The Indian name for this place is "Mah-sko-se-sing,"
meaning "A little marsh."
The history of the town of
Walkerton is so closely associated with that of the township of Brant, of
which municipality it formed for many years a part, until by special Act
of Parliament it was incorporated as a town, [Walkerton is probably unique
as a municipality, inasmuch as it never was a village, but blossomed into
being a full-fledged town at a bound.] that in writing of the town it is
necessary to refer to the township also.
The first part of the
township of Brant to be surveyed by the Crown for settlement was the tract
consisting of the first and second concessions north and south of the
Durham Road. The farm lots on these concessions were known as "free
grants." (The third concessions were also surveyed at the same time, but
the farms thereon were not "free grants.") This survey was made under the
direction of an Order-in-Council dated 26th August, 1848, and was executed
by A. P. Brough, P.L.S. The farms in the "free grant" tract.were open for
location in the spring and summer of 1849, and immediately thereafter land
was taken up in what now forms the town plot of Walkerton.
During his tour of
prospecting for a "free grant" location, in the month of May, 1849, Thomas
Adair [See in Chapter III. where Mr. Adair and the other early pioneers
are further mentioned.] stood on the "Clay Banks''" overlooking the
present site of Walkerton, late one afternoon as the sun was declining in
the west, viewing, as he has since expressed it, the most beautiful
landscape he ever beheld. The valley beneath him contained many wild
cherry and plum trees, then robed white with blossoms, and whose perfume
ladened the air with rich sweetness. In every direction hill and vale were
covered by an expanse of primeval forest, shining bright in its coat of
verdure fresh from the hand of spring. The sun as it sank lightened up, or
cast in deep shade, the masses of foliage, and projected long shadows over
the flashing waters of the Saugeen, making a combination of sylvan
loveliness so enchanting that Mr. Adair ever spoke of it with enthusiasm,
while Kenneth Kemp, a staid, unimpassioned Scot, his sole companion, after
silently contemplating the lovely prospect, vented his feelings by saying,
"Eh mon, if Eden was anything like this, what a fool Adam was to eat the
[Another description of the
primeval appearance of Walkerton is here given, being an extract from the
Report of Survey made by A. P. Brough, P.L.S., of the Durham Road. It is
as follows:
"Township of Brant, lots
35-25. The line on this block proceeds over a waving surface, composed of
a good clay soil, and containing heavy hardwood timber, a distance of 61
chains and 80 links, when it drops forty feet into the valley of the
Saugeen River and crosses valuable flats' of five chains in width. When
the Saugeen is met, the river is crossed obliquely, and at the
crossing-point is intersected by an alluvial island standing six feet over
the water, thus forming two channels in the river, the east one of which
is shallow, with a rapid current, and is 185 feet in width. The west
channel is also rapid and is four feet in depth and 87 feet in width. The
island is crossed at its northern extremity, and is 177 feet in width; it
will form a convenient resting-place for piers in erecting a bridge; the
total distance across the river, including the island, is 449 feet. This
is the second time in which the Saugeen River is crossed, and now the
stream pursues a northerly direction and is no more met with by the Durham
Road. Above the crossing point the river is intersected by numerous small
islands, and immediately below occur small rapids, and the river takes a
sharp turn nearly at right angles toward the west, having its east banks
rising to an elevation of over one hundred feet and composed of a clay
bluff, while its west bank is low. The line having crossed the river
pursues its course over a nearly level surface composed of a sandy loam
soil and producing large hardwood timber, crosses two small streams, but
which run dry in summer, and meets the side road at lots 25, 26, at the
distance of 1 chain 89 links from the Saugeen, on its north side.
Immediately at the side road, between lots 25, 26, the line crosses Silver
Creek, which falls into the Saugeen close to the line. Silver Creek is a
rapid stream, with a shingle bottom from eight to twelve inches in depth
and twenty-seven feet in width, and ought to afford a mill privilege."]
The first settlers on any
of the lands now included in the town of Walkerton were William Jasper and
Edward Boulton, who took up farm lots just east of the river in June or
July, 1849, and there erected the first house in what afterwards became
the town of Walkerton, the site of this log shanty being in the gore
formed by Bay and Mary Streets and the Durham Road. That same summer or
fall John Lundy and Moses Stewart settled west of the river. To these were
added, in the spring of 1850, Thomas Bilkie, whose name is still borne by
the hill on the west of the town.
Among the settlers who took
up land in 1850 one of the most noted was Joseph Walker, [2] a man who
will always be remembered in connection with the county town of Bruce,
appropriately named after him. If any one can claim to have founded
Walkerton it certainly is Joseph Walker. When he constructed a dam across
the Saugeen and erected mills that cut lumber and ground flour in those
early days for the scattered settlers, the certainty of a town developing
at that spot was assured. Realizing this, Joseph Walker had the adjacent
farm lots which stood in his own, or his son William's name, surveyed into
a town plot. It was largely through his efforts that the infant settlement
became a busy business centre. If any can claim to have struggled to make
the settlement a town, it is Joseph Walker. During the prolonged contest
for the county town, it was he who championed the cause of Walkerton, and
that successfully; never despairing during that prolonged nine years'
struggle, even when his cause seemed all but lost, manifesting throughout
a buoyant courage, determination and versatility of resource that
commanded the admiration even of his opponents.
[Footnote 2: Joseph Walker,
familiarly spoken of as "Old Joe," was by nationality an Irishman, and
claimed, so it is said, the county of Tyrone as his birthplace. Before
arriving at the years of manhood he came to this country, and resided for
a number of years in the vicinity of Cookstown, from whence he removed to
the county of Grey. At the time he entered the county of Bruce he was a
man of forty-nine years of age, stoutly and compactly built, rather below
the average height, energetic, tenacious of purpose, and of an active,
nervous temperament. Many of the old settlers speak warmly of him for the
kindly acts extended to them in the early days, when nearly every one was
in comparatively poor circumstances. He was twice married—first to Jane
Pinkerton, by whom he had four children, and on her death to a Mrs.
