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Transactions of the Highland and Agricultural Society of Scotland

In July 2007 I acquired some volumes of this publication. It is my intention to simply pick appropriate articles from the volumes. In this way I hope to provide an interesting collection of material on Agriculture in Scotland from the last half of the 19th century.

The Society was founded in 1784 to promote the regeneration of rural Scotland, as well as the preservation of its poetry, language and music.  Today, in the 21st century, the Society is for people who value the rural areas of Scotland.  It is for people who enjoy the finest products of our land-based and allied industries.  And it is for everyone who supports the very best standards in agriculture, forestry and stewardship of the countryside, which are such an essential part of our heritage - and our future.

You can visit their web site at

History of the Highland and Agricultural Society of Scotland
By Alexander Ramsay (1879)


The Highland and Agricultural Society of Scotland, which has now existed for nearly a century, having been from a very early period national in its aims and operations, it seemed that a history of its proceedings might be so presented as to illustrate the progress of agricultural improvement in the country. A narrative of this nature would at least possess the quality of authenticity. The Society's proceedings have been recorded with great care; and for the perfect freedom of access afforded to its archives, the author has to express his most cordial acknowledgments to the Directors. The Society mainly sought to effect its purposes by the bestowal of premiums in competition; and in those offered, and in the awards made, there is evidence at once of the wants and the capabilities of the country at successive periods, as well as a record of those whose individual efforts were contributing towards the general advance.

While account has been taken of the improvements in tillage and the crops of the farm, special attention has, in the following pages, been bestowed on the illustration of the changes occurring in the character of the live stock, a course recommended alike by the nature of the subject, and the great importance now so justly attached to this department of rural economy. There will be found notices of the gradual spread over Scotland of the Shorthorn cattle, and the relative positions in successive years of the distinctive Scotch breeds. The reader curious in such matters will find an interest in tracing the decline and extinction of such breeds as the Fifeshire and Aberdeenshire Horned; and in the advance and definite development of the Ayrshire and the two Polled races. Information of kindred nature is supplied with respect to sheep and horses. Dairy husbandry is also illustrated to a considerable extent.

The Society has not confined its attention to affairs purely agricultural. That a scheme or proposal was likely to benefit Scotland in general, and the Highlands in particular, was in its earlier years recommendation sufficient to ensure the Society's support. Efforts in various independent directions, from Gaelic dictionaries and the poetry of the Highlands, to the patronage and promotion of piping competitions, are duly described. It seemed fitting to prefix to the History of the Highland and Agricultural Society some notice of the proceedings of two earlier Associations for the promotion of Scottish agriculture, which aspired to a national character. The account of the Society of Improvers is of course based on the work of Mr Maxwell of Arkland, published in 1743. The narrative of the proceedings of the Edinburgh Society is drawn up entirely from fragmentary references scattered through the Scottish newspapers of the period.

It appeared to be equally desirable to furnish a sketch of the agricultural condition of Scotland about the time the Highland Society began its active perations, as a review of that nature offered a means of measuring the advance made in the interval. In Chapter II., there will be found an outline of this character, drawn from trust worthy contemporary sources. As affording a further means of estimating the changes in the agricultural condition of Scotland within the past ninety years, some statistics are printed in the Appendix.

The preparation of the work has entailed very considerable labour; but it has been cheerfully undertaken, in the belief that the book may be found useful to a circle of readers, that will probably become wider, as there are many evidences that increased attention is being bestowed by the nation on questions relating to agriculture. The Author has to thank various gentlemen who kindly aided his inquiries. Very special thanks are due to Mr Fletcher Norton Menzies, the Secretary to the Society, and Mr Thomas Duncan, the Principal Clerk, without whose combined cordial and effective assistance the work could not have appeared in its present form. Care and attention have been bestowed in order to ensure accuracy, all statements of fact, names, and dates relating to the Society having been collated with the original authorities.

Banff, July 9, 1879.

