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Business Insider

Scottish Business Insider magazine was launched in 1984. Since that time it has been widely accepted as Scotland's leading business to business magazine.

Insider distributes 17,000 copies per issue - 8 issues per year - and is read by over 50,000 top business people right across Scotland. Each edition is filled with unique research, listings and profiles that give exceptional business intelligence on specific sectors of the Scottish economy, and the business people driving it, on an ongoing basis. From our listings of Scotland's Top 500 companies, SME300, both available on CDROM for research/mailshots purposes, to our listings of Scotland's leading 150 leaders, Legal, Accountancy and Banking sectors plus much more. For international subscription details please email -

To view copies of insider please click here


Business7 newspaper was launched in October 2007. A 20-24 page tabloid sized newspaper Business7 distributes free 20,000 copies through over 450 businesses in central Scotland. Business7 and is a handy 20 minute read on a Friday morning comprised of short bite sized business stories mainly on Scotland's SME sector. Unique content means there are stories and profiles not seen in other Scottish media. Business7 is available for free email subscription each Friday. To be added to our weekly e-zine edition please email

Both insider and Business7 are accompanied by their respective websites on and


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