Bailey, who kept the "White Horse " hotel near Durham. Besides the
log-house first erected by him, he also built the stone house now occupied
by R. E. Truax, and also the one occupied by the late Judge Kingsmill, and
the one on the corner of Colborne and Cayley Streets, now occupied by Mr.
Alexander Menzies. He was the reeve of Brant for several terms, and was
also Walkerton's first mayor. He was rather careless in his business
methods, the result being that finding his means slipping through his
fingers, he in 1870 gathered together what he had left to make a fresh
start on the Mani-toulin Island. He purchased a mill privilege and erected
a grist mill at Sheguindah village. He spent the last winter of his life
at Walkerton, returning to the Manitoulin in the spring. His end came in
June, 1873 at the age of 72. Further biographical details are dispensed
with, as his name and actions will appear in other parts of this History,
especially in that relating to the contest for the county town. A large
sized portrait of Mr Walker fittingly hangs in the Walkerton Town Hall,
enabling later generations to become acquainted with the lineaments of its
To take up land for the
purpose of farming was not the object Joseph Walker had in view when he
entered Bruce. His vocation had been that of a miller, and he came seeking
for a mill site on the line of the Durham Road. In the spring of 1850 he
left Durham, in the vicinity of which he had been residing, accompanied by
three friends, John McLean, William Mcintosh and Archibald Fraser, all
thorough backwoodsmen. They walked to Owen Sound, thence by the "Gimby
Trail" to the mouth of the Saugeen, and on to Kincardine. It. was a long,
round-about way to reach the spot on which he ultimately settled, and we
can only offer a surmise for his doing so, which is, that he had learned
of applications having been made for the near at hand mill privileges,
[Mr. Archibald Todd, of Walkerton, says the mill privilege there was first
applied for by One Anderson Foster, in 1849, but he threw up his claim
before the application was granted.] and so travelled the route he did
hoping to find at, or near, Kincardine a suitable water power not taken
up. Being unsuccessful at first, they journeyed eastward over the blazed
path which then marked the Durham Road. Walker's companions found lands
which suited them in Greenock, but he pushed on until the Saugeen was.
reached, and there decided to locate. The records of the Crown Lands
Department show that on 15th July, 1851, Mr. George Jackson recommended
that Joseph Walker be the locatee for the mill site and lands where the
Saugeen crossed the Durham Road, which recommendation the Department
confirmed July 26th of the same year.
It was in May, 1850, that Joseph Walker
arrived at the locality with which his name is associated, and located
upon lots 27 and 28, concession 1, N.D.R., and lot 29, concession 1, S.D.R.,
taken in his own name and that of his son William. Subsequently he
obtained the assignment of the rights of other settlers, or purchased
them, so that patents were issued to him or his. son for ten of the
twenty-eight farm lots which subsequently were included within the
corporation of the town of Walkerton.
Those who first settled at or near what is now
the town of Walkerton entered the county from the east, passing through
Durham, where the Crown Lands agency for the "free grants" was located.
From there, through the unbroken forest, they made their way by the
surveyor's marks, as any claim to a road consisted of nothing but a blazed
path. It was not until the fall of 1850 that the Durham Line in the
township of Brant was chopped and logged and a bridge built over the
Saugeen river at the site of the future county town, which bridge lasted
until 1855, when it was rebuilt.
Joseph Walker after taking up his land
proceeded to erect a log house. As the conditions of settlement required
that this should not be less than 18 x 24 feet, it is not difficult to
picture the appearance of the first building erected by him in Walkerton.
Its site was where Durham and Mill Streets now intersect. This house was
not only a dwelling for Mr. Walker and his family, but was the hotel of
the settlement for many a day, where the weary pioneer obtained rest„ and
lodgings when on his way to the lands he had taken up in "the bush."
Walker must have worked hard after settling on his lots, as we find that
he was the first man in the township of Brant who, having complied with
the conditions of settlement (which among them required that twelve acres
of land on each lot should be cleared), obtained his patent from the
Crown; this not for one lot only, but for four. The date of these patents
is 17th December, 1851. Having obtained his patents, Walker proceeded to
erect a saw-mill, which was completed in 1852. The construction of a dam
to give the necessary motive power was no small engineering feat in those
days in a small settlement where help was hard to be got and money none
too plentiful. The initial dam at Walkerton was in two parts, one from
each bank of the river, thrown across it to a wooded island in the centre
of the stream. The present dam was constructed by S.&.T. H. Noxon & Co.,
in the early seventies.
The village of Durham was the base of supplies
for the first settlers who came into Brant. It was there they had to go
for their mail matter, and also to have ground into flour the first grain
grown on their small clearings, as well as to purchase their groceries and
clothing. These inconveniences were partially overcome when in 1851
Messrs. Jardine & Valentine, having erected the building familiar to
Walkertonians of the present day as "the old post-office," they there
established the first mercantile business known to Walkerton. The building
referred to was nearly opposite Joseph Walker's tavern. Between them a
small stream of water flowed, which long since has disappeared. Shortly
after the opening of Jardine & Valentine's store, John Shennan opened
another, which was located on Willoughby's Hill, east of the river. In
1852 Shennan was appointed postmaster, the office being known as "Brant."
It was the third post-office established within the county, the offices at
Kincardine and Southampton having been established the preceding year. As
Shennan was unacquainted with the duties of the office, he had Malcolm
McLean, at that time engaged as a clerk with Jardine & Valentine, and who
had experience in post-office duties, to open and send out the first mails
from the office. Shennan after holding the office for about a year
resigned, when Malcolm McLean received the appointment, dated 15th
November, 1853, and has held it to this day, possibly the oldest
postmaster in Canada. The name of the post-office was changed to
"Walkerton," September 24th, 1857. The next to open places of business in
Walkerton were John Bruce and James Jamieson. The former claims to have
built, in 1853, the first frame building, and in 1859 the first brick
building erected in the town.