You can download this book here in pdf format

Some books in adobe reader format will supply additional information on agriculture of Scotland.

"Field and Fern" by H. H. Dixon 1868 in two volumes.

North (35Mb) |  South (25Mb)

General View of the Agriculture of the Hebrides by James MacDonald (1818)

Download the Book here! (35Mb)

Land use in the Highlands and islands
By Advisory Panel on the Highlands and Islands; Cameron, Lord (1964) (pdf)

The Anglo-Scottish Cattle Company Ltd.
Lord Lovat, Chairman (pdf)

A General View of the Agriculture of the Counties of Ross and Cromarty
By George Steaurt MacKenzie (1810) (pdf)

General View of the Agriculture of the Counties of Roxburgh and Selkirk
By The Rev. Robert Douglas D. D. (1798)

General View of the Agriculture of the Counties of Nairn and Moray
By The Rev. William Leslie (1813) (pdf)

Book of the Landed Estate
Containing directions for the management and development of landed property by Robert E. Brown (1869) (pdf)

Agricultural Labourers
As they were, are, and should be in their social condition by The Rev. Harry Stuart, A.M., Minister of Oathlaw; being an address, delivered to a general meeting of the Forfarshire Agricultural Association, June 1853, and published at the request of the Association (1853) (pdf)

The Royal Commission of Inquiry into the Condition of Crofters and Cottars in the Highlands and Islands.

The commission was set up as a response to crofter and cottar demonstrations against excessively high rents, lack of security of tenure on land that had been in families for generations and the forced evictions of crofters.

The demonstrations started in Wester Ross and Lewis in the 1870's, and by the early 1880's had moved to Skye. Local police forces were called upon by the landlords to enforce what they believed to be their rights. However, with limited resources, the police found it difficult to cope with the increasing demands put upon them. Therefore, it became an issue needing the attention of Prime Minister Gladstone’s government and he ordered the appointment of the commission.

Under the orders of William Gladstone, and backed by Royal approval, the commission was appointed in 1883, by the Home Secretary, Sir William Harcourt. Francis Napier, 10th Lord Napier, was selected as chairman, with five other members -   Sir Donald Cameron of  Locheil; Sir Kenneth MacKenzie of Gairloch; Charles Fraser – MacIntosh MP; Sheriff Alexander Nicolson of Kicudbright and Professor Donald MacKinnon of Edinburgh university – making up the panel.

The commission began its work in Braes on the Island of Skye and travelled the length and breadth of the Highlands and Islands (including Orkney and Shetland) gathering evidence from crofters, landlords and others who were familiar with the plight of the indigenous population.

The final report was hastily published in 1884 and led obliquely to the 1886 Crofters’ Holding Act.

The Napier’s Report is a valuable piece of documentary evidence from the Highlands and Islands (including Orkney and Shetland) in 1883, presenting facts and information on the population, as well as the political, historical and social climate of the time.

On British Agricultural Statistics and Resources in Reference to the Corn Question.
By Mr John Dudgeon, Spyelaw, Roxburghshire (pdf)

State of Scotland
On the Improvements in the State of Scotland since the end of the seventeenth century (pdf)

Rural Scotland during the War
By David T. Jones, C.B.E., Joseph F. Duncan, H. M. Conacher, W. R. Scott, with an appendix by J. P. Day and an Introduction by W. R. Scott (1926) (pdf)

The Industries of the Clyde Valley during the War
By W. R. Scott, M.A., D.Phil., Litt.D., LL.D., Adam Smith Professor of Political Economy in the University of Glasgow and Fellow of the British Academy and J. Gunnison, M.A. (1924) (pdf)

Scotland's Native Woodlands
An introduction to the native woodlands of Scotland, presented by naturalist Nick Baker. Native woodlands have played an important part in Scottish culture, having been used for wood, shelter, hunting and forage throughout our history. They are also important for biodiversity and nature conservation, and provide numerous other economic and cultural benefits.

