They are the following:--

    “Life and Correspondence of the Rev. Henry Belfrage,” 360 pages; “Dissenting Neutrality,” 33 pages; “Memoir of Rev. John Campbell,” 264 pages; “Good Will to Israel” 43 pages; “The Mountains of the Bible,” 412 pages; “The Night Lamp,” 328 pages; “the Hiding Place,” 370 pages; “Why Weepest Thou?” 264 pages; “An Aged Christian.” 38 pages; “Tribute to Ralph Wardlaw, D.D.,” 12 pages; “Altar Gold,” 66 pages; “Church Endowments,” 32 pages; “Life and Times of George Lawson, D.D.,” 480 pages.  All these works are in octavo.

  THE PALACE DYKE REMOVED.—The coarse wall, erected towards the end of last century by a proprietor of Pittencrieff, for the purpose of enclosing the Palace ruins within his grounds, and keeping out the public, was, in March and April this year, removed by Her Majesty’s Board of Works, and a new dwarf wall built, on which a substantial iron rail is erected.  This alteration opens up a fine view from the public road of the Old Palace wall.  The ground between the public road or street, together with the ruin, and a small strip of ground outside of it on the west, are now royal property.  (Newspaper)

  GILLESPIE CHURCH.—Induction.—The Rev. J.W. Dunbar was inducted minister of this church on 24th March, 1875.  He was translated from Wolverhampton.

  INSIGNIA OF OFFICE FOR THE PROVOST AND BAILIES.—Previous to this period some discussion had arisen in the Council as to the necessity of having a badge of office to distinguish the Magistrates on certain public occasions.  It was ultimately agreed that the Provost and the four Bailies should have badges of distinction.  Messrs. Mackay & Cunningham, jewelers and silversmiths, Edinburgh, were accordingly instructed to make them.  In April, 1875, the badges were presented to the authorities, The Provost’s badge is of gold, oval in form.  It has on one side of the Burgh arms, with the old motto, “Esto Burgess Inaccessa,” surrounded by the words, in bold relief, “CITY OF DUNFERMLINE,” while on the reverse side is a representation of Justice.  The gold chain to which it is attached is of a massive link pattern, and has three pendant festoons.  The whole forms an official badge of which no municipality need be ashamed.  The Provost’s insignia cost about £100 and the gold chains of office for the four Bailies, £25 each.  (Newspaper)

  THE DEVON WATER SCHEME.—Although Mr. Lauder “steadily kept this scheme before the public, by letters in the Dunfermline Press, and otherwise, yet nothing was done in the matter until the autumn of 1875.  In August this year Mr. Lauder sent a letter on the subject to the Provost, who sent him an encouraging reply.  Mr. Lauder, along with others, then got up a petition in favour of the Devon scheme, signed by 2166 of the ratepayers.  This petition was presented to the Council, on 24th September, 1875.  It asked the Council to “adopt the neccessary means, by applying to Parliament for obtaining for Dunfermline a supply of water from the river Devon.”  The Council took action upon the petition, and, on the suggestion of the engineers, Messrs. Leslie, of Edinburgh, who considered the Devon to be too much tainted with moss, adopted instead the Glensherup Burn, a Tributary of the Devon, and in the session of 1876 obtained an Act of Parliament to procure a supply from that source, at an estimated cost of £65,000.  Mr. Lauder, “the father of the Devon Scheme has, however, the credit of having first pointed out the locality from whence an ample supply of water was to be obtained.  (See An. Dunf. date 29th June, 1877, and Sept., 6, 1878; and the Burgh Records.)

  THE YOUNG MEN’S LITERARY INSTITUTE.—This Institute was formed in 1875 for the moral and mental improvement of its members by essays, debates, readings, &c.  The place of meeting was Queen Ann Street Mission Hall.

  BAPTIST CHURCH, MAYGATE.—The Rev. J. T. Hagen was inducted minister of this church in October, 1875.  This church was the property of the late Ex-Provost Robertson.  Shortly before his death in 1871, he bequeathed it in his will as a free gift to the congregation.

  PROVOST OF DUNFERMLINE.—Kenneth Mathieson, Esq., re-elected Provost, November, 1875.  (Burgh Records.) 

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