In 1853 the need of a grist mill was a want so
seriously felt by the settlers that an effort was made to have one built.
Maple Hill was the site spoken of as the most promising. At a meeting held
to discuss the project, Joseph Walker was present and succeeded in
persuading the majority present to unite with him and erect the mill at
Walkerton. The farmers gave a very substantial support to this undertaking
by subscribing $1,600, which financial assistance assured the building of
the needed mill. The many difficulties arising from the transporting of
the heavy machinery over the almost impassable roads through the woods
were overcome. Alex. McPhail was engaged as the first miller, and in
November, 1853, the mill was set in operation. [William McBride, of
Elderslie, relates that in the winter of 1854-55 the head-race of Walker's
mill became so blocked with anchor ice that he could only run one pair of
stones out of three, and that only at the rate of a bushel and a half per
hour. A grist he took at Christmas time was not delivered until July.] As
since then the hum of machinery has always been heard in Walkerton, the
evolution of its industries may as well be referred to here as later on.
The saw and grist mills which Mr. Walker's
energy had secured for Walkerton were for some years the only
manufacturing industries of the place. A tannery seems to have been the
next industry established. Following these were an oatmeal mill, a planing
mill and a woollen factory. In 1864 James Blair opened a foundry and
machine shop on the site of the present town hall, and ran it successfully
until it fell a prey to the flames in May, 1871. The grist mill was
unfortunately burnt in the early part of 1864, and it was not until
January, 1870, that it was rebuilt and running again, being owned at that
time by Noxon, Saylor & Co. This mill was enlarged to six run of stones by
the Noxon brothers, who became sole owners afterwards. In April, 1877, it
passed into the hands of David Moore. Not finding it profitable, it
remained idle for a while, during which time the mill was burnt down.
Obtaining municipal assistance, R. B. Clement rebuilt the mill in 1886.
This time the mill was built of brick and of four stories in height, and
fitted with machinery for the "roller process" of gristing. It is run at
present by S. W. Vogan & Son. The grist mill west of Silver Creek was used
at first as a planing mill, but was changed into a grist mill and run by
George Harrington, who having obtained a municipal bonus was thereby
enabled to change the machinery in the mill and install the "roller
process." The mill has been run for a number of years by John Lee. Several
industries which flourished at Walkerton for a time under the stimulus of
a municipal bonus have disappeared. Among those may be mentioned the
felt-boot factory, which was started in 1881 on receiving a bonus of
$3,000. This business existed for about sixteen years under various
proprietors, but at last had to be closed down. Another was the woollen
mill. This received a bonus of $4,000, granted to Messrs. Kennedy & Bunson.
On their failure, the business passed through several hands and ultimately
was taken up by Rife & Co., who were induced to remove the machinery of
this mill to Cargill in 1902. O. G. Anderson received a bonus of $6,000 in
1887 to enable him to extend his furniture factory. Mr. Anderson in many
ways is a remarkable man. His first attempt at manufacturing at Walkerton
was in connection with a stave mill in 1877. This was developed and
enlarged to a furniture factory, which at the time of his leaving
Walkerton had 125 hands on the pay roll. Mr. Anderson's reputation had
extended to Woodstock, where the largest furniture factory in Canada
existed. This business had become financially embarrassed, and those
interested in looking around for a suitable man to conduct it, robbed
Walkerton of one of the most enterprising men who have resided in it. The
whole plant of this concern was transferred to Woodstock, August, 1895.
The town felt the loss of this extensive industry in a marked degree, and
an effort was made to start another industry of similar description. This
resulted in the formation of a company called the Walkerton Chair Factory
Co., in the year 1896, which in the following year received a loan from
the town of $6,000. This business was ultimately taken over by the
Knechtel Furniture Co. (of Hanover), and is carried on by it, they having
assumed all the conditions in reference to the repayment of the loan. If
some industrial concerns moved away from Walkerton, others have moved to
it, foremost of which is the American Rattan Co., late of Toronto, the
move from that centre of manufactures being largely the result of the
efforts of Mr. John R. Shaw, a well-known Walkertonian residing at
Toronto. This business is under the supervision of Mr. L. C. Benton,
manager, and ships its artistic products to all parts of Canada, from
Halifax to Victoria.
In 1902 three bonuses or loans were granted by the town to as many new
industries. A $5,000 bonus was given to the Walkerton Hosiery Co., this
company having taken over the machinery of D. Williams, who had conducted
a similar business at Collingwood; $5,000 was loaned to Pett & Son to
start a biscuit and confectionery factory, and $2,000 to the Canada Bobbin
Co. This latter company had carried on business years before in Walkerton
under the name of Kerr & Harcourt, but expecting to obtain lumber cheaper
at Wiarton and Parry Sound had moved thither, but finding that labor could
be more readily and cheaply had at Walkerton, decided to return. The
business is now managed by Wm. M. Shaw. The business carried on by Messrs.
Pett & Son did not prove successful, and the corporation became owners of
the land and buildings under the mortgage. Possibly the most prominent
industry in the history of Walkerton, is. that at present controlled by R.
Truax & Co. This saw and planing mill is on the site of the saw-mill
originally erected by Joseph Walker, and has under one firm or another
been carried on continuously to the present day. It emerged from the mere
sawmill stage in January, 1871, when S. & T. H. Noxon & Co. procured the
machinery to do all kinds of planed work. The ownership of this valuable
property remained in their hands until about 1877, when it was purchased
by David Moore, who carried on the business for a short time, then leased
it, in December, 1878, to R. Truax & Co. This firm ultimately purchased
the plant and water privilege, and have extensively increased the
business; employing a large number of men and keeping installed the latest
machinery it has been enabled to obtain orders from the most prominent
centres of our province. Mr. Alexander Menzies and Mr. James Watt, as
manager and foreman, have been connected with this firm from the
beginning, and assisted greatly in the development of the business. To Mr.
