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The Ellen Payne Odom Genealogy Library Family Tree
How to become an Internet Hero!

A letter from your editor...

Dear Readers: Readers of this publication are absolutely amazing.  Your generosity has been astounding, your kindness has been, and is just unbelieveable.  Thank you.

It still costs about $3000 a year to get this publication on the Internet - plus our office costs which include INK, paper, phone, electric, etc.

We have no sugar-daddy's or wealthy backers.  We have no government grants.  We have no anything...except our marvelously loyal advertisers and our wonderful readers...we have YOu.

Every dime you send goes right into the publication.

Sometimes folks laugh at Internet Heroes when I am talking about them.  I NEVER laugh....I am completely serious when I tell you that no matter what else you ever me, when you help this little paper exist for a little while are absolutely my hero.



Internet Hero
But please donate whatever you can afford


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