Arran: Auchagallon Stone Circle
Four miles north of Blackwaterfoot, 69 NR 893 346
A Bronze Age burial cairn surrounded by a circle of 15 standing stones. |
Arran: Kilpatrick Dun
One mile south of Blackwaterfoot, 69 NR 906 262
The ruins of a circular drystone homestead of unknown date, with a more recent
enclosure wall. Walk of half mile to site. |
Arran: Lochranza Castle
At Lochranza
A fine tower house, probably a 16th century reconstruction of an earlier building. |
Arran: Machrie Moor Stone Circles
Three miles north of Blackwaterfoot, 69 NR 910 324
The remains of five stone circles of Bronze Age date, one of the most important sites
of its kind in Britain. One and a half mile walk to site. |
Arran: Moss Farm Road Stone Circle
Three miles north of Blackwaterfoot, 69 NR 900 326
The remains of a Bronze Age cairn surrounded by a stone circle. |
Arran: Torr a'Chaisteal Fort
Four miles south of Blackwaterfoot, 69 NR 921 232
A circular Iron Age fort on a ridge. |
Arran: Torrylin Cairn
Quarter mile south east of Lagg,
69 NR 955 210
A Neolithic chambered cairn with its compartments visible. |
Arran: Carn Ban
Three and a half miles north east of Lagg,
69 NR 990 262
One of the most famous Neolithic long cairns of south-west Scotland. |
Castle Semple Collegiate Church
Four miles west of Howwood, 63 NS 377 601
A late Gothic church, with a three sided east end with windows of unusual style. |
Crossraguel Abbey
Two miles south of Maybole on the A77, 76 NS 275 083
Tel: 01655 883113
Founded in the early 13th century by the Earl of Carrick, this Cluniac abbey was much
rebuilt during the next three centuries. The remains, which are remarkedly complete and of
very high quality, include the church, cloister, chapter house and much of the domestic
Open summer only |
Dean Castle
Near Kilmarnock, in Dean Castle
Country Park. Well preserved 15th C keep with pit prison. Contains
collection of armour & musical instruments. (NS 437 394)
Photograph by Duncan Fenton |
Dundonald Castle
In the village of Dundonald on the A71, 12 miles from Ayr and five miles from Kilmarnock
Tel: 01563 850201
A prominent large stone castle overlooking the village, built by Robert II ('King
Bob@) in the 1370's. Two great feasting halls, one above the other, with great vaults
beneath. Remains of an earlier but equally grand 13th century castle of the Stewarts are
visable. Archaeological excavations have shown that the castle hill was occupied by a
large fort before that.
Managed by the Friends of Dundonald Castle. Open seven days a week from April to September
1.00pm to 4.00pm |

Photo by Duncan Fenton |
Kilwinning Abbey
In Kilwinning
The much reduced remains of a Tironensian-Benedictine abbey, established from kelso.
Most of the surviving fragments, which consist of parts of the abbey church and chapter
house, appear to be of 13th century date.
Photograph by Duncan Fenton |
Largs Old Kirk
In Largs
This jewel-like monument was erected in 1636 for Sir Robert Montgomerie of Skelmorlie as
an addition to the parish church. Contains an elaborate carved stone tomb in Renaissance
style and a painted timber ceiling with lively scenes illustrating the seasons.
Conform opening times by telephone: 0131-668-8800 |
Loch Doon Castle
10 miles south of Dalmellington, 77 NX 484 950
Transplanted in the mid-1930s from an island in the middle of Loch Doon. The castle
consists of an eleven-sided curtain wall, of fine masonary, dating from 1300.
Photo by Duncan Fenton |
Maybole Collegiate Church
In Maybole on the A77
The chapel of St Mary was founded by John Kennedy of Dunmure in 1371 and the
associated college eleven years later. Its function was to say prayers for the founder and
his family.
View exterior only.Photo by Duncan Fenton |
Baltersan Castle
1 mile south of Maybole, south of A77 NS 282087
16th C tower house
Photo by Duncan Fenton |
Barr Castle
Galston, south of A719 NS 502365
15th C keep now used as a masonic hall
Photo by Duncan Fenton |
Craigie Castle
4 miles south of Kilmarnock, north of B730 NS 408317
Originally built in 13th C, and added to in 15th C.
Photo by Duncan Fenton |
Fairlie Castle
3 miles south of Largs, west of A78 NS 213549
15th C keep.Photo by Duncan
Fenton |
Maybole Castle
In Maybole NS 301100
16th C tower house, now used as estate offices.
Photo by Duncan Fenton |
Portencross Castle
2 miles west of West Kilbride, west of B7048 NS 176488
15th C keep in a picturesque setting.
Photo by Duncan Fenton |