Truax much credit is due for the success he has achieved. As it might
cumber this chapter with too great a mass of detail to refer in particular
to all the manufacturing industries that have existed, or are in
existence, at Walkerton, a brief mention of some of the most notable will
close the subject. Among those which have been, might be mentioned the
flax mill, also the oatmeal mill, run by George Shortt, the ruins of which
are by no means unpicturesque. The manufacture of brick has been carried
on at Walkerton for over forty years, the clay to be found there making
durable bricks and tiles. The names connected with this industry are A.
McVicar, W. Carter, E. Kilmer, Thomas Adamson and his son William, Louis
Yaeck, and others. Hemlock bark being available in quantities, Walkerton
had among its industries at an early date a tannery,. the first tanner
being Andrew Thompson. Of late years Thomas Pellow, Samuel Arscott and his
sons, have carried on the industry in the three tanneries at present
existing. The factory that is perhaps the most widely known of any which
have carried on business in Walkerton is that for the manufacture of
binder twine, established in 1900. The shares of this company are largely
in the hands of farmers scattered throughout this and neighboring
counties. James Tolton, a man who was prominent in the municipal and
agricultural interests of Brant for many years, was selected by the
shareholders to be the manager. This industry unfortunately met a
competitor shortly after it commenced to manufacture twine in the American
Binder Twine Trust, which, being determined to crush' put all opposition,
and having immense capital to do so, first captured the sisal market and
then placed the price of the manufactured article at a lower figure than
it is possible for the Walkerton factory to produce it, the directors of
which have wisely decided to cease manufacturing at a loss.
The first survey into town
lots of the various farm lots now within the limits of the corporation of
Walkerton, was that known as "Bilkie's survey of part of lot 23,
concession 1, S.D.R.," the plan of which as registered bears date of 4th
December, 1855. The next survey was made by Joseph and William Walker, of
lots 24 to 31, concession 1, S.D.R., and of parts of lots 25 to 28,
concession 1, N.D.R. The plan of this survey is dated 4th of February,
1857. The survey in both cases was made by E. H. Kertland, P.L.S.
That Walkerton did not seek to obtain a
separate municipal existence earlier than it did is not easy of
explanation, except upon the ground of the seeming incongruity of the
county town being merely a village municipality; so as part of the
township of Brant it remained for some years after it attained to the
required number (750) of inhabitants necessary to entitle it to be
incorporated as a village. Being comprised in the municipality of the
united townships of Brant and Carrick, Walkerton was represented in 1854
and 1855 at the Council of the united counties of Huron and Bruce by
Joseph Walker, its reeve, which office he held also in subsequent years
for the township of Brant when it became a separate municipality.
The contest for the county town commenced with
the first meeting of the provisional County Council of Bruce, held in
March, 1857, a contest in which each village in the county contended. This
struggle continued for nine years before being finally settled in favor of
Walkerton. A bare recital of some of the facts of this contest is all that
can here be related. The first vote taken in the provisional County
Council, "To select a fit and proper place to recommend to the
Governor-General as the one to be mentioned in his proclamation as the
county town of Bruce," resulted in favor of Walkerton. The
Governor-General, in accordance with this vote, proclaimed Walkerton the
county town. This was on the 15th of June, 1857. This proclamation was,
however, on petition, set aside by Act of Parliament on August 16th, 1858.
After another struggle by Joseph Walker—for he almost single-handed fought
the battle for Walkerton—the Governor-General again (8th November, 1860)
proclaimed Walkerton as county town. This proclamation was also petitioned
against, and Parliament, yielding to the petition, voided the proclamation
30th June, 1864. A decision was arrived at in 1865 which was confirmed and
put beyond local influences, when Parliament passed an Act on the 15th
September, 1865, declaring Walkerton to be the county town of Bruce. In
the same year the county buildings were commenced, and completed toward
the end of 1866. On the 1st day of January, 1867, Walkerton became in
fact, what it had been de jure, the county town of the flourishing county
of Bruce. At that time this ambitious little place had not population
enough to enable it to claim incorporation as a village, nor did it have
for some time after. The incongruity of the county town not being a
separate municipality was overcome by special Act of Parliament (34 Vic,
chap. 69) passed 15th February, 1871, which enabled Walkerton, without
ever having been a village municipality, to assume the dignity of a town.
The population of the town in the year of its incorporation was only 995.
It rose to 2,604 in 1881, and to 3,061 in 1891, but fell in 1901 to 2,971.
The rapid increase in population which marked the first decade of its
municipal existence was the result, in a large measure, of the opening of
railway communication with the outside world, resulting in an excellent
grain market being established there.
The first school-house in Walkerton was a
shanty-roofed building on the hill east of the river. It was opened as a
school in 1852, the teacher being a Miss Nancy Wilson, [Miss Wilson, while
teaching, married David Moore, of the Walkerton Grist Mills, but continued
to teach until a successor was found qualified to impart instruction to
the handful of scholars.] who taught for four years, and was succeeded in
1856 by Mr. Donald Reid, afterwards township clerk of Amabel, and he, in
February, 1857, by Mr. William Collins. [Mr. William Collins resided in
Walkerton for many years after teaching school, filling many important
positions. He was born in the county of Antrim, Ireland, in the year 1833.
When he was of the age of fifteen his father immigrated to Canada with his
family, and settled in the township of Finch. William Collins was educated
for a schoolteacher, and pursued this vocation for several years in the
eastern part of the province. From 1853 to 1856 he followed photography,
at Owen Sound and other places. His position of schoolteacher he resigned
on his receiving the appointment of Division Court Clerk in the year 1859,
an office he held until his death. Of the many other public offices Mr.