On the Forest and other Trees of Aberdeenshire
By G. Dickie, M. D., Lecturer on Botany in the University and King’s College of Aberdeen (From the Quarterly Journal of Agriculture for March 1843) (pdf)

Forestry in Scotland
Report of Deputation received at the Scottish Office, Edinburgh, by the Right Hon. W. H. Long, M.P., President of the Board of Agriculture, Etc., Etc. from the Royal Scottish Arboricultural Society, 23rd October 1895 (pdf)

The Forester
A Practical Treatise on British Forestry and Arboriculture for Landowners, and Foresters by John Nisbet, in two volumes (1905)

7 Steps to Make a Living on a Small Farm
By The Dutch Farmer (pdf)

Large Farms and the Peasantry of the Scottish Lowlands

General View of Agriculture of Galloway
By Rev. Samuel Smith (1810) (pdf)

Memoirs of the Caledonian Horticultural Society
Volume 1 (1814) (pdf)  Volume 2 (1819) (pdf)

North British Cultivator
A Treatise on Gardening, Agriculture, and Botany by Robert M'Nab, Member of the Perthshire Royal Horticultural Society (1842)

Henderson's Hand-Book of the Grasses of Great Britain and America
By John Henderson (1875)

Farm Workers in Scottish Agriculture
Case Studies in the International Seasonal Migrant Labour Market. Commissioned report for the Scottish Government Project No. CR2016/25 (2018) (pdf)

A Social History of 19th-century Farm Workers and their Families
At Jack’s Houses, Kirkliston, Midlothian by Stuart Mitchell, Fay Oliver, and Tim Neighbour, With contributions by S Anderson, M Cressey, G Haggarty & R Murdoch. (2009) (pdf)

Agriculture and the Community
By Joseph F. Duncan, The Scottish Farm Servants Union (1921) (pdf)

The Planter's Guide (pdf)
Or A Practical Essay on the Best Method of Giving immediate effect to Wood, by the Removal of Large Trees and Underwood; Being an Attempt to Place the Art, and that of General Arboriculure, on Fixed and Phycological Principles; Interspersed with Observations on General Planting, and the Improvement of Real Landscape. Originally Intended for the Climate of Scotland. By Sir Henry Steuart

The Potato
Its Culture, Uses, History and Classification by William Stuart (1923) (pdf)

Vines and Vine Culture
By Archibald F. Barron (third edition) (1892) (pdf)

Meal and Flour from Potatoes
From the Farmers Magazine (pdf)

To make potato powder at home, follow these steps:

Peel and grate potatoes into a bowl and cover with water.
Soak for 10-15 minutes.
Strain potatoes through cheesecloth or fine-mesh strainer to remove liquid.
Spread strained potatoes on a baking sheet and bake for 3-4 hours until completely dry and crispy.
Let the potatoes cool and grind into a fine powder using a blender or food processor.
Keep in mind it’s difficult to get homemade potato flour as finely ground as store-bought potato flour.
Also note it’s important to make sure the potato mixture is completely dry before grinding it into flour, as any remaining moisture can cause the flour to clump and spoil more quickly. For store-bought potato flour, it’s best to store it in an airtight container in a cool, dry place for up to 6 months.

A Seed Saving Guide for Gardeners and Farmers
Learn how to plant the best varieties, maintain your crop "genetics", cultivate, harvest, process and store seed. Plus a crop specific chart and resources for gaining more seed growing knowledge from the Organic Seed Alliance (2010) (pdf)

The Farmer's Magazine
Remarks on the Agriculture of Aberdeenshire
By Thomas Sullivan No. III Farm Servants (1846) (pdf)

Remarks on the Agriculture of Aberdeenshire
By Thomas Sullivan No. IV Implements (1846) (pdf)

Remarks on the Agriculture of Aberdeenshire
By Thomas Sullivan No. VI Drainage (1846) (pdf)

Seed to Seed
Food Gardens in Schools by Jude Fanton and Jo Immig (pdf)

Woodland Trust
This web site provides information on the native trees of Britain. [External Link]

