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Scottish Heritage
Here is where we post links to sites around the world that feature Scotland and/or Scottish culture in their community. Should you know of an organization please feel free to email me to let me know and we'll look at adding them to this page.

St Andrews Societies
A list of St. Andrews Societies

Scottish Coalition USA are comprised of...

  • The American Scottish Foundation, Inc.
    The purpose of the foundation is to build bonds of interest and cooperation, both social and commercial, between the people of Scotland and the people of the United States. The Foundation operates as a clearing house and information center on genealogy, publications, trade contacts, music and Scottish activities. The Foundation awards a Wallace Award to recognized leading Americans of Scottish birth. Contact: Alan Bain, New York, New York.

  • The Association of Scottish Games & Festivals
    The Association provides its members with ideas, resources and information to assist them in the production of Scottish Highland Games and similar events. The Association also provides a forum for representatives of related Scottish cultural societies.

  • The Caledonian Foundation USA
    The purpose of the Foundation is to preserve and strengthen the traditional bonds between Scotland, Canada and the United States. Its specific purpose is to preserve and promote the music, arts and culture of Scotland and to educate the public in this regard.

  • The Council of Scottish Clans and Associations (COSCA)
    The Council was founded in 1974 to preserve and promote the customs, traditions and heritage of the Scottish people. The Council provides assistance to and support of Scottish oriented organizations. The Council assists in the formation of new clan and family associations and provides a clearing house for information on Scottish American organizations.

  • Scottish Heritage USA
    Founded in 1965 to recognize and enhance the original bonds of ancestral and national character among peoples of Scotland and North America. The organization supports the National Trust for Scotland and other like-minded Scottish conservation and preservation societies.

  • Scottish Tartans Authority USA
    We are a registered Scottish Charity with the major objective of promoting a deeper knowledge of Scottish Tartans, their origins, manufacture, use, history and development and we study, record and stimulate research on the subject.

New York Caledonian Club
The New York Caledonian Club, established in 1856, promotes the musical, literary and social heritage of Scottish culture and is open to anyone with an interest in Scotland.

The Alaskan Scottish Club
The Alaskan Scottish Club
is a non-profit organization established to promote learning about Scottish culture and heritage. This is achieved through events, workshops, and social gatherings throughout the calendar year.

Daughters of Scotia
Love of Auld Scotia - its history, traditions and ideals, its romance, music and enchanting beauty, inspired a small group to band together and organize the order. From many preliminary meetings, finally the first regularly constituted lodge, Victoria #1, was instituted on July 2, 1895.

Scottish Australian Heritage Council
The council was founded in 1981 with the purpose of promoting and supporting the heritage of Scottish Australians. Every year, the Council organises a number of high profile events designed to celebrate Scottish culture within Australia.

Scottish Studies Foundation
The Scottish Studies Foundation is a Canadian charitable organization established to encourage research, both inside and outside universities, in Scottish culture -- history, literature, religion, art, law, and in Scottish migrations to North America; and to publish historical studies and documents relating to Scottish culture and migrations.

Clans and Scottish Societies in Canada
We are the link between various Clans and Scottish Societies. We encourage the celebration of our Scottish Cultural Heritage and the promotion of this Scottish Culture in all its aspects. We seek to be the assembly of all groups who are pursuing Scottish interests. CASSOC encourages research into our heritage, both cultural and linguistic. We embrace history, music, dance, poetry, song, legend, sports, military tradition, costume, custom, culinary art, tale telling and the family structure that has come down to us from Scotland — both Highland and Lowland. Recreationally, we support family outings centred around Scottish traditions and the Clan structure.

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