Collins filled the following are some of them: Reeve for eight years of
the township of Brant, also reeve of the town of Walkerton, town
treasurer, and County Master of the Orange Order for East Bruce. He
married Miss Jamieson, of Walkerton, in 1858, and had a family of six sons
and two daughters. In politics he was a very strong Conservative and a
hard fighter in an election contest. His death, which occurred April 19th,
1901, was deeply lamented by a large circle of friends.]
The attendance of scholars
during the first years after the school was opened was never large. Among
the remarks entered in the visitor's book of the school in the year 1855,
it is stated that at the time of the visit the attendance was "14," "14,"
"20," etc. As the school population increased the need of more
accommodation was felt, so after the building of the old Orange Hall on
Orange Street was completed, it was used as a school-house until another
move was made to a frame building erected purposely for a school on the
corner of Jackson and Catharine Streets. This in time gave way to the
commodious brick buildings on Colborne and Victoria Streets, now in use,
the first of which was built in 1875 and the second in 1888. Before
passing on to other items of history, attention is drawn to a school-boy's
composition, printed in a footnote, [3] that was preserved by Mr. Collins.
It tells us something of Walkerton as it was in the year 1858.
[Footnote 3: Copy of a composition by a
schoolboy at the Walkerton Public School in 1858, on "Topographical
Description of Walkerton."
"Walkerton, the county town of the county of
Bruce, is beautifully situated on the river Saugeen, about seventeen miles
west of Durham, and is also within twenty-eight miles of Lake Huron. It is
divided near the centre by the Saugeen, on which river is erected a good
grist and saw mill, and there is also a beautiful bridge built over it.
Walkerton is surrounded, except on the south, by hills, on the top of one
of which an Episcopal Church is in the course of erection, and from the
church can be seen a fine picturesque view. It has water privilege capable
of forcing any quantity of machinery. I should mention that a railroad is
expected to come there, or near it, and if it does it will certainly be a
place of some importance. It already contains a population of 175, a post
office, five stores, four taverns, three shoemakers, two blacksmiths, two
tailors, a tannery, two cabinet-makers, and several carpenters and
joiners. It is situated in the midst of a very fertile and healthy country
and promises fair to be a fine place."]
The Orange Hall, mentioned in the preceding
paragraph, was the sole public building in the early years of Walkerton.
It was used, as its name indicates, as a lodge room, and also used as a
school. In this building also worship was conducted by the various
Protestant denominations each Sunday, in the following rotation: the
Church of England in the morning, the Presbyterians in the afternoon, and
the Methodists in the evening. It was in this building that all public
meetings, as well as the Division Courts, were held in those pioneer days.
With the incorporation of
the town and the opening of the railway, the erection of a town hall
became necessary. So in 1872 [A by-law to raise $2,700 for the purchase of
a market-place and erection of a town hall thereon was voted on and
carried April 8th, 1872. $1,000 for the land, $1,500 for the building, and
$200 for anticipated expenses.] the site for a market-place and town hall
was purchased, and the building of the latter proceeded with. It was only
a frame building, 30 x 62, with a bell tower and a lean-to for the
caretaker's residence. David Siebert was the builder. After lasting for a
quarter of a century, it had to make way for the more pretentious and
commodious civic building erected in 1897. It might be well to here give
the names' of those who have filled the mayor's chair from the
incorporation of the town to date. They are as follows: In 1871, Joseph
Walker; 1872, Paul Ross; 1873, 1874, James G. Cooper; 1875, Alex. Shaw,
1876, Alex. Sproat; 1877, 1878, Paul Ross; 1879, Malcolm McLean; 1880,
1881, H. P. O'Connor; 1882, David Moore; 1883, 1884, A. B. Klein; 1885,
Andrew McLean; 1886, 1887, C. W. Stovel; 1888, 1889, Reuben E. Truax;
1890, 1891, 1906, David Robertson; 1892, 1893, William Richardson; 1894,
1895, Hugh Birss; 1896, John Standish; 1897, 1898, Alex. Menzies; 1899,
1900, M. Stalker, M.D.; 1901, S. H. McKay; 1902, C. W. Cryderman; 1903, S.
W. Vogan; 1904, 1905. R. H. McKay. [No time was lost after the bill
incorporating the town was passed in electing a town council, the first
meeting of which was held on 17th March, 1871, at Waterson's Hall. Its
members were: Joseph Walker, mayor; William McVicar, reeve; councillors—Stephen
Noxon, David Moore, Hugh W. Todd, Louis Wisser, William Shannon, James F.
Davis, William Smith, Paul Ross, and Moses Stewart. The first officers
were: W. L. Watt, town clerk; W. L. Watt, town treasurer; Thomas Burrell,
town inspector; James Flett, assessor.]
The incorporation of the town was followed in
the succeeding year by the establishment of a high school. For lack of a
proper building, the school had a migratory existence for some years. At
first it was held in the Orange Hall, on Catherine Street (a building
which originally was built by the New Connexion Methodists as their
church).' From this building the school was removed to a hall over the
Herald office, on the south side of Durham Street. From thence it was
removed to the town hall, and then again to the public school building,
when that building was completed in 1876, where it occupied two rooms.
This was the last move prior to taking possession,. in February or March,
1879, of the present fine high school building. The first head-master in
the high school was Arnoldus Miller, B.A., who was succeeded by Dr.
Morrison, M.A., in 1880, and he again in. October, 1881, by Joseph Morgan,
M.A., who still fills the position. In 1877 the Walkerton public school
was constituted a county model school for the preliminary training of
public school teachers, and for over a quarter of a century has, under the
various head-masters, maintained an enviable record for efficiency.