Crofting Agriculture
Its practice in the West Highlands and Islands by F. Fraser Darling (1945)

Scotch Live-Stock
By James Bruce (1877) (pdf)

The Breed that Beats the Record
And wins in the race for supremacy as the most economical producer of the primest meat for the million. A demonstration - properties, prepotence, pre-eminence and prestige. Aberdeen Angus - the Polled Cattle with an introduction by Judge J. S. Goodwin, A. M., Belott, Kansas. (1886) (pdf)
To the knowing ones it is enough to say in conclusion, that the Scotch cattle are as good and true as Scotch hospitality and more than that pen cannot write.

History of Aberdeen Angus Cattle
By James MacDonald and James Sinclair (1910) (pdf)

Supremacy of Aberdeen-Angus Cattle
A decade of merits. Results of Leading Fat Stock Shows During Past Decade in Great Britain and America. Classification of Special Premiums and American Aberdeen-Angus Breeders' Association Sales for the Year 1909 Edited by Chas. Gray, Secretary

Aberdeen-Angus Cattle
An Historical Sketch by James H. Barclay, Aberdeen-Angus Cattle Society (1921) (pdf)

Scotch Wild Cattle

Cheviot Sheep
By John Hobson

History of the Clydesdale Horse
The following pages will be found the articles, reports, and correspondence which have appeared from time to time in the public press, during the last decade, on the important question of the improvement of the breed of horses of the Clydesdale type. (1884)

Cattle and Cattle Breeders
By William M'Combie, M.P., Tillyfour (second edition) (1894) (pdf)

Ayrshire Breeders' Year Book
Containing the Proceedings of the Annual Meeting for 1898, with a History of the Breed, Recent Milk and Butter Records and General Infomation about AvrsNres and the Ayrshire Breeders' Association. (1898) (pdf)

The Origin and Early History of the Ayrshire Breed of Cattle
By John Speir (1909) (pdf)

The Live-Stock of the Farm
By Robert Oliphnt Pringle, Third Edition edited and revised by James MacDonald (1886) (pdf)

Poultry on the Farm
By Miss Agnes Kinross, N.D.D., Holmes Farm, Kilmarnock (1926) (pdf)

An Essay on the Improvements to be made in the cultivation of Small Farms
By the introduction of Green Crops and housefeeding the Stock thereon with a Preface by William Blacker (fifth edition) (1837) (pdf)

Five acres and independence
A Practical Guide to the Selection and Management of the Small Farm by M. G. Kains, B.S , M.S., Special Crop Culturist, U S Department of Agriculture, Formerly Head of Horticulture Department, Pennsylvania State College, Hornculture, Agriculture and Botany Editor, New International Encyclopedia, Garden Editor Pictorial Review and other National Magazines, Lecturer on Horticulture, Columbia University, Author of Modern Guide to Successful Gardening, Plant Propagation, Principles and Practice of Pruning Culinary Herbs, etc, etc., New and Enlarged Edition. (1935) (pdf)

Appendix to The General Report of the Agricultural State, and Political Circumstances of Scotland (1814).
Drawn up for the consideration of the Board of Agriculture and Internal Improvement under the directions of The Right Hon. Sir John Sinclair, Bart., The President.

These volumes contain a great deal of general information about Scotland and are well worth browsing for their subject content.

Volume 1  |  Volume 2  |  Volume 3

Found 2 of the 3 volumes of the actual report. If you know where there is a copy of the second volume please advise.