The pioneer settlers manifested an honest
pride in the products of their new farms, the virgin soil of which yielded
magnificent returns, both as to quantity and quality, and they early
organized an, Agricultural Society. The first of the fall shows was held
in 1854 or 1855, the indoor exhibits being shown in and about the store of
Jardine & Valentine, while the live stock was scattered along the street
and over the bridge. Annual exhibitions in this line finally developed
into the Northern Exhibition, conducted under an incorporated company,
liberally aided by the town, which issued $4,500 of debentures towards
this object. The present buildings, at a cost of $4,555 were erected in
1877. For many years the Northern Exhibition ranked high among the fall
exhibitions held in the province, but of late, owing to the number of
township fairs, it has not been as successful as formerly.
In the early pioneer days it was difficult to
supply the scattered settlers with regular religious services, and many
hardships had the early pastors to endure as they tended to the spiritual
needs of their respective flocks. The facts, as here given, regarding the
various churches in Walkerton are much condensed, as to give more than the
leading facts would extend the narrative to too great length. The various
denominations are referred to in alphabetical order, The Baptist
congregation was organized in 1879, and until their church was opened
(November 4th, 1883) worshipped in the court house, the Rev. Henry Cocks
being their first pastor. The Disciples of Christ used the town hall as a
place of worship until the present church edifice was first used for
worship, October 9th, 1881. The first Church of England services (and also
the first of any denomination in Walkerton) were held in Joseph Walker's
tavern. To conduct these the Rev. A. H. Mulholland, of Owen Sound, paid
monthly visits to Walkerton, which at that time was an outlying station.
Rev. T. P. Hodge succeeded him as a missionary in this parish. The first
settled minister was the Rev. T. E. Saunders, who took charge of the
spiritual interests of this flock in 1859. In 1858 a church edifice was
erected on land given by Thomas Todd, on Willoughby's Hill. The
construction extended as far as the roofing of the building, but it was
never completed owing to the foundation being insecure. No services were
ever held therein. The present church, bearing the name of St. Thomas, was
erected about 1864-5, during the incumbency of the Rev. E. Softly. The
ministers who have subsequently occupied this charge were the Rev. John P.
Curran, the Rev. John Greenfield, the Rev. Wm. Shortt, the Rev. J. H. Fatt,
the Rev. S. F. Robinson and the Rev. T. G. A. Wright. The Evangelical
Lutherans have from an early date been fairly numerous in Walkerton and
vicinity, and they erected a neat church building on the gore formed by
Colborne and Yonge Streets in 1885. Unfortunately they have not been able
at all times to maintain a permanent pastorate. The Evangelical
Association (German Methodist) held religious services in the council
chamber of the county buildings for a number of years, when, increasing in
strength, they built for themselves, in 1899, a brick church on the corner
of Colborne and Prince Streets, which possibly was the only church
building ever opened in Walkerton free of debt. Methodism was first
represented in Walkerton by the New Connexion Methodists. Their first
missionary was the Rev. Andrew Clark, who came to Walkerton in 1854. They
erected a frame building for their church on Catherine Street, which
subsequently has been used as the Orange Hall. The Wesleyan Methodists
sent their first missionary, the Rev. John Hutchinson, to Walkerton in
1860. They built for themselves a brick church on Catherine Street, which
was opened October 23rd, 1870. This building afterwards was used as a
public hall, bearing the name of "Rothwell's Hall." These two Methodist
bodies were officially united September, 1874. In 1886 they purchased St.
Paul's Church from the Presbyterian congregation, which building is still
their place of worship. Presbyterianism was represented at an early date
by the United Presbyterians and the Church of Scotland. The former had
their first church erected in 1851 at Frame's Corners, two and a half
miles east of the town, but moved in 1859 to a commodious frame church
building built east of the river. This was used until the congregation
erected the brick church on the corner of Cayley and Colborne Streets,
built in 1875, at first called Free St. John's, but after the union with
St. Paul's congregation, in 1886, it was known as Knox Church. In this
church was placed, in 1896, the first pipe organ known to Walkerton. The
Rev. R. C. Moffat, D.D., was the pastor of this congregation until the
union with St. Paul's. The congregation known as St. Paul's was originally
formed in connection with the Church of Scotland. This was organized about
1869 by the Rev. M. W. McLean, who came from Paisley at intervals, holding
service in Waterson's Hall at first, afterwards in the Court House. This
congregation entered into their handsome church building in 1877, the Rev.
Dr. Bell being their pastor at that time. The following are the reverend
gentlemen who have had charge of the united Presbyterian congregation of
Knox Church: [The Jubilee services of this congregation were held in
September, 1901.] Rev. John James, D.D., Rev. Donald Guthrie, Rev. J. S.
Conning and the Rev. Thomas Wilson. The spiritual needs of our Roman
Catholic brethren were at an early date attended to by a French priest,
who held services in the house of one known as "protestant" John Smith.
The brick church they now occupy was erected in 1874, and the convent
building adjoining was opened in 1879, the first resident priest being
Father Keough, who came to Walkerton in 1872 and remained in charge of
this parish until 1877.
The press first became an institution in
Walkerton in 1861, when the Bruce Herald was established by W. T. Cox, who
sold it in 1863 to Wm. Brown, who conducted it until 1883. Since then it
has been under the proprietorship of Messrs. Kribs & Wesley, W. Wesley, W.
R. Telford, and at present of L. H. McNamara. [During the excitement
attending the war in South Africa, there was issued a small daily sheet
from the Herald office, bearing the title, Daily War News. The issue of
this commenced January 29th, 1900, and ceased May 7th following, owing to
the excitement to some extent having diminished. This has been the only
attempt in the way of publishing a daily paper within the county. ] The
Walkerton Telescope was established in December, 1869, by D. W. Ross, and
subsequently was conducted by Wallace Graham, Joseph Craig, D. C.
Sullivan, T. H. Preston, J. B. Sheppard, A. Eby,. J. B. Stephens, and at
present by A. W. Robb. Die Glocke, published in the German language, was
first issued by John Klein in February, 1870. The paper was sold by him to
A. Eby and J. A. Rittinger. Subsequently it passed into the hands of J. A.
Rittinger solely, who continued to publish it until June, 1903, when the
plant was moved to Berlin. The Times, the latest addition to the
newspapers of the town, conducted by W. Wesley, was first issued in
September, 1905.

Like most inland towns; lacking cheap and
speedy freight communication with outside markets, Walkerton did not rank
high as a local market until the Wellington, Grey and Bruce Railway had
opened a station there. The local papers prior to that time published the
market quotations of Port Elgin, Kincardine and Guelph, as well as the
prices for grain that were offered by S. & T. H. Noxon & Co. at their
flour mill. It may be of interest to compare the prices as given in the
papers issued one week previous to grain buyers being able to make use of
the railway for shipping purposes, and those of a week subsequent to that
event, and note what a gain to the farmers resulted from the opening of
the railway, the price of fall wheat at the various markets being that
here given: At Walkerton $1.05, at Port Elgin $1.12, at Kincardine $1.15,
and at Guelph $1.25. The following week the prices at Walkerton were at a
level with those ox Port Elgin and Kincardine. The first locomotive to
reach the town of Walkerton did so November 30th, 1871, it being one used
by the contractors in the construction of the road; nevertheless, it was
the advent of the "Steam Horse," and was hailed with great joy and
celebrated by a supper at Water-son's Hotel. The first train carrying
freight from Walkerton left the station on the 10th February, 1872, and
the railway was opened for passenger traffic August 5th following. The
following extract from the Bruce Herald of January 26th, 1872, gives an
idea of the change brought to Walkerton by the opening of the railway:
"The sight of a number of teams on the streets with wheat, pork, etc., for
sale is something new to Walkerton. There has probably been purchased
within the last ten or twelve days on our streets more grain than there
ever was since the place came into existence. Hitherto Walkerton has been
so situated that, unless for home consumption, it offered little
inducement as a market. The produce of this section went from it in all
directions,—to Southampton, Kincardine, Seaforth, and Guelph. The railway
is about to change all this, and give the farmers a market at their
doors." The prospect
of Walkerton becoming a point where large quantities of grain would be
offered for sale by the farmers, induced Thomas Adair, at that time
engaged in grain buying at Southampton, to come to Walkerton to engage in
the same business there; he and John Bruce seem to have been the first to
purchase at Walkerton for export.
Walkerton has always had
cause to regret that the railway station was placed at such a distance
from the town, the reason therefor being largely, it is understood,
because speculators held the lands in the vicinity of the Carrick Road at
too high a figure. As soon as it was definitely known where the railway
station was to be, the town took steps to have streets surveyed to it,
which resulted in a great deal of discussion as to the position of such
streets, but at last McGiverin and Ridout Streets as they now are were
laid out. The amount to pay for the right of way and construction of these
streets was raised by debentures, the by-law for which was voted upon
December 20th, 1871. The amount so raised was $1,500. [The W. G. & B.
Railway gave $1,250 to assist in construction of these streets.] The
first-mentioned street was named after W. McGiverin, the President of the
W. G. & B. Railway, and the latter after the Chief Engineer, Thomas Ridout.
[A. H. Ridout, agent of the Bank of Hamilton, Port Elgin, is a son of the
above.] The county
town question having been settled, the agency of the Commercial Bank of
Canada, which had been located in Southampton for some time, was moved in
June, 1867, to Walkerton. Unfortunately, in October of the same year this
bank failed. The inconvenience, arising therefrom was overcome when, about
a year later the Merchants Bank established an agency at Walkerton. In
January, 1877, the Canadian Bank of Commerce opened a branch there also,
since which time the town has not lacked for banking facilities.
The loss by fire of the foundry in May, 1871,
stirred up the people of the town to take steps to ward off similar
disasters in the future, and they shortly afterwards purchased a hand fire
engine from the town of Brantford; this reached Walkerton' in August
following. To pay for the engine and for the construction of water tanks,
debentures were issued December 26th, 1871, for $2,000. Hand fire engines
have but a limited power; this Walkerton learnt to its sorrow when it
experienced its heaviest loss by fire, an event which is still remembered
and spoken of as "the big fire," which occurred May 28th, 1877, starting
early in the afternoon of that day in a stable situated back of where the
present postoffice stands. Favored by a high wind, it spread with
marvellous rapidity, defying the modest fire-fighting appliances above
referred to. It swept over a large part of the business section of the
town, destroying forty-two buildings. The losses were heavy, but most
bravely the sufferers set to work to rebuild, and eventually buildings of
a finer and more substantial character were erected to replace those
destroyed. With the construction of a fine system of waterworks in 1891,
[In August, 1877, as a result of ''the big fire,'' a by-law was submitted
to the ratepayers to authorize the expenditure of $11,000 on a system of
waterworks, which failed to carry.] at a cost considerably exceeding
$30,000 (the first estimated cost), a repetition of such another
conflagration is not to be dreaded; whilst, in addition, the town enjoys
the blessing of an abundant supply of the purest drinking water. The
establishment of the system of waterworks was followed by a system of
sewerage. A large trunk sewer [The county contributed $2,000 toward the
cost of this sewer,. the Inspector of Prisons having ordered that a sewer
from the gaol be laid.] was laid on Durham and Jackson Streets in 1895,
and subsequent years have seen the system extended until a large part of
the town is now supplied with this sanitary convenience.