Volume 1  |  Volume 2  |  Volume 3

Memoirs of the Caledonian Horticultural Society
In 4 volumes

On the Management of Landed Property in the Highlands of Scotland
By George G. MacKay, C.E. (1858) (pdf)

A Treatise on Practical Store Farming
As Applicable to the Mountainous Region of Etterick Forest and the Pasoral District of Scotland in General by the Honourable William John Napier, E.R.S. Edin. Post-Captain in the Royal Navy and a Vice President of the Pastoral Society of Selkirkshire (1822) (pdf)

The Keeper's Book
A Guide to the Duties of a Gamekeeper, Seventh edition, rewritten and enlarged by P. Jeffrey Mackie (1910) (pdf)

A Handbook of Deer-Stalking
By Alexander MacRae (1880) (pdf)

The Forester
Plain and Practical Directions for the Planting, Rearing, and General Management of Forest Trees by James Brown, Forester, Armiston (1847) (pdf)

Handy Book of the Flower Garden
Being practical directions for the propagation, culture, and arrangement of plants in flower garden all the year around by David Thomson, gardener to Lady Mary C. Nisbet Hamilton, Archerfield and Dirleton Gardens (1868) (pdf)

My Home Farm
By Mrs J. H. Burton (1883) (pdf)

I am personally interested in how to manage small tracts of land that can lead to making yourself self sufficient by growing your own vegetables, fruit, crops as well as animals.  There is an old series of books...

which together can help you build your own wee farm.

Beginners Guide To Raising Chickens

Preserving Food Without (Canning) Refrigeration with Kelley Wilkinson

Canning 101: Start Here

Curing Meat for Storage

Intro To Charcuterie with Meredith Leigh

Charcuterie Intensive & Building A Charcuterie Cabinet

Storing Potatoes Long Term On The Homestead

Water glassing is a long-standing historical method that is very easy and very effective! Here we show you how to preserve eggs.

Remember those eggs we preserved eight months ago?
Let's see what they look like today!

BBC Harvest Series 1 of 3 The East 2015

In this episode, the team reports from the east of the UK, where pioneering sweetcorn farmer Peter Barfoot has spent decades turning exotic veg into regular British fridge fillers, growing vegetables that many thought couldn't be grown here in Britain. This region's sunny climate and fertile soils has earned it a reputation as the bread-basket of Britain. Also in this episode, Gregg helps out with the winter sugar beet harvest and reveals just how much sugar is produced from our home soil. Philippa finds chillies so hot they need a health warning and visits the Tiptree strawberry fields to try a sweet treat - the Little Scarlet strawberry, used for making a very special jam, a favourite with James Bond. And newcomer to the harvest family, dairy and fruit farmer James Manning, visits a futuristic lettuce farm controlled by robots to see a cutting edge drilling machine that plants seedlings faster than the eye can see.

BBC Harvest Series 2 of 3 The North 2015

In this second episode, the team report from the north of the UK, where the Hay family in Perthshire, Scotland, are anxiously awaiting a dry spell to roll out their combine harvesters. Having recently pulled their last ever potato harvest, the Hays have now switched to cereals, in particular oats, the rising star of British grains. The climate and landscape can make this region notoriously difficult to farm, yet well-watered soil and long daylight hours also help make world-class produce. Gregg visits fruit grower Ross Mitchell, who is taking advantage of Scotland's long summer days to produce world-class blueberries. Philippa meets Robert Doig, a seed potato grower, and learns why Scotland's seed potatoes sell all over the globe. And James Manning visits Robert Craig, a Cumbrian dairy farmer who believes that meticulous attention to the growth of his rye grass can yield premium quality milk.

BBC Harvest Series 3 of 3 The West 2015

In this episode, the team reports from the west, where three generations of the Thatcher family are about to begin harvesting their cider apples. The rolling countryside of the west of Britain gets more rainfall than the east, which is why these undulating hills and sweeping valleys are so lush - perfect for growing world-famous cider apples. The west is also a land of ingenuity and farming innovation. Gregg meets mushroom mogul Ronnie Monaghan at the largest mushroom farm in Europe where 30 tons are harvested every day. Philippa visits Gloucestershire farmer Jake Freestone's fields of blooming oilseed rape to witness the army of hungry insects he has to contend with. Finally James Manning heads to Shropshire, where Stephen Jones has been painting the countryside vivid yellow - this time with Quinoa, the latest super food to hit Britain.

See the Quiet Beauty of Farm Life on the Scottish Isles

10 Acres Enough
What Jethro Tull did to improve tillage, the author of "Ten Acres Enough" did to prove that intensified agriculture on small areas could be made not only to support a family, but to yield a hand­some profit, and health, freedom and happiness as well. It has taken two centuries for the most advanced farmers to appreciate Tull and his teachings. It has taken nearly half a century in this progressive age to appreciate and to put in practice, in a feeble way, the fundamental principles which underlie all our dealings with Mother Earth as set forth in this modest volume of two hundred pages.

The Crofter in History
By Lord Colin Campbell, son of George, 8th Duke of Argyll (1885)

Small Holdings
By Arthur O. Ruston, B.A., B.Sc. (Lond.), D.Soc (Leeds), Lecturer in Agricultural Economics, The University of Leeds (1926) (pdf)

Edible Wild Plants
By Oliver Perry Medsger (1939)

The Gaelic Names of Trees, Shrubs and Plants
With notices of some of the uses to which they were put by the old Highlanders, and the superstitions connected with them.

Curious Scotch Plants
Scotland as the Exotic in the Early Edinburgh Physic Garden by Kathryn James (pdf)

Gaelic Names of Birds
This paper is by the same person as wrote the above article and lots of interesting stories are contained within.

General View of the Agriculture of the country of Fife (1800) (pdf)

An Account of the System of Husbandry
Adopted in the more Improved Districts of Scotland b\y Sir John Sinclair, Bart. (1812)

The Capercaillie in Scotland
By J A Harvie-Brown (1888)

The Book of the Farm
Detailing the Labours of the Farmer, Farm-Steward, Ploughman, Shepherd, Hedger, Farm-Labourer, Field-Worker, and Cattle-Man by Henry Stephens, 4th Edition (1889)

Butchering, Processing and Preservation of Meat
By Frank G. Ashbrook, Fish and Wildlife Service, United States Department of the Interior (1955) (pdf)

The Book of the Garden
By Charles M'Intosh corresponding member of the London Horticultural Society, the Massachusetts Horticulture Society, and the Royal Caledonian Horticultural Society, etc. Late curator of the Royal Gardens of his Majesty the King of the Belgians at Claremont and Brussels, and now of those of his Grace, the Duke of Buccleuch at Dalkeith Palace, in two volumes (1853).

The Forester
Being Plain and Practical Directions for the Planting, Rearing, and General Management of Forest Trees by James Brown, Forester, Arniston (1847)

Instructions on how to do wood working, carpentry and joinery.

Grasses of Britain
This book also includes the Grasses of Scotland.

The Grocers Encyclopedia
A compendium of useful information concerning foods of all kinds. How they are raised, prepared and marketed. How to care for them in the store and home. How best to use and enjoy them and other valuable information for Grocers and General Storekeepers. By Artemas Ward (1911)

The Old Scottish Ploughman
A story of the old Scottish Ploughman and his working and living conditions.

The Edwardian Farm
A video series of running a farm over the course of a year in Edwardian Britain.

BBC's Tales from the Green Valley
A farm run by 5 experts as it would have been around 1620 and only using tools and foods available at that time.

Narrative of Discovery and Adventure in the Polar Seas and Regions
With Illustrations of their climate, geology, and natural history and an account of the whale fishering by Professor Leslie, Professor Jameson and Hugh Murray, F.R.8.E. (1830) (pdf)

Stable Economy
A Treatise on the Management of Horses in relation to Stabling, Grooming, Feeding, Watering and Working by John Stewart (second edition) (1838) (pdf)

Advice to Purchasers of Horses
Being a short and familiar treatise on the external conformation of the Horse; the nature of soundness & unsoundness and the Laws relating to Sale and Warranty; with copious directions for discovering prior to purchasing by J. Stewart, Vetinary Surgeon and Professor of Vetinary surgery in the Andereonian University (Fourth edition) (1836) (pdf)

Tudor Monastery Farm Season 1
The first episode finds the farm team arriving at Weald & Downland in West Sussex. There are domestic tasks to tackle, from lighting fires with flint, making meals with depleted crops during the Hunger Gap and using a tread wheel to fetch water from the well. Peter and Tom's first job is to move the sheep to fresh grass. Wool at this time was known as 'the jewel in the realm', because it generated much of the nation's wealth.

Episode 1

Labour Relations in Scottish Agriculture before 1870
By George Houston (pdf)

Riverside Cottage
This is a series of videos where Hugh is trying out self sufficiency on a small holding in Dorset in England.

Riverside Cottage

This Farming Life
In Armadale, a hill farmer prepares for one of Europe's biggest sheep sales, while in Haweswater, a couple take on the biggest gamble of their lives by moving to a larger farm 10 miles north. An Aberdeenshire couple who began farming four years ago plan to raise baby ostriches, and a Northumberland shepherd prepares for the National English Sheepdog trials, and new farmers hatch ostriches. Follow 6 families during their life on the farm. A BBC series on YouTube.

Agriculture of Angus or Forfashire
The Influence of Man on Animal Life in Scotland
A Study in Faunal Evolution by James Ritchie (1920)
General View of the Agriculture of the Hebrides
By James MacDonald (1811) (pdf)

Community Garden Starter Pack
This pack is intended as an introduction to starting, developing and running
a community garden or other community managed land-based project in
Scotland. (pdf)
Making an Upland Farm Pay
The Glenlivet Experiment (pdf)
Scotch Farmer
An account of a Scotch farmer going to Michigan (pdf)
Scotch Farming in England
By Robert Hyde Greg (1842) (pdf)
NFU Scotland
2016 Annual Report
Traces in Scotland of Ancient Water-Lines
By David Milne Home of Milne Graden, LL.D., F.R.S.E. (1882)
Bathymetrical Survey of the Scottish Fresh Water Lochs
Conducted under the direction of Sir John Murray and Laurence Pullar during the years 1897 to 1909 (1910)
Farm Implements and Farm Machinery and the Principles of their Construction and Use
with Simple and Practical Explanations of the Laws of Motion and Force as applied on the Farm with 287 Illustrations by John J. Thomas (1869) (pdf)
Husbandry of Scotland
Sketch of Chapter II on the Practical details of the Scotch System of Husbandry by Sir John Sinclair (1810) (pdf)
The Complete Book of Self-Sufficiency
By John Seymour (1976) (pdf)
BBC's Out of Doors radio program in February 2019
This is a 1 hour 30 minute audio broadcast
Scottish agricultural implement makers
Some of the most important Scottish agricultural books between the  mid eighteenth and early twentieth centuries record the agricultural implement and machine makers and their activities, as well as the tools, implements and machines used on farms. Google books and the Internet Archive have digitised the most important of these books.  I have listed these and have provided links to their electronic copies. [External Link]
Strategy for Agricultural, Biological and Related Research 1999-2003
By the Scottish Office (pdf)
The Annals of Scottish Natural History
A Quarterly Magazine with which is incorporated the Scottish Naturalist edited by
J. A. Harvie-Brown, F.R.S.E., F.Z.S., Member of the British Ornithologists Union, James W. H. Trails, M.A., M.D., F.R.S., F.L.S., Professor of Botany in the University of Aberdeen, and William Eagle Clarke, F.L.S., Mem. Brit. Orn. Union, Natural History Department of Science and Art, Edinburgh, (1901) (pdf)
Destruction of Scottish Agriculture
A Statement of Facts respecting the present position of Agriculture in Scotland, especially in East Lothian, with some particulars of thr case of Mr. James M. Russell and an Appeal to the Farmers, The Christian Ministers, the Politicians, the Journalists, and the General Public of Scotland, in Relation to the Existing Crisis, by the Rev. George Brooks (1886) (pdf)
National Food Strategy
UK Independent Review - The Plan (2021) (pdf)

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