Walkerton, for a town of its size, is
fortunate in possessing a number of handsome public buildings. Those
erected by the municipality include a handsome town hall (erected 1897),
three large two-story brick school-houses, and an extensive Exhibition
Building. The government erected in 1890 a fine building for a
post-office, customs and inland revenue offices. The county buildings
(erected in 1866), while not as large or impressive as those at Stratford
or Woodstock, are convenient and provide ample accommodation. The House of
Refuge (erected 1898) commands the attention of those who enter the town
by the station road, being a building of architectural good taste, as well
as of commodious accommodation. The Bruce County General Hospital (erected
in 1903) had its origin in a bequest of the late W. J. Moore. The amount
bequeathed has been increased by a grant of $2,000 from the town, and one
of $1,500 from the county, as well as by numerous private subscriptions.
Further particulars are to be found in Chapter VIII. regarding the
founding of this institution.
A number of isolated minor facts relating to
the history of and development of Walkerton may properly conclude this
chapter. For a long
time in the early days a town-bell was a felt want. At last someone was
stirred up to take action, which resulted in a public meeting being held
to discuss the matter, the upshot of which was the passing around of a
subscription list, to which the town people readily responded to the
extent of about $200. This fund was increased by receipts from "Sixpenny
Readings," held in the court house, and from other sources, until the
necessary amount, in the vicinity of $275, was raised. Alexander Sproat,
M.P., succeeded in obtaining from the government permission for the bell
to be imported free of duty. When it reached the town in the summer of
1870 it was placed on a high derrick, erected in the court house grounds,
and was rung, as required, by William Richardson, the caretaker, until
removed in March, 1873, to the market square. At present it hangs in the
tower of the town hall.
The property which now comprises the public
park known as "The Bend" was sold at sheriff's sale in May, 1874. The
mayor was instructed to act for the town, and purchase it at a price not
exceeding $400. This action of the Council in securing such a lovely spot
for a public park will be gratefully commended by the future generations
that use it as a recreation ground. [Since the above was written it has
been decided to allow the C.P.Ry. to build its station on "The Bend."]
No provision had been made when the town was
first surveyed for a cemetery. Burying grounds in connection with the
several churches met this need for a time, but at best it could be but a
temporary procedure. This fact forced itself upon the citizens, who in
1877 commenced to take action in the matter. After much discussion as to
the proper location for a cemetery, the present ground was secured and the
first lots therein were offered for sale in July, 1879.
The Walkerton Public Library, or to call it by
the name it bore at first, the Mechanics' Institute, was organized
November 19th, 1875. After varying vicissitudes a free public reading room
in connection therewith was thrown open to the public. The Town Council
also installed it on the ground floor of the town hall when that building
was opened in 1898.
The first steps to organize a Board of Trade date back to February 14th,
1872, immediately after the opening of the railway for freight shipments.
In January, 1878, it came under the general act of incorporation passed by
the Dominion Government regarding Boards of Trade. It has on various
occasions been of much benefit in advancing the interests of the town, as
it is able to voice in a manner that carries weight the ideas of business
men of the place. It was possibly owing to the influence of the Board of
Trade that Walkerton was made a port of entry for customs on June 1st,
1878. The wires of
the Montreal Telegraph Company reached Walkerton in 1868. Sixteen years
later those of the Bell Telephone Company followed, local service being
established in 1884, and in 1886 the town enjoyed the privilege of service
with other towns and cities. Arc electric lamps were introduced in
October, 1886, for the lighting of the streets, churches and shops, and
eight years after the incandescent system was established and largely
adopted for private residences.
Walkerton has taken an interest for many years
in athletic sports. The oldest society it can boast which is extant under
this heading is the curling club, which was organized in February, 1870.
[Before the curlers organized into a club they played many a friendly game
on the ice covering the mill-pond. The."stanes" were blocks of wood,
turned, when possible, from a large knot. To these were attached iron
handles manufactured by a local smith. The "stanes" being clumsy to carry
and being of no monetary value, were left on the ice after the close of
each game during the curling season. This was done once too often. A
sudden thaw came on, followed by a freshet, and ice and "stanes" together
went over the dam and disappeared down the river. This disaster could not
damp the ardor of the lovers of the "roaring game," but had the effect of
a club being formed, with the use of regulation stones in a rink.] The
first skips appointed were John Bruce and Alexander Sproat. The old
drill-shed was used every winter to curl in (being used, as well, as a
skating rink). With the practice there acquired this club became prominent
in this district, and in 1890 carried off the Ontario Silver Tankard, in
competition with the best clubs in the province. The banner awarded them
at that time, with the names of the successful players embroidered
thereon, has for years hung in the office of the manager of the Bank of
Commerce. Walkerton's Bowling Club in 1888 carried off the silver medal at
a tournament held at Toronto, open to all clubs in the province. The
cricket, baseball and lacrosse teams of Walkerton have in various years
obtained a high record for their efficiency, to the great jubilation of
the town. The first
apology for sidewalks known to Walkerton consisted of plank platforms
placed in front of each shop. By-and-bye, when the stumps were cut out,
these were connected and extended, until the plank sidewalks on the
various streets were over several miles in length. As long as lumber could
be procured at a moderate price, such sidewalks answered well enough, but
'with increased prices for plank a change had to be made. In 1891 the
first granolithic walk was laid alongside the post-office. Each year since
then has witnessed a further extension of this enduring and satisfactory
kind of sidewalk, until in 1905 over five miles of it have been laid,
adding greatly to the appearance of the streets. The practice of removing
all fences in front of residences, commenced in 1897. This, combined with
the large number of shade trees [To encourage the planting of shade trees,
the town council passed a by-law (June 18th, 1877) offering to pay
twenty-five cents, on certain conditions, for each tree so planted along
the streets of the town.] gives the citizens of Walkerton cause to boast
of the beauty of the street of their town.
During the summer of 1906 the Canadian Pacific
Railway announced its intention of constructing a branch line from the
vicinity of Flesherton to Walkerton. This announcement was quickly
followed by work being commenced. At the time of writing the closing pages
of this work such progress has been made in the grading of the road as to
warrant the assurance that in 1907 Walkerton will possess all the
advantages that may be had from the presence of competing lines of